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YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY Department of Botany Vemanapuram, Kadapa – 516 003 (A.P., INDIA) Phone: 0091-08562-225427; Fax: 0091-08562-225419

No.YVU/DEVP/PCOR-CSIR-IQ-Chemicals/Permission/2012-13 Date: 10-12-2012

From, Dr. P. Chandra Obul Reddy, Principal Investigator, CSIR Project, Department of Botany, Yogi Vemana University, KADAPA-516003


Sub: Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa- Principal Investigator, CSIR Project, Department of Botany- Chemicals/Kits/Plasticware - quotations-reg

You are requested to send your lowest quotations in the name of The Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa-516003 towards supply of following Chemicals/Kits/Plasticware along with your terms & conditions so as to reach The Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa- 516003 on or before 25-12-2012. If you are a solo authorized distributor, please provide the authorized certificate along with your quotation. You are also requested to send the catalog if any. Important Note: Please super scribe the due date (25-12-2012) and reference number No.YVU/DEVP/PCOR- CSIR-IQ-Chemicals/Permission/2012-13 of the call letter on the envelope for further processing.

With best regards,


S. NO. CHEMICAL NAME Make Catalog Number 1 Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride HI-MEDIA RM 578 2 Glutathione oxidized HI-MEDIA RM 550 3 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced HI-MEDIA RM576- tetra sodium salt 4 Anthrone crystalline HI-MEDIA RM 314 5 Dithiothreiotal (DTT) HI-MEDIA RM525 6 Phenyl methane sulfonyl fluride (PMSF) HI-MEDIA RM 1592 7 N-(1-napthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride A.R HI-MEDIA RM1073 8 3,3, diamino benzidine tetra hydrochloride A.R HI-MEDIA RM1440 9 Zinc acetate dihydrate AR HI-MEDIA RM 1434 10 Glutathione reduced HI-MEDIA RM 234 11 Agar(Bacteriological) HI-MEDIA RM026-500G

12 Agar( P.T.C) HI-MEDIA PCT0901-500G


14 Hygromycin-B HI-MEDIA PCT1104

15 Lysozyme HI-MEDIA MB098-5G

16 Proteniase-K HI-MEDIA MB086-100MG

17 Peptone HI-MEDIA RM001-500G

18 Caseine enzyme hydrolysate, type-1(Tryptone) HI-MEDIA RM9111-500G

19 ∞-Ketoglutaric acid HI-MEDIA TC141-25G

20 Poly(vinyl polypyrrolidone) HI-MEDIA RM10324-100G


S.No Name of the Chemical Make Catalog Number 1 Lithium chloride MERK 10567902501730 2 Tris buffer MERK 61771405001730 3 1,2, dichloride ethane GR MERK 61802005001730 4 N,N dimethyl formamide GR MERK 61775425001730 5 Dimethyl sulfoxide GR MERK 61857125001730 6 Ammonium thiocyanate MERK 61773305001730 7 Phenol MERK 60784705001730 8 Sodium acetate anhydrous GR MERK 61795202501730 9 Nickel sulphate MERK 61756705001730 10 Glacial Acetic Acid MERK 60006325001730

List of MBI FERMENTAS Chemicals

S.No Name of the Chemical Make Catalog Number 1 Gene ruler 1KB DNA ladder FERMENTAS SM0310 2 Instaclone PCR cloning kit FERMENTAS K1214 3 RevertAid Premium First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit FERMENTAS K1652

List of the Plasticware PFact make

S.No Name of the Chemical Make Catalog Number 1 10µl Tips PFact 2 PCR Tubes PFact

Other Chemicals/Kits

S.No Name of the Chemical Make Catalog Number 1 T4 DNA Ligase NEB M0202S 2 100mM dNTPs Set - - 3 PCR Purification Kit - - 4 Spectrum Plant Total RNA kit SIGMA STRN10-1KT 5 Agarose LONZA 50004L

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