CAI Bay Area Central Chapter
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I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:00AM – 11:30AM 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 158, Meeting Room K, San Ramon, CA
Attending: Jason Marquez, Don Davis, Morgan Hurlbutt, Brian Campisi, LeAnne Anderson-DeMattei, Amy Tinetti, Kelvin Nanney and Rachel Donald
Absent: Alex Noland, Emily Ramirez, Mandi Newton, Betina Schessow and Joanne Bohigian
Call to Order/ Adjustments to Agenda at 10:08
1) Approval of Minutes a) January 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes a.i) Kelvin will send the minutes to the January Conference call meeting a.ii) It was moved, seconded and approved to adopt the minutes as presented 2) Treasurers Report – Alex Noland (Chair) a) December/January Financial Report a.i) Reviewed the financials (a.i.1) $26K profit from 2014 (a.i.2) Ahead of budget for 2015 3) Committee Reports a) Membership – Don Davis (Chair) a.i) 485 members a.ii) New Members December: 5 (a.ii.1) Renewing members are contacted and asked how we can improve their membership experience (a.ii.2) New members are offered a complimentary education session as a guest of the chapter. a.iii) Reviewed the membership process at the chapter office a.iv) Certification test process b) Education – Alex Noland and Ian Brown (Co-Chairs) a.i) East Bay Education Forum March 6th a.ii) Stockton Education Forum March 18th a.iii) Silicon Coast Education Forum April 24th a.iv) North Bay Education Forum March 27th a.v) CA Law Course, Friday, May 15th Education Committee – topics for the remainder of the year ( Reaching out to select volunteers to determine the topics for the balance of the year. ( Committee meeting to be scheduled asap to assist the chairs b) Networking & Social Events b.i) Ladies Tea, March 31st – The Palm Event Center Betina Schessow (Chair) (b.i.1) Reviewed the program for this year. (b.i.2) Don Davis would like a list of the managers that are not members of the organization. (b.i.3) There are always a handful of men that attend the event. b.ii) Meet the Manager, Friday, May 29, Toni Rodriguez and Brian Hunt (Co-Chairs) b.iii) Golf Classic, June 12th - Bridges Golf Club, San Ramon Mandi Newton (Chair) (b.iii.1) “CAI – A Golfing Safari” b.iv) Texas Hold’Em, July 29th - The Palm Event Center Danielle Stroth (Chair) (b.iv.1) Black and White is the theme c) Communication – Joanne Bohigian (Co-Chairs: Morgan Hurlbutt and Amy Tinetti) c.i) February 2015 issue out (c.i.1) Morgan Hurlbutt had a very nice and productive conversation with Joanne yesterday. (c.i.2) Changing the format to include: 2 (c.i.2.a) 1-2 Anchor articles (c.i.2.b) Break it up into shorter articles (c.i.2.c) Focus on the chapter (c.i.2.c.i) Celebrate our successes (c.i.2.c.ii) Summary of the education sessions that have been conducted – submitted from the speakers (c.i.2.c.iii) Re-cap from the Ladies Tea (c.i.2.c.iv) Focus on a committee volunteer (c.i.3) Pumping up the colors c.ii) Spring issue – editorial deadline – March 19 (c.ii.1) Transition issue – Already have an article on Disaster – big anchor article (c.ii.2) Rolling out the PCAM scholarship, Mentor Process, CMCA Test challenge, etc. (c.ii.3) Ladies Tea c.iii) Summer issue (c.iii.1) Housing and changes in housing (c.iii.2) In advance we send out an email to membership including the topics for our upcoming editions and hoping (c.iii.3) Guest Editors (c.iii.4) Balance towards education, graphic design and readability c.iv) Speakers at educational presentations are not necessarily able/interested in writing an article for the communicator c.v) Working on the full schedule d) Mentoring Committee d.i) Roll Out at Ladies Tea d.ii) Getting Members Involved 4) Executive Director’s Report a) Committee reporting and meeting minutes b) RFP for Website – taskforce – Terri Guest and one other c) National Conference - April 29 - May 2, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas d) 2015 Sustaining sponsorship results e) Date for the CAVL meeting in San Mateo County? f) Plans for the CEO training and buy-in for Manager Certification and CAVL participation – need to look at a date for that, how to get CEO participation, CMCA test challenge – Betina, Amy, Brian, Jason and Rachel will help with that. 5) Old Business a) Strategic Planning Minutes a.i) Fundraising for CLAC a.ii) Determine topics for 2015 in August 2014*** (Not yet confirmed) a.iii) Overhaul of Chapter Website (a.iii.1) Develop an RFP a.iv) DistributeThe Communicator a.v) Strengthen programs – sustain sponsorships b) “What’s your Story?” - 6) New Business 7) Adjournment – it was moved seconded and approved to adjourn at 11:24pm.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 2400 Camino Ramon, Meeting Rook K, Suite 158, San Ramon. A quorum is needed for each board meeting; therefore, please make every effort to free your schedule for this timeframe and inform the President if you are unable to attend. In an effort to keep the meeting on schedule please have reports prepared in advance. CAI-Bay Area and Central California Chapter Mission Statement “Building the Bridge between Community Volunteers, Managers and Business Partners through Education, Advocacy and Networking”