Year for Becoming Bapsaman Through Fast Self-Transformation and Volcanic Yoga

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Year for Becoming Bapsaman Through Fast Self-Transformation and Volcanic Yoga

VT3 2007 – 2008 Volcanic Transformation Year Year for becoming BapSaman through fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga 4th June – 1st July

Topic Three: Being Master Bestowers of Treasures Dadi Classes and Senior Classes

Having the treasure of powers, knowledge, virtue, time and happiness Revealing your image of mercy and compassion

1. Introduction to the year and Outline of aims and approach for the year of transformation 2. Topics and Dates for the year 3. Invitation to join the Volcanic Linkup once a month 4. Meditation commentaries 5. Being Master Bestower, Merciful and Compassionate- Dadi Janki 6. Dadi Prakash Mani: Become Merciful give the sustenance of Godly love. (undated) 7. Extracts of Bhog Message(Sister Mohini –New York) (15/4/2007) 8. The Spirit of Giving – BK Nirwair (undated) 9. Using Treasures in a Worthwhile Way – BK Surya (undated) 10. Generous Heart-Sister Rajni (December 2006) 11. The Magical Power of Good wishes: Sister Mohini (March 2007) 12. Being A constant Donor-Surya Bhai (Feb. 2007)

An invitation to join the Year of Volcanic Transformation Making double efforts for fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga

Dear souls, As you know, Baba has signaled this year as the year for achieving volcanic or intense transformation. Last year we developed the practice of intense stage of volcanic yoga that can bring deep transformation in the self. This year we will make double efforts by practicing both intense transformation on a daily basis and on the first Sunday of each month having an intense volcanic yoga bhatti. As a year ends, the lokik world starts to review their year by asking what they have achieved and where they have failed. On New Year’s Eve there is a resolution taken for the year. In Brahmin life, rather than once a year, there is celebration in every moment. Our resolution is to be introspective and to follow a clear goal of transformation. In the last murli, Baba said that you should be able to transform yourself in a second. However, this year BapDada doesn’t want us to practice gradual transformation. To follow Baba in this, we need to check ourselves, and ask what has been my transformation up until now. How far have I reached in achieving my aim and object? Most of us have been working gradually on ourselves. We have been transforming our old sanskaras. However, world service rather than self-transformation has become our most powerful subject. Baba now wants us to work on self-transformation. We just need to keep in mind that everything is possible if you have determination to keep on moving. During the Year of Volcanic Transformation, our aim is to work on self-transformation through reflection and self- checking.. To make this process intense and to bring newness in myself I must keep the aim to become BapSaman. Become aware of your present image compared with your future image. To bring such deep change and become free of the influence of old sanskaras we have to sit down and reflect on our present stage. This year will involve going through such a deep checking of our efforts so we can see clearly what we want to achieve, and what will require my attention. All these questions must be answered. This can help fulfill Baba’s hope that we will achieve a flying stage and become BapSaman as soon as possible. Such deep transformation is Baba’s desire for us for this year. It involves comparing myself with Brahma Baba to see to what extent I have become similar. What is the gap? It is this gap that I have to fill with yoga power, attention, determination…. So, I need to start reflection and checking on everything.

We wish you best wishes for the year from Didi Nirmala and the Volcanic Transformation Team

1 Outline of aims and approach for the year of transformation VT Year 2007-8

Aim: Self-transformation, transformation in the BK family and then world transformation

How: Use the power of the gathering. Create a wave of transformation amongst ourselves (BKs) around the world by having a unity of purpose and making intense efforts using the creative images, ideas, commentaries and powerful slogans from the 2006-7 season’s Murlis and Senior’s classes and commentaries.

Beginning the Year of Volcanic Transformation: A month of Deep Checking of our Chart and Aims The first month will be a month to check our aims for the New Year. There is a list of questions developed by Didi Nirmala in her class given for this New Year. This will help us to do deep checking of our present stage of transformation and formulate new aims for this coming year of transformation.

Yuktis for the year: 1. download an inspiring image, connected with a powerful slogan from the VT web site 2. join the self transformation club 3. study amrit vela and yoga bhatti points, commentaries and reflective class material 4. use the months image as a screen saver on the computer 5. print the image and slogan and put it up on the bulletin board of the centre 6. down load classes and points with the murli batch of that month and print out for study 7. have deep yoga first Sunday of every month focused on attaining fiery or volcanic remembrance 8. read for inspiration for the bhatti :World Volcano Manual 2006, also on VT web site 9. listen during yoga bhatti to yoga commentaries of audio CDs or mp3 available from VT web site 10. have daily yoga on volcanic transformation: 4.45 – 5.00 or at the end amrit vela

New Resources: World Volcano Manual 2006 on volcanic remembrance, has some new but mostly last year’s material that have been re-organised and edited. It’s available through NCOs (available on the VT web site).

World Volcano Meditation Commentaries are a new series of audio CDs produced in Madhuban, in 2007. They are a co-operative effort of the sound department and art department of Gyan Sarovar, senior yogis, and the Australian WVB Team. These are for sale in Madhuban or will be available as MP3s for download from the web site, topic wise each month.

New Ideas for this year: Self Transformation Club:  A new idea for the year is the formation of a Self-Transformation Club for those wanting to email directly to other BKs and share their ongoing process of transformation.  A short text for reflection goes out to club members monthly together with monthly mansa seva drills.  Aims are to go deep into the realization of the role of transformer.  Members will write down personal experiences share them by email.  Centres will create spaces for dialogue among club members.  These ideas were developed by BK Gopi Elton – Australia, BK Corinna Alicante – Spain, BK Mathias – Switzerland, BK Aloisio and BK Brigida of Brazil, BK Will Gonzalez – Philippines, BK Laura – Israel together with some members of the World Volcano committee of Australia.  The transformation club will be co-ordinated by BK Brigida of Brazil together with the group.  To join please email BK Brigida: [email protected]

New: Topics and Contributors for the year: Each month a different region will take responsibility for contributing classes, points and art work for that month.

New: Volcanic Transformation Year web site address 2007-8 VT Year: web site address: (valid April 07) Materials and commentaries from the year for the world volcano bhatti will continue to be available on the old web site address: 2006-7 World Volcano Year: web site address:

2 VT Year Table Volcanic Linkup dates and Dates of the month devoted to Year of Volcanic Transformation focus topic for meditation: that Topic Topics - April 2007 – April 2008 The bhatti is on the first each topic lasts 30 (-35) days each topic lasts for 30 (-35) days Sunday of each month 1. Using the Power of Transformation 6th May (Sunday bhatti) 2nd April  Transformation: first self then Focus topic for meditation: to 6th May family then the world Volcanic remembrance  Using the power of the gathering  Reveal the self before you reveal the Father

2. Experiencing the combined form 3rd June (Sunday bhatti) 7th May  Mera Baba Focus topic for meditation: to 3rd June  Baba’s nature is my nature Love as the foundation of intense yoga

3. Being Master Bestowers 1st July (Sunday bhatti) Monday 4th June  Having the treasure of powers, Focus topic for meditation: to Sunday 1st July knowledge, virtue, time and World Benefactor stage happiness  Revealing your image of mercy and compassion 4. Being Master Sun - Using the Power 5th August (Sunday bhatti) Monday 2nd July of Silence Focus topic for meditation: to Sunday 5th August  Tension versus attention Lighthouse and Mighthouse  Keeping one direction and one Stage srimat  Continuing to spin the discus of self realization  Being the master sun of knowledge 5. Being Brahmachari 2nd September (Sunday Monday 6th August  Letting go of impurity and its 5 bhatti) to Sunday 2nd September companions Focus topic for meditation:  Keeping a double lock of Purity and Soul remembrance and being busy in Consciousness as the service foundation of intense yoga – Rakhi 6. Being an ancestor soul and Uplifting 7th October (Sunday bhatti) Monday 3rd September the world Focus topic for meditation: to Sunday 7 October  Being worthy of worship for half a Worship worthy form cycle Diwalli  Experiencing the 8 goddesses 7. Master bestower of liberation 4th November (Sunday bhatti) Monday 8th October  Being a karma yogi Focus topic for meditation: to Sunday 4th November Karmateet stage – liberation in life 8. Experiencing soul power and God’s 2nd December (Sunday 5th November power bhatti) to 2nd December  Experiencing power in any Focus topic for meditation: situation for as long as you want. Master Almighty Stage

9. Master of the Mind 6th January (Sunday bhatti) 3rd December  Controlling power and ruling Focus topic for meditation: 5 to 6th January power forms and spiritual drill  Power of concentration 10. Perfect stage 3rd February (Sunday bhatti) 7th January  Serving through the angelic stage Focus topic for meditation: to 3rd February 3  Signs of the avyakt stage Angelic and avyakt stage –  Your perfection will make time 18th January close 11. Becoming ever ready and 2nd March (Sunday bhatti) 4th February unshakeable Focus topic for meditation: to 2nd March  Give peace of the land of peace Bodiless, incorporeal and to the ones experiencing sorrow seed stage – Shivratri  Being unshakeable in the midst of upheaval – stories and experiences

12. Courage to bring the sanskaras of 6th April (Sunday bhatti) 3rd March the New Age into the present Focus topic for meditation: to 6th April  Being the embodiment of the Deity form -Golden Age- Holi experience of every dharna

2007-8 Year of Volcanic Transformation (VT Team) The organizing of the web page and materials is done from Australia by the team listed below. Chair – Didi Nirmala, RCO contact point – BK Charles Hogg, Co-ordinator of VT team – BK Wendy Sargent; Amrit vela points – BK Sally Segal and BK Khem (Trinidad); Senior’s Classes – BK Jacqueline Russell and BK Caroline Minto; Topic Research of murlis and classes - BK Warren Pitkin; Contact for all of the above is through the Australian co-ordinating office, Indraprusth, Sydney, Australia Any queries or concerns please write to VT Team: [email protected] VT web site address:

4 Volcanic Linkup: Transformation Bhatti - 2007-8 Linking up the Brahmin World in concentrated yoga for 24 hours every month Part of the Year of Volcanic Transformation

Focused rays of light and might, golden beams from Baba, Will transform us into master suns, active transformers, combined, BapSaman, Activating a linkup of fiery yoga for self and world transformation.

Dear Yogis, Didi Nirmala and the VT team invite you to join in the volcanic linkup from May 2007- May 2008. This takes place on the first Sunday of each month in order to intensify our efforts for self-transformation. The bhatti seeks to link the fiery yoga and intense efforts of all Brahmins globally. The practice of volcanic yoga creates a 24-hour active link-up of light between Brahmin households and centres. There is a deep focus on a particular yoga stage each month. Classes and commentaries from the volcanic manual (available on the website) will develop the global concentration and focus for meditation during those 24 hours.

Activating the links of the chain of yoga power: Small teams of yogis will gather in different households and centres in their city, so the whole BK family of that region is activated into generating a powerful fire of yoga. The bhatti becomes a combining with God through mind and heart creating an intense fire of love and transformation. Those linked to the global chain of yoga create an environment for Baba's power and magic to work wonders. There are 8 hours for each region. Within each region, countries or areas will link in to the bhatti for 2 hours minimum and up to 8 hours if they are free. Please read the following schedule carefully and look for the name of your country or region. Please confirm your participation to us by email. - Best wishes from the Volcanic Transformation Team

Activating the Links in the bhatti of Volcanic transformation – 2007- 8 Linkup Schedule Each 'link' when active in the bhatti will act as a lighthouse for transformation

Below are listed times and places for the global volcanic linkup. Listed is the two-hour minimum time of yoga. If you are free then link in and contribute more hours.

Sunday daytime linkup South American, African and European Regions Sunday afternoon and evening linkup 8am-4pm North and Central American Regions 1-9pm Western countries in your region e.g. Congo, France Southern and Central USA - 8-10am - 1-3pm Southern countries of your region e.g. Italy, Brazil Canada and Alaska – 10am -12am - 3-5pm Eastern countries and central countries Eastern USA – 12-2pm - 5-7pm Northern countries of your region Western USA and Hawaii – 2-4pm -7-9pm

Sunday daytime linkup Sunday afternoon and evening linkup Asian and Middle Eastern regions: 8am-4pm Australia and the Pacific regions 1-9pm NE Asian countries and all of the Middle East Fiji – 8-10am -1-3pm India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka New Zealand – 10am -12am -3-5pm SE Asian countries NSW and QLD in Australia – 2-4pm - 5-7pm China and Hong Kong WA, VICT, TAS, SA in Australia – 12-2am - 7-9pm

Sunday morning linkup Sunday afternoon and evening linkup Central American regions 5am-10am Russian region 1-9pm Caribbean To be co-ordinated by Moscow main centre - 5am-8am Central America -8am-10am 5 Meditation Commentary I - “Master Bestower”

As I sit comfortably…I understand that I am a being of light …. A very subtle point of concentrated energy… full of purity…. peace,…powers…love…happiness…bliss and truth … I start radiating these different energies… .

Very slowly, I shift myself … and find myself in the dimension of unlimited light and peace,…I am in my Home… in front of Shiv Baba,… the Eternal Being who is constantly radiating in an unlimited way… .

As I absorb from Baba… the Comforter of Hearts… I am filled with such pure and divine love that my heart is healed and slowly melts.

I understand that there can be no being more loving than Shiv Baba… more Peaceful than Shiv Baba… more Powerful than Shiv Baba… more Blissful than Shiv Baba… purer than Shiv Baba.

In such a powerful stage… I automatically become an instrument for world service… as I absorb from Baba … all these energies flow out from me and radiate out to the world.

The hearts of unlimited souls… who have been searching for true love, peace are quenched,… very slowly, a strong surge of hope emerges in their hearts… their faces blossom … .

Seeing all this, my heart opens up… all the pure feelings and good wishes emerge… I am like Baba… a master Bestower.

Very slowly, … I shift myself away from Baba… I, the soul full of pure feelings and good wishes, … I sit in the centre of the forehead…ready to serve whoever soul comes into my contact.

Commentary II - June 2007

I am a point of divine energy, a star-like being… I take the support of this physical costume to play my role on this world drama… . How lucky I am at this auspicious Sangam Yug to play my hero part along with Beloved Baba, the greatest Director…. The bestower of Fortune teaches me how to become worship worthy to be threaded in the rosary of victory…. Baba’s pure wish is that I become a successful star… and I give hope and courage to all my brother souls who are tired and disheartened.

Baba gave me so many treasures: powers, knowledge, virtues, time, happiness and the treasures of breath… . I must use these judiciously…they are mine and yet…not mine… . I am the trustee…. They have been bestowed upon me to use for the self … and for others…. to be used at the right time… for only then can I increase them. I will bestow them upon others… for, to give… is to have… this is the law of the Eternal Being.

I… the soul… leave my body and go to the supreme abode to meet my Father…. He welcomes me… I feel His overflowing love, the unlimited love…the unconditional love… Every time I come to this haven of peace and love, I feel the same great happiness at meeting my Father, my Mother. I feel peaceful… I forget my tensions, worries…. I let go of my suspicions, my hate and feel free.

He knows what I need… I don’t have to ask…. He fills me with all the powers … and virtues… that I have used up… . I bathe myself in the Ocean of love, the Ocean of peace, the Ocean of purity. I feel the power, virtues filling me … every part of me… the soul… I am full… complete… happy and ready to be at my best… . I am the form of all that Baba wishes for me…I am the ‘rup’.

I wish to share… to bestow, what I have received from Baba… . With my mind, I travel over Africa, over regions where there is war, over places where there is famine, sickness and other forms of suffering. I send the vibrations of peace and love… received from Baba. I see them transformed with the message of hope… they realize that their situation is temporary… and look forward to the better world tomorrow.

I fly over the Americas… there are regions of physical poverty and regions of spiritual emptiness. To all, I send the same message and share with them the gifts that the Supreme Father gave me. What a joy in sharing…. I do not feel emptied… on the contrary, the more I give… the more I seem to have… . I am connected to the Source.

I go over the countries of Asia, over Australia, New Zealand and over Europe, sending vibrations and giving the message … . I feel very happy … . How lucky am I to have been able to play this role…. I will play it again and again…. I have created this fortune for eternity. I am the shower, the ‘basant’ …I am the master-bestower…. the world benefactor.

6 I belong to the physical world … the subtle world and the world of peace and love… I am not limited in space. I am not limited in time… I belong to eternity.

I come back to my body… and I realize that I can also give… by being an example… I will give through my drishti (vision)…my vritti()…my kriti ().


Seniors’ Classes: Topic 3:

Being Masters Bestowers of Treasures

Dadi Prakashmani - Become Merciful and generous hearted and give the sustenance of Godly love.

1. Giving Godly love Today we heard the Bhog message ‘Put a stop to the past-become an example and reveal the father’. In order to achieve this we need to implement some rules (Sanyam). Each one of us has to ask ourselves to what extent we have become sweet like Baba. Do I have any negative feelings for anyone in my heart? Is there any trace of hatred for anyone? Is there even a little I have to renounce it today? We are all the arms of Baba. Baba has sustained us very lovingly in the Sakar form. So, we have now to give the return by giving love to everyone. We have to ask ourselves if we stay in the loveleen stage. This godly love is the basis of firm faith. So we have now to give the return of godly love. Meet others personally, fill them with such power that they experience the sustenance of spirituality and love and are merged in God’s love. Instead of opening new centres and ‘Geeta Pathshalas’ empower your state by staying in silence. Become merciful and win the heart of everyone. Become generous and donate while serving others. Bear in mind that I have to have only positive feelings for everyone. The trace of I'ness and myness must finish.

2. The importance of service To do service filled with zeal and enthusiasm is good but we have to see that whilst serving, souls experience Baba. To engage too much in service is also a weakness in our personal stage. We have to check whether we can pack up everything and stabilize in the bodiless stage in one second. Does some kind of negativity or service plan still pull us down?

3. Filling oneself with blessings of love and positivity Fill yourself with so many blessings and adopt such Yuktis that make you win the hearts of your companions. However they may be, whether they are stubborn let them be attracted towards God’s love. Do not be rude to them. With the power of deep love and positivity, help them to move forward. Just as it has been said pure love can change a stone into water, finish their obstacles that have been created by lokiks and bodily relations. Each one’s responsibility is to make their centre become a mini Madhuban and to sustain everyone with even more than the sustenance they received in Madhuban. Prepare souls with such love and might that when they come to meet Baba next season there is no trace of doubt or any influence that can disturb them. Sustain them with drishti and then they will have firm faith that mine is only one Shiva Baba.

4. Serving Generously Whoever comes in Baba’s house must be considered as God’s Guests. God himself has invited them here. It is not your centre, its God’s house. Serve them so generous heartedly that I’ness and Myness finish. In all centres and sub-centres there must be total unity among brothers and sisters so that not a single thought of doubt or of leaving Baba arises in the mind. On the contrary, create such a powerful atmosphere that can pull souls who have left Baba. Whatever misunderstanding exists among you, this must finish.

Baba is both Dharamraj and an Ocean of love. So be like Baba, have a balance of love and power and speed up your efforts. Sustain each one but do not become jealous of anyone’s progress. Purity is not only celibacy but freedom from traces of impurity in our nature and sanskaras. If others see transformation in our nature and sanskaras, then they will be willing to transform themselves. Start by having unlimited distaste and serve everyone with great love and sweetness so that they can make Baba their whole world.

