But Cursed Be the Deceiver, Which Hath in His Flock a Male, and Voweth, and Sacrificeth

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But Cursed Be the Deceiver, Which Hath in His Flock a Male, and Voweth, and Sacrificeth

“But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of host, and my name is dreadful (to be feared) among the heathen.” Malachi 1:14

I find it to be so interesting how the things of the world get into our heads and muddle our thinking or opinion about our wonderful Lord and Savior. Malachi, was dealing with just such a situation in his letter to the Jews. They had rebuilt the Temple and the city of Jerusalem but not the relationship with their God. In fact they had let the things of the world distort their idea of their obligation to God. That’s how it works! If the world can become important enough to us, we can then forget the significance of the person we serve. My sweet friends, God is still the same today as He was in B.C. 397. Here is the reality of the verse above: If we fail to recognize who God is and fail to give Him the priority in our life that He demands of His children, we will soon learn what He means when He says, “My Name will be feared…” His great arms of love will not embrace that which is evil or corrupt.

Wow, just look at the calendar for October. Just when you think things are going to slow down, it really begins to pick up. We have our new bus-thank you. The 10th of October, the Baptist men are sponsoring a field trip to Jaars for a really fun and informative day at a great mission facility. The 11th of October we will be dedicating our Christmas gift boxes for El Salvador-11th of October. On the 18th right after Sunday morning service our Baptist men and anyone else who wants to help will be processing all the clothes and gift boxes and loading them in a trailer for shipment to El Salvador via Mississippi. Bunches and bunches of other stuff will be going on as well, not the least of which is our Saturday morning outreach. Folks, we still have almost 6,000 people within 3 miles of our church who have not been invited to church yet. Isn’t it such a wonderful privilege to be able to be a part of such a fantastic, awesome, church and serve such a great and loving God? “Yep, it shore is!” Pastor Homer

It’s time again for the Fall Festival, Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We will have games, a cake walk, free hot dogs and lots and lots of candy!! If you have any ideas for new games please see Gary Williams. We will need door prizes, if you can help with this it would be appreciated. There will be a sign up sheet posted for anyone willing to help with the games. We will need lots and lots of candy!! There will be a container for the candy in the Sunday School building and in the vestiblue. Our Fall Festival has always been a great success, we need everyone’s help to continue this outreach for our church.

The Senior Adult Ministry will be meeting Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center. “Bubba” will be ministering to the group through gospel song and music. Bubba is a regular at the Assisted Living Centers and at the Nursing Homes in the area. The cost is $5.00 at the door. There will be a devotional time and the meal will be served at 11:30 a.m. Invite a friend or neighbor and join SAM’s for this special event.

The Friendship Bible Class will be traveling to Barber’s Orchard in Waynesville, NC, on Thursday, October 15, 2015. This is an annual trip to the NC mountains to purchase apples, winter squash, cabbage, sweet potatoes, honey and of course the fresh, hot, apple turnovers from the bakery! Ah- h fall is in the air!

Jaars is truly one of the most effective Christian Ministries in the world today and they are located very close to us. The Baptist Men of CCBC are sponsoring a “field trip” to their home base on October 10th, leaving the church at 8:00 a.m.(on the new bus). There will be multimedia presentations on their world wide work. Rides in their mission planes, helicopters and all terrain vehicles, food and other activities. We will learn a lot and have lots of fun. Make you plans.

We are collecting socks for men and women, tooth brushes and tooth paste for a Christmas bag for our nursing home friends. The basket is in the foyer. We need to fill 70 Christmas bags.

This year instead of sending shoe boxes to Samaritan's Purse, we are sending Christmas Joy boxes to El Salvador through Touch the World Ministries. Another big difference is that our deadline is Oct 11th. We need to have them by then so we will have time to get them to El Salvador. There is a list in the vestibule for any one that needs one that tells what to include in the boxes.

Hinson Girls in Concert Sunday October 25th at 6:30

Features this month:Nothing But The Blood by Bailey E. Smith, Powerful Messages on The Death of Christ The Roach Approach by Bruce Barry

A Fun DVD to watch based on the adventures of David and Goliath. A great way to teach children that God is always with you.

