Sustainable Energy Management - Appendix 2

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Sustainable Energy Management - Appendix 2





D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0170406439d60d1cbb6c628822c19e16.doc OBJECTIVE Action Who When How


OBJECTIVE ACTION Who When How Develop overarching Develop a strategy to transform the pledge in the Strategy April 2008 Through this strategy Nottingham Declaration into action across all aspects Directorate strategy & action of estate management, service delivery and plan community leadership. Inform & engage all Councillors and Service Units to Strategy April 2008 Seminars discuss this strategy and action plan for sustainable Directorate energy management. Approve this strategy and action plan. Strategy June 2008 Report to Cabinet Directorate Incorporate targets for NPI 186 (per capita CO2 Strategy April 2008 With the partners emissions for Poole) and for NPI 185 (CO2 reduction Directorate in the LSP’s from the Council’s operations) into the Local Area Strategic Environment Agreement. Planning partnership


Service Unit commitment Engage all Units in thinking about, planning and Strategy 2008/9 Ask units to delivering improvements to sustainable energy Directorate nominate a lead management including the actions in this plan. officer.

Senior representatives from Units who deal with Strategy 2008/9 A series of sustainable energy issues to meet regularly to ensure Directorate seminars & awareness of decisions made in other Units that affect briefings. their own.

Energy efficient economy Encourage businesses to apply good practice in Economic 2008/9 Through the energy management. Development Dorset Business Environmental Excellence Awards D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0170406439d60d1cbb6c628822c19e16.doc OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Promote the Energy Saving Trust’s free Green Fleet Communications 2008/9 Include in Review service to local businesses. Business Brief

Encourage businesses in the town centre to reduce Poole Town 2008/9 Discus with the their carbon footprint and manage energy sustainably. Centre TCMB Management Increase the take up of energy saving advice by Poole Economic 2008/9 Promote advice & businesses. (Consider monitoring their energy usage Development information to provide benchmarking at a later stage). Team

Integrate sustainable energy in the Poole bridge Regeneration 2008/9 Implement SPG regeneration scheme. Team for regeneration scheme Set targets and a timeframe for reducing car Transportation 2008/9 Through the LTP dependency, increasing use of public transport, Services and and increasing cycling and walking Transportation Strategy Energy efficient Council Raise the average SAP of PHP’s stock by several PHP 2008/9 Develop an housing points to at least 75 and the minimum SAP to 60, action plan prioritising the poorest performing housing. (Based on SAP 2005)

Ensure PHP properties database is updated annually PHP 2008/9 Develop an with information on improvements to heating and action plan insulation standards. Information in this database to be used to set targets for sustainable energy in the council’s own stock.

Provide training & advice for tenants and staff. PHP 2008/9 Develop an Introduce a system to record and monitor this advice. action plan Consider establishing a group of tenants to provide advice to others regarding energy efficiency.

4 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Ensure that fuel poverty is considered when allocating Housing & 2008/9 Review existing properties to tenants Community allocations policy Services

Consider the installation of a renewable energy PHP 2008/9 Research and scheme in part of the Council’s housing stock with E&CPS develop the advice from Regen South West. Financial business case Services Energy efficient affordable Strengthen partnerships with RSLs to be able to Housing & 2008/9 Include in housing obtain energy ratings and data for HECA returns to Community selection of give an overall picture of the social housing stock. Services preferred partners Consider setting up joint energy efficiency schemes to help achieve minimum standards across all social housing.

Energy efficient private Use Energy Performance Certificates within Home E&CPS 2008/9 Officers trained sector housing Information Packs to promote energy efficiency to and follow best householders. practice

Raise householders’ Work with the Dorset Energy Efficiency Advice Centre Housing & 2008/9 Assess awareness about (DEAC) and with the emerging Energy Saving Trust Community contribution that sustainable energy advice centre for the region to carry out joint Services can be made. promotional activities.

Support front-line staff in energy efficiency advice and Housing & 2008/9 Provision of signposting, so that they are able to identify potential Community robust advice energy efficiency and fuel poverty issues during home Services providers network visits and refer them back to the council.