Baba has made us instruments for so many service plans. Take for example Gyan Sarovar in Talheti where innumerable souls come to have unique experiences. It is our responsibility to sustain those contact souls and to make Brahmin souls constantly experience the flying stage. Those leaving from here are to be filled with lots of love and zeal and enthusiasm. Some brothers and sisters become dull in their efforts although they do come to attend murli class regularly. Have classes for them, bring them closer so that they feel that we are close to Baba. 7 Dadi always remembers what is going to happen in future. Seeing so many scenes of natural calamities happening everywhere and the illnesses of so many people Baba will not allow me to sleep.

5. Stage of becoming light The more we become lighter in our interactions the more every task will be performed accurately. Whatever happens just become light; do not keep any burden. When we develop such lightness, our stage improves. If both of us keep our minds engaged in something then tension is created between us and we will sulk. So it is my duty to pack up everything in one second. Become detached and put a full stop. Putting a full stop means, we have closed the matter. If we are heavy then interactions become heavy and this has an effect on our stage. Whatever heaviness exists in a very subtle way among us, make effort, even if you have to say sorry, to finish the matter as quickly as possible. Baba has advised that we become ever ready. We have only to be concerned about how quickly we can achieve our complete and perfect stage. Who has seen tomorrow? There are many untimely scenes that we encounter everyday, accidents, natural calamities. So whatever is left to be done has to be done now-this is my pure feelings. Om Shanti ______

Dadi Janki Class: Master Bestower, Merciful and Compassionate

Love, truth, mercy have become part of our thoughts. If I do not have mercy in my thoughts, if my heart is delicate and takes sorrow quickly, or if my heart is hard and I give sorrow readily, then how can I give happiness. So my heart should be a merciful one, my thoughts should be filled with truth. Whilst walking and talking my thoughts should not be ordinary. Even if our intellect is good, if there isn’t mercy in our heart we will be ordinary. The intellect will not work on what others need.

If I clean my heart then compassion, honesty and love are able to emerge and do their work. The mind is then liberated from mischief, it becomes free from the burden of desires and thus strong. The soul then truly becomes like BapDada, equal to the Father, the master Almighty Authority, the Master Bestower of fortune Bestower of blessings.

Resolving Tomorrow – Making the Most of Today (11th January 2007): “Today we need to transform the tendency to have hot heads and cold hearts into a situation where we can keep the heart warm and open with love and compassion and the head cool with peace-this will help ourselves and vibrate out into the world. We need to develop an attitude of appreciation- gratitude brings feelings of joy and contentment.

Dadi Janki Sharing Chitchat with double foreigners before Bapdada’s Programme Wherever you are, let there be the awareness that you have to remove the sorrow of that place. Enable victory to take place in everyone. Then others will see you with that vision. Baba teaches us motherly love. But also, Baba becomes your authority, your strength, to see yourself and see what you have to become. Through us, others should experience what their mother and father can be like, just as Baba has given us this experience.

We should not be subservient to our own nature. Whatever is not good in me, let me change it very fast. When it has penetrated my sanskaras, it is difficult. I have to have this loving feeling in my own self: I am the one who has to change. As Baba has given me mercy and forgiveness as an inheritance, take that for yourself, so everyone in the world sees you flying, and wants the same.

If I am true with the family, I receive true love. Let me remember that these are my Baba’s children. It is Baba’s task and home, but I am instrument to see that everything goes well, which is possible only with truth, humility and love. Baba is the Ocean of Mercy and Forgiveness. He has kept us on his path (gali), in order to make us the garland around His neck (gale). I should make such efforts that even Baba Himself calls me ‘His worthy child’. It is my duty to share whatever I have learned from Baba.

Dadi Janki – To have good wishes and feelings of benevolence for all; perform elevated actions in this Confluence age What is the difference between donation and charity? We donate through wealth. Whilst elevated actions, charity are performed when we serve through our mind and body in a real time of need. If we have money, we donate. But, elevated charity actions involve feelings of mercy and love. When we cooperate with everyone and have sympathy for them, then this creates an account of charity. The soul becomes pure. The sins of the soul are absolved, when we use our time, energy and serve others happily and from our heart. Anyway, no one can stay without performing actions, but Baba has taught us how to serve through the mind, words and actions in order to uplift those who defame us. In Satyug, there is no need for donation or charity. To whom will we donate? Through what type of charity or donation do we become worthy to go to such a land where both the king and his subjects are happy? By 8 developing divine virtues and performing elevated actions, we become worthy. In Satyug, no one experiences pain or sorrow so there is no need for sympathy from anyone.

No one is poor in Satyug so there is no need to donate. There we enjoy the fruit of what we performed in Sangamyug. At this time, we don’t donate like Kaliyugi people who just give for the sake of name and fame so their names will be on the front pages of newspapers. No one does true charity in Kaliyug. However, Baba’s children sacrifice so much in order to give a handful in Baba’s Yagya. They adopt a very simple lifestyle. This is not donation but true service that Baba teaches us in the Confluence Age.

Baba does not need our money, on the contrary, he shows us how to use money in a successful way. The saying is that “the money of some will go dust, some will be looted by thieves etc…So, it’s up to us to use them successfully. Depending on how much we invest successfully accordingly we experience happiness, health and wealth both now and in Satyug. Only experienced souls understand this. Those who serve through the body become healthy whilst those who do mansa seva don’t have waste or negative thoughts. When you become so busy in serving through the mind, no other thoughts except those of benevolence emerge. Maya bows in front of the happiness of those who have good wishes constantly.

If you are faced by any storm of Maya, do mansa seva and remember Baba. Have good wishes for everyone and create pure feelings. Learn to purify your feelings. Bring divinity in your feelings. Learn how to experience super- sensuous joy instead of being in pain and sorrow. Conquer the senses and be free from any form of desires. The sanskaras of desiring more and more never get fulfilled and you experience sorrow. When we belong to Baba, we don’t want anything. Baba fulfils all our desires. Our life becomes worth diamonds. What else do we want or need?

Baba has taught us how to play with the gems of knowledge. So at the level of thoughts we have been liberated. There is even no need to spend time churning about how much charity we have done. Be cautious if ever- ordinary action or sinful action is performed. In the lokik world, people perform both donation and sinful actions mainly the rich ones. Here Baba has taught us about the philosophy of karma. What is the use of donations? While you still perform sinful actions. The fruits of donation and those of charity differ. Someone who serves from the heart will never have any doubt that I might lack money in future if I surrender all my wealth in Baba’s Yagya.

Serving generous heartedly enables you to become virtuous. In the lokik world, if someone has any special talent they will hide it so that someone else doesn’t acquire the talent. But here Baba has taught us that by donating, we not only experience happiness but we become more talented. We have taken benefit in an unlimited way from the company of Baba. There is praise for good company. Those who are 'Kacche', they won’t understand or be able to discern whether this company is beneficial. So by giving good company also we can serve others. Besides, we can serve others by our attitudes filled with divinity (spirituality) and feelings of mercy. Through our attitudes, we can create pure vibrations. Pure and light atmosphere is created when there is no impurity in our attitudes. So we need to always have a pure and powerful mind in order to help others. Nowadays souls need all kinds of help and support. Sometimes, even very good souls get caught up in one or another form of confusion and then they cannot detach themselves. So at that time, the company of souls who have pure and powerful attitudes can benefit them. You need to pay much attention for your self-progress. By churning knowledge among those, who are spiritually rich then you will immediately experience divinity. Fill yourself fully and then you will be able to give. ______

Sister Mohini (New York) - Extracts from Bhog Message (15/4/2007)

Baba said, especially for this morning, every step, one of Baba’s children takes, creates multimillion-fold fortune. Remember two words “kadam”, “step” and “padam”, “multimillion fold”. This means you take one-step and the drama brings multimillion-fold fortune. That step you take needs to have three main qualities: you need the awareness that: (1) you are bestowers. After receiving unlimited treasures from Baba, do we need anything else? To accumulate unlimited treasures, we have to use them. There is no other way you can accumulate. You may say, “I am practicing, so I can stay peaceful”. If, when there is a situation, you forget then, are you peaceful? But instead, you say, “I am the one who has to bestow peace on everyone”, and then you can use peace. Stay peaceful; speak to everyone in a peaceful way. You are accumulating. Only by becoming a bestower of what Baba has given you, does it become yours. (2) Those who are bestowers have this capacity for the bestowing to become blessings. This year Baba has given us homework to receive and give blessings. So I have received blessings from Baba, and then I give blessings. Remember that first, you have to become a bestower and only then does it becomes yours. Always remember I am a bestower, and from that, I accumulate. For some souls, we say, “This one has said it, so it will happen.”

(3) Success and victory are both your birthright. Even to have the thought, “Will I be victorious or not?” is a weak thought. Do not ever have these thoughts. Always have the thought that success and victory are my birthright... So the three main qualities are 9 (1) be a bestower (2) receive and give blessings and (3) success and victory are your birthright. If all three are in your consciousness, there will be multi-million-fold fortune from every step.

The other homework Baba has given is the five forms. How many of you are doing this eight times a day? Baba said this year we receive Baba’s blessing to be obedient and to give. So when we do homework, we get marks. So if you want full marks, you have to do full homework. Some of the instant fruits of getting full marks are pride and self-respect. Baba was saying, “Whatever you believe has to manifest.” Whatever you believe has to manifest in your personality. Then internally you feel dignity, respect and pure pride. Baba wants to see every child in the respectful stage – self-respect and self-trust.

I also mentioned to Baba about the two days we were here, what we were doing. This is why Baba gave the blessings that whatever step you take, there is multimillion-fold fortune. Baba said, “While giving blessings, every obstacle that comes, you have to look at as entertainment – an opportunity to be more creative at that time.” You should never be scared or nervous about the obstacles. They just come to take you further. The things you have within you, you have to use them. Nothing is difficult. Nothing is impossible. Stay in that dignity of that respect and you will be very happy all the time. And because you are the bestower, you will bestow that. Baba gave lots of love and remembrances for each one of you.

