NAME: ______ADDRESS: ______E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______PHONE No: HOME/WORK; ______MOBILE: ______DATE OF BIRTH: ______

SWIM TRAINING TIMES Monday 21:00 – 22:00 University of Limerick Wednesday 07:00 – 07:50 Grove Island Thursday 21:00 – 22:00 University of Limerick Saturday 08:45 – 09:45 Grove Island TERM: 1st September 2016 – 29th June 2017

MEMBERSHIP FEES SESSIONS SINGLE FULL TERM COUPLE FULL TERM (for two identical sessions) 4 475 TBC 3 395 750 2 310 580 1 210 400

NOTE  Membership fees include Registration, coaching, pool time and Swim Ireland Insurance Cover (€39).  Associate membership fee: 50€  Discounts apply as follows:  Couples 10% discount on the lower fee.  Under 25’s 30% discount  Over 65’s 10% discount

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CLUB RULES 1. We are a competitive Club. Members are required to participate in 2 galas annually. Priority for membership and pool access will be given to those who are fulfilling above criteria. 2. All Membership Fees must be paid no later than 1 October to the Limerick Masters Bank account: Sort code: 90-43-09; Account No: 47912242; IBAN: IE18BOFI90430947912242 Gala fees must be paid within 1 month of each gala Options for quarterly payments can be discussed with the Club Treasurer. 3. Members may only attend swim sessions for which they have paid; switching sessions is not permitted unless agreed in advance by the committee. 4. All Limerick Masters swimmers must be 19+ years of age. 5. All Limerick Masters swimmers must be registered and insured with Swim Ireland. 6. The club is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property. Valuables should not be taken to the pool. 7. Swimmers must obey all pool and complex rules. Instructions from the lifeguard must be obeyed at each pool. 8. If you have a medical problem or condition you must communicate this in writing to the club. 9. No jewellery or watches to be worn during pool sessions.

I have read the rules of the Club as detailed above & agree to comply with them in full. Signed:______Date: