Patrick Neil Malcolmson
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PATRICK NEIL MALCOLMSON 221 Edinburgh St. Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada E3B 2E1 (506) 452-0417 (w) (506) 457-1746 (h) [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae February, 2011
Ph.D. (Political Science) University of Toronto, 1992 Dissertation: "Judicial Statesmanship and the Rule of Law"
M.A. (Political Science) University of Alberta, 1984 Dissertation: "Nietzsche and the Problem of Historicism"
B.Ed. University of Alberta, 1977
2009 – 2011 Coordinator, Catholic Studies Programme, St. Thomas University
2008 – 2010 Vice-President (Academic), St. Thomas University
2009 – 2010 Acting Chair, Department of Religious Studies, St. Thomas University
2004 – 2007 Vice-President (Academic), St. Thomas University
2000 - 2004 Chair, New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
1999 - 2000 Assistant Vice-President (Academic), St. Thomas University
1998 - 2004 Chair, Department of Political Science, St. Thomas University
1998- 2001 Director, Human Rights Programme, St. Thomas University
1995 - 1997 Learning and Teaching Development Officer, St. Thomas University Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
1993 - 1994 Acting-Chair, Department of Political Science, St. Thomas University
1985 - 1987 Research Officer, Legislative Research Service of the Ontario Legislative Assembly
2007 (fall) Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas
1990 – Professor, Department of Political Science, St. Thomas University
PS 1006 Introduction to Government and Politics PS 1013 Introduction to the Study of Politics PS 1103 Law, Power and Canadian Politics PS 2006 Canadian Government and Politics PS 2723 Contemporary Political Writers PS 3133 Canadian Federalism and Regionalism PS 3103 Political Parties and Elections in Canada PS 3306 Government and Politics of the United States PS 3806 The Western Political Tradition PS 3813 Classical Political Philosophy PS 3823 Modern Political Philosophy PS 3973 Shakespeare and Politics PS 4913 Honours Thesis Proposal PS 4103 Seminar in Canadian Politics PS 4903 Capstone Seminar – Problems of Political Inquiry Aquinas Aquinas First Year Interdisciplinary Programme HMRT 3313 Philosophy of Human Rights HUM 1003 Introduction to the Humanities COOP 3003 Co-operative Leadership
1987-90 Lecturer, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
1987-88 Lecturer, Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta
SSHRC Special Research Grant (co-researcher with Dr. Sara MacDonald), 2002
St. Thomas University Excellence in Teaching Award, 2000
St. Thomas University Student Union Teaching Award, 2000
St. Thomas University Special Merit Award for Scholarship, 1997 Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 1983
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1980, 1982
University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1981
University of Alberta Graduate Fellowship, 1978
Province of Alberta Undergraduate Scholarship, 1977
The Canadian Regime 4th ed. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2009. Co-authored with Richard Myers.
The Place of Core Texts. Lanham: University Press of America, 2008. Co-editor with Darcy Wudel and J. Scott Lee.
Le Regime Politique Canadien. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2000. Co-authored with Richard Myers.
Liberal Education and Value Relativism: A Guide to Today's B.A. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996. Co-authored with Richard Myers and Colin O'Connell.
“Prudence and Glory: Machiavelli on Political Leadership” in Joseph Masciulli, Mikhail A. Molchanov, and W. Andy Knight eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Leadership. Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2009. Co-authored with Christine Cornell.
“Intent of the Founders” in The Encyclopaedia of the United States Constitution, 2-Volume Set. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009.
“Joseph Story” in The Encyclopaedia of the United States Constitution, 2-Volume Set. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009.
“The ‘Stupid’ Final Lines of Titus Andronicus” in The Review of English Studies 58(2007): 154 – 161. Co- authored with Christine Cornell.
“Plato’s Republic and the Teachable Moment” in Inventio: Creative Thinking about Teaching and Learning 6:1(Spring 2004). Co-authored with Christine Cornell.
“ The Matrix, Liberal Education, and other Splinters in the Mind” Humanitas 17:1&2(2004): 139-58. Co-authored with Christine Cornell. Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
“Administrative Discretion” in The Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Facts on File, 2003.
“Max Weber” in The Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Facts on File, 2003.
“Natural Law” in The Encyclopaedia of the Supreme Court. 3 vols. (Pasadena: Salem Press, 2000), 653-4.
