Guidelines for Agencies Working on Behalf Of

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Guidelines for Agencies Working on Behalf Of

Version 2 September 2017

Schedule 1 (to the Agent contract)

Agent Guide 2018 / 2019

International Development Office Contact: [email protected]

Agents Area - Information for our Agent Partners

To access this please click on the following link and enter the following details. These are case sensitive:

Username: Partner Password: c8A8wEOM Agent Verification code: n534i5

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Section 1: Working with Swansea University

. Best Practice Guidelines 3 . Confidentiality 6

Section 2: Marketing information

. Marketing Tool Kit 6 . Visit Swansea 7 . Scholarships 7

Section 3: Application Information

. Application Chart 9 . Application Process 10 . English Language Requirements 11 . Conversion Campaign 12

Section 4: Financial Information

. Deposits 12 . Tuition fee payments and information about course costs 13 . Payment methods 13/14

Section 5: Accommodation 15 Section 6: Applying for a VISA 16

Section 7: Arrival and Orientation 16/17

. Meet and Greet . Pre-enrolment for courses

Section 8: Commission Payments 17

Appendices . Appendix 1 - The International Recruitment Team 21 . Appendix 2 –Academic Calendar 21 . Appendix 3 - Sample Invoice 23

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Welcome to Swansea University and to the network of international partners. We look forward to working with you and to building a mutually beneficial relationship based on integrity, transparency and trust, underpinned by a sound business plan. Your IDO Market Manager will have worked with you to develop a recruitment strategy and incentive plan. The information in this handbook will tell you about processes and procedures as well as the extensive Marketing Toolkit available to support promotion activity. Please share this handbook with your team of counsellors and sub-offices.

Our USPs include: - Dual campus university with continued development taking place - REF 2014 top 30 research university - British Council accredited English language service and Swansea English Language Test – SWELT - Scholarships - Safe, seaside location - University housing -Excellent graduate prospects (15th in the UK, HESA 2017)

Section 1:Working with Swansea University

Best Practice Guidelines – Representative Obligations and Responsibilities (To be read in conjunction with Swansea University/Consultant Contract)

1. An International Representative of Swansea University (Swansea) is expected to abide by the highest ethical standards and comply with any laws and regulations in the United Kingdom, applicable to Education Agents. Should an agent act unethically or is deemed to be in breach of any applicable law and regulation in the United Kingdom the authority to represent Swansea will be terminated in writing and no commission paid for students recruited after that date.

2. International Representatives shall at all times conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner that will reflect positively on the image of their profession and the high reputation of Swansea as reliable and trustworthy providers of high-quality education and training. Also, the international education sector in the United Kingdom. This standard of conduct underpins the others that follow and encompasses all aspects of International Representatives’ activities.

3. International Representatives shall promote themselves and Swansea in a professional and ethical manner and shall ensure that their business activities reflect best practice. This standard of conduct refers both to ethical behavior (doing the right thing) and to standards of professionalism (doing it well). Best practice means that an International Representative’s business activities should not be of a kind that might bring discredit on Swansea. Should this happen, Swansea will take immediate action to investigate and potentially terminate the contract.

4. International Representatives shall be honest in communicating information about themselves and about Swansea to potential students in published, oral or any other form. Prospective students must be informed accurately about the requirements of Swansea’s courses. This can only be done by reference to the material provided by Swansea. They shall not knowingly or by a failure of professional standards provide or disseminate false, incomplete or misleading information. This standard of conduct is closely related to clause 5 below and refers to any information released by an International Representative on behalf of Swansea about facilities, entry requirements, admissions processes, course content, fees or any other matter. All claims made by an agent about itself, Swansea or students shall be capable of being substantiated.

This standard of conduct also applies equally to information provided about potential students in applications to Swansea and visa authorities. In particular, information provided to potential students shall be 3 Version 2 September 2017 sufficient to enable them to make an informed judgment. The inclusion of the word ‘incomplete’ in this standard is especially important: International Representatives shall not in published or orally delivered information omit any fact which may reasonably be of material relevance to an international student, where an omission might be construed as being misleading. The accidental production or dissemination of incorrect or incomplete information is likely to be viewed in itself as evidence of a failure to adhere to professional standards, except where there is compelling evidence to suggest otherwise.

International Representatives are responsible for ensuring that all and any advertising and promotion covered by the Swansea University/Consultant Contract/agreement has received the prior written approval of Swansea University. In order for Swansea University to be able to consider such advertising/promotion/materials, the International Representative must provide to Swansea University draft copies of such material. All such material should comply with all applicable laws. The partner shall not, whether through itself or any other third party, use any material which has not been so approved. Any breach of this provision shall be deemed to be a fundamental breach of the contract/agreement in question.

