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Important – Unusual Homework for the week! 1. If at all possible, please bring 2 boxes of Kleenex (1st hour) and a roll of paper towel for use in class (all hours, but only students with last names A-L in 2015-16), antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer are also more than welcome! 2. Bring reading material to class every day for Phantom Time (1st hour, all year). 3. Don’t forget to get the MACAT Syllabus sheets signed for FRIDAY – September 11th, 2015. (10 POINTS) 4. Turn in the Student Information Sheets by FRIDAY the 11th. (10 POINTS) 5. Get your binder and 5 dividers by MONDAY, September 14th. . (10 POINTS)

8 Sep: Play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNdBHmZAOr4&safe=active Welcome. Discuss school rules (specific items each class period). Fill out Student Information Sheets IN BLACK INK (due by Friday). Seating charts – use them! 7th and 8th grade orientation programs during special 1st hour. Write your name on a popsicle stick to use for class later – give it back to me today – goes in cup at front of room on your way out. Given time – begin scientific observations exercise (belt, key tube, 9 mag game, black box) Homework – See text box, above.

9 Sep: Log: (A log question is a question that you need to answer in the “Logs” section of your binder when you come to class each day). Complete “Safety Slacker” by yourself. You may find many more than 4 things wrong with the “slacker” depicted on this worksheet. Classwork: Hidden Rules worksheet – complete in groups of 4 and relate to the syllabus. Discuss the safety slacker with demo “whoosh bottle”. Begin “Lab Safety Cartoon” in class, finish for homework (due Fri). Homework: “Lab Safety Cartoon”. On the back of the sheet, each student needs make spaces to comment on all 13 people, and then have at least 10 comments (total) about what they are doing wrong (for Friday). Also - see text box, above.

10 Sep: 7th grade photos during class today Classwork: Divide into groups, introduce yourselves, and discuss the lab safety rules – use your ans wers to “Safety Slacker” come up with at least 7 rules that your group thinks are critical to our mi ddle school classes (put answers on the back of the sheet). As a class, discuss safety rules and oth er behaviors that are needed to allow for science to be more enjoyable and interesting. Help with “Lab Safety Cartoon” – due tomorrow. Homework – See text box, above.

11 Sep: 8th grade photos during class today All Classes – Intro of Mr. Satarino - conflict and issue resolution in MACAT (10 Min during 8th grade photos) Due: MACAT Syllabus sheets, Student Information Sheet (collect/alphabetize). Also, remember KLEENEX and paper towel for A-L last names, please! Classwork: Continue lab safety – give credit for effort, then complete discussion of “Lab Safety Cartoon” Worksheet (labs) in class – at least one 7th grader and one 8th grader per group. Begin Hurricane lessons – barometric pressure and Rain Gauge/CoCoRaHS network. Homework: Binder and 5 dividers due Monday!!!!!!!! 14 Sep: Classwork: Use Samsung Tab 4 tablets (1st time ever) to run Poll Everywhere for safety quiz review. Use projector and sample binder to set up binders. Make sure students have all sheets filed in proper sections of binder. Due: Binder with 5 dividers Homework – Part 1: Make sure binder is ready for check tomorrow, finish studying for quiz as needed. Homework – Part 2: Get safety contract signed for tomorrow

15 Sep: Fire drills for 15 minutes in 1st-3rd hours. Classwork: Safety Quiz. Show students what a mL is (grad cyl, gram-cm cubes) Classwork/Homework: Read “Where is Water on Earth?” (Lesson 1 MEECS Water) and make your predictions in the proper column on the table that has been provided. Also, draw your own version of the water cycle in the space provided on the back of the lab. Vocab: Groundwater, Icecaps, Glaciers Due: Safety Contract

16 Sep: Log: Compare your answers to the predictions for “Where is Water on Earth?” with the other students in your group. Classwork – part 1: Complete “Where is Water on Earth?” lab in your groups. Classwork – part 2: Look at “How Much of Earth’s Water is ‘Available’ for Human Use?” to check your work on the lab. Classwork/Homework: Complete “The Water Cycle” – MEECS Water page 10. – review/assessment of existing info. (it’s on the back of “How Much of Earth’s Water is ‘Available’ for Human Use?”) Vocab: Terms for water cycle – not listing them here to keep you from “cheating” on 15 Sep

17 Sep: Meet in lab computer 227 (around the corner from my room) Classwork: “Path of Michigan’s Water to the Ocean” – begin in class using the computer and lake elevations from Google Earth. Students need to determine the most logical way for both liquid and gas phases of water to reach the Atlantic Ocean from Livonia. (Comes with a worksheet/info)

18 Sep: Finish the “Path of Michigan’s Water to the Ocean”. Discuss the lab from Wed. Discuss the vocab students need to know for the water cycle. Due: “Path of Michigan’s Water to the Ocean”

21 Sep – Computer lab Vocab: Variable (dependent and independent), hypothesis, control, notable, stepwise. Log: 8th graders help 7th graders come up to speed on the Starburst jelly bean lab that we will start in class on Monday or Tuesday. Small groups - work on “Scientific Method” (labs) sheet, learn the meaning of “generalization,” complete back of sheet if time permits (will be homework on Monday).