The energy advice service to conform to the Code of Practice for Domestic Energy Efficiency Advice. Implement a system of tracking the effectiveness of advice given. 5 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Engage and train volunteers to be Carbon Community Housing 2008/09 Community Champions and to encourage local communities to &Community Development reduce their carbon footprint and monitor energy use. and Strategic Partnership Raise awareness about Introduce a specific programme for promoting Housing & 2009/10 Community sustainable energy sustainable energy to minority communities Community Forums amongst vulnerable Private Sector groups Housing Policy Set up an advice providers' network through the Adult Social 2008/9 May need some Health Partnership and ensure that this is a proactive Services pump priming. referral network so that referrals can be made by Commissioning social care to energy agencies.

Set aside part of the social care budget for energy Adult Social 2008/9 Integrate advice advice to social care clients including i.e. how to cut Services on energy into heating bills, gain personalised energy advice and Commissioning services obtain grants commissioned for social care clients The Supporting People programme should ensure Adult Social 2008/9 TBC that energy advice is integrated with existing services Services & staff are trained to do this. Commissioning

Energy education for Encourage schools to undertake energy education as CYP Services – 2008/09 and Advice to school children and young people part of their routine activities e.g. learning from the Strategy, Quality on-going schools through introduction of solar panels in schools. Energy & Improvement curriculum education is taught within the science curriculum and consultants and climate change within the geography curriculum. advisers and Many schools take part in energy initiatives, such as from advice and solar panels and monitoring levels of energy use. information on the Asset Management DfES website. 6 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Raise staff awareness Raise awareness of all new staff about the Council’s Personnel & 2008/9 Include in about sustainable energy strategy & action plan. Training induction

Detailed training to be given to all staff in housing, Specific Service planning and building control. Units & PHP

Frontline staff who visit tenants to be aware of issues associated with poor energy efficiency and to provide advice or refer the tenants to the relevant staff within the council. Sustainable energy in new Introduce specific sustainable energy policies within Strategic 2009/10 Include in Core buildings the Local Development Framework (LDF) which go Planning Strategy beyond current Building Regulations (for example, a 20 per cent target for renewables or combined heat and power (CHP) in new build, or Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes).

Introduce a policy to ensure that new housing stock to Strategic 2009/10 Include in Core be built is designed to be carbon neutral. Planning Strategy. Phase in over time. Use planning system to encourage improved Strategic 2009/10 Include in Core standards in existing as well as new dwellings Planning Strategy. Phase in over time. Ensure that Service Units work together to implement Strategic 2008/9 Set up a cross policies on sustainable energy. Planning Service Unit Planning Design working group & Control Building Consultancy Promote sustainable energy to all those applying for Building 2009/10 Develop & building control approval. Consultancy promote information & train staff.

7 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

3. DEVELOP OUR CAPACITY TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS FROM OUR OWN ESTATE OF BUILDINGS AND VEHICLES AND IMPLEMENT QUICK WINS Energy management Commit to and undertake the Local Authority Carbon Strategy April 2008 – Integrate with Management Programme in partnership with the Directorate & March 2009 asset Carbon Trust. Property management Services process This will include assigning energy costs to Units or buildings based on actual use; setting targets for energy reduction and training staff to use less energy; prioritising energy efficiency investments in existing buildings and using forecast price rises when calculating payback periods.

Implement the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Property 2008/9 Train staff and Directive offering better information on energy Services apply policy performance certificates Schools energy Provide support and guidance on energy CYP Services – 2008/9 Asset management management to school head teachers and caretakers. Strategy, Quality management & Improvement process. Site Managers Signposting to ad-hoc grant funding & DCSF advice. 2008/9 and Conference Governors exposed to sustainable energy ongoing management advice and signposting to appropriate Poole Governors information sources and grant funding; awareness of Forum/ related conferences & training

Vehicle fleet management Seek a Green Fleet Review and consider its E & CPS 2008/9 Application to the recommendations. Energy Saving Trust. Procurement Introduce procurement policies that ensure Financial 2008/9 Refresh sustainable energy is maximised, including minimum Services corporate energy efficiency standards in the procurement of procurement electrical goods. strategy 8 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Staff travel Introduce a travel plan focusing on commuting and Personnel & 2009/10 Refresh travel business use. Work with public transport providers to Training plan ensure that, where possible, public transport provision Transportation is convenient for staff. Services


Community leadership Create and Environment Partnership bringing together Strategy January 2008 Under the representatives from the Council with people Directorate umbrella of the form the public, private and voluntary sector Strategic LSP organisations in Poole. Planning

Ensure that energy/climate change is identified as a Strategy 2008/9 Sustainable priority issue in Poole’s Sustainable Community Directorate environment is a Strategy and is linked to an action plan. Strategic LSP priority Planning Work with the LSPs in both Poole and Bournemouth Strategic April 2008 Conference on to raise awareness in the public, private and voluntary Planning 2nd April 2008 sectors about local action underway to reduce carbon emissions.