In summary, this standard requires International Representatives to provide full, honest and accurate information about Swansea and the courses and facilities offered. This should be conducted through the promotion of Swansea and its courses with integrity and accuracy and the recruitment of students in an honest, ethical and responsible manner.

5. International Representatives shall promote themselves and Swansea fairly and without recourse to unfavourable or negative comparisons with other institutions, or otherwise employ unfair or unprofessional practice to damage the interests of other institutions.

This standard of conduct refers to any attempt by International Representatives to gain advantage for Swansea by using information about other institutions negatively. Using verifiable data to show the standing of Swansea in relation to others is acceptable, but this practice shall not be executed in such a manner as to discredit other institutions. This means International Representatives should promote Swansea by focusing on the strengths and achievements of the University rather than by making unfavourable comments about competitors. 6. International Representatives shall act at all times in the best interests of students or prospective students as well as Swansea. They shall offer advice and counseling and provide information to students and, where appropriate, their parents in a manner consistent with this principle.

This standard of conduct is fundamental to good practice in education marketing and student recruitment. It refers not only to truthfulness and accuracy, but also to appropriateness. An example of inappropriate advice would be encouragement of a student to enter a course of study for which they were inadequately prepared in terms of language proficiency or academic attainment. The standard also includes advice or information given to sponsors of students and other such bodies or persons as well as directly to students. Again, the omission of important and relevant information in an effort to secure the placement of a student is likely to be judged as a breach of this standard.

7. International Representatives shall conduct themselves with due regard to the regulatory conditions in the market(s) in which they operate. They shall comply with all applicable national laws, regulations and official policies.

8. The International Representative agrees to provide Swansea with a list of all sub-agents with whom they have a formal arrangement.

9. International Representatives shall conduct themselves with due regard to the need for transparency and openness in all their dealings with Swansea.

10. The Bribery Act 2010 came into being on 1st July 2011 and provides, among other matters, for two general offences covering the offering, promising or giving of an advantage, and the requesting, agreeing to 4 Version 2 September 2017 receive or accepting of an advantage. Representatives and University staff should be aware that it is an offence to offer, promise or give a “financial or other advantage” to another in one of two possible circumstances:

Case 1 where the advantage is intended to bring about an improper performance by another person of a relevant function or activity, or to reward such improper performance.

Case 2 where the person offering, promising or giving the advantage knows or believes that the acceptance of the advantage itself constitutes the improper performance of a relevant function or activity. In all dealings, negotiations and transactions, representatives and University staff should act with transparency and keep documentary evidence of decisions reached, especially relating to performance reward and marketing activities.

11. Representatives must be familiar with the British Council’s Education Counselling Service, Guide to Good Practice for Education Agents. education-agents.pdf

12. International Representatives must ensure: all fees and charges payable to Swansea are paid by students; that relevant fee deposits and all necessary evidence and documents accompany a student’s application or Acceptance of Offer documents and vice versa; that prospective students are advised that they are required to provide Swansea with an email address (other than the agent’s address) and contact phone number on the application form; that if a student’s visa application is refused or a student changes his/her decision about studying at Swansea after paying their deposit or enrolling, advise the student that Swansea will refund the deposit/tuition fees in accordance with its refund policy; provide Swansea with market intelligence relevant to student recruitment activities; not to undertake promotional and marketing activities that make reference to Swansea without the express authority of Swansea; provide prospective students with the most up to date information and promotional material, both physical and electronic , to ensure compliance.

13. International Representatives must give prospective students information about: the courses/qualifications offered, the course content and duration; the course fees, including advice on annual fee increases and refund policies; the minimum level of English language ability and educational qualifications required for acceptance onto a course; visa requirements which must be satisfied by the student, including English language proficiency levels; living in the United Kingdom and the local environment, including information about the campus location and costs of living; Swansea and its facilities, equipment and learning resources; any fees or costs the agent charges for any services they carry out.

14. International Representatives must tell prospective students that: students who come to the United Kingdom on a student visa must have a primary purpose of studying and must study on a full time basis; Swansea may report to the relevant authority any student who does not attend at least 90% of timetabled classes or who is not making satisfactory progress in their studies.

15. International Representatives must not: engage in any dishonest practices including suggesting to prospective students that they can come to the United Kingdom on a student visa with a primary purpose other than full time study; facilitate applications for students who do not comply with visa requirements; make any representations or offer any guarantees to students about whether they will be granted a student visa; engage in false or misleading advertising or recruitment practices; offer discounts and/or scholarships without prior written permission from Swansea; make any false or misleading comparisons with any other education provider or their courses; make any inaccurate claims of association of Swansea with any other education provider; give inaccurate information to a prospective student about acceptance onto a course for which they applied or into any other course; undertake any advertising or promotional activity on behalf of Swansea or the courses offered by Swansea without the prior written consent of the group. Advertising or promotional activities will be at the expense of the Representative unless otherwise agreed in writing by Swansea in advance; deduct any amount from the fees and charges payable to Swansea by a prospective student; give 5 Version 2 September 2017 inaccurate information to a prospective student about the fees and charges payable to Swansea; commit Swansea to accept any prospective student onto a course and must not make representations to the contrary; use any registered or unregistered Mark or trademark of Swansea without the prior written consent of Swansea.