What are variables? Can more than one variable be tested at the same time in an experiment? Explain your answers!!!!

Begin metric system review – Starburst jelly bean lab – 8th graders read and discuss while 7th graders have their pictures taken. Small groups work together to answer the questions on the back of the sheet (on separate paper).

9 Sep: Hand out Box Tops Fundraiser Sheet to 1 st Hour Due: Binder and 5 dividers (10 points!). Log: How do you use a fire extinguisher on a burning wall? How long can you get spray to come out of a small (10 pound) fire extinguisher? Classwork: Create these 5 binder sections in class (8th graders help 7th graders): Notes, Logs, Labs, Tests/Quizzes, Everything Else (E.E.). Don’t empty your binder until we do it as a class!!! Go over last items for “Safety Cartoon” sheet. Complete discussion of “Scientific Method” (labs) classwork from Friday. Watch Flinn lab safety video at: http://bit.ly/19gxe1o Classwork/Homework: Complete “Performing an Experiment” on the back of “Scientific Method” sheet for Wed. Vocab: Data, generalization, mass, absolute zero, stepwise, air pressure = 14.7 psi

10 Sep: Meet in computer lab. If you have not done so, you must sign up for my general info and class emails today! Fire and tornado drill day (1st – Tornado 8-8:25, 3rd – Fire 10:32, 5th - Fire 1pm, 6th – Fire 2pm) Use time to go outside and review food chains/webs, producers, consumers, herbivores and carnivores (those are our VOCAB words for the day). Discuss differences between forest edge and deep forest for food. Look at simple and compound leaves, eat grapes and grape leaves (student choice), avoid pokeberries and buckthorn berries, discuss Sumac, Virginia Creeper and Poison Ivy. Classwork/Homework: Discuss “Performing an Experiment.” Complete ecology review sheet associated with today’s lesson (due Thurs). Homework: Make hypothesis for Starburst Jelly Bean Lab, if you have not already done so.

11 Sep: 1st hour: 7th Grade Magazine Fundraiser Kickoff 2nd Hour: 8th Grade Magazine Fundraiser Kickoff Log: “Read and Record/Metric Measurement” (labs) Classwork: Learn how to properly use the major and minor scale on a ruler and 3 beam balance. Learn to estimate one decimal place beyond the minor scale on any piece of equipment. Take 17 question lab safety quiz + 7 question metric system pre-test. Time permitting: Begin Starburst Jelly Bean Lab by discussing log worksheet and hypotheses students made for lab (help with proper format of a hypothesis). In addition to what is in the directions, your group needs to use a laptop to type a procedure that can be followed by another group – do this as you go along!!! (also sign up for my website emails at this time if you did not do so yesterday in the computer lab). Homework: Get Safety “Contract” signed for tomorrow (1st and 3rd hours will do this on 12 Sep) Vocab: Kilo, milli, centi, major scale, minor scale

12 Sep: Open House is Tonight at 7pm. Due: Safety Contract (hours 5-6). Nature Trail Ecology Review Sheet from Tues. Classwork: Discuss and collect ecology sheet from Tuesday. Continue Jelly Bean Lab. Create graphs, charts, procedure, collect data. Vocab: Grams, milliliters, degrees Celsius. Classwork/Homework: Answer as many lab questions as is now possible, given what you got done today. Homework: Get Safety “Contract” signed for tomorrow (1st and 3rd hours) – or your parents can bring it to open house tonight! Additional Work: complete both sides of “Metric Capacity” (e.e.) in any free time that you have

13 Sep: Due: Safety Contract (hours 1, 3) Classwork: Continue Jelly Bean Lab. Classwork/Homework: Each student ensures that they have answers to as many of the questions on the back of the lab as possible for next Monday. Additional Work: complete both sides of “Metric Capacity” (e.e.) in any free time that you have

16 Sep: Classwork: Complete Jelly Bean Lab. Be sure procedure is typed and graphs/charts accurately represent data LABEL EVERYTHING WITH YOUR NAMES AND THE PROPER UNITS! NOTES ABOUT WHAT MUST BE DONE TODAY: 1. The lab PROCEDURE 2. DATA CHARTS 3. YOUR CONCLUSION (how did the lab either support or not support your hypothesis?) 4. You must answer all of the questions on the back of the lab by tomorrow – EACH STUDENT MUST HAVE THEIR OWN SET OF ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ON THE BACK OF THE JELLY BEAN LAB!

