1. What is the latitude and longitude of the Boys & Girls Club? 2. Orion is often known as Orion the ______. 3. The three bright stars in a row in Orion make up his ______. 4. When observing Orion, you can see some stars that are not just white. For example, Rigel is a giant star that has a hint of blue. A red giant star in Orion’s shoulder is called ______. 5. Even though Orion was mighty, he was killed by what dangerous small creature? ______. 6. Magnitude (m) means the brightness of a star. The limiting magnitude is the brightness of the faintest star you can see. Which sky has more visible stars—a sky with a limiting magnitude of m=2 or a sky with a limiting magnitude of m=5? ______. 7. Outdoor lighting affects many animals. For example, when one type of animal hatches, the babies go toward water and away from dark areas. That’s because the moon reflects off the water, while the darkness means inland. What newly- hatched animal gets confused by lights up and down beaches, which ends up attracting the hatchlings away from the water and to their death? ______. 8. If you look overhead in the city, are you more likely to see the stars that are on a 3rd magnitude star chart or on a 7th magnitude star chart? ______9. What is the latitude and longitude of your home? ______. 10. When astronomical twilight ends, the sun is at least 18 degrees below the horizon. This is when the sun no longer contributes light to the evening sky and the sky is as dark as it’s going to get. At what time is the end of astronomical twilight in South Bend, IN, on March 21? ______11. What do the letters “SQM” stand for? ______12. There are three main types of light pollution…