Monthly Learning Objectives

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Monthly Learning Objectives

Pupil Monthly Learning Plan and Self Assessment:

Name: AMcM & SB Class: P7 Date: 2nd Sept 2013

Tick: Green = I have achieved. Orange = I’m almost there. Red = I need more help

Subject Learning Objectives Resources My success p

u 1. I can communicate ideas and views. (Peer Mediation). SRA o

r 2. I have prepared and/or presented a timed speech to class council. Novels/Class Novel G 3. I have talked about my interests and preferences in reading. Complete Spelling/LCWC n e

e 4. I can complete and record my books and quiz scores as part of the Accelerated Reading Programme. Nelson Handwriting Bk4 Pgs1-4 r 5. I can read with increasing fluency and expression in my daily reading/English group. Handwriting 09 IWB G

y 6. I can use strategies to spell unfamiliar words correctly (Look Cover Write Check, Complete Spellings, Daily Spellings, Weekly Nelson Bk3 Non Fiction Unit 1 c a

r Spellings). Nelson Bk3 Fiction Unit 1 e t

i 7. I can form my letters properly. Anne Frank Information books L 8. I can answer comprehension questions using full sentences and simple punctuation using the words in the question to help. Writing Continuum 9. I can read information on Anne Frank and identify the main events of the text. 10. I have produced a piece of recount writing based upon Anne Frank. Writing Planners 11. I can self assess my recount using agreed success criteria. (WILF) Peer Mediation Wks 1-7 12. I can produce an information sheet “All about Me” using editing, checking and formatting. (ICT) Bond Papers 13. I have completed a level 3 /4 Reading AU –The Chocolate Factory/The Witches L3 Reading Task UNICEF Articles 7,8,9,12,31 y

c 1. I can communicate ideas and views. (Peer Mediation). SRA a

r 2. I have prepared and/or presented a timed speech to class council. Novels/Class Novel e t i 3. I have talked about my interests and preferences in reading. Complete Spelling/LCWC L

p 4. I can complete and record my books and quiz scores as part of the Accelerated Reading Programme. Handwriting IWB u o

r 5. I can read with increasing fluency and expression in my daily reading/English group. Nelson Bk4 Anne Frank Non Fiction Unit 1 G

6. I can use strategies to spell unfamiliar words correctly (Look Cover Write Check, Complete Spellings, Daily Spellings, Weekly Spellings). Nelson Bk4 The Silver Sword Fiction Unit d

