Gateshead CAF Contact
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Newcastle CAF Contact Newcastle Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for children and young people
Details of baby, child or young person being assessed
Name Contact tel. no. Cont AKA1
Gender M F Unknown D.O.B. or E.D.D2 Address Child ref no.3 Religion
E.g. White (White British, White Irish, or any other White background ),Black or Black British (Caribbean, African, or any other Black background), Asian, or Asian Ethnicity British (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, or any other Asian background), mixed (White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White And Asian, or any other mixed background), Chinese or other ethnic
Immigration status Parent(s) first Child’s first language language Is the child disabled? Yes No If yes, give details
Is an interpreter or Yes No Has this been arranged? Yes No signer required? Details of any special requirements (for child and/or parent)
Assessment Information
Date of Assessment Address Name & role of person completing assessment
Post code
Tel. Number Organisation: AKA1 – Otherwise known as E.D.D2 – Estimated Date of Delivery Child ref no.3 –e.g. NHS No., UPN etc
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 1of 6 What has led to this baby, child or young person being assessed?
If you have a child protection concern, follow safeguarding procedures.
Persons present at assessment
Details of parents/carers
Name Name Address Address
Post code Post code
Contact phone no. Contact phone no. Relationship to baby, child or young person Relationship to baby, child or young person
Parental responsibility? Yes No Parental responsibility? Yes No
Parent or carer present at the assessment (name)
Current family & home situation
(E.g. family structure and who the child lives with and doesn’t live with, including siblings, other significant adults etc.)
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 2of 6 Agency involvement with this baby, child or young person e.g. Health Visitor, Education Welfare Officer, School Nurse, Community Mental Health or any other services involved. Please include name, role and contact details Name Role Contact Details
Educational Provision G.P.
Contact details Contact details
Consider both strengths and needs in the following areas. It is not necessary to fill the boxes and comment on every element but to make comments focused on the strengths and needs that are relevant to the current situation
1. Development of baby child or young person
Health, emotional and social development, behavioural development, identity (including self-esteem, self-image and social presentation), family and social relationships, self-care skills and independence, learning (including understanding, reasoning and problem solving, participation in learning education and employment, progress and achievement in learning, aspirations). Worries / Needs Strengths / Resources
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 3of 6 2. Parents and carers
Basic care ensuring safety and protection, emotional warmth and stability, guidance, boundaries and stimulation. Worries / Needs Strengths / Resources
3. Family and environmental
Family history, functioning and well-being, wider-family, housing, employment and financial considerations, social and community elements and resources, including education. Worries / Needs Strengths / Resources
Well-being Scale:
Child/Young Person: Given the above information can you rate your well-being on a scale of 0-10 Rating 0 = your worries are bound to continue, 10 = you are doing well enough that no professional involvement is required
Parents/Carers: Given the above information can you rate the child/young person’s well-being on a scale of 0-10 Rating 0 = your worries about the child/young person are bound to continue 10 = the child/young person is doing well enough that no professional involvement is required
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 4of 6 How will you know when things have improved? What will we be looking for when we review?
Include the views of the parent / carer / child/ young person. Improvements
Date of review Child / young person’s goals / view of the assessment. Does this capture your views and give a way forward?
Parent / carers goals / view of the assessment. Does this capture your views and give a way forward?
Practitioner’s goals / view of the assessment. Does this capture your views and give a way forward?
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 5of 6 CONCLUSIONS, SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS Work together to name the key changes people want to see and include any major differences if there are any. What actions do you recommend and by whom?
Include any actions by the parents / carers / child /young person.
Recommended action: By whom: By when:
Consent for information storage and information sharing
I understand the information recorded on this form and that it will be stored and used for the purpose of providing services to: me Or this baby, child or young person, for who I am parent carer Do you agree to the information recorded on this form being shared with other people / services? Yes No If ‘Yes’, please sign below If ‘No’, please give details of the people / services you do not want this information shared with, then sign below.
Signed Name Date
Assessor details: Signed Name Date
Exceptional circumstances: significant harm to infant, child or young person If at any time during the course of this assessment you feel that an infant, child or young person has been harmed or abused or is at risk of harm or abuse, you must follow your local safeguarding children board (LCSB) procedures as set out in the Newcastle LSCB Safeguarding Procedures - available at
If you have a child protection concern follow safeguarding procedures Page 6of 6