Class by Brother Nirwair - The Spirit of Giving

 Being a bestower- unconditional sweet love  Transforming our attitudes  The spirit of giving respect  Quality in thoughts  Baba’s advice

Being a bestower- unconditional sweet love The spirit of bestowing is based on unconditional sweet love. As Baba said in the murli, he who is full, complete and without desire is able to give. When we remember him in different forms, he bestows the love and attainments of all relationships so that we don’t need to search anywhere else.

Transforming our attitudes The spirit of bestowing or giving is an attitude we form after properly understanding the philosophy, concepts and wisdom taught by Baba. Baba has given us the aim of becoming ‘presiding, most-loved deities (isht devta)’. In India, every family has their own presiding deity whom they turn to for blessings and boons. There is great meaning behind this aim and teaching: firstly, it involves the transformation of our attitudes so that we no longer beg like devotees. From day one, we have received the understanding that we are children of God- His heirs- and as such, His blessings are our birthright. We receive everything as our inheritance without needing to ask.

The next step is to remain tuned to the source and fill the self with love, power and divinity. These virtues are then transmitted automatically from us in the form of vibrations. Many times our vibrations attract unknown people who say, "You don’t have to say anything, I simply enjoy being with you." When we are linked with Baba on a subtle level, there is an automatic flow of Baba’s qualities to us, which are reflected onto others.

This sanskar, formed in meditation, gives us the title of ‘devta’ or ‘deity’ meaning those who give or bestow. In India, nature or the elements are also worshipped as ‘devta’, villagers of Mount Abu are often seen worshipping the trees and stones on the roadside. Knowledgeful souls may find their actions and rituals amusing but they do bear significance; trees give us shade and oxygen and so they are respected because nature bestows the essentials for human life.

The spirit of giving respect What do you give Baba in return for the wisdom He bestows? When He greets you with ‘namaste’, how do you respond? As we are spiritually full, we create the attitude of giving and this in turn keeps us free from limited desires. We then earn the status of being ‘bestowers’. Baba’s teachings are subtly connected with our future births in Golden Age. There, not a single soul will lack anything as far as material requirements are connected; nonetheless, everyone will be known as a ‘goddess’ or ‘god’ (devta) – why is that? The essence of the entire lesson on ‘giving’ is to give respect. Whether the other person gives regard or not, we still have to give respect. This attitude and sanskar, inculcated in the Confluence Age, is carries forth to the Golden Age. This is why deities constantly interact with mutual respect.

Therefore, our golden stage is not only created by giving knowledge, or using our time and wealth for others, but by inculcating a very subtle quality: the spirit of giving respect. 10 The basis of forming this spirit is to first understand that everyone belongs to Baba. Secondly, everyone has a unique role to play. Thirdly, each soul has specialities and fourthly, everyone is a great server, playing a hero role in transforming the world. With these qualities in mind, an automatic feeling of respect in our hearts develops for one other. The moment we put these aspects aside, we begin to look at each other’s weaknesses. When there is less respect for another soul, rather than being a bestower we may consider ourselves superior. I think, "My thinking, my stage, my qualities, my churning are better than that of so- and –so". This may be very true, everything about us may in fact be better, but when respect is not shown then we start demanding the same from others. Would I then be called a bestower or a beggar? Instead of being spiritual, we act like worldly people who prefer to take respect rather than ‘earn’ it.

Baba draws our focus to sustaining an attitude of unconditional respect for one another. Just as our Brahmin culture is based on unconditional, selfless love, attention should be given to developing unconditional, selfless respect. Simply, continue to give without expectation for the returns. ‘Giving enables your heart to experience the greatest feeling of happiness. Your smile will never disappear (even in your sleep) while practising this because thoughts that normally make your happiness short-lived do not emerge anymore.

Quality of the thoughts When our needs become the basis of our thinking, the ‘needs’ can change into ‘needles’ and prick us. It is easy to speak endlessly about deities who are free from desires’ but consistent, subtle efforts are required. It is very simple to say, ‘Brahmin to Angel, and Angel to Deity’, but only when we imbibe the qualities of angels and deities now, will they become part of our future personality.

These attitudes do not appear naturally but need to be worked on. You perhaps have been doing very well for a month or two but may forget your efforts temporarily when faced suddenly with a situation. It is essential to keep a daily watch on the quality of our thoughts: how to begin the day, how to deal with things that crop up throughout the day, reviewing our chart before retiring at night.

Brahmin souls are very fortunate. There are hardly any places in the world where the day begins with early morning meditation. We are blessed with Baba’s company and can fill the self with love and power. This is followed by Murli where the intellect gets saturated with the highest and most powerful thoughts that set our minds and attitudes at an optimum level for the day. People may go to their place of worship once a week for prayer but Baba Himself is teaching us how to maintain an elevated consciousness all the time.

Baba’s advice Baba encouraged us beautifully in a recent murli where He asked if we could spare a few seconds every hour to remember Him. Generally, when people give advice they usually mention this is what they recommend but it is up to the other person to act as he or she likes. However, Baba isn’t tired of advising us even after 63 long years. While sharing guidance, He keeps new children in mind that they are facing hardships.

Just as new solutions and remedies are discovered by science or medicine each year, similarly, Baba gives us simple advice yearly to solve our problems. There is great benefit embedded in His simple advice: ‘Spend one minute every hour in remembrance.’ Then He adds, ‘OK, if you don’t have a minute then remember Baba for only five or six seconds.’ He knows that if we direct our attention to Him sincerely, honestly and lovingly for five or six seconds, they will expand into sixty seconds and sixty seconds will turn into sixty minutes. Ultimately, remembrance will become natural in our life. Baba says, ‘You don’t serve for only four or eight hours; similarly do not be yogis for a limited period.’ This is our yogi life, a natural life.

The essence of being a bestower means returning to our natural state of being: ‘Devta’ – gods and goddesses. ‘Devta’ is a being full of divine virtues and a ‘bestower’. The longer we remain in this consciousness, the more natural it becomes. It is said about charity: ‘When you give with your right hand, not even your left hand should know about it’, meaning the giving or charitable act must be done incognito, with no outwardly show. Giving is our natural sanskar and does not involve pride. The knowledge of the joy of giving is a very beautiful and valuable jewel to possess. As Baba says, ‘Don’t store whatever you have in a safe; use it and let it multiply.’ The more we share knowledge, values and powerful thoughts, the more they multiply. The spirit of giving grows by using it unconditionally and selflessly. Our own happiness multiplies to such an extent that our smile never leaves our face even in grave situations.

The first noticeable change that occurs when a Brahmin visits a place where people are unhappy or crying is that they become silent. As we gradually give drishti, they are relieved of their sorrow and begin to smile. We carry this sanskar of a ‘constant smile’ to the Golden Age. We will leave the body happily at our own will and no one will shed tears of sorrow. Baba says, the memorial of your smile is worshipped in the temples. No other models or statues can bear likeness to the idols of the deities because the happiness they portray is symbolic of our lives of constant happiness in the Golden Age. ______11 Class by Bro. Surya “Using Treasures in a Worthwhile Way”

* The treasure of time * The treasure of solitude * The treasure of thought * Invoking the presence of Baba * Yoga experiments * Treasure of divine wisdom * Worship-worthy ancestor souls

Baba has given us a great responsibility and we must be aware of those responsibilities. God Himself, the Almighty is giving extra help to us. He has given us many, many treasures and by making use of all the treasures, we make our fortune most elevated and we get blessings from Him to be successful.

The treasure of time I was remembering my experience of this Brahmin life. I noted down a very simple point from the Sakar murli in the beginning: Don’t waste your time. It’s a simple point and we have heard it thousands of times. It was a slogan in my notebook: If you waste your time, then a time will come when it will destroy you. So I used to think: What is the best thing I can do at this confluence time? Baba used to come in the History Hall and we would all sit very close to Baba; we would have long, long drishti and many blessings, so I used to see Baba and what He is. I wanted to know what God is – not who God is but what God is. What is His nature? How much pure and selfless love does He have for us? What does He want from us and what should we do for Him?

When I was in front of Baba, I just kept looking at Him and thinking that this is the same God for whom I had been searching for such a long time. He is Almighty. Everything is in His hands. He can change the entire world. I used to feel in my subconscious mind that this Baba has promised to be my Friend: I am always with you; I will protect you; I will do everything for you. Normally Baba used to come every Thursday in ’69, ’70 and ’71. Many times each year, we had the opportunity to see Him in front of us and I tried my best to know what God is. He is such an Almighty power and I used to remember what had been described in Indian philosophy about the Almighty:

‘ He can do everything with the power of thought’. In one version of Indian philosophy, it was said that God created a thought in His mind saying: ‘I am alone and the world should come into existence’. And then the world was created with the power of thought only. This is so mighty and powerful and I used to talk to myself and say: Such an Almighty God is my Father! He says: I am yours, I am for you. Everything of Mine is for you – all My powers and blessings are for you.

So sitting in front of Baba, I used to talk to myself in this way and this is the way I learned not to waste my time. This is such a wonderful time because we are living our life in the company of God. We are enjoying His Company and can achieve everything from Him for our 84 births, so we should not waste our time. I made a promise that I will never waste a precious moment of this confluence age. Then I learned how to use time in Baba’s service, yagya service, in churning and yoga practices.

