Keansburg School District

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Keansburg School District

Keansburg School District Curriculum Management System

Believe, Understand, and Realize Goals

Science: Grade 8 – College and Career Ready (CCR)

Board Approved:

1 Keansburg Public Schools Board of Education Mrs. Judy Ferraro, President Ms. Kimberly Kelaher-Moran, Vice President

Ms. Delores A. Bartram Mr. Michael Donaldson Ms. Ann Marie Best Ms. Patricia Frizell Ms. Christine Blum Mr. Robert Ketch Ms. Ann Commarato

District Administration Mr. Gerald North, Superintendent Dr. Thomas W. Tramaglini, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Funding

Ms. Michelle Derpich, Secondary Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction Mrs. Donna Glomb, Elementary Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction Ms. Michelle Halperin-Krain, Supervisor of Data & Assessment Dr. Brian Latwis, Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services Ms. Corey Lowell, Business Administrator

Curriculum Development Committee

Geraldine Defilippo Renee Green Karin Burker Joseph LaRocca Elena Bufano Linda LaPaz Marc Marinoff

2 Believe, Understand, and Realize Goals Non-Negotiables

Graduates that are prepared and inspired to make positive contributions to society

3 Beliefs We believe that:  All children can learn. To meet the challenges of change, risk must be taken.  Every student is entitled to an equal educational opportunity.  It is our responsibility to enable students to succeed and become the best that they can be.  All individuals should be treated with dignity and respect.  The school system should be responsive to the diversity within our total population.  The degree of commitment and level of involvement in the decision-making processes, from the student, community, home and school, will determine the quality of education.  Decisions should be based on the needs of the students.  Achievement will rise to the level of expectation.  Students should be taught how to learn.  The educational process should be a coordinated system of services and programs.

Curriculum Philosophy

The curriculum philosophy of the Keansburg School District is progressive. We embrace the high expectations of our students and community towards success in the 21st Century and beyond. At the center of this ideal, we believe that all of our students can be successful. The following are our core beliefs for all curricula:

All district curricula:  Balances policy driven trends of centralization and standardization with research and what we know is good for our students.  Balances the strong emphasis on test success and curriculum standards with how and what our students must know to be successful in our community.  Embraces the reality that our students differ in the way they learn and perform, and personalizes instruction to meet the needs of each learner.  Are aligned to be developmentally appropriate.

4  Provides teachers the support and flexibility to be innovative and creative to meet the needs of our students.

5 Science Goals

To deliver a curriculum that is:

 Is rigorous, but meets the individual needs of the students, regardless of their cognitive, social or emotional needs  Differentiated in content, process, and product as dependent of the learners in our diverse classrooms  Geared towards high expectations  Builds on our students’’ love of science  Aligned to the skills and technologies associated with the 21st century  Based on sound methodological scientific theory designed to empirically test theories and ideas  Embraces our learning environments through various techniques, such as cooperative learning, and scaffolded curriculum designed to build retention of concepts over time  Aligned to state and national standards  Create opportunities for lifelong learning

6 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Science (2009)

5.1 Science Practices

A. Understand Scientific Explanations B. Generate Scientific Evidence Through Active Investigations C. Reflect on Scientific Knowledge D. Participate Productively in Science

5.2 Physical Science

A. Properties of Matter B. Changes in Matter C. Forms of Energy D. Energy Transfer and Conservation E. Forces and Motion

5.3 Life Science

A. Organization and Development B. Matter and Energy Transformations C. Interdependence D. Heredity and Reproduction E. Evolution and Diversity

5.4 Earth Systems Science

A. Objects in the Universe B. History of Earth C. Properties of Earth Materials D. Tectonics E. Energy in Earth Systems

7 F. Climate and Weather G. Biogeochemical Cycles

8 Grade 8 Scope and Sequence

Quarter I Quarter II I. Scientific Method V. Periodic Table II. States of Matter VI. Compounds III. Physical and Chemical Changes VII. Chemical Reactions IV. Structure of the Atom VIII. Acids-Bases Quarter III Quarter IV IX. Forms of Energy XII. Sun, Earth, and Moon X. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces XIII. Climate and Weather XI. Gravitational Forces Technology and Career Education Embedded Throughout the Curriculum

9 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter I 2 Weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Scientific Method