e 7. I can form my letters properly. 1 R 8. I can answer comprehension questions using full sentences and punctuation using the words in the question to help. Anne Frank Information Books 9. I can read information on Anne Frank and identify the main events of the text. Writing Continuum 10. I have produced a piece of recount writing based upon Anne Frank (Level 4 Reading Task). 11. I can self assess my recount using agreed success criteria. (WILF) Comprehend It 12. I can talk and write about the affect the war had on children. (The Silver Sword, Evacuee letter) Writing Planners 13. I have completed a level 4 Reading AU – Memories of Schools Days Peer Mediation Wks 1-7 14. I can produce an information sheet “All about Me” using editing, checking and formatting. (ICT) Bond Papers 15. UNICEF Articles 7,8,9,12,31 Green GroupNumeracy DATA HANDLING 3Number–Jack’sI Animal have completed aLevel andAlgebra Database Shop, 3/4 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. Division 31. 30. 29. 28. Multiplication Divisionand 27. 26. 25. 24. Multiplication OPERATIONS THEIR AND APPLICATIONS 23. 22. 21. SUBTRACTION 20. 19. 18. 17. ADDITION SUBTRACTION AND 16. 15. 14. 13. ADDITION 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. AND PATTERNS,RELATIONSHIPS SEQUENCES 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. UNDERSTANDING AND NOTATION NUMBER NUMBER R ND3.4I link know the between and multiplication division, ND3.3I recognise whole whichcan numbers are divisible 2,5,and exactly by 10. ND3.2I about repeated know the subtraction an as approach division: to division, ND3.1I explored have the of within throughconcept divisionand 25 sharing grouping and activities link made multiplicationthe between and NMD3.4I the between understanding link x + and - & & ÷ NMD3.3I that understand multiplication division inverseand are operations use check and to results calculations. of NMD3.2I developed have mental strategies multiplication division.for and NMD3.1I use can the of andvocabulary multiplication division, NOM3.5I multiply a can by single digit 0 10 10: to x NOM3.4I multiplication understand from x 0 NOM3.2I quick have recall 10 tables.of 2, 5, and times NOM3.1I have explored using multiplication repeated or sets addition equal array 25,explain process within the and symbols.used NS3.3I subtract 1000: exchanges, can within (no exchange,1 exchanges)2 NS3.2I subtract 100: exchanges, can within (no exchange)1 NS3.1I a recall have quick of facts subtraction within 20. NAS3.4I solve to can problems include: NAS3.3I use can efficient calculation strategies.mental NAS3.2I that understand subtraction the of and is inverse addition can results simplecheck of calculations. NAS3.1I complete can vertical and addition subtraction record and Estimate before answers calculating. NA3.4I addition 1000 exchanges, can to (no exchange,1 exchanges)2 NA3.3I add can three four numbers the or of 2-digit with help apparatus pencil paper.or and NA3.2I add single can 3 digit numbers. NA3.1I developed have quick of recall number to facts 20. NP3.9I explored have multiplication on 100 patterns the square NP3.8I recognise can whole exactly numbers divisible 2,5 and NP3.6I that is know division repeated subtraction. NP3.5I investigated have and explain can patterns, NP3.4I naturethat know of commutative multiplication, NP3.3I addition subtraction know and as operations. inverse NP3.2 I explore and have number and use patterns equivalent of numbers,forms 2-digit NU3.5I approximate numbers can to (to nearest up 1000: the 10 nearest and 100) placeholder. NU3.4I that digit the know the on left a has of number greatest and digit the has value the on right least know zero value. I that as a NU3.3I explore can and numbers 1000, order within NU3.2I read can andnumbers 1000. write within NU3.1I explore can and numbers 1000, count within ead interpretand information from Data Base.  eg patterns 2,3,4,5 multiplication theof on 100 patterns. square, calendar eg theidentify sequence the number. and missing eg in 10s 100s,count forwards 1s, backwards2s, 5s and & from number. a eg 4 eg eg halving the eg is inverse doubling.of × 5 = = 5 5 eg by”.“times”, “divisible × 4. eg +20 65 +80 + 5 23 + = 3 = + 60 88 = 8 Animal Database Park Lunar Theme Problem WorksheetsSolving Addition/Subtraction Worksheets Tables Probes Collins: Skills Basic Assessment (CheckBook up 1-2) Home (1-2) Activities Pupil (1-9) Sheet Text (Pg1-33) Book Teaching (1-68) File New Heinemann 4 Mental 3&4 1-5) Maths (Units The Arts The World Around Us Red GroupNumeracy