Awana October Special Events: Pastor Night, October 11th

BARF Night (Bring A Real Friend), October 25th

Wow! We had a great time at our last meeting. There were quite a few upcoming activities that we discussed, one of which includes our men leading out in a great time of loading the trucks for our mission dolls and other items, likely 60 boxes in all, on Sunday after the morning service, October 18th! We plan on having a hot dog lunch, so come join us for a great time of fellowship and sharing in ministry! Other exciting events are in the works, so we urge all men interested in “seeking to become all that God would have us to be so we can do what God wants us to do”, to join us! That’s our new mission statement by the way, as we talked about how we as Christian men realize that before we do anything for God we need to be what He wants, and that comes as we spend time with our beloved Savior. We have a great time together in fellowship under the things of Christ and it would be a joy to have more men and boys to be a part of what God is doing though Clear Creek Baptist Men!--David Wyatt

I just love this fresh crisp October weather!!!! Fall is my favorite time of year with opportunities for hayrides, bonfires, wiener roasts, corn mazes etc. We are also presented with loads of ministry opportunities. First of all, I want to extend a big thank you to all the ladies and gentlemen who helped out with the mission dolls. God enabled us to make 500 dolls!!! Praise the Lord!!!! Another opportunity is the Christmas Joy Boxes. There will be a list of needed items in the bulletin this Sunday. We will also have labels available to put on the boxes as to whether it is for a boy or a girl and what age the gift is appropriate. We want to make sure every child who shows up at the events in El Salvador will receive a box and a mission doll. Those will be the only presents these children will receive this Christmas. We are also still collecting clothes for conquerors. We still need children's clothes. Everything going to El Salvador is due by October 11th so these items will be there by the time Pastor Homer and his team get there to distribute them. Again, thank you to all who contribute to this much needed ministry. God Bless each of you. Another project is to make gift baskets for people in the nursing home. We are collecting socks, toothbrushes and toothpaste at this point. As the weeks progress, we will also collect combs, liquid body wash, liquid hand soap, powder and unscented lotion. We will let you know when we are collecting each item. Please put nursing home items in the hamper in the vestibule. We want to be a blessing to those folks as well as those in El Salvador. Our next meeting will be October 27th. This will be a working meeting in which we will help get the Family Life Center ready for the Fall Festival. Let's keep all these projects much in prayer that souls will won to Christ through these endeavors. Jody

A definition of worship-----Worship is the act and attitude of wholeheartedly giving yourself to God---- heart, soul, mind and body. We need to be aware of who our audience is when we worship in song on Sunday's. Each person attending service is a performer of worship, and God is our audience. We are singing for God, he is the object of our praise. God is our "Audience of One" and we as the congregation, as we sing praises to Him, are the performers.

There are two biblical essentials of worship. Essentials in worship refer to those aspects of worship that God requires-- the non-negotiables. These principles apply to worship whether you consider your church contemporary or traditional, young or old, large or small, or whatever.

Essential #1--- It is Essential that We Worship in Spirit & in Truth. John 4:23-24 says "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.

Essential # 2 -----It is Essential that we Worship with the Totality of our being. The Bible says in Mark 12:30 " Love the Lord you God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." If we love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, we will worship God accordingly. " Halfhearted worship reflects halfhearted love."

As we come to church on Sunday's we always look forward to hearing God's word through the message by Pastor Murdock. We also have the opportunity in our corporate worship time for each of us to express to God our deep love, gratitude, appreciation for all He has done for us. That is our time to give to God, as our "Audience of One" the praise, honor and glory He deserves through song. Tim

3-Mary Beth Briggs, Connie Black, Noah Black 11-Pat Headen, Randy Williams 12-Stacy Ferguson 20-Kenneth Hartsell, Grady Mullis 23-Darlene Cooper 26-Abigail Terrell October is Pastor Appreciation Month The 11th will be a special dinner following the morning worship. Take an opportunity this month to let Pastor Homer and Barbara how much you love them and appreciate their ministry among us!

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