I started to make an hourly chart in 18th June 1970. Baba gave a murli saying: You are the greatest VIP’s and when you see the Ministers, Prime Ministers and Presidents of this world, their timetable is always fixed. When we see a Governor, who comes to Gyan Sarovar, a minute-to-minute program is made and we get the program list. We also need to follow that as they also follow that. When the Ministers and Governors make such a timetable to make use of their time, then you, the great souls, the most VIP souls, also must make a timetable for your mind and intellect and for the first time I made this timetable. On the basis of Baba’s many points given in Avyakt murlis, I promised that every hour I would do this. With a chart like this, I did all the practices that Baba gave in the murli; I did them every day, 16 types of practices in 16 hours.

The treasure of solitude I enjoy my time and yoga very much. I have no interest in gossiping, sitting around or going here and there and in this way. Solitude pulls me. As soon as I go into solitude, I realize that solitude has become the best blessing for my life. I achieved many things in solitude. I used to finish my work in the kitchen very fast and then I would go out onto the rocks in solitude. At that time, we did not know what Baba’s rock was and then we found it and said: This is Baba’s rock. I used to go to Honeymoon Point in solitude and I went on all peaks of Mt. Abu alone but I did not know that panthers and lions were there. Later on, I came to know that I should not go alone, but one aim that I had was that I had to become fearless. So in this way, I used my time churning in solitude and in good practices of yoga and thus, I’m sure I can say, with full determination, that throughout the cycle, time will cooperate with me.

12 We should note down this point: if we use this time properly and nicely for our progress or in Baba’s service, time will cooperate with us. We will never say that this is not a good time or a hard, bad time for me. We will always experience good, fortunate times throughout the cycle. So we know how to use this beautiful time.

The treasure of thought The best and biggest treasure for us is the treasure of thought. Two words Baba uses for thoughts are ‘power’ and ‘treasure’. We must have so many elevated and high thoughts in our mind so that we can feel and experience that our thoughts are real, true treasures. You might have noticed one very deep point from Baba’s murli about money. Knowledge is wealth and Baba says that those who have this wealth of knowledge here will have a lot of wealth in the future. Those who have gems of knowledge now will easily get money in this world also. We can do an experiment and bring these versions of Baba into our experience. We will not have to work hard to make money in this life; it will come to us.

I used to say to all Brahmins (also a point of great intoxication for us) that when we remember Baba, He comes down to us. Do you accept it? It’s not just that we only remember Him, but as soon as we remember Him, He comes down to us. God can come down to us when we invoke Him. Will wealth not come to us if we invoke it? Am I right or not? We are the masters of nature and wealth is a part of nature. In fact, if we become the master of nature, wealth will come behind us. We need not work hard to make money to achieve wealth in our life and those who give wealth for Baba; you know that wealth is multiplied here. Baba comes down when we invoke Him. Remember this point.

Invoking the presence of Baba: I used to teach this to everyone: This is a very good opportunity for all brothers, sisters and mothers in your homes every day. At least three times a day, invoke BapDada down. Just sit for yoga for five minutes, talk to Baba and ask Him: Baba, come down into my home. Feel that BapDada appears and see Him in a beautiful form - light and might is spreading out from Him. Stand up and ask Him to take you around your home. Take Him into every room and ask Him to give drishti to everything here. Take full enjoyment of this for 4 or 5 minutes. You will feel as though Baba has come in Diamond Hall. Do this three times every day and if you do it continually for 15 days, you experience that the vibrations of your home become very spiritual; full of peace, purity and might. If you practice so that God comes down three times a day every day then it will become very true. I have taught this practice to many Indian mothers and they had wonderful feelings. Their home has become like a temple - a peace house and if their relatives or friends enter their house, they experience that their home is wonderful. They say: Oh, what is there in your home? It is very peaceful. So, on my request, for at least 15 days, everyone must do this. Will you do this? Baba will come down into your home and He Himself will solve all problems.

Where there is the presence of God, victory and success will be there. When there is any problem, invoke BapDada in front of you. I do this nowadays; I have made this my nature, my habit. I ask BapDada to come down and I have experienced many times that in five minutes only, everything is solved. It’s a beautiful yukti or blessing from Baba: “Now I am for you. In bhakti I was for the devotees and now at this confluence, I am for you”. Don’t forget these words.

The treasure: Yoga experiments We come to the point again of the treasure of thoughts. From every day’s murli, we all must find many good points of knowledge for our own life first. We listened to a very deep three days ago. Do you remember that Baba said: My main job is to give a current to everyone? Get a current from Baba at Amrit Vela and give a current to everyone at night. If you see another soul, give them a current.

* We should experience what the magic is in seeing souls in everyone’s forehead. It is a simple tapasya to see everyone as a soul and then see what happens to them or us.

* All Brahmins must collect a big treasure of elevated thoughts and points of knowledge. Write them down. I note down in my personal notebooks the points of inspiration and intoxication from the recent murlis and I read them in ten minutes. So all ten murlis are revised every day in only ten minutes and in this way, I feel that oh, Baba has said this important thing.

* You must become such a transparent mirror in which people can see God. In this world, there is no mirror available in which God has appeared, but you have to become such a clean mirror that they can see God.

Invoking the 8 powers When you were born on your birthday, Baba gifted you with all eight powers. You are master almighty; invoke your powers; they will come to you; make use of your powers. When God can appear in front of you when you invoke Him, why would not all powers come to you? So I practised this and will share with you that all Brahmins

13 can use all eight powers like this. Remind yourself: Baba has blessed me with all powers. I am the embodiment of all powers. I am master almighty, a king, sitting on the throne. Be in this feeling and awareness.

Invoke all eight powers in front of you and feel the powers in the form of kings standing in front of you. They are in your service and then you can give them an order to go somewhere and solve a problem, e.g., go there and help this person. This person is sick and cannot tolerate the pain. Go there and help him to tolerate the pain. Such and such a Brahmin soul has become weak. He’s thinking of leaving Baba. Go to him and give him a divine intellect. Help him so that he can imbibe purity and other dharna in his life. Help him to collect boldness, daring and strength in his life. You will experience that it works. All powers - go and help others.

This is a way to make use of our powers in order to strengthen, empower and solve the problems of many souls and divinize many people’s lives. We have achieved many things in our life, but we have to bring them into experiments. Success of experiments will ensure that you can do this in this way.

Treasure of divine wisdom and divine intellect We have got such treasures of knowledge for our intellect. Our intellect must be full of this divine wisdom. We know so far that we had been asking God to give us a divine intellect and to give us wisdom. Mothers in India used to ask the goddesses to give wisdom and an intellect to their children so that they could get good marks in their exams.

Now God has come down and is distributing to us a divine intellect and divine wisdom. It is our responsibility to make ourselves full of that wisdom so that it will last forever. You can see many intellectuals in this world, but they don’t have a divine intellect or divine wisdom - their intelligence creates tension, problems and peacelessness for them. We may not be very intellectual but they have got divine wisdom. They have become divine; you can see many. They were not intellectual in their lokik life, but after coming to Baba, they have become most intelligent. Dadi Janki is now about 90 years old, but you know that her intellect is very divine. It is not an old intellect; her intellect is always fresh and new. We used to say that, oh, in this old age, she has got such a wonderful, beautiful, divine, unique intellect but she was not intellectual in lokik life. So Baba has given a divine intellect to souls.

By churning knowledge, by collecting such gems from Baba’s murli, we can divinize our intellect with the power of thought. You have heard many things about this. A mobile phone uses sound waves only. The vibrations of powerful souls; the vibrations of souls who have been blessed by God; the vibrations of very pure souls influence so much; beyond our imagination. We do not have any instrument to catch them, so we cannot measure or calculate those vibrations. For example, if you are in the feeling of master almighty stage, most powerful, equal to God, BapSaman, you can then create a thought about any person – a good thought. We should then believe that this thought will reach them and affect them immediately. In this way, we can change the mentality of others; we can change their mind and intellect; we can inspire and help others by giving our good vibrations to them. This is a service we have to do, but the very important thing is that we should not waste our thought energy. We have so many thoughts in a day – more than 60,000 thoughts in a day and a lot of energy is used in creating those thoughts. If we concentrate our mind and create fewer thoughts, that energy is saved and we can become very powerful. We can understand that, if we concentrate our thoughts and stabilize our mind in one thought, our brain will become divine. This is the importance and significance about concentration.

Worship-worthy ancestor souls Now I will take you towards two practices of this season that are very important for us. Baba has mentioned two things in many murlis that are points of higher consciousness. Baba said:

* You are the ancestors. * You are worship-worthy souls.

Do you believe that you are ancestors? Ancestors mean the souls who came at the beginning of golden age. We can understand it in this way: Suppose I came at first in the beginning of golden age and I had a family, then my family had two more families and they became four families, then they had families and four changed into eight. I have, in this way, a great big kalpa tree behind me and each ancestor soul has his/her own kalpa tree behind them. Millions of souls have very close relationship with us in the entire cycle. At least 2, 3, 4 or 5 million and our stage, our feelings, our weakness, our negativity or our positivity will all influence them. If we are very pure, they will find purity easy. If we enjoy Amrit Vela, all will enjoy and if we sleep, all will sleep. If we are careless, all will become lazy and careless. If we are alert and enthusiastic, all will feel happiness in their life. Do you feel this to be so? So our weakness will become the weakness of many souls and our qualities will give qualities and power to many souls of this world.

In one murli of this season, Baba mentioned: You are the great, great grandfather; master seed; you are in the roots of this kalpa tree. You have to sustain this entire kalpa tree; you have to give power and vibrations to souls of all religions; not one religion or just the deity religion, but all religions. It’s your responsibility. We have to feel it, so I will give two visions to you that we have practiced in our group: 14 * When you sit in yoga make a vision that the entire kalpa tree is over your head and your yoga vibrations are going to each branch and each leaf. You will then enjoy yoga very much. This is the inverted kalpa tree. Roots are up the top and all religions are down the bottom. I am sitting on the top (the roots) and Baba’s vibrations are coming to me and from me, they are spreading through the whole kalpa tree.