17 Sep: Log: Why use the Metric System? Why not use the Metric System? (give 4 reasons for each question). DUE BY THE END OF THE HOUR 1. EACH STUDENT turns in their answers to the lab questions by the end of the hour. 2. All GROUPS turn in their hypothesis that they tested 3. All GROUPS turn in the procedure that would be used by others to test the same hypothesis turned in today (hypothesis for #2, above). 4. All GROUPS turn in graphs/charts, even the ones that didn’t help to test their procedure. 5. All GROUPS turn in their conclusion (how did the lab either support or not support your hypothesis?)

Classwork: Discuss Log. If your team is behind and needs to use the class period for the lab, the following classwork becomes homework: Area Worksheet #1 and Volume Worksheet #1 (due on 24 Sep). Classwork/Homework: Obtain and begin “Measurement Notes” – due sometime in October, this is a spot to consolidate your understanding of the metric and U.S. systems. Put this information on your “Measurement Notes/Study Guide: 1. 1st two columns on worksheet - define and list the basic units of length, volume, mass, temperature and time (add a space to the worksheet for time) in the Metric System (SI) and our “normal” (English) system? Be Sure to Explain your answers to #2 and #3 (in rectangles for “English Measurement System” and “Metric Measurement System”) 2. What number (if any) is the metric system based on? 3. What number (if any) is the English system based on?

18 Sep: Log: Look up front and draw what you see in the most scientific way possible. Classwork: Discuss log and my expectations for how students will make drawings on future lab procedures. Share procedures for Jelly Bean Lab to determine if other groups could follow your procedure as it was written. Return and go over the quiz from last week. Homework: finish both sides of “Metric Capacity” for tomorrow.

19 Sep: “Catch-Up Day” Log: I give you credit for “Metric Capacity, then you discuss it in your groups of 4, after which you work together to complete the back of the sheet. Classwork: Discuss Log as needed. Go over additional items from Nature Trail Fall Visit as needed. Finish discussing 13 lab questions from Jellybean lab (see vocab) – include relationship of mL to cm3, and info about density of water at 40C. Return Quiz and go over specific sections. Discuss issues with lab procedures as written by students. Homework: Graphs and Charts Practice 1 (for tomorrow – to discuss during “Log”) Vocab: Capacity, Memorize temps in ques #7 on back of Jellybean lab, Calories, calories, basic metric units are grams, meters, liters. Also: 1 cal/g/0C, for all matter 1cm3= 1 mL, and for water only 1cm3= 1 mL = 1g @ 40C. 20 Sep: Note: Protists came in today, so we will change objectives for a few days while they are available. Interim Objectives/Big Ideas: a. Cells are the basic units of living things b. The levels of complexity of cellular organization in multicellular organisms. c. Specialized cells exist for specific jobs within multicellular organisms d. Unicellular organisms have cells that are capable of all jobs needed for life. e. What differentiates between living and nonliving things? Log: In groups of 4, discuss Graphs and Charts Practice 1, then complete Graphs and Charts Practice 2 if you get done early. Classwork: Obtain “Note Taking Guide: Characteristics of Living Things” packet (labs). Discuss use/parts of microscopes and begin observations of amoeba, euglena, and paramecium on page 14 of the packet. Classwork/Homework: Graphs and Charts Practice 2 (for Monday – to discuss during “Log”)

23 Sep: Log: In groups of 4, discuss Graphs and Charts Practice 2 Classwork: Continue Microorganism work – complete pages 14-15 of packet, use the laminated sheets to help with your drawings. Begin pages 8-9 (animal slides). Classwork: Show Videos: AMOEBA: Amoeba eats two paramecia (amoeba’s lunch): http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=pvOz4V699gk&safe=active PARAMECIUM: Paramecium eating pigmented yeast: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=l9ymaSzcsdY&safe=active EUGLENA: Euglenoid party: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rNI8Bos_BQ&safe=active EUGLENA: Euglena - Flagellum movement in phase contrast: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jl0TzaWUQWk&safe=active Classwork/Homework: Answer the questions on page 16 of the packet!!! Complete microscope parts worksheet (labs, due tomorrow) NOTE: Good site to study the parts of a microscope: http://www.biologycorner.com/microquiz/ Vocab: Unicellular, multicellular, amoeba, euglena, paramecium,

24 Sep: Log: Groups of 4 discuss the questions on page 16 of packet. Classwork, Part 1: Area Worksheet #1 and Volume Worksheet #1 are due – complete part “C” on back of Dry Volume lab as a demo. I will check in your worksheets while you complete part 2 of the classwork. Classwork, Part 2: Discuss microscope worksheet. Finish pages 8-9 of packet. Answer questions on page 10 in your group. Due: Area Worksheet #1 and Volume Worksheet #1, Microscope worksheet. Homework: Read page 12 of the packet, answer the questions on page 13. STUDY FOR THE QUIZ THAT IS NEXT WEEK!