13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Living Things 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Work the with Eco-Councillors Eco make school an to Friendly That local/global in past events the have shape we helped who are(I P) Frank/WW2) today & (Anne To continuity changeidentify across and period a (COT) of Frank/WW2) (Anne time links To betweenmake events changesmain and within period and a theon studied comment on impact people (Anne (COT) Frank/WW2) children/Movementto Camps/Fleeing war) Concentration from To why understand people the moved one in past from place another describeto and how felt (Evacuation they (M&E) of To different use types evidence find about of to out the eg andpast oral, written, visual physical COT) evidence & (Anne (P Frank/WW2) About and similarities differences animalsamong and (I) plants body (I) support Know and name, position brief of body and functionthe major organs that function the is protectof skeleton to the and the organs give I can I presentcan and data a interpret using databases Level 4 sums a have remainder. ND4.3I divide can any whole by single using variety2-digit/3-digit number a digit a of methods.I that written understand some division NOM4.2/ can whole NOM4.4 I numbers: multiply 10; of multiples by100. multiples 100; of NMD5.1Appreciate and the between use relationships the operations + - four÷ : x I how double understand to and numbers can outcome.halve and estimate to NOM4.3I multiply can together 2-digit and can atwo numbers I use range strategies help of to do have NAS4.1 over. NAS4.1I add & digit together can 5 6 numbers using written and know the method I when different haveI adding to numbers may carry NMD4.1I calculate can fractions: of,¼of 2/3 of 1/3 etc. NU4.5/NU4.13I that understand equivalent arefractions equal I how create and know to an fraction, equivalent NU4.4I fractions: can order with same denominator,the NU4.2/ know effectNU4.3/ ND5.1 I the of and by multiplyingand dividing 10, 100 1000 NU4.12Read, write and whole of size.Iorder numbers any state valuecan the of digit any number.any in given 10. NOM4.1 Have recall quick of multiplication all tables to x up 10 I played have co-operation team and games through Mediation. based Peer I able playsand am team to cooperate PE game during I the know stretching importance warm activitiesof & up in PE. I choosecan appropriate and instruments produces to asounds create composition. I that understand have long some a decaysounds a or and short hard soft a or attack. I play can a song my pop on recorder. I play HIGHcan B,A,G,F,E,C,and E theD HIGH on recorder. I completed apiece have digital of art by Warhol. inspired Andy I produce cartoon have of for drawings animals art science.and I used have different to techniques produce art.Hallowe’en I created have an Frank using Publisher. Anne Poster MS Design own Frank Anne Book I created have a portrait tights,stuffing self using and bands.elastic construct,label and a interpret 5 databases Level

I use can the written to standard method subtract with & digits.I numbers when4 5 different know subtracting numbers may I eg 1/6,2/6,5/6  the • where numerator 1,is eg 1/3, 1/5, 1/3, 1/8 eg 1/5 eg = 2/ = 4/ Peer Mediation Miro Kandinsky,Paul Klee, Picasso Joan Faces Artist on Work/Books Anne ActivitiesFrank I.W.B Chart Frank/WW2Flip Anne Video / to clips links games I.W.B Chart Flip Ourselves Collins:Basic 4&5 Skills New Heinemann 6 Mental Arithmetic 4 Mental Arithmetic 3 Apex 6 Maths Mental book Maths 6 Mental Book Maths 5 Resources book Assessment book Extension book Thinking Skills - Capabilities PDMU R.E. Personal 3. 2. 1. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. UNICEF 12,13,9,15,23,Article 29 UNICEF 42,14 Article symbols Christianity)of I recogniseand can about talk different of identity.aspects my I identify can the Christian and mainmain religions the features Christian (10 of religion Commandments/Moses meaning and and I awaream of religions have other and respect them.(AMcM RE) for - I appropriate know prayers pray as & regularly a class. I awaream of roles responsibilities RE year. my & in this I developed have respect others the for within school discussion. through I namecan and the Sacraments describe 7 and about speak myto journey Confirmation. I attended mass have a – as class.(SB RE) I a have sense belonging a and of my within community within religious group. I use can yellow and thinking discussing hat red when issues. I the understand use the thinking to focusedof blue hat stay on topic are the we doing. I assesscan how I in successful am achieving full my potential. I identify can the of and to feelings others issues be (Peer sorted Mediation) I reflectcan upon progress set formy and goals improvement. I awaream of potential capabilities. my and I identify currentcan my strengths weaknesses. and I recognisethe and can different name that unique.(All Me) qualities make about me I confidentlycan express own my views. Class meetings Guess Who All meabout Peer Mediation Confirmation Workbooks Alive 07 Folens Special - Places

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