Tommy Douglas” in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century World Leaders (Marshall Cavendish Pub., 1999), 420-422.
“ John Diefenbaker” in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century World Leaders (Marshall Cavendish Pub., 1999), 404-407.
“William Lyon Mackenzie King” in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century World Leaders (Marshall Cavendish Pub., 1999), 860-862.
“ Maurice Duplessis” in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century World Leaders (Marshall Cavendish Pub., 1999), 446-448.
“Karl Lowith” in Modern Germany: An Encyclopaedia of History, People and Culture, 1871-1990 (Hamden: Garland Publishing Inc., 1998), 613.
“Jonathan Swift” in Censorship. 3 vols. (Pasadena: Salem Press, 1997).
“John Dickinson” in the American National Biography (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).
“Natural Rights” in The Encyclopaedia of Civil Rights in America (M.E. Sharpe Press, 1997).
"The Sea Wolf: Nature Versus Morality" in Joseph Knippenburg and Peter Lawler eds. Poets, Princes, and Private Citizens. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.
"What is a University?" Teaching Voices 22 (1996):4-6.
"Pooled Ignorance, Talking Heads, and Socratic Dialectic." College Teaching 42 (Winter 1994): 2. Co- authored with Richard Myers.
"Debates: Techniques for Improving Student Thinking." The Teaching Professor 7 (March 1993): 6-7.
"Technology and Mother Earth: The Rousseauian Roots of the Debate" Journal of Dharma: An International Quarterly of World Religions 18 (June 1993): 162-73. Co-authored with Richard Myers.
"Two Cheers for the Leadership Convention." Policy Options 13 (December 1992): 24-25.
"Reflections on Canada's First Senate Election." Canadian Parliamentary Review 14 (Autumn 1991): 28-30.
"Province-State Legislative Relations." Canadian Parliamentary Review 10 (Autumn 1987): 10-12. Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
"The Selection of Party Leaders." Ontario Legislative Research Service, Research Review 21. Toronto: Ontario Legislative Library, 1986. ISSN 0715-9570.
“Finding the Mean in Henry Adams’ Democracy: A Novel” Co-authored with Dr. Richard Myers. A paper presented at the 16th Annual Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Conference in New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15-17, 2010.
“ Socratic Demagoguery” Co-authored with Dr. Richard Myers. A paper presented at the 15 th Annual Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Conference in Memphis, Tennessee, April 16-29, 2009.
“Nietzsche’s essay On the Use and Disadvantage of History: An Excellent Core Text” A paper presented at the 13th Annual Association of Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Conference in Willliamsburg, Virginia March 2007.
“ The Western as Core Text” A paper presented at the annual Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. April 2003.
“ Shakespeare’s Coriolanus and the Study of Politics” Co-authored with Dr. Christine Cornell. A paper presented at the Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association (APPSA) Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick. October 2002.
“Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus as a Core Text for Teaching Political Judgement” A paper presented at the ACTC Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, April 2002.
“The Image of the Ship in Plato’s Republic.” A paper presented at the ACTC Conference at University of Notre Dame, Indiana. April 2001.
“ Magnanimity and Prudence in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus.” Co-authored with Christine Cornell. A paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Studies Conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan. May 2001.
“ Plato and the Cultivation of Political Judgement.” A paper presented at the ACTC Conference in San Francisco, California, April 2000.
“Should Philosophy be taught at Universities?” A paper presented at the ACTC (Association for Core Texts and Courses) Conference in New Orleans, April 1999. Co-authored with Barry Craig, Department of Philosophy, St. Thomas University.
“Tocqueville on Liberal Education.” A paper presented at the CIRLA (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts) conference in Banff, Alberta. May 1996. Co-authored with Richard Myers.
“The Elements of Swift's Statesmanship.” A paper presented at the Irish Cultural Symposium, August 11-13, 1995 in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
“Reforming the Rebels: Protagoras' Socratic Education.” A paper presented at the September 1992 Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Co-authored with Richard Myers.
“A.V. Dicey's View of Individual Rights and the Rule of Law.” A paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association's Annual Meeting at Laval University, Quebec, June 1-3, 1989.
“Victorian Liberalism and American Government: The Statesmanship of A.V. Dicey.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Conference on British Studies, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 29-31, 1987.