25 Sep: Log: 1. Monerans (eubacteria and archaebacteria) and protists are two kingdoms of microorganisms. Why are they divided into two kingdoms, and what are some members of those kingdoms? 2. Why are the amoeba, paramecium, and euglena used are representative members of the protist kingdom? Classwork: Obtain a textbook and complete your study of the characteristics of living things with the questions on page 3-5 of the packet. Show me the work when it is complete. Classwork/Homework: Complete “Lights on Activity” on page 6 of the packet in the back room or at home, with a family member. (due tomorrow). ALSO START TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR THE 27 SEP CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK. Vocab: moneran, protist, stimulus, response. archae (old), eu (true), karyote (kernel), prokaryote, eukaryote, bacteria (eubacteria and archaebacteria)

26 Sep: Log: Discuss pages 12-13 of the packet and your results on the “Lights on Activity.” Classwork: Use the text and your notes to complete pages 21-22 of the packet. Classwork/Homework: “Specialized Cells” on page 24 of the packet (due tomorrow). Homework: Page 25 of the packet (page not numbered) and page 26 of packet. Vocab: Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

27 Sep: Log: Discuss page 25 of the packet (page not numbered) and page 26 of packet. Classwork: Learn “The Cell Theory” on page 10 and “Cell Similarities” on page 12 – take notes, quiz one-another. Take notes and complete activities on pages 12-13 of text – Surface to volume ratio and the benefits of being multicellular/many kinds of cells. Vocab: Cell theory, cell membrane, DNA, organelles, cytoplasm, surface to volume ratio. Classwork/homework: answer the following questions (due Monday): 1. What are the 3 parts of the cell theory? 2. What are 4-5 things all cells have in common? 3. What are 2 advantages of being multicellular? 4. Why are the amoeba, paramecium, and euglena used are representative members of the protist kingdom? 5. To which levels of organization in your body do the organelles in a unicellular organism most closely relate? Be specific, and explain your answer with at least 3 examples from the protists that we studied.

30 Sep: Log: Work on “Measurement Notes” – see chalkboard and lesson plans from 17 Sep. Classwork: Finish microorganism work, prep for metric system quiz. Classwork/Homework: Metric Capacity 2 – Crossword.

1 Oct: Log: Obtain and complete Graphs and Charts Practice 3 Classwork: Discuss Log as needed. Classwork, Part 2: Remind 101. Quiz on milli, centi, kilo, mass, area, dry volume, volume by displacement, temperatures in both systems Homework: Graphs and Charts Practice 4 (for Thurs – to discuss during “Log”). Venn Diagram from Characteristics of Living Things” (COLT) packet – due Friday).

2 Oct: Classwork: Go to lab 15 and complete the “Characteristics of Living Things” (COLT) packet and related assignments out of the textbook (as needed, for those who were absent). Use quizlet or another method of your choosing to make materials to use to study the vocab for this unit (see prior lesson plans for lists of vocab we used). Use this link to begin online MEAP review if all other work is completed. Due: Venn diagram, if you are already done (due Fri)

3 Oct: Conferences – No School for Students Scale Worm – scary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-oCZ_JEgbM&safe=active 4 Oct: Log: Go over Graphs and Charts 3-4 (G & C 3-4) in your groups Classwork: Complete discussion of G & C 3-4 (with KE and PE review, ACT test-taking strategies, pollination discussion). Pass out sound project rubric to those who didn’t get it at conferences and begin to discuss the parameters of the project. Homework: Get your thoughts in order regarding the project and get started, if at all possible. Due: Venn diagram of similarities and differences between single and multicellular organisms.

7 Oct: Log: Use the “Cells” book to begin test review – go over questions 1-3 on page 8 in our groups of 4. Classwork – part 1: Discuss question 3 of the log, which should be a review of populations and communities from elementary school. Classwork – part 2: Show videos (in MS Word doc that is also on my site in project resources) to illustrate aspects of loudness and making different notes, importance of practicing presentation before you show up for class when project is due. Note: The instrument has 2 basic requirements - get louder, play 2 notes. Note: Mouthpieces from other instruments are OK to use on your instrument. Classwork – part 3: Small groups go over sec rev in “Cells” book – page 15, questions 1-5. Homework: If you have a partner, you need to discuss what will be completed on the project each day/week over the next 3 weeks, and who will ultimately be responsible for each section of the items on the rubric. We will be working on the project for 1st-3rd hours on Thurs the 10th due to MEAP disruption that day. 4th – 6th hours will do the same during class on Tues the 15th.

8 Oct: MEAP – 30-33 Minute Classes Classwork: Review for the quiz on COLT packet and related vocab. Quiz content - We will do just the basics on the differences between the unicellular/ multicellular organisms, since the unit is supposed to focus on the cell theory and the characteristics of living things, as well as the similarities and differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms and the levels of cellular organization (cell, tissue, organ, etc). I will also give you the words prokaryote and eukaryote and ask about which creatures that we studied fit into each group, plus ask why they were classified that way. To me it's important that you know that classification has changed over time, and when I was a kid, we pretty much only had the plant and animal kingdoms, not like now with at least 6-7 kingdoms being recognized. Vocab: All Cell and Microorganism vocab in the lesson plans up to this date.

