5 minutes with UAA Rookie of the Year Jaime Capra By Danny Katzman

Danny Katzman: What is the typical day of Jaime Capra like? Jaime Capra: Locking myself in Cable 303 with Kiersten [Holgash] and eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream from the c-store. DK: You live quite a life.

DK: If you describe yourself in one word, what would it be? JC: I don’t know. Danny, how would you describe me? DK: That’s more than one word JC: Outgoing DK: Perfect

DK: Kiersten Holgash, roommate of Jaime, in one word, how would you describe your roommate? Kiersten Holgash: Confident. That’s why she’s a good basketball player and such an outgoing person. DK: Good answer. Much better than Jaime’s.

DK: What is the best thing about playing college basketball at Brandeis? JC: The UAA [United Athletic Association] allows us to travel to places I’ve never been, but the best part is definitely the meal money.

DK: What is your best moment on a basketball court in your life? JC: Probably after I scored the basket to break the Old Bridge High School scoring record. They stopped the game for a while to honor the accomplishment. It was pretty cool.

DK: You’ve been playing basketball your whole life. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you on the court? JC: I swear to you that this is a true story. During an AAU [Amateur Athletic Union] game in ninth grade, I was dominating this girl and talking a little trash to her. So after the game, when we were shaking hands, I reached my hand out to shake her hand and all of a sudden she punched me right in the face. Before I knew what happened, this girl on my team jumped from the end of the line and tackled her right to the ground and they were wrestling on the ground for a few minutes. It was a classic moment.

DK: I’ve heard you were quite an athlete in high school; all-state in basketball, softball, and volleyball. What is your favorite sport? JC: Actually, my favorite sport is surfing. I want to be a pro surfer when I graduate. DK: Are you a good surfer? JC: Not really, but I will be after this summer. DK: Fair enough

DK: I’ve heard rumors that you are a Yankees fan. I bet this has been a tough year for you. JC: It most definitely has been a rough year since those guys [Red Sox] won this year, but I still sport the Yankees hat. I actually made a bet with a teammate during the Yankees/Red Sox American League Championship Series. The loser has to jump in the Massell Pond. I guess I’ll wait until it gets a little warmer out or hope she forgets.

DK: If you could play one on one with anyone in the world, who would it be? JC: No doubt. Justin Timberlake because I love him. DK: Who would win? JC: Who cares?


…movie: Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me and The Notebook. Don’t make me decide.

…superhero: Spiderman

…athlete: Kobe Bryant

…Carol Simon Moment: Early in the year, she was angry and picked up a cup of water and through it as hard as she could. She got a technical, and we all got a pretty good laugh after the game.

…member of the Men’s Basketball Team: That’s a tough one. I’d say Danny Katzman. (Good answer. I’d have to agree.)