Engage the Environment Partnership in Strategy 2008/9 Regular meetings understanding Poole’s carbon footprint, setting a Directorate of the partnership target in the LAA for NPI 186 (per capita emissions in Strategic the Borough) and developing an action plan to Planning achieve this is in line with or exceeding legal national targets.

Develop and roll out a communications plan to explain Customer 2008/9 Seek resources the Council’s strategy and action plan both within the Services & to do this. authority as well as to partners, businesses and the Communications public. 9 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

Identify and encourage key council officers to join the Strategy 2008/9 Communication Energy Saving Trust’s community action for energy Directorate (CAfE) Service Units Promote Green tourism Undertake a shared campaign with Bournemouth Tourism 2008/9 Organise 2 x Tourism to encourage take up of the national Green Partnership workshops Tourism Business Scheme.

Develop ‘Green Tourism’ Pages within Tourism 2008/09 Programme in to highlight green operators. Partnership with web editor Tourism Officer to Lead on Sustainability issues Tourism 2008/09 Assignment of Partnership role within current project officers work programme Develop a sustainable Tourism Charter with Tourism 2008/09 Via joint tourism Bournemouth Tourism and SW Tourism for Partnership management consumers and the industry boards

Promote local walks and cycle routes for visitors. Tourism 2009/10 Seeking of Produce guides to encourage people to have car free Partnership commercial itineraries sponsorship

Research into the future impacts of global warming on Tourism 2008/09 Seek funding bid tourism Partnership from SW Tourism Proposal for the research has been prepared by Prof. / SWRDA John Fletcher, Bournemouth University.


10 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How

The Cabinet has agreed to review the MTFP in the summer of 2008 with a view aligning it to cope with the financial pressures that face the authority in the coming 4 years and to ensure that resources are allocated to the Council’s priorities. The Energy Saving Trust recommended the actions listed here. They are presented so that they can be considered as part of the review. Inclusion here does not imply that they will be funded.

Energy management Consider allocating staff resources to energy management including allocating 10% of the council’s total energy expenditure (£2.8 million in 2006/7) to be spent on energy efficiency. Consider proposal that financial savings from energy efficiency measures should be reinvested in further energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

Community leadership Consider allocating resources to supporting the LSP’s Environment Partnership in negotiating a target for NPI 186 (per capita CO2 emissions) with the GOSW and partners as well as developing an action plan and delivering it.

Community engagement Consider allocating resources to awareness raising with the community; to consultations to produce a community wide action plan linked with wider work on education and behavioural change and to enable the Council to encourage community led action on energy

Information management Consider allocating resources to put in place a cross-council system for gathering data relating to carbon emissions and sustainable energy management (including energy use in the council’s estate, the energy efficiency of public and private sector housing stock, planning applications relating to the use of micro- generation etc)

Attracting funds from Consider allocating resources to introduce a proactive programme to secure external funding. other sources More efficient energy use Consider allocating resources to introduce a programme of marketing sustainable energy measures to private in private housing sector householders including national grant schemes such as the Low Carbon Building Programme and benchmarking progress in terms of referrals to these programmes against national figures.

Consider allocating resources to setting up a bulk discount, grant or loan scheme to encourage private sector householders to invest in sustainable energy.

Advice & information for Consider allocating resources to assess the business case for setting up a one-stop shop approach to 11 OBJECTIVE Action Who When How residents and businesses signposting, to maximise the take up of available grants and schemes to householders. This could include the proactive promotion of a wide range of funds including the Low Carbon Building Programme.

Consider allocating resources to supporting the new regional Energy Saving Trust advice centre for the region in carrying out promotional initiatives.

Staff travel Consider appointing a travel co-ordinator to develop the travel plan for staff and put all of these recommendations into place


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