16. Swansea will: duly process all completed applications received but is under no obligation to accept any prospective students referred by the Representative; maintain regular contact with the Representative and visit the Representative’s office(s) on a regular basis to train/counsel staff; provide a Certificate of Representation to the Representative and regular information on Swansea University. 17. International Representatives of Swansea University will operate to the defined set of Core Values and demonstrate a commitment to these values;  We are professional – take pride in applying our knowledge, skills, creativity, integrity and judgement to deliver innovative, effective, efficient services and solutions of excellent quality.  We Work Together – take pride in working in a proactive, collaborative environment of equality, trust, respect, co-operation and challenge to deliver services that strive to exceed the needs and expectations of customers.  We care – take responsibility for listening, understanding and responding flexibly to our students, colleagues, external partners and the public so that every contact they have with us is a personalised and positive experience.


International Representatives must keep confidential all information provided by the student and Swansea University, other than to the extent disclosure is required to perform the services in accordance with this agreement.

International Representatives must keep confidential the terms of their contract with Swansea.

International Representatives and its employees or contractors may not disclose information of the student or prospective student to anyone other than Swansea University without the written consent of these parties, unless required to by a government agency in the United Kingdom.

Marketing Tool Kit

We have an extensive Marketing Toolkit for you to use to promote SU.

This includes:

 Hard copy brochures

 Swansea University Website: /

 PowerPoint presentations.

 Weibo: %2F2670422674&_rand=1426773869.634

 Videos:

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 Swansea University where bright futures begin: v=kEN6hVOYDLw

 Bloodhound SSC:


 College of Law:

 School of Management:

 College of Arts and Humanities:

 College of Human and Health Sciences:

You and your team are invited to join our international Facebook, Twitter and You Tube communities

International@Swansea University SwanseaIDO SwanseaInternational

For a list of Unique Selling Points (USPs) for Swansea University please refer to our Agent Secure site for up to date USP’s (see front page for username and password)

Visit Swansea

Swansea staff will visit your offices for counselor training at least once a year. We will give as much notice as possible for the visit. Please prepare market updates and students for interview if appropriate.

One of the most influential marketing tools is a ‘Familiarisation Visit’ or Fam Visit to Swansea. We encourage all of our representatives to visit Swansea. Once you get a glimpse of our campus beside the sea and experience our warm welcome you will see why student satisfaction is so high.

We will try our best to ensure that you meet all relevant members of staff, visit our facilities and meet students.

We organize an annual International Partners Conference. If you would like to take part, please contact your IDO Market Manager – see Appx 1.

Please complete the Visitor Information form at least 2 to 3 weeks in advance of your visit and return it to the IDO Admin Team – [email protected] you can find this form on our Agents Area of the website

To access this please click on the following link and enter the following details. These are case sensitive:

Username: Partner Password: c8A8wEOM

You must inform us of any changes to your office address(s) and contact details immediately. Please email [email protected]

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Scholarships, Bursaries and International Partnerships

USP – Swansea has an extensive range of scholarships to attract and convert students.

1. International Excellence and Merit Scholarships - for new students who enter the University. Details are posted here:

2. International Postgraduate Alumni Bursary – Use this to encourage students to stay on for postgraduate study at SU. They will be awarded an automatic scholarship based on their UG degree class. For further information: funding/pg-scholarships/alumnibursary/

3. International Partnerships – Swansea have a large number of partnerships with universities, colleges and schools which run collaborative programmes such as 2+2, 4+1. There are normally student fee discounts associated with these programmes as follows:  2+2 Programme - £2,000 Scholarship for the first year of study. (first 2 years undergraduate study at home university, final two years at Swansea)  4+1 Programme - £1,000 Scholarship (Undergraduate degree at home university, postgraduate degree at Swansea)

4. Please note: Discounts are deducted from tuition fee commission payments.

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Application Chart

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Has the student No Click here chosen their for a list of programme available of study? courses. Yes

Have you No Click here to submitted a apply online completed using application? OnTrack. Yes

Has the No Offers can take up to 15 student days to be processed. received an Please email us if you have offer? still not received an offer.

