Competitor No : Name : NF : Horse
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Event : ______Date :______Judge :______Position
Competitor No : _____ Name :______NF :_____ Horse : ______
Time: 5.30 min (for information only) Minimum age of horse : 6 years k n r t o a i n t e m c i
Test l Directive ideas Remarks k e c r i r a s f r f a n k o i r e M F a C o C M 1. A Enter in working trot 1 The entry. The X Halt - immobility - salute 0 straightness, the Proceed in collected trot activity. The immobility. The transitions.
2. C Track to the right 1 2 The balance, angle, MB Shoulder-in right 0 bend and regularity.
3. BX Half circle right 10 m 1 The bend, balance and 0 rhythm. Fluency in the XE Half circle left 10 m change of direction.
4. EK Travers 1 2 The balance, angle, 0 bend and regularity.
5. FM Medium trot 1 The lengthening of the 0 frame and steps, the MH Collected trot regularity
6. 1 Maintenance of the Transitions at F and M, the trot 0 rhythm, fluency, precise between M and H and smooth execution of transitions, change of frame
7. HE Shoulder-in left 1 2 The balance, angle, 0 bend and regularity
8. EX Half circle left 10 m. 1 The bend, balance and 0 rhythm. Fluency in the XB Half circle right 10 m change of direction.
9. BF Travers 1 2 The angle, bend and 0 regularity.
10. KH Medium trot 1 The lengthening of the 0 frame and steps, the transitions. HR Collected trot The regularity of the steps
11. The transitions at K and H 1 Maintenance of the 0 rhythm, fluency, precise The trot between H and R and smooth execution of transitions, change of frame
12. R Medium walk. 1 2 The regularity, activity Betwee Collect the walk and half working 0 and correctness of the n R&B pirouette (1-3 m) to the right, steps, the bend. then medium Walk
13. RS Half circle left 20 m in extended 1 2 The lengthening of the walk 0 frame and stride. The regularity.
14. S Medium walk. 1 2 The regularity, activity Betwee Collect the walk and half working 0 and correctness of the n S&E pirouette (1-3 m) to the left, then steps, the bend medium walk
15. H Proceed in working canter right 1 The straightness, the WCHA-D-MEDIUM-2011 page 1 MEDIUM TEST
Competitor No : _____Name :______NF :______Horse : ______k n r t o a i n t e m c i
Test l Directive ideas Remarks k e c r i r a s f r f a n k o i r e M F a C o C M HC 0 transition Collected canter
16. C Serpentine 3 loops, the first and 1 The regularity and quality last in true canter, the second in 0 of the canter. The counter canter balance, bend and keeping the hind quarters in line with the front legs in the curves.
17. KB Change rein with a simple change 10 2 The straightness, the of leg near L balance and ease of the transitions the quality of the walk 18. RS Half circle left 20 m. While 1 2 Maintaining the horse’s crossing the centre line give and 0 attitude during the retake the reins for a short release of the reins. moment 19 SK Medium canter 1 Groundcover, transition K Collected canter 0 and straightness. 20. The transitions at S and K Maintenance of the rhythm, fluency, precise and smooth execution of transitions, change of frame 21. AC Serpentine 3 loops, the first and 1 The regularity and quality last in true canter, the second in 0 of the canter. The counter canter balance, bend and keeping the hind quarters in line with the front legs in the curves. 22. HB Change rein with a simple change 1 2 The straightness, the of leg near I 0 balance and ease of the transitions. the quality of the walk 23. P Collected trot 1 The transition. 0
24. A Down centre line 1 The straightness, the X Halt - immobility - salute 0 transition. The halt. Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein
3 Total 4 0
Collective mark 1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 1 1 0 General Remarks: 2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, 1 elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the 1 0 back and engagement of the hind quarters) 3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of the 1 2 movements; acceptance of the bridle and 0 lightness of the forehand) 4. Rider’s position and seat; correctness and 1 2 effect of the aids 0
Total 40 0
Competitor No : _____Name :______NF :______Horse : ______
To be deducted / penalty points 1st Error = 2 points 2nd Error = 4 points 3rd Error = Elimination List of errors and omissions, see Annex “Errors”
Organisers : Signature of Judge : (exact address)
Edition 2011 © Fédération Equestre Internationale Reproduction strictly reserved
WCHA-D-MEDIUM-2011 - page 3