Homework: Study for quiz, work on your project’s work plan, especiallyif you have a partner in a different class!

9 Oct: MEAP – 33-40 Minute Classes Hand out Field Trip Forms for 7 Nov DIA/Yes! Expo visit– forms due by next Monday – signed by parent/guardian Log: Draw a diagram of a typical atom. Label the protons, neutrons, electrons, and nucleus. Classwork: Discuss log. Review the structure of the atom. Elaborate on objectives for the new unit on Waves. Hand out packets and textbooks. Complete initial activity “What we think about how the sun produces light and heat” Classwork/Homework: Read “atoms and molecules” on pages 1-2 of the packet, answer the 2 questions on page 2. (due tomorrow). Vocab: Atom, element, molecule, compound, protons, neutrons, electrons, and nucleus

10 Oct: MEAP – Only 1st-3rd hours meet today Classwork: Complete work plan (who does what parts of project, when those parts are to be completed) for your project today – it is due today. Homework: Study for the quiz!

11 Oct: Log: “Graphs and Charts #6 Classwork: Discuss log. Take Quiz on Cells and Microorganisms Homework: Read pages 8-9 in your packet. Define/explain/draw wave, wavelength, frequency, mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves. Add crest and trough to the diagram on page 8, be sure that you can explain amplitude and wavelength (you may need to look them up). Vocab: wavelength, frequency, mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, amplitude and wavelength.

14 Oct: Log: “Physical Changes” Review Classwork: Discuss log. Continue on with exercises 1-2 in the Waves Packet. Homework: TBD Vocab:

10 Oct: MEAP – Only 4th – 6th hours meet today Classwork: Complete work plan (who does what parts of project, when those parts are to be completed) for your project today – it is due today.

Classwork: Finish discussing Doppler radar, barometric pressure, millibars (mb) while helping with “Air Pressure” sheet from Friday (E.E. Due tomorrow). Begin taking barometric pressure in each class and entering data on Google Document Spreadsheet that has been shared with the class using emails entered on my site on Friday (take pressures every day, every class for 20 class days). Finish discussing “Photosynthesis” sheet, as needed (chemical formulas/chemical changes and how to analyze graphs/data)

Binder check.

Classwork/Homework: Inferences sheet – “Science Process Skills – Observations versus Inferences/Making Inferences” – due 16 Sep Vocab: Inference, Observation, Quantitative, Qualitative (define each and use in an example sentence in your notes section of your binder). Pencil in the eye vs. chemical in the eye lesson. Classwork: Weather Webquest – due next Wed.

16 Sep: 1st hour, Phantom Time: CoCoRaHS weather instrument training, GLOBE IOP starts for MACAT. Log – Obtain and begin “Measurement Notes” – due sometime in October, this is a spot to consolidate your understanding of the metric and U.S. systems. Classwork: Check in “Making Inferences” sheet and collect Safety Contracts. Discuss contrails, origins of jet fuel (oil and nat gas), relationship to photosynthesis sheet and carbon cycle. Belt lab: 3 Inferences and 3 observations, plus drawings. Due: Safety contract, also 10 points for Inferences sheet – “Science Process Skills – Observations versus Inferences/Making Inferences” Vocab: Contrail

19 Sep 2011: Phantom Time: Begin CoCoRaHS data collection and entry. Log: Make both a qualitative observation and a quantitative observation about the room. Make an inference based on each of your observations. Classwork: Go over log question. Quiz and debrief/discuss notes from last Friday’s jet fuel/contrails discussion and finish Belt Lab. Classwork/Homework: “Inferences” – due Friday (e.e.). Complete questions 1-3 For Figure 1, questions 1-3 for Figure 2, and multiple choice questions 1 and 2 on the back for figures 5a and 5b.

20 Sep: Entrance Questions (answers go in T/Q section): Complete pages 1-6 of class set “Strategies for Test Preparation: Strategies – Data Tables” (e.e.), then share your answers/discuss w/ a partner. Log Question #2: Why are we discussing test preparation so early in the year? Classwork: CoCoRaHS (as needed) and GLOBE (for all) weather instrument training,. Volumizer demo – as needed. Discuss test preparation skills (make list to share) at least one 7th grader and o ne 8th grader per group (Use “General Strategies for Taking Tests” sheet – goes in T/Q section of binder). Continue Science Process Skills Review: Discuss log ques from today.

21 Sep: Meet in LMC or lab 15 (depends on which computers are working – look for note on my door as needed) Classwork: Hurricane portion of webquest started last week should be completed upon entry to class (except #3 about forecast accuracy - discuss Friday).

22 Sep: Classwork: Discuss/help with “Inferences” homework from Tuesday. Students finish “Test- Taking Strategies: Analyzing Graphs,” and “Strategies – Maps.” Go over: “Test-Taking Strategies: Analyzing Graphs,” students make their own “sample” graph, then explain my rules for making an accurately labeled “10 Point” graph (overhead). Discuss Hurricane Webquest as needed.