Yes Conditional Unconditional

Have they Has their Please email accepted CAS their their offer Yes statement No questionnaire and met the been issued? & passport conditions? Click here for copy here information and pay on how to £2,000 obtain a deposit here. CAS. No Yes

Student to The student can now apply for a visa if accept the within 3 months of the starting date of offer and their course. They can apply for email us with accommodation from April here, apply evidence that for ATAS clearance (if required) here and book their place on the Meet & they have met 11 the Greet service here. They will then be conditions. ready to enrol at Swansea University.

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Application Process

USP – we accept direct applications for UG courses as well as UCAS.

Use the online application form and save at least one day’s processing time:

Online application form

Swansea University’s online application system is the quickest way to apply and to receive a decision on a candidate’s application.

The system will ask you to create a separate account for each of your applicants, using their e-mail address and a password which you can choose for them. You (or the applicant if you wish) will then be able to log back in to track the progress of the candidate’s application. Although the system requires you to enter the applicant’s home address, telephone number and e-mail address, you should enter your own contact details in the correspondence address sections, so that we can also keep you informed about the status of the application.

You will also be asked to enter the verification code: n534i5 to confirm you are an official Swansea agent. Do not give this password to students. Failure to use your new password could mean you miss out on commission payments

We aim to turn around offers as quickly as possible – 9 days for taught course and 20 days for research courses - and need your help to do this efficiently. Use On Track to speed up the offer and send all required documents with the application. We cannot process applications until all of the required documents have been provided.

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) We will send the CAS once the following steps have been met:  Student has been made an unconditional offer of a place (or has met all of the conditions of the offer)  Student has accepted the offer by sending back the acceptance letter  Provided the Admissions Office with a photocopy of the student’s passport  Provided the student’s address in the country where they live now (not just your correspondence or contact address)  The student has paid the £2000 deposit.  Provided details of any previous UK studies and a copy of their visa/CAS letters from that course

Contact Admissions

Please quote the student’s ID each time you contact Admissions. E-mail: [email protected] – for postgraduate applications or [email protected] for undergraduate applications.

Please note that during the summer the volume of enquiries to Admissions is so high that it might slow down the processing of applications!

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English Language Requirements USP – Swansea has a British Council accredited English Language service which runs pre-sessional courses and SWELT (Swansea English Language Test)

Here is a link to our ELTS Prospectus:

Information can be found here: about pre-sessional courses and SWELT. If you have a number of students who need English language testing, please contact Jo Parfitt, Head of ELTS, to discuss how her team can help. Email: [email protected]

Full information on the pre-sessional courses can be found on the link below:

Dates Entry Requirements Fees

IELTS 5.0 (or equivalent) 12 weeks - 5.0 to 6.0 option Minimum 4.5 in all components

We strongly recommend that you enter the programme with a minimum of 5.0 in Reading and Writing as this will give you the 18 June - 07 September best chance of success. 2018 Exit this programme for degree programmes requiring a 6.0 ONLY £3420

IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent)

12 weeks - 5.5 to 6.5 option Minimum 5.0 in all components

We strongly recommend that you enter the programme with a £3420 minimum of 5.5 in Reading and Writing as this will give you the 18 June - 07 September best chance of success. 2018 Exit this programme for degree programmes requiring a 6.5 ONLY

£2280 8 weeks You have already met the IELTS Writing requirement for your course and are no more than 0.5 below in any other skills.

16 July - 7 September 2018 OR

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You have already met the overall IELTS requirement for your course and are no more than 0.5 below in Writing

Course fees include the main course book and one trip. To apply please download and complete the relevant application form for either a 12, 10 or 6-week course found here:

Conversion Campaigns

USP – Swansea has a comprehensive conversion communications strategy to capture students’ interest and increase enrolments. Encouraging students to make an application and then accept the offer is a major part of your role in our partnership. We will help you with this process in the following ways:

1. Enquiry conversion – send all enquiries to us from fairs and drop in sessions to add to our database. Regular communications will be sent to all enquirers encouraging them to apply for a course and helping to answer their questions. You will receive commission for all student enquirers who apply and enrol.

2. Students holding an offer – we will send out communications to all students who have had an offer, encouraging them to accept the offer, send in the deposit, apply for a scholarship and housing. You will receive commission for all students whose applications you have been responsible for sending to us. (Disputes with other agents are settled as fairly as possible).

If you need help with the conversion process, contact us about arranging SWELT tests, pre-departure and conversion briefings, etc.

Financial Information – Giving students advice about how to make payments.

USP – Swansea accepts payments by credit/debit card making it faster to secure a place.


All applicants can make a payment towards fees early and receive a receipt from the Finance Department.

New international applicants are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of £2,000 to Swansea University before we can issue the CAS. Students who are fully sponsored by their government, a university or other official sponsor may not have to pay a deposit but must show proof of sponsorship for CAS to be issued.