It’s a great way to give energy, peace, love and support to all souls of all religions. So we are great, great grandfathers, most elevated souls and our thoughts must be very, very great. Such great souls, such master great, great grandfather souls, such responsible souls cannot have simple things like ego, ‘I’ 'ness, clashes, negative thoughts or hatred for others. We have to bring benefit to all.

We can say that the roots are selfless. So those who are the roots (ancestors) must become selfless. Everything is for others and nothing is for the self. Brahma Baba had a very simple ordinary room to live in; it wasn’t like now; it was a simple hut like poor people. He wore a simple dress; no pomp or show and everything was for others; nothing was for the himself.

Those who are great, those who want to become great, those who want to do such responsible service for this world must adopt this slogan: Nothing is for me but everything is for others.

Om Shanti.


Sister Rajni – Having a Generous Heart  Meaning of a Generous Heart  Relationships – Am I rich in my Relationships?  Observer Stage ______Meaning of a Generous Heart Do all of you have a generous heart, do you have:  Unconditional Love  Selfless Love  True Love

The best example of generosity is the SUN. The sun always gives without any condition – it gives without boundaries. Hearts and flowers are images that generate the feelings of a generous heart. We will discuss this topic on three levels:  How I can develop a generous heart?  What are the benefits of having a generous heart?  In what sense do I need a generous heart?

Baba mentioned in the avyakt Murli today what it means to have a generous heart. To have unconditional love is to never have a thought of expectation. Let go of the thought that only if others give will I give - this thinking belongs to the business world, not to Brahmin life. Have a heart that continues to stay beyond – beyond sound. As Baba says of Mama, she was always living with Baba beyond sound.

One story I learned from Adi Dev’s Book, was about Brahma Baba’s uncle who gave in an incognito way in his lokik life. There is a saying : one hand gives and the second hand does not even know. Many people give in order to have name and fame. They want it to be in newspapers or on a nameplate; people should know. Even though this is donation, we cannot say it is charity. Generous heart means going beyond name, fame, honour, recognition, appreciation, and the thought of giving based on understanding. The understanding behind is that what I give automatically will come back to me. I don’t need to think that I have donated so much. I even go beyond the fruit of the action.

The basis of Generous Heart is cleanliness – a very clean heart is needed. Although at times something not in words but at the level of thought disturbs us. A generous heart is one that is constant and always giving, free from obstacles. Baba gave the definition of determined thought today. A clean heart is based on the determination to keep a quality of thought that is unconditional and free from obstacles.

In the lokik life, we see lokik people who have a generous heart. The mother and the father give sustenance to their children however in the back of their mind they have a thought that they will grow old. They want the children 15 to look after them and help them. For their whole life, they sacrifice for their children but there is the expectation, desire and thought that their children will help them.

Alokik relationships When we become alokik, the spiritual thought of giving emerges in terms of wealth, relationship, actions and mind. How much we are giving depend upon each one of us. To give the heart has to be empowered by Baba, for this, we have the Murli and Yoga daily. We can see Baba’s heart through the Murli. The words that Baba speaks always enrich us. Baba is not giving us any physical things such as money but Baba gives us such beautiful, rich, spiritual feelings that we don’t think we need anything else. He enriches our heart in different ways, giving us encouragement and guidance, and when we are enriched and empowered, we can enrich others.

To continuously be empowered I must be with Baba who is the comforter of hearts and has the richest heart. So I need to be always in connection with Baba. I need Baba’s wisdom, so by churning knowledge, our mind and intellect is empowered.

Then there is lokik life, for example, a shopkeeper was very rude, so the customer told the shopkeeper: “If you don’t give me sweets at least you should speak sweet words” – So even if you cannot give anything to anyone, at least we can speak soft and sweet words. So to give in terms of words is also a sign of a generous heart.

Baba is giving us rich thoughts, words, feelings everyday so that we don’t feel bankrupt. Everyday we listen to Baba’s Murli and we do Yoga, so at every step we are becoming richer. We are the holiest, highest on high, the richest in the world, as per Baba’s versions.

The BKs are richest in the World. A person told me in Japan – we are the richest people in the world because our Baba is the richest. She said this, even though the Centre, food and so on was all very simple. In this way Baba is making my heart richer and richer.

Relationships – Am I rich in my relationships? How far am I generous in my relationships? Two things are needed:  Respect for each other  Peace

If I have the thoughts and sanskaras of fighting, can it be called Generous Heart? Although I may be giving in terms of wealth, but in my relationship, this is not reflected. When sanskaras of fighting, expectation or argument are blocking me, not allowing me to give, then that is not having a generous Heart. If I have a block, I am not giving. I am taking in and being influenced by what is happening in my life. Something is not allowing me to give.

Is some thought preventing me from giving? The thought can be a very old sanskara of dependency. I always want from others so when I am taking, I am dependent upon others. When I am not giving then my account goes low. According to the Law of Karma, when you give you receive. If I am not giving then you cannot expect to receive. So Generous Heart is always giving and bestowing.

Take from Sun of knowledge, Baba. Even in the lokik world, we can see that the amount we receive depends upon our Karma. Our mother, father, brothers and sisters, how can they give and for how long? So I break this Karma then I can go to Baba who is the Unlimited. Baba is always giving yet He uses such beautiful words. He does not say I am giving but He says I am giving you your birthright, your inheritance, blessings and gifts. You can receive these by claiming your right, by making your own effort. Baba gives but also enables me to become worthy to receive. That worthiness depends on how much I recognize Baba, how much I value Baba’s company and knowledge

Creating an Observer Stage My Brahmin life is a life of making effort. The more the effort the higher the reward. Keeping the reward in front of me inspires me to do effort by keeping Baba in front, having an observer stage will help me accumulate and this is connected again with drama.

The Observer Stage is an intense effort maker Stage. Most of the time our mind rests in a comfort zone. Its old pattern of thinking is to pay no attention to what is going on in the mind.

In the observer stage, I can be free from the past impressions. A free mind can receive from Baba, drama, from whatever soul is coming in front, and can learn through whatever circumstances present themselves. I become stable on drama.

If I lose the Observer stage, scenes of drama can lead to sorrow and upheavals, and in these stages, I cannot give because only a happy heart can give. A heart can only be happy when it receives and receiving is based on 16 our efforts. My effort is to always have clean and pure feelings. This requires constant attention. Anything called Maya can make me lose my clean and pure feelings instantaneously.

Pressure can cause me to lose my pure and clean feelings If we lose this cleanliness then there is the feeling that we have become stagnant and bad. So how can I give to others? Then how can we serve lokiks through good wishes and pure feelings? When you look at each Brahmin, just create the thought that this is the Soul of a Kalpa ago, a Brahmin soul, a fortunate soul. At least this soul says My Baba. As a tapaswi soul, my vision for that Brahmin is high. This happens due to making some mistake or as the outcome of some past karma. At times, a test comes to see to what extent you are generous-hearted. Do you get these tests?

A subtle test is the test of receiving defamation. When you have not made a mistake but there is defamation then that’s the real challenge. Can I give at that time? I have not done anything wrong so how can I be generous- hearted because there is the thought that I have to explain to them that I am not wrong. Very forceful thoughts to prove myself at that time will arise. The question is how to give and what to give to that scene of Drama at that time. We do not need to be forceful. Whoever is instrument, all I need is to be quiet. I need not be forceful, that is real generosity. It is to be able to not let that scene take my energy. This is just a test. Within one second all I need is to emerge my patience – what is right will be proven in due time.

Generous Heart is not to allow my mind to think or to sustain the weakness of others in my heart What kind of heart is one that holds the weakness of others? It’s not giving. A generous Heart is one that is free from keeping anyone’s weakness in the heart. Once I keep another’s weakness in my heart, then I will speak about it and create an account. (Very good term in Hindi: Frakdil and Udhar Chit).

The heart is also generous but in my consciousness also I must be generous. Take the example of a mother – whatever the defect of the child, she continues to give. Holding a high vision for each and everyone is being generous hearted. So to do this constantly we have to be connected with Baba above.

Usually our quality of mind is connected to the physical world and in this we are losing, no savings. And only when you have savings can you donate. If my mind is confused, insecure, there are no savings. Baba always says that we need to check our account of savings. The more I give the more I receive. There are only three things I can give – Shakti (power), virtues and love.

To increase my savings, I have to be disconnected with Lokik and the physical world Baba always says: Imagine I have come from above to do my tasks and then when I finish I can go back to my home in a second. To constantly experience my home – I have to think of my home where I experience peace and have a non-judgemental stage. Baba is in the home. He is not judging anyone and is always beyond criticism. He exists in stillness in the home and in freedom. I need to take rest in the world of peace.

Sometimes I can allow my mind to be trapped in something. This continues to disturb me. You must experience that stillness – freshness of mind – liberation of mind from the effect of action of this physical world. You have to do the exercise of going up and coming down within a second (drill of 8 times).

You also need to have distaste for taking from this world Sometimes we may have an interest in taking. There are many beautiful colourful scenes of Drama. When these come then I need to check my mind. The most beautiful thing, happy thing in this world is to have a liberated, peaceful and happy mind. If I lose interest in keeping my mind still then I will find myself involved in many variety traps. Then I am entangled and I cannot free myself from Drama and from the actions of other souls.

Accuracy of actions also needs a mind free from the influence of body and atmosphere. Generous Heart is to renounce your own comforts, then no excuse is made to give that comfort. Remove comfort to give love and attention, not to become self-centred.

A Generous Heart, True Heart, is when I can give independently of someone else's actions or some other kind of influence. Don’t let your mind go into thoughts of what, when and why. A generous heart is spiritual, it doesn’t use logic. Otherwise, our relationships become like a business. I must always feel, see the need of the soul and fulfil that need. I may ask for cooperation, time and attention. I need, like Baba, to be very sensitive to the needs of souls. Recognize and feel the subtle intention behind their words: some may need love, others knowledge… .