23 Sep: Log: Do hurricanes have high air pressure or low air pressure? Compare your answer to the prior question to the relationship we have talked about in class with barometric pressures falling or rising and the weather that is associated with falling or rising barometric pressures. In which way does a hurricane’s wind circulate (clockwise or counterclockwise) in the northern hemisphere? How about the southern hemisphere? Due: “Inferences” from Monday Classwork: Discuss Hurricane Webquest as needed (esp. #3) – short content quiz tomorrow. Discuss log and relate it to low pressure systems. Go over “Strategies for Test Preparation: Strategies – Maps.” (T/Q) – introduce selves in new groups of my choosing, each person completes one map and explains it to others in group. Give 10 points for “Inferences” paper, go over “Inferences.” Classwork/Homework: “Water’s Path from Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean/Pollution in the Hydrosphere.” (e.e.) – Due on Monday the 26th. Reminder: You need to keep all of your science papers in the 5 sections of your science binder, and are only supposed to empty it when I let you know that it is safe to do so (usually at the end of each unit).

26 Sep: Log: List the lakes and rivers that water goes through on its way from Michigan to the ocean, and state which ocean we are talking about in this question. Classwork: Hurricane Webquest Quiz. After quiz, each student is to write an illustrated summary detailing the similarities and differences between observations and inferences. Give credit/go over “Water’s Path.” Finish “Strategies for Test Preparation: Strategies – Maps” as needed. Due: “Water’s Path from Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean/Pollution in the Hydrosphere.” Classwork/Homework: “Changes in Matter/Measurements and More!” (e.e.) review sheet in class, finish for homework for tomorrow.

27 Sep: Classwork: Begin Metric System - discuss Metric System log question w/ table partners/class. Work on “Metric Terms” (labs) matching worksheet in class, use class set of keys to go over it (labs). Go over 7 day forecast accuracy from last week’s work on the hurricane webquest. Students partner and go over “Changes in Matter/Measurements and More!” (e.e.) – check against answer key. Due: “Changes in Matter/Measurements and More!” (e.e.) Homework: – Due 29 Sep.

28 Sep: Meet in LMC to use computers Classwork: MEAP review – use PowerPoint Games at own pace – Physical Science and Life Science today Vocab: Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism. Homework: “Changes in State” diagram (e.e.) – due 30 Sep

29 Sep: Log: Describe yourself in metric terms (have scale and rulers available in class – at least 10 measurements per person). Calibrate a part of your hand to represent 1cm for later use in class. Measure your “wingspan” and height – compare them with others in class. Classwork – Part 1: Go over log. Discuss why it is that so many students can’t remember the answers to the log questions and have inadequate metric descriptions of themselves (especially 8th graders, who learned this in my class last year! Classwork – part 2: finish tomorrow as needed: Focus on warm fronts and cold fronts – use animated loop of jet stream position for next 144 hours - http://www.weatherimages.org/data/imag192.html explain how that low finally moved off of us. Also has nice isobars on it, will relate the whole thing to topo maps in class next week, national radar from Ch. 4, WDIV -http://detroit.justweather.com/#lightbox=p27&tab=w10lb to look at local weather, and http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es2002/es2002page01.cf m - for a warm and cold fronts animation – hand out “Cold and Warm Fronts” (e.e.) sheet so that students know where we are headed, we will finish the sheet tomorrow. Due: “Measurement Notes/Study Guide” homework from 27 Sep – give credit Homework: Be sure to make illustrations, with pictures and words, for each of the items on your “Changes of State” sheet (e.e.) - read direction #4. Vocab/concepts: 1mL = 1cm3, 1 foot = 30.4cm, 1 mile = 1.6 km (1.609344), 2.54cm = 1 inch, 5280 feet = 1 mile, phase of matter means the same thing as state of matter, diffusion, heat energy, composition of the atmosphere is 78%N + 21%O + 1% other gases

30 Sep: Classwork: In Groups - Classify items in the drawings on “Types of Matter” (e.e.) sheet – we will finish cutting the sheet out on Monday. Also complete both sides of “Cold and Warm Fronts” sheet, based on what you learned yesterday – we will go over this sheet next Monday as well. More Classwork: I go over multiple choice from “Changes of State” (e.e.) and then give credit for your drawings and labels on the sheet. Students obtain and staple their 7th or 8th grade packet for the next 2 weeks. Review/finish lesson from yesterday, ensuring that all classes have explanation of vocab terms and measurements. Homework: Metric Review sheet – familiarize yourself with it and be sure to start learning what is on this sheet – everybody needs to know all of it in 2 weeks.