Deposit Refund A full refund of the deposit and any other tuition fees paid, will be given if:

1) Proof of visa refusal is sent to Swansea University 2) Failure to meet entry criteria. If a student enrols and then withdraws from their course, a £1000 administration fee will be retained as well as a pro rata element of the tuition fee due. 14 Version 2 September 2017

Deposit for English Language Course (ELTS):

Students who have paid deposits to Swansea University or ICWS = no deposit to ELTS Students who have not paid a deposit and apply for EUS Programme = £2000 Students applying for Programmes where course fee is less than £2000 = Full course fee in advance.

When do students pay tuition fees & is there a discount for early payment? Tuition fees can be paid in full before the enrolment date and receive 2% discount if the total personal fee is over £8,000. Please deduct the 2% before making full payment. Full payment must reach us normally by the first Friday of the first full week of October each year. Please check the website for the exact date each year.

Discount is not offered to students choosing to pay in instalments, they are also not available to sponsors.

Alternatively, tuition can be paid in two installments but discount is not offered:

1. The first instalment (50% of the total tuition fee) must be paid at or before enrolment. Students are not permitted to enroll unless the required payment has been made.

2. The second instalment by February for Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught Programme students or April for Postgraduate Research students.

Current course fees can be found at the following link:

You will also find many of your questions answered on the above link as well as below. The link also covers:  The actual dates of when the first and second tuition fee instalments are due.  Advance notice advice of the date on which tuition fee instalments are due to be made  Additional information for sponsored students  Penalty charges and discussing tuition fee situations.  What happens if you find paying fees difficult

How do I pay?

Payment by Cheque

You can pay by cheque or bank draft made payable to Swansea University. We will not accept a bank draft if it is made out to you personally. You can pay by wire transfer direct to Swansea University's bank account.

Quote your student ID number when you make the payment to:

Lloyds TSB Bank PLC, Oxford Street, Swansea

Sort Code: 30-95-46 Account Number: 02783215

Swift Code: LOYDGB21101 IBAN NO: GB64LOYD30954602783215


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The University has introduced a new system whereby International and EU (except UK) can make tuition fee payments quickly and easily through the University website via Student Pay. The system is secure, available to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and easy to use via Western Union Business Solutions.

Students can choose from one of twelve different languages to guide them through the tuition payment process. Payments can be made through 22 different currencies. In these cases the transactions are commission free with no additional bank transfer charges.

Please note that students will not be able to pay through StudentPay in GBP/Sterling Pounds.

In some cases a student may either have to make a Euro or USD transfer if their local currency option is not available. In that case a student may have to pay an international transfer fee for which there could be a higher charge.

Once logged in to Student Pay you will get printed instructions on how to make the transfer through your local bank.

In order to finalise a funds transfer to Swansea University a student will need to complete the transfer via Internet Banking or present the bank transfer details to their local bank within 48 hours.

An email will be sent from Western Union Business Solutions once they receive the payment to confirm receipt of funds.

Cash payments

Students are advised not to pay fees in cash. The aim in offering a number of payment methods is to avoid the need for large amounts of cash to be carried by an individual. Also, cash will not be accepted during the enrolment period.

Sponsored students

Some students receive fee support from other sources such as companies, scholarships, trust funds, and governments etc. If this is the case the University must see documentary evidence of an award. This evidence must be presented at or before enrolment and should make specific reference to fees for the specific Academic Year. The student should ask their sponsor to complete a Confirmation of Sponsorship Form which can be printed by clicking on the following link.

Students claiming to be in receipt of sponsorship will not be permitted to enroll without appropriate documentation. Sponsors are expected to pay invoices within 30 days. The University will continue to recognise an organisation as a legitimate sponsor only if payments are received promptly. We reserve the right to reject sponsorship credentials in certain circumstances.

Debit/credit card

Swansea University has a new online payment facility for students; this is available to all new first year international students at Swansea. The facility is available to students 24/7 and is available through the intranet:

Students are able to make payment with a Debit or Credit Card, but not American Express.

A charge of 1.5% will be added to all credit card charges.

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Accommodation – advising students how to select the best choice for them

USP – University housing is guaranteed at Swansea if applications are made before 30 th June.

Residential Services provides accommodation for over 3400 students. They make a great effort to ensure that all accommodation provides a welcoming, secure and supportive environment. Most University rooms are provided in a range of purpose built residences. Students can choose either private (en- suite) or shared bathroom facilities; part-catered or self-catered; on or off campus. We have accommodation designated for disabled students, postgraduates and students with families. We have set aside accommodation specifically for students who wish to live:

 In an alcohol free area

 In an a 'designated' quiet area

 In Single Sex accommodation

 In Couple and / or Family accommodation

 With Mature Students

All students are required to make an application on-line before they can be considered for accommodation. Places in residence are not allocated until a student's place at the University is confirmed.