“ An Overview of the Canadian Federal System.” A paper prepared for delegates to the 1985 Zavikon Conference on Federalism, Toronto, Ontario.
Rev. of The Clash of Rights: Liberty, Equality and Legitimacy in Pluralist Democracy. Paul Sniderman, Joseph Fletcher, Peter Russell, and Phillip Tetlock. American Political Science Review 92(1998): 738.
Rev. of Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Will Kymlicka. The Canadian Journal of Political Science 29(1996): 36-37.
“ Calvin and Locke” A review of Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America. Robert Hughes. The Nashwaak Review 1(1994): 221-3.
Rev. of Nietzsche's Philosophy of Art. Julian Young. The Antigonish Review 95 (Autumn 1993): 119-23.
Rev. of Law and Public Choice: A Critical Introduction. Daniel A. Farber and Phillip P. Frickey. Benchmark: A Quarterly Review of the Constitution and the Courts 5(1993): 134-6.
Rev. of Canadian Constitutional Conventions: The Marriage of Law and Politics. Andrew Heard. American Review of Canadian Studies 23(Autumn 1993): 484-6.
Rev. of Confederation in Crisis, ed. Robert Young. American Review of Canadian Studies 22(Autumn 1992): 455-6.
Invited participant to the Liberty Fund Conference “Higher Education in Liberal Democracy” Big Sky, Montana. August 2-5, 2007.
Invited participant to the Liberty Fund Conference “Aristophanes on Democracy and Freedom” Safety Harbour, Florida, January 12-14, 2006.
Panel Coordinator, Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Conference in Montreal, April 2002. Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
Commentator on “Soulcare-Soulcraft” by Horst Hutter and “Distributive Justice in Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus” at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference at University of Ottawa, June 1998.
Commentator on “Liberalism’s Platonic Residues” by Regina Cochrane, at a panel at the CPSA Learned Societies Conference in St. John’s, June 1997.
Commentator on “Reflections on the Basis and Intention of Tocqueville’s New Political Science” by William Mathie, at a panel at the CPSA Learned Societies Conference in St. John’s, June 1997.
Round table participant “Political Leadership” a panel at the CPSA Learned Societies Conference at Brock University in St. Catherines, June 1996.
Commentator on “Why International Relations Theory already knew about the End of History” by John H. Eastby, a paper presented at a panel at the Annual CPSA Learned Societies Conference in Ottawa, June 1993.
Chaired panel “Issues in Middle East Politics” at the Rand Symposium, sponsored by the UNB Law Faculty, June 1993.
Invited participant to the Liberty Fund Conference “Law and Economics” in Victoria, April 1990.
“Collegiality and Professionalism in Faculty Evaluation” A Faculty Development Workshop on Evaluation for Deans and Department Chairs October, 2007 at University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas
“ Using Human Rights as a Vehicle for Achieving Inclusive Education.” Presented at the Canadian Association for Community Living Conference in Toronto, November 2002.
“Can Political Judgement be Taught?” Annual ICUSTA Lecture, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas. April 2002.
“Human Rights: Their Groundwork in Human Dignity.” Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia November 2001
“Hate Crimes in Canada and the United States.” Averett College, Danville, Virginia. November 2001.
“Nietzsche and Liberal Education.” Wilson Centre for Leadership Symposium, Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia. November, 2001.
“Challenges for Contemporary Human Rights.” Havergal College, Toronto. November 2001.
“ Structuring Undergraduate Human Rights Programs” 2nd meeting of the International Human Rights Education Consortium, August 17-19, 2001. St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Patrick Neil Malcolmson ______
“Human Rights in New Brunswick.” University of New Brunswick Department of Political Science, March 2000.
“Human Rights and Human Dignity.” Summer Convocation Address at St. Thomas University, July 2000. “ Liberal Education and Consumerism.” Address to students at the annual fall Induction Ceremony, St. Thomas University. September 2000.
“The Structure and Operations of Government: Challenges for Accountability” A Workshop for Canadian Government senior civil servants, delivered for the Canadian Centre for Management Development, Government of Canada. A two day short course given in Ottawa and Toronto in January, April, August, and December 1999.
“Will there be a Canada in the Year 2000?” Bishop Conference Center, Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, April 1998.
“The Future of Canada.” Averett College, Danville, Virginia, October 1996.