3 Oct 11: Log: Explain the difference between a warm front’s shape and a cold front’s shape. Classwork: Go over “Warm Fronts and Cold Fronts” sheet (e.e.). Clarify Deposition/Sublimation, with examples. Discuss the difference between steam and fog. Finish “Types of Matter” sheet. Classwork/Homework: “Vocabulary – Motion of Objects and Geosphere” (T/Q) a review sheet – both sides due 4 Oct.

4 Oct: Log: Citizenship Self Evaluation. Check “Vocabulary – Motion of Objects and Geosphere” (T/Q) Classwork – Part 1: Discuss citizenship. Hand out conference organization sheet, explain timing and organization of conferences. Many parents to not need to meet with me, but I am happy to see all of them. Classwork – Part 2: conduct ICCARS pre-assessment. Complete “What is a Testable Question?” Classwork/Homework: MEAP Review worksheet/Scientific Method worksheet: “Vocab – Heredity, Evolution & Cells/Plant Experiment” (e.e. – get help tomorrow, due Friday) 5 Oct 11: Meet in LAB 15 to use computers Classwork: Part 1. See “Barometric Pressure Assignment” (lab) in my outbox and/or on my website! Homework: Hydrosphere vocabulary (T/Q) – due Friday.

6 Oct: Conferences – No School

7 Oct 11: MEAP Rooms/seating – Practice Run Log: “Life Processes” (e.e.) complete sheet and check your work. Classwork: Discuss log. Go over “Hydrosphere Vocabulary” and “Vocab – Heredity, Evolution & Cells/Plant Experiment” (use answer keys). Use http://www.stormpulse.com/ to look at radar and tracking for hurricanes in Atlantic and Pacific, explain spaghetti models. Due: “Hydrosphere Vocabulary” and “Vocab – Heredity, Evolution & Cells/Plant Experiment” (T/Q). Homework: Create 3 metric system questions (MC, T/F, and Matching with at least 5 parts) to use on Monday. Vocab: Condensation Nucleus (Nuclei = plural), Extrapolation, Interpolation


10 Oct 11: MEAP Rooms/seating – Practice Run #2 1st hour – meet in my room. 2nd-6th hours, meet in lab 7. Log: Quiz each other using Metric System log question w/ table partners, then work on “Weather Vocabulary” review sheet while your computers boot up and later for homework. Due: Barometric Pressure Assignment from last Wed – for a grade. Three metric system related questions/answers Classwork Part 1: Go to http://techalive.mtu.edu/meec/module08/GreatLakesFlow.htm and explain/summarize what you see – be sure to list the average surface levels of each of the Great Lakes as well as the total distance from Duluth to the Atlantic. Next, go to this site http://www.lre.usace.army.mil/hh/GreatLakesWaterLevels/GLWL-CurrentMonth-Feet.pdf and explain why a person looking at the beach along Lake Michigan would think that it was shrinking if they saw it in 1964 and then again in 1985. This site: http://www.lre.usace.army.mil/greatlakes/hh/greatlakeswaterlevels/currentconditions/greatlakesw aterlevels/ is another way that you can get to the same historical Great Lakes info. Classwork Part 2: Final MEAP Review – PowerPoint Games from my outbox at own pace – Earth Science and Diagrams. Homework: Finish “Weather Vocabulary” review sheet as needed.

11 Oct: MEAP in AM, then 1st-3rd hours meet. My 1st hour has “A” lunch after MEAP, then comes to class. 1st hour is from 11:10-12:10, 2nd hour is from 12:15-1:15, 3rd hour 1:20-2:20, study hall 2:25-2:48. 12 Oct: MEAP in AM, then 4th-6th hours meet. 4th hour is from 10:20-11:20, 5th hour has “A” lunch after 4th hour, then comes to class from 11:55-12:55, 6th hour is from 1:00-2:00, study hall 2:05-2:48. PLANS 11-12 Oct: 8th – Classwork: Metric Games – ALL PEOPLE – alone or in groups make a “Work Plan” detailing who will do what work in the game creation – the plan is due 1st thing tomorrow (or earlier). 7th – Classwork – part 1: Begin length exercises: Intro questions – (log): 1. Draw a straight line that is 5cm long. 2. Draw a straight line that is 5 thumb-widths long. 3. Explain why it is that we need an international system of measurement! 7th – Classwork – part 2: 1. Complete “Read and Record” (labs) alone, then compare answers with a partner. 2. Complete “Metric Measurement” (labs) alone, then check as a group – be sure to measure to the “halfway between the most accurate markings on the ruler.” 3. “Complete “Let’s Measure Length” (labs). 4. Do homework. Homework: All classes - work on “Vocabulary Terms” worksheet in packet – be sure to use these vocabulary terms – theory, law, hypothesis (look them up if you need to).