When a soul comes, I need to be peaceful and see the result by constantly maintaining the observer stage.


Sister Mohini (New York) – The Magical Power of Good Wishes (09-03-07) 17  Good thoughts of love, compassion and of kindness  Two aspects concerning relationships  Good wishes have positive effect of settling karma and creating a good atmosphere  Giving from Baba as an instrument for Baba

Good thoughts of love, compassion and of kindness First, it happens at the level of thoughts. I have good thoughts of love, compassion and of kindness. Observe your own inner pure feeling and wishes. Are your own vibrations becoming pure? We say we need to have a clean heart and a clear mind in order to give. A clean and clear mind does not hold anything against anyone. When there is attachment for someone most of the thoughts are directed towards that soul. Sometimes the ones with whom we are having conflict or difficulty are those who criticize or oppose us. But also, there is lot of pull towards, and many wasteful thoughts for souls on whom we depend, and for whom we have attachment. So in both ways whether there is attachment, or expectation we see it creates wasteful thoughts or conflict.

You know you will always find some souls more challenging, more of a test. We know that, at the confluence age we have very lovely, spiritual relationships. We are souls. As souls we are brothers, we have been adopted by Baba through Brahma Baba. We are brothers and sisters so we are members of one family, we all practice soul consciousness. We are in the remembrance of Baba. But still there are karma's from 63 births that emerge. We play many different roles in 63 births and we will be the same soul’s together birth after birth. Body consciousness and the vices were there from the Copper Age onwards. Because of the vices, our interactions and our relationships were varied. Some were good, some were influenced by the vices. Good actions were mixed with some attachments and expectations so they were not selfless.

Not every action we did was altruistic. So some kinds of bondages were there. Just as in our spiritual life now, when we meet different people we have different responses. Some will immediately say we appreciate spiritual knowledge while some will argue. Then you question yourself: what have I done? Then we know that from that soul I have some karmic account from the past. Certain aspects settle these accounts.

We might say that I’m not doing anything wrong but I’m suffering What another person is doing and how they are behaving with me is caused by the way in which I’m involved with that person. Otherwise, why should I be suffering? Why am I creating wasteful thoughts? Okay, that person is doing something but I’m sensitive to that and so I’m experiencing pain. So? We can say you are the cause but I am the cause too, because of what I’m receiving from that scene.

So Baba first wants us to be conscious of being in the Confluence Age and become free from sorrow. Don’t take nor give sorrow. Good people intentionally never would like to give sorrow to anyone but some have a tendency to take sorrow. Brahmins understand this and aim not to give sorrow, but we don’t know, that sanskar may be there of giving or taking sorrow. We are very sensitive at times and may take sorrow. So instead of having wasteful thoughts towards that soul in a negative way understand that I have some karma and now I have to settle those accounts in a pleasant way. I have to create good relations for the future and the present.

Two aspects concerning relationships:-

 What is past I have to settle;  I’ve to create good relations because I will be playing my part with the same soul for next 5,000 years, so there must be that mutual understanding based on trust. I also want to create that friendship with other souls.

So there arises the need for good wishes. Because there are karmic, accounts left, all souls will continue to give some sorts of sorrow in thought, word or deed. As soon as you think or a shadow of that negativity towards a soul emerges just have good wishes. In this way, my thoughts are changing and I’m not suffering so at least I’m comfortable that I’m having good wishes. Definitely when you have good wishes, the soul is receiving something of which we might not be aware. But when there is sympathy, openness willingness, it is like keeping your doors open. If others have closed the doors of their heart at least let, the doors of my heart remain open.

Let me mend my relationships and have good relations.  First, let me make myself free from wasteful thoughts.  Second, let me make myself free from suffering and pain and sorrow.  Third, let me relate and live with other souls.

If anyone in the world is your enemy, is jealous of you or has done you harm, these are signs of subtle karmas coming back to you. I can protect myself by sending lots of love towards you.

18 Breaking the body consciousness of attachment By thinking, that this other person is also a soul I help myself break my body consciousness. This will enable me to go beyond the karma of that relationship. For example, the death of a family member for some may be a source of happiness. How can you not think of that soul – we have been living together for so long. Tell those people who are sad to remember that deceased person as a soul. Then they can say I love you to the soul. The soul is not dead, only the body. This change of consciousness is very important. Sometimes they may say I’m okay but still they are holding on.

There is the tradition of crying after the death of someone because they think that crying will help them release their pain and sorrow. Think of that one as a soul as God’s child. If we send love to the dead person, that soul will have a very good experience. When you have good wishes for any soul that soul will have a pleasant experience.

Good wishes have positive effect of settling karma and creating a good atmosphere You want to have extra meditation for Dadi. Dadi has done 70 years of tapasya. Do you think Dadi has any experience of sorrow? Any scene of Drama makes all of us involved. So many thoughts have arisen and we can imagine all sorts of things.

Once it happened that, another soul was ill and suffering a lot. So some souls had the thoughts about what kind of karma he must have done. So I asked them, what kind of karma you must have done to see the soul suffering and to be asking such questions. It’s your karma also because you are all involved in spending your time and money in helping that soul when they are ill. Then they all realized and there was a change in their behaviour and the atmosphere.

We may be giving good medicine, good doctors but if the soul is reaching its avyakt stage, they need silence, cheerful faces and a good atmosphere. So by giving good wishes we are creating the atmosphere. Brahma Baba had a very good command of how to create a good atmosphere. Some souls need such vibrations that can help them in their last spiritual journey.

Good wishes may be thoughts of encouragement and using qualities like supportiveness, courage or sympathy. Our love is expressed through good wishes. Don’t analyse the situation, just create the atmosphere. Become a detached observer – our heaviness is not helping the atmosphere.

Using our good qualities to help others Another aspect of good wishes is the change created by using our many good qualities. Some souls may be going through some phase of disheartenment but good wishes enable us to understand the sanskara of that soul and to help him. The soul at that time only needs some sort of encouragement – something that will help the soul to move ahead and to take another step.

If I don’t have good wishes then I’ll say oh! This soul is doing this and acting in such and such a way. What I’m doing what help I’m giving? Only my good wishes and support will help at that time. You must have realized yourself how, at some point in your spiritual progress, someone has helped you in an incognito way. With good wishes, the soul is protected from stagnancy, or whatever weaknesses the soul is influenced by. And that is what is most needed among each other. Some may say you are supporting that soul.

For example, once a senior brother made a big mistake. So many of us told Dadi why are you giving so much love to the soul who had made such big mistake. And Dadi replied: “I am intentionally giving him so much love so that he can forget that mistake. With so much love from Dadi, the soul does not become distant. The soul needs a lot of love to come out of the situation. Many souls have deeper realization and then they can stay closer to the yagya. All of us experience some conflict or test at some point or other, but if I’m not helping with good wishes what kind of a relation or sympathy do I have? We should never be judgemental.

Giving from Baba as an instrument for Baba At this time, the intellect of the soul is rajoguni, but I have to be great – my drishti must be very loving and uplift other souls. Why are BKs not able to give constantly? This is because they don’t give from what they are receiving from God. Remember it’s not only your love that you are giving but Baba’s love. You are not giving personally to that soul. It is Baba who is giving.

Everything is happening through Baba’s remembrance. Baba heard the call of the soul and responded through you. You are just an instrument. When I’m giving only what I’ve received from Baba – then there is no meekness. Just be a being of love of that quality which enables others to receive from you when they come into your contact or company. Good wishes involve remembrance of Baba and then there is receiving and sharing in an unlimited way.

Suraj Bhai – Being a Constant Donor (23-02-07) 19  True Donation  Serving as an Angel  Techniques for solving problems

True Donation This entire world needs our vibrations. All souls of the world are looking towards us for good vibrations. Even nature needs purity from us because the strength of nature is purity. So today, we will discuss how to give constantly, that is how to become a great constant donor.

We are great souls in the world. We are master almighty authority souls. We are worship worthy gods and goddesses. We are ancestor souls. Baba has chosen us in order to bring benefit to the world. As we know, first He gives us the donation of knowledge. This is known as the greatest donation in the world. To give knowledge to others, to give right guidance to others – is a great deed of charity.  Donate virtues to others;  donate powers to others;  donate purity to others.

How can we donate this to others? The simple method is being virtuous, and then others will learn virtues from us. We live in this world, live a householder's life and go to our jobs. We act as responsible persons, but if people also notice that we are very light, and very happy in our interactions, and that we enjoy our life, then they will learn how to enjoy life, and keep themselves happy all the time. But if we get tense like them, they will not learn. Our inspirations become the best teachers for others. We have to teach through our practical life. This is how to donate virtues to others.

Suppose we are sick and our body is ill. But we are not crying we are just normal. Pain is there but our face does not reflect the pain. We are in silence. Sometimes we are happy too that Baba has given us the opportunity to remain in solitude. When people look at us, they will think what a wonderful person he is. He is sick but he is so happy. It will teach them how to remain bold. This is a very important thing for others.

When we face problems then we have to pass through different obstacles. If people see us in an unshakeable stage, they will appreciate our knowledge then they will appreciate our stage. They will not lose their happiness and peace when they have to pass through problems. Our practical life becomes the best teacher. We have to show everything through practical life. Another very important thing is to give good vibrations to the world. Give vibrations of peace, purity and might. If you become constant great donors, your life will become free from obstacles. You need not do anything else in your life. This practice of donating constantly will make you spiritual in your in life. How can I do this? What can I do? Let us make a practical programme. There is a very significant version from sakar murli, “if you become great donors this practice will make you great donors, free from obstacles”.