Our residences: information about where accommodation is located and distances from Singleton and Bay Campuses can be found on the following link

Residence Fees 2017

Please refer to the following link which will provide information in relation to residence fees for September 2017 intake

How to apply Full information about how to apply, and a step by step guide can be found on the following link:

Alternatives to University housing – SAS Lettings

A joint venture between Residential Services and the Students' Union to help Swansea University students find good quality student housing.

Applying for a VISA

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USP – Swansea has a dedicated International@Campus Life team to support students with visa and welfare questions.

After the student has received an Unconditional offer and paid the deposit/sent the sponsor letter, we can issue a CAS (Certificate of Academic Sponsorship). Students cannot apply for a visa more than three months in advance of their studies starting. Students coming to Swansea University for pre-sessional courses can enter on a Student Visitor visa and apply for a Tier 4 Student Visa after achieving the required language level. Swansea’s ISAS team (International Student Advisory Service) have put together detailed information on the visa application process, which you can find here:

Key questions about Tier 4 visa Answers How much does it cost? £335 How much money does a You need to be able to show that you have enough money for your tuition fees and student need to prove they have living expenses. available? Further information can be found here: campuslife/immigration/ What period should the bank At least 28 days and should be printed no more than 1 month before making the statement cover? visa application When should passport photos Within a month of applying for a visa be taken? Which countries are considered If you are from one of the low-risk countries, you will not be interviewed. You can low risk and do not require an find the list of low-risk countries interview? here How can I help prepare students Advice can be found on the link below: for credibility interviews? Which countries need to have a A full list and additional information can be found on the following link: TB test? Will students need to register Full information on police registration can be found on the following: with the police?

Arrival and Orientation USP – Swansea has a bespoke Meet and Greet service from Heathrow airport in September

Meet and Greet Airport Pick Up Service

We offer a meet and greet airport pick up service at a much cheaper rate than normal bus or train services, e.g. from £40 per student from London Heathrow Airport.

Students can reserve a place on one of the meet and greet coaches once they have been made an offer of a place to study at the University, formally accepted the offer and booked their flight. Payment collected on arrival at Heathrow.

Travelling Independently to Swansea

From London Heathrow Airport or London Gatwick Airport: The National Express coach company runs buses directly from both Heathrow and Gatwick airports to Swansea. This is the cheapest and easiest way to travel. Transfer times are approximately 4 hours (Heathrow) and 5.5 hours (Gatwick). For further information please visit the National Express website.

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From Cardiff Airport: Cardiff Airport is the airport closest to Swansea. There is no direct bus link to Swansea, so take a shuttle from Cardiff Airport to Cardiff Central Station and from there, a train to Swansea. Trains from Cardiff Central Station to Swansea take about 1 hour. Further information can be found at the Cardiff International Airport website or at the Airport Information Desk upon arrival.

From Swansea Bus Station or Train Station: Take a taxi to your accommodation. There are taxi ranks outside both the bus station and the train station.

Pre-enrolment for courses

New International students are able to enroll online; students will need to take their passport, visa and entry qualification certificates to the enrolment in person venue. Online enrolment is open from Monday 18 September onwards. Full information in relation to online enrolment can be found on the following link:


USP – Swansea has incentivised commission structures – contact your Market Manager to discuss.

This is the time when all your hard work over the previous year is rewarded! We will process your invoice as fast as possible and ask for your help to make this a smooth process.

We hope the following information will make it clear and easy for you to claim and receive commission payments from us.

 Commission can only be claimed and paid after students have enrolled. Do not claim until late October. (For sponsored students we have to have received payment of the tuition fees first).  Commission is calculated on the full student fees minus any scholarships, bursaries or institutional partnership discounts and early payment tuition fee discount (2% on fees of £8000 or more, when paid in full). Not available to corporate sponsors.  Commission will not normally be paid to non-contracted agents or sub agents  Invoice addresses must match the address that we hold on record. If it does not, we will contact you to ask why before any funds are paid.  We do not pay commission on progression from Undergraduate to Postgraduate or from Postgraduate Taught to PG Research courses (including but not limited to MRes, MPhil and PhD) unless otherwise stated in your contract.  If there are any changes to your bank account details, please advise us by emailing [email protected]. Swansea University will not accept responsibility for any payments made to old bank account details that are held on their finance systems. Please do not rely on just updating these details directly on your invoice. Due to the high volume of invoices processed by the University, such information may be overlooked. Please also advise us of any changes to your office details regarding address changes, office closures or new offices, email addresses etc.

WHO PAYS COMMISSION 19 Version 2 September 2017

1. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses and Swansea University Engineering & Science Foundation courses.