13 Oct 1st and 2nd Hour Plans: 17 Oct 5th and 6th Hour Plans: 1st hour and read-in from 8-8:30. MEAP in AM until 11:20. 1st hour has “A” lunch after MEAP, then comes to class. 1st hour is from 11:55-12:50, 2nd hour is from 12:55-1:50, 3rd hour 1:55 to 2:48. 8th – Classwork: Metric Games 8th – Due: Work Plans (10 points) 7th – Log Question: What are 3 major errors that people make when measuring objects? 7th – Classwork: I introduce “3 Step Method,” which students must use for all future calculations in MACAT science. 1. Complete “Measuring Area” (lab) – you must do the “bonus” question for the leaf in mm, but you need to skip the portion about your hand and shoe. 2. Complete “Area Worksheet #1,” EC for the back of Area Worksheet #1 (labs) (practical problems about paint, wallpaper, carpet, etc).

14 Oct: Flew Kites to collect ICCARS data.

14 & 17 Oct: No MEAP 17 Oct:1st and 2nd Hour Plans 18 Oct:5th and 6th Hour Plans 8th – Classwork: Metric Games 7th – Classwork: Finish Length Lab and any remaining area lab/area worksheet/conversions problems (go over as needed). Complete graph paper exercise where students create shapes for as many different examples as they can create for 1 cm2, 2cm2, 3cm2, 4cm2, and 5cm2 shapes. (help start this with 1, 2, 3 cm3 shapes) Begin Volume. “Measuring Liquids” (labs) – Both Sides. Complete in class so that students can use colored pencils or markers to label 1 drawing on the back of this sheet (post answer key on projector before end of class).

19 Oct: 1st hour from 8-8:30am, 2nd hour from 8:35-9:05, MEAP from 9:10-11:40, then lunch 3rd hour and 4th hour are from 11:45-1:45, 5th hour is from 1:50-2:20, 6th hour is from 2:25-2:48. Classwork - all: Go over “Vocabulary Terms” worksheet in packet, also review “Metric Terms” answers and “Measurement Notes” sheet. 20 Oct: 8th – Classwork: Metric Games - Rough draft of directions due (should be final, but there may be a few corrections later). 7th – Classwork: Check in and go over “Measuring Liquids” (labs) – use answer key on Elmo. Conduct “Finding Dry Volume” lab (due tomorrow) and “Volume Lab #1.” Discuss the back of “Finding Dry Volume” lab. 7th Classwork/Homework: Read “Using a Balance” (labs) and answer 3 questions at bottom of sheet, which summarize how to find mass (we will skip the 4th question and do a lab instead). There is no back on “Using a Balance” sheet (handed out separately in 2011-12) 7th - Homework: Read “A Variety of Volumes” lab, prepare to do lab when you arrive on 24 Oct. Vocab: Caliper(s), volume of a cylinder is pi x r2 x h.

21 Oct: Inserted day here due to windfall of 20 pounds of dry ice. Log: Can air be “poured” like water? Explain your answer. Does air have mass? Explain how you know. Classwork: Dry ice demos and video. All students – go over “Types of Matter” grid sheet (drawings, labels) from last week – key on Elmo projector. Discuss “What is a testable question?” Due: “What is a testable question?” from packet. 7th – due – “Finding Dry Volume” lab Classwork/Homework: “Lab Skills Checkup #4/Performing an Experiment” (packet).- complete front as a group in class, complete back for 31 Oct. Vocab: Fluid

24 Oct: 8th – Classwork: Metric Games - At least 40 accurate and complete questions (also answer key) must be shown to Mr. C today (for a grade) 7th – Classwork: “A Variety of Volumes” lab – start, finish and discuss today. Time permitting – make shapes with gram-cm3 cubes (4 and 26 cm3)

25 Oct: 8th – Classwork: Metric Games - continue to work on projects, you need to be done tomorrow for grading tomorrow or the next day. 7th – Classwork: Conduct “Mass Lab” 7th – Classwork/Homework: Read “Thermometer/Measuring Temperature” lab and complete questions 1-3, we will do the lab tomorrow.

26 Oct: 8th – Classwork: Finish Projects, get them graded today or tomorrow. 7th – Classwork: Complete “Thermometer/Measuring Temperature” lab. Create and complete data charts for boiling and freezing portions of lab. (See if laptops will run graphing website for this).

27 Oct: Log Question: What are the boiling and freezing temperatures of water in both systems? 8th grade: projects due, grade structure and appearance of games. 7th - Classwork: Today we will catch up – finishing any labs and homework that you didn’t already complete, or playing metric system games if you are all done.

28 Oct: 5th and 6th hour have assemblies, so we will work on the nature trail and play metric system games with students in remaining classes.

31 Oct: Log Question: If I have 150mL of water, how many grams of water is that? Explain your answer!!!!! Scientific method. Complete the back of “Lab Skills Checkup #4/Performing an Experiment” (white mice lab – in packet). Complete Simpsons Controls and Variables. Vocab: Independent Variable, Dependent Variable

1 Nov: Log Question: Why is it better to use a 10mL graduated cylinder to find the volume of a paper clip than it is to use a 2000 mL one to do the same job? Review

2 Nov: Metric system games 3 Nov: Test

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