Practices for becoming a great donor:

1. First practice: See others as a soul, it means you give current to that soul. So if our drishti goes to the soul, it means we give them vibrations. We can do this constant service. This is a soul, this is a soul. All are souls. Vibrations will go to them. This is a natural practice of donating. In our spiritual life, seeing souls in everyone’s forehead is very great and easy tapasya. It can be done in a natural way.

2. Second practice: give others pure vibrations, this helps increase the practice of purity. If we give pure vibrations, our purity increases day by day. So do both these practices.

How to serve as angels and donate pure vibrations We are angels – how are these bodily angels created? They have exactly the same organs, the same features but are in a subtle body. We must be very clear in our mind. Our constant energy spreads in our whole body all the time, and it makes up the subtle body. According to the quality of thoughts, it forms colours also – if thoughts are very powerful, the colour is red. If thoughts are very pure, the colour is white. Angels are shown in white colour. The soul is sitting in two bodies, physical and subtle.

We can practice separating these two bodies. Have a thought – just now do this practice: “this gross body has disappeared and now I the soul am sitting in the body of light”. This is a very good practice to improve the angelic stage, double light stage. Visualize I am sitting in the body of light. I am free from the bondage of this gross body. Now I can fly to the subtle world and soul world.

Ways to concentrate and serve through your angelic body and give vibrations through the subtle body 20 Think that you are an angel. Keep names of 10 countries or 10 cities in your mind.

I am in the sky over Japan… I am the angel of purity … giving pure vibrations to all people of Japan. Do this for some time. For one minute. Now I go over Germany. I am the angel of peace. Giving vibrations of peace down to Germany. Go over the third, fourth …. tenth country - it will become like a game. If you do it constantly everyday, you can fix up the timing, so that for 10 minutes, or for 20 minutes I’ll be an angel giving vibrations.

When people recognize you as an angel they will come to you. They will have love and respect for you. This is the best kind of service to the world. Government, medical science can give so many things to people. But what Baba’s children can give them no one else can give.

Visualize your perfect form Visualize … just now do this practice. See up above the sky …. My perfect angelic form is standing there…. Gradually and gradually …. It is coming down towards me and it merges within me… You can enjoy this practice very much.

You can see this is my perfect form, full of purity. I am master of Nature. From pure vibrations are going out to Nature. All the five elements are receiving pure vibrations from me and they are becoming pure. Everyday, once in a day, visualize your perfect form in the sky … this is me… just for a minute. Visualize again your perfect form in the sky; merge your perfect form within you…. (meditation practice in silence for 1 minute)

This visualization technique makes our tapasya easy. Because anything that we visualize its vibrations come to us. If we visualize our perfect form its perfect vibrations, fast vibrations will come to us. Then we will enjoy it. For this Baba has mentioned, invoke your perfect form. Have a clear vision in front of you. If sometimes it’s hard to visualize in space … visualize it on the wall. It will help us to do constant service to the world. If we are full, we can donate to the world. If we are empty, people will not experience anything.

The entire world needs my vibrations You can experience this …this entire world needs my vibrations. In a day, 10 times bring this thought in your mind. All souls of this world require good vibrations since they are in sorrow. Internally they are unhappy, full of tension. Our vibrations can pull them out their peacelessness and tension. There is the experience of thousands of persons who do not know knowledge. They share their experience that someone has pulled out their tension and worry. It is the effect of our pure vibrations.

When souls come here, their old, heavy vibrations are finished. They will experience that someone has removed their sorrow. Suppose someone has a very big problem. We give him the vibrations of might. He will experience that all of a sudden that his problem has been solved. Without doing anything the right solution will come to his mind. This will be a great kind of service to the world. Give him vibrations of might and automatically his problems will be solved. This will be the effect of our vibrations.

Techniques for solving problems We are all ancestors. A very great thing Baba has mentioned in murli: “you are ancestors, the effect of your charitable deeds go to thousands of souls of all religions”. You will achieve many fruits, multi-million times fruits by this practise. This is because all the souls of the world will get benefit from that. In sakar murli, I loved this version: “The children who remember me 8 hours a day are my most helpful children because they spread the vibrations of peace, purity and might in the world. If we want to become helpful, co-operative to God, we must spread good vibrations to the whole world. What we give to others will come back to us, multiplied many times. If we give peace to others, we’ll experience peace. If we give pure vibrations to others, it will come back to us. Our purity will become natural. Make a vision of yourself that:

I am an ancestor soul. This kalpa tree is an inverted tree, I am sitting on top of that tree ... at the roots…. from Baba, the vibrations are coming to me and spreading to the whole kalpa tree.

This is one very simple yukti to do world service. For one minute, let us give vibrations of might to the world, to all souls of all religions. Be an angel and sit on the top of the Kalpa Tree or at the roots of the kalpa tree. Feel that vibrations of might are coming down to me from the Almighty. I am receiving vibrations from Almighty…. These vibrations are going down to the entire Kalpa Tree. (Silence)

I am a master almighty soul 21 Once in an Avyakt murli Baba clarified this point. Children asked Baba to give us might. Baba said that I have already given you all of my powers. Accept it. Let us sit in this consciousness for 1 minute …. Let the thought enter your mind 10 times, Baba has given me all the powers. (Meditation practice in silence)

We all are very powerful; we just have to deeply accept it. We Brahmins sometimes we do not accept our powers. A person who can become pure, who can become celibate is the most powerful person in the world. People have said that it is easier to conquer a powerful army than to conquer the biggest enemy of the soul. Baba has made this possible. Those who have achieved this are the most powerful souls in the world. “I am the most powerful soul in the world.” The one who can conquer sex lust can conquer anger, greed, ego, attachment, jealousy and so on in this world. Power of celibacy, power of purity is the biggest power in the whole kalpa.

While going to your job, while sitting in your office, going anywhere, remain in this feeling that I am a master almighty, from each part of my body; vibrations of might are spreading out to the world. Automatically pure vibrations will be going to the world. When you stay in this consciousness, automatically pure vibrations will go to the world. This is a constant and natural service to the world. You have to become master in these two things. (I) I am master almighty, (II) I am an angel of purity.

If you can do this in your lokik life four times a day, 10 minutes each time. If you can manage that, you can give vibrations to the world.  Once in the morning,  Second time at night,  Third time before going to job,  Fourth time when you come back from work. Then you will experience that life will become easy. You will not need to do anything else. If thoughts are at a minimum for the whole day, if the speed of mind is slow for the whole day, our efficiency becomes double. Otherwise, do this 10 times more. If your stage is refined, your mind is free from all kind of disturbances, and then what we want to create in our mind becomes easy. There is no need to suppress the mind.

Keep giving these thoughts to your mind. Many problems will end. If our mind is silent, life becomes easy. You will not have to face problems in life. There will be an aura around you. With the effect of this aura, problems will go away. How can you manage in your routine in order to give vibrations to the world four times?

Sitting on top of the Globe Think that I am sitting on top of the Globe…. Almighty is here… Canopy of protection is over my head. Enjoy for some moments. I am sitting under the canopy of God. Vibrations are coming from me into the whole world. Sit in this feeling: I am an angel of might, master almighty…sitting on the top of Globe…. The Almighty Authority has become canopy over my head. From me vibrations of might in red colours are going to the world… (Silence for three minutes)

Giving vibrations to devotees This way we can also give the vibrations of peace. Have you seen in India some temples of goddesses? Make a vision: I am the goddess with eight arms… I am sitting in the place of that statue. Thousands of devotees are standing in front of me. They have come to me with different desires in their mind. They are asking “oh goddess give me peace, give me divine intellect, oh goddess give me powers to face problems. Listen to their call. Do this practice: Imagine that from me a focussed beam of light is coming and going to them. From me vibrations are going towards them and all their desires are being fulfilled … their problems are ending.

If you are unable to create such vision, stand on the terrace and feel that powerful vibrations are going from me towards people. Sorrowful people are receiving happiness from me; peaceless souls are receiving peace from me. Weak souls are receiving powers from me. Change your side, now turn towards the east, feel that souls are receiving vibrations from me. Vibrations are going southwards. Then turn towards the western side. Feel that pure vibrations are going towards these souls. Make this become a game, you’ll enjoy it.

Just now for 1 minute do this visualization: “I am a goddess with 8 arms…. I am in the temple…. In front of me there are thousands of devotees… from me rays are going to them….”

Serving the Five Elements Another very interesting vision: 22 I am angel, sitting on a lotus flower, and this lotus flower is floating on the ocean…. From there I am giving pure vibrations to water…. I am moving and giving pure vibrations to entire water of the world….

The five elements have sustained our 84 lives. We have taken full sustenance from nature and now we have to sustain nature. Give pure vibrations to nature. At the time of destruction, nature will protect our lives. Donate your life; surrender your life for this service. Make your routine very easy. Make your mind become slow, not fast. Manage few things. Suppose you have to prepare food for half and hour, do not become cooking conscious. At the time of cooking, keep giving pure vibrations to nature. Nature will be receiving pure vibrations from you.

Making a plan of how to spread good wishes While going out, on a journey, feel that vibrations are coming out of me and spreading in the whole world. Make a plan of how you can best live your life. Suppose you have to clean your house, you have to wash clothes, do just one practice. Spread vibrations of good wishes and pure thoughts to nature and people of the whole world.

Talk to nature: “Oh nature, you have been so nice to me throughout the whole cycle, you are like my mother, you have looked after me so well, you have given me food, clothes, and a house. I am grateful to you. Talk to people: “Oh, you are all my brothers and sisters. I love you. Recognize your Father…. Now come to Him.

Talk to them in this way. Give your good feelings. Be great donor, be pure, be happy. This is a good way to give good feelings, to nature, to all souls of this world. Great fruit for this service will come to you. Let us now sit in one feeling that I am master Almighty. From Almighty Baba, rays of might, a fountain of might are coming down to me. (meditation).


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