Please send an invoice to the International Development Office ONLY, by email, fax or mail to:

International Development Office Swansea University Talbot Building, Swansea. SA2 8PP Tel: +44 (0)1792 602365 Fax: 00 44 1792 295839 email: [email protected]

2. English language courses (ELTS)

Commission for English language courses is paid ONLY by the ‘English Language Training Services (ELTS)’. ELTS is separate from the International Development Office, therefore a SEPARATE invoice must be issued directly to them. [email protected]

3. ICWS pathway courses (Foundation, PMP): [email protected]

Pathway students – If you are claiming for pathway students progressing from ICWS to a Swansea University course, send a separate invoice for these students direct to ICWS:

Finance Manager ICWS Affiliate College of Swansea University Margam Building P: +44 (0) 1792 602941 Singleton Park, Swansea University F: +44 (0) 1792 602889 Swansea. SA2 8PP. United Kingdom E: [email protected]


1. All commission claims MUST be received by the International Development Office by the end of January for payment to be made or we may refuse payment. 2. Please note that late commission claims will only be paid at the discretion of the International Development Office, and will NOT be paid on claims for previous academic years. 3. Commission is not paid on repeated modules or on students who have withdrawn from the University before the start of the academic session. If a student has paid fees, enrolled and then withdrawn, commission is paid only on the amount of fees retained by the University. 4. Progression payments from ICWS to a University degree course will be paid at 10% and you must list these on a separate invoice to ICWS directly. Please see ICWS details above. 5. It is the responsibility of each Agent to identify students who have applied through them to ensure they have arrived in Swansea and have enrolled onto their course. The International Development Office is not able to inform agents which of their applicants have enrolled. Please do not just send lists of all of your students to us to check for enrolment. 6. Agents are responsible for knowing from their contracts how much commission they are entitled to claim. 20 Version 2 September 2017

7. All Agents are required to put their full name and company name in email enquiries and/or invoices sent to the International Development Office. 8. All agents are responsible for listing the correct territory on the invoice as per the agreement with Swansea University.


Please ALWAYS use the relevant year’s fees, e.g., for a student who enrolls in September 2017, refer to 2017-18 fees.

Please ALWAYS use the commission percentage (%) agreed with the International Development Office to calculate the commission payment, and please state this on the invoice. Please refer to your contract with us for your % commission. We will not renegotiate commission percentages during the commission payment process.


The commission can only be calculated and paid on the actual fee the student has paid. If a student has received a scholarship, then the International Development Office has paid this amount to Swansea University on behalf of the student (this amount CANNOT be used for commission payments). The same applies if the student has paid their tuition fees in full and have received a 2% discount.

For example: a student’s fees are £10,600 and the student received a £2000 scholarship, the actual amount of commission that can be claimed on is £8,600.


Please email your Commission Invoice to the International Development Office for the students who you know have enrolled and paid their fees.

The International Development Office checks, confirms and authorises commission invoices, and will pass to the Finance department for payment. The payment run takes place every 2 weeks. Due to the volume of invoices received, processing and payment may take up to 4 weeks.


Ensure that all the details on the invoice example below are included on your invoice.

 The invoice must be on your company headed paper (or on paper which shows the agency’s name and contact details on top) and dated.  Provide the correct territory as per the agreement.  List all students’ names, with student numbers and fees.  State the total amount being claimed in £GBP  If you have a UK bank account or UK address please state on the invoice if you are a UK company that is UK VAT registered or not. If you are, please state your VAT registered number clearly. 21 Version 2 September 2017


Please contact [email protected] or Sarah Charles at [email protected] or phone +44 (0) 1792 602365. Countries/ Subject Names Title E-mail Office Tel/ Mobile Asia (India, Nepal, Shelley Regional [email protected] +44 (0)1792 513082 Pakistan) and South Matthews Manager - .uk Mobile: East Asia (Thailand, South and 07908068895 Malaysia, Brunei and South East Singapore) Asia Asia (India, Nepal, Raegan Healy International [email protected] Landline Pakistan) and South Officer – South +44 (0) 1792 513361 East Asia (Thailand, & South East Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore) Asia Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Andrew Patton Regional [email protected] Landline: South Africa) Middle Manager - +44 (0)1792 602036 East (Kuwait, Bahrain, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Africa & Turkey Jordan, Oman, Kurdistan), and Turkey Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Mohammed Assistant [email protected] Landline: South Africa) Middle Hadia Regional +44 (0) 1792 606094 East (Kuwait, Bahrain, Manager - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Middle East, Jordan, Oman, Africa & Turkey Kurdistan), and Turkey East Asia (China, Molan Liu Regional [email protected] Landline: Taiwan, Hong Kong). Manager – +44 (0)1792 295512 East Asia Mobile 07908 068869 East Asia (China, Susan Jones Assistant [email protected] Landline: Taiwan, Hong Kong). Regional +44 (0) 1792 295950 Manager – East Asia Americas and Europe Bridget Carey International [email protected] Landline: (USA, Cyprus, Greece, Regional Head – .uk +44 (0) 1792 513186 Baltic States and Americas & Norway) Europe

