Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 CHIP –Food and Nutrition Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Aging & Disability Resource Center – Board Room, 300 S Adams St

MINUTES Members: X John X Karen Early – BC x Tim Meyer - Rocheleau – UW Extension UWGB Marketing Bellin X Steve E Laura Grovogel - E Chris O’Brien – Reinders – Aurora Boy Scouts Bellin E Lynne X Meredith Hansen Carey Redmann – Nelson - – ADRC of Br Feeding America Bellin County Nicci Beeck Rose Jensen – BC Chrystal Woller – - BCHD Food & Hunger DePere Health Dept Network Jedd X Stephanie Lazzari X Leanne Zhu - Bradley-City - HSHS UWGB of DePere Police Jamie E Becky Delain / X Shromona Bose- Campbell - Margo Marquette Bigelow-BC United WIC Way Vicky David Liethen – X Sara Lornson – Darragh – Molina DePere Health Feeding Healthcare Dept. America

Nancy David Lally – Jen Van Den Derenne HSHS (minutes) Elzen/Live54218 (minutes) (minutes) Brian Stephanie Schultz Regina Young Danzinger (minutes) (minutes) (minutes) Howard Ashley Ponschok Endow (minutes) (minutes) GUEST : Samantha- BCON/ BCHD intern X=PRESENT A=ABSENT E=EXCUSED

TOPIC SPEAKER DISCUSSION ACTION Objective #1 (Food Drives) Jennifer from Aurora has tentatively agreed to take over for John upon his retirement. If Jennifer will not be able to then Andrea Werner from Bellin would be willing to help out.

Karen is asking if there is any money available for donation to keep a community connector person on board to help with EBT. She is looking for $500. Current funding runs out Sept. 2.

Becky Delain emailed a reminder and poster about their fundraiser on 9/28.

About 100 items total were donated. Divided 1. National Night Out Sara between DePere Christian Outreach and St.  Report Out / Evaluation Mark’s. only 2 out of date product donated. Were hoping for more donations. Presentation of survey from St. Mark’s church. St. Marks has gardens that they grow produce in for donation through their pantry. Also have donated freezers and Sara will have her intern refrigerators to store perishables. Samantha inventory Will try again next year for National Night stores to see who has Out to drive more response. drop boxes/ donation bags for purchase to see At all grocery food drop offs we would like to who we can approach have our poster for FD5. We would need for poster. Will ask if donations to get them printed and find they have a bag for stores that would be willing to let us hang a purchase and what is poster. Present it as community health included in it. TOPIC SPEAKER DISCUSSION ACTION initiative rather than a group specific Next step is to approach to action. see if we can partner. Discuss drop box poster initiative at next meeting.

2. Scouting For Foods – Update Chris/Leanne Kelly is on track to get media plan done. Meredith is going to reach  Girl Scout discussion Want to be sure to get Girl Scouts involved out to St. Norbert’s to  Survey Process / Training in coverage so we can show the see if they can help with cooperation. survey volunteers Press Release / Marketing  Need to recruit volunteers to do item survey.  Corporate Drop Boxes Will use same tool as last time. Leanne is Leanne will know by Sept. hoping to recruit students to do the survey. 20 if she is going to have Training will need to be done beforehand enough volunteers and and not the day of the survey. Need 20 will contact John if total volunteers. needs more help from BCON. Western Racquet will have an internal drop box. Not sure about Bellin (Lynne), HSHS (Stephanie), Brown County (Nikki), Humana ( Rose), Girl Scout Office (Shromona) Chris was going to talk to Carl about getting the GS logo added to bags/ posters. No update yet.

3. LaMar Advertising Artwork Meredith/John Struggling to get the work done. Lamar John is going to continue to  Final Artwork thought they were creating a logo and not work with David to get the billboard artwork. Call to action for a work done. billboard is a struggle also as we only have a Facebook page to direct people to.

4. United Health – Coupons for Fresh Karen UH can only give $150 toward coupons, but it Can Karen use that money Vegetables Pantry - Update is not enough for a vendor. They are out for part of her Community for this year. Bring back for their next Connect person? TOPIC SPEAKER DISCUSSION ACTION year’s budget.

Objective #2 (Food Pantry Infrastructure Plan)

1. Food Pantry’s Working Together Danielle/Karen Pantry Tool shows they are giving more  Pantry Tool protein than needed and they should  Update encourage shopping for more fruits and Shromona will follow up vegetables. with Howard from United Way to see if Food Pantry Sustainability Report summary in Charity Tracker can draft. For review by committee. help with pantry use tracking. Shromona will see if Howard can come to our next meeting to present what they have been doing Objective #3 (Non-Emergency Needs) Health screening tool that we have asked 1. Food As Medicine pantries to complete- 7 have said they would participate.


1. Facebook Update Stephanie/Laura

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 9:30 am Aging & Resource Center, 300 S Adams Board Room