Americas and Europe Cristina Regional a.c.monteiro- Landline: (Latin America and the Monteiro- Manager – [email protected] +44 (0)1792 295850 Caribbean, Poland, Mudresh Americas and Spain, Portugal and Europe Italy) Americas and Europe Angela Jones Regional [email protected] Landline: (Canada, Romania, Manager – +44 (0)1792 295129 Bulgaria, Croatia and Americas and Czech Republic) Europe Kathryn Tomos Head of [email protected] Landline International k +44 (0)1792 513179 Recruitment Strategy Kenon Man International [email protected] Landline: Marketing, +44 (0)1792 606390 Recruitment & Intelligence Manager Sam Bennet International [email protected] Landline: Communications +44 (0)1792 602417 Officer 22 Version 2 September 2017

The International Recruitment Team International Development Office

Regional Managers/ Regional Representatives Names Title E-mail Office Tel/ Mobile Countries/ Subject Names Title E-mail Office Tel/ Mobile TBC International Liaison Officer Asia (India, Nepal, (Pakistan)Shelley Regional [email protected] +44 (0)1792 513082 Pakistan) and South Matthews Manager - [email protected] Mobile: East Asia (Thailand, South and uk 07908068895 Malaysia,Elo Vivian BruneiOdede and Regional Manager Nigeria/South East Ghana [email protected] Landline: Singapore) Asia +234 705 983388 AsiaTBC (India, Nepal, RaeganRegional Healy Advisor SouthInternational Asia [email protected] Landline (India and Nepal) uk Pakistan) and South Officer – South +44 (0) 1792 513361 EastLucy AsiaLi Jing (Thailand, Regional Manager China [email protected] Landline: & South East Malaysia, Brunei and 86 188 1116 5801 Singapore) Asia Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Andrew Patton Regional [email protected] Landline: South Africa) Middle Manager - +44 (0)1792 602036 East (Kuwait, Bahrain, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Africa & Turkey Jordan, Oman, Kurdistan), and Turkey Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Mohammed Assistant [email protected] Landline: South Africa) Middle Hadia Regional +44 (0) 1792 606094 East (Kuwait, Bahrain, Manager - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Middle East, Jordan, Oman, Africa & Turkey Kurdistan), and Turkey East Asia (China, Molan Liu Regional [email protected] Landline: Taiwan, Hong Kong). Manager – +44 (0)1792 295512 East Asia Mobile 07908 068869 East Asia (China, Susan Jones Assistant [email protected] Landline: Taiwan, Hong Kong). Regional +44 (0) 1792 295950 Manager – East Asia Americas and Europe Bridget Carey International [email protected] Landline: (USA, Cyprus, Greece, Regional Head – .uk +44 (0) 1792 513186 Baltic States and Americas & Norway) Europe

Americas and Europe Cristina Regional a.c.monteiro- Landline: (Latin America and the Monteiro- Manager – [email protected] +44 (0)1792 295850 Caribbean, Poland, Mudresh Americas and Spain, Portugal and Europe Italy) Americas and Europe Angela Jones Regional [email protected] Landline: (Canada, Romania, Manager – +44 (0)1792 295129 Bulgaria, Croatia and Americas and Czech Republic) Europe Kathryn Tomos Head of [email protected] Landline International k +44 (0)1792 513179 Recruitment Strategy Kenon Man International [email protected] Landline: Marketing, +44 (0)1792 606390 Recruitment & Intelligence Manager Sam Bennet International [email protected] Landline: Communications +44 (0)1792 602417 Officer 23 Version 2 September 2017

English Language Training Service Names Title E-mail Office Tel/ Mobile Phil Swan International Marketing and [email protected] +44(0)1792 602657 Recruitment Officer

Admissions Names Title E-mail Office Tel/ Mobile Undergraduate +44 (0)1792 295111 [email protected] Postgraduate (Taught and Research) +44 (0)1792 295358 postgraduate.admissions@swan

Internationalisation The International Recruitment team is joined in the IDO with the Internationalization teams which include student mobility programmes across Europe and North America, Chinese language programmes, and summer study abroad programmes.

Marketing Department The IDO is part of the Marketing Department at Swansea which means we work closely with other Marketing offices: Alumni, Admissions, Communications, UK Recruitment, Strategic Marketing, headed up by Catherine Marks.

Appendix 2 Academic Calendar

Swansea University only has one entry for taught courses in September. We do not have any mid – year entries except for English Language courses.

Research students (MPhil and PhD) can start from any of the following dates: 1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October.

For confirmed Semester and Term dates please see the following link: university/world-class/semesterandtermdates/



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