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn problem solving skills for scientific inquiry f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s Standards / e Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.1.8A.1 Scientific Method 5.1.8A.2 1.Research a Science career and design a 5.1.8A.3 SWBAT: Science Career Brochure 5.1.8B.1 1.Identify the scientific Method 2.Measure Volume, Length, Mass, Temperature 5.1.8B.2 process and Density using scientific instruments 5.1.8B.3 2. Identify the control, 3.”Branches of Science” Foldable booklet Typical Assessment Question(s) or 5.1.8B.4 manipulated variable and 4. “Surface Tension” Lab Task(s): 5.1.8C.1 responding variable in an 5. “How are Metric System Measurements 5.1.8C.2 experiment. Made?” Activity 5.1.8C.3 3. Apply scientific skills to scientific inquiry

10 4. Differentiate between EQ: How is quantitative and qualitative the scientific observations Exceeds Standard: method 5. Utilize scientific skills to 1. Research an emerging technology and applied in the classify objects into less design and create a multi-media real world? obvious categories. presentation What role do 6. Apply scientific inquiry skills models, laws in the design of scientific and theories experiments. play in science?

11 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

12 13 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter 1- 3 Weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Properties of Matter

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how matter can change state f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8A.1 Matter 1. Construct Venn diagram comparing 5.2.8A.2 Mixture mixtures vs. compounds 5.2.8A.3 2. “How well do oil & water mix?” activity 3. States of Matter foldable booklet SWBAT: 4. Separating Mixtures- How can a mixture 1. Identify the states of of sand, salt, and water be separated? Typical Assessment Question(s) or matter Task(s): EQ: 2. Explain the difference How are between the states of physical and matter chemical 3. Compare the properties properties of each state of matter Exceeds Standard:

14 used to 4. Classify substances into 1. Chromatography Lab- separation of describe element, mixtures, or pigments in black markers matter? compounds How are 5. Explain how different changes in states of matter behave matter related 6. Categorize properties to to changes in assist in the separation energy? of substances. 7. Investigate the motion of particles in matter 8. Determine how energy is related to changes in state 9. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

15 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter 1- 3 Weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how changes is matter affect properties of matter f o

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e Content Specific Learning t Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Objective(s) Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S Models n Questions The Students Will Be Able To: o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8A.5 Physical Properties 1. Physical & Chemical Changes Chemical Properties Identification Cards activity 2. “What are the signs of a Chemical Change?” investigation EQ: SWBAT: 3. Separating a Mixture Lab- separation of How are 1. Explain the difference various types of cereal Typical Assessment Question(s) or physical and between a physical and Task(s): chemical chemical property properties 2. Identify physical and identified? chemical changes 3. Classify substances Exceeds Standard: What are the based on their physical 1. Hit the Trail activity- separation of trail

16 characteristic and chemical properties mix and calculating percentages of parts s of a physical 4. Identify observable of the mixture change and a evidence of physical and chemical chemical changes change? 5. Investigate the effects of chemical changes on physical properties.

17 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter I- 2 Weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Structure of the Atom

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how the structure of the atom affects properties of matter f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8A.1 Atom 1. Diagram the structure of the Atom Electron 2. Bohr Model diagrams Proton 3. M&M Model of the Atom activity Neutron EQ: What is the SWBAT: Typical Assessment Question(s) or modern 1. Describe atomic Task(s): model of the structure of an atom Exceeds Standard: atom? 2. Differentiate between 1. Construct a Model of a specific atom atomic particles 3. Create a diagram/model depicting atomic

18 structure 4. Demonstrate understanding of atomic structure and the formation of ions. 5. Demonstrate understanding of isotopes

19 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter II- 2 Weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Periodic Table

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how the organization of the periodic table affects properties of elements f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8A.2 Periodic Table 1. “Coloring the Families of the Periodic 5.2.8A.4 Elements Table” activity 5.2.8A.6 2. Alien Periodic Table activity 3. “Periodic Table Basics” activity SWBAT: 1. Explain how the periodic Typical Assessment Question(s) or EQ: table is organized Task(s): What 2. Identify how properties information of elements are shown about on the periodic table Exceeds Standard: elements 3. Classify elements as 1. Design a Facebook page for a specific does the metals, non-metals, or element

20 periodic table metalloids provide? 4. Identify the different families or groups on the How are periodic table metals, non- 5. Compare and contrast metals, and the physical and metalloids chemical properties of identified? elements.

21 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III 4 weeis Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Forms of Energy

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how technology improves the way people use energy f o

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e Content Specific Learning t Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Objective(s) Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S Models n Questions The Students Will Be Able To: o i t c u r t s n I CPI:5.2.8.C.2 Concept(s): Meets Standard: Energy 1. Spool Racer activity 5.2.8.D.1 Potential Energy 2. Research & design a multimedia Kinetic Energy presentation on an Alternative Energy 5.2.8.D.2 Resource

5.2.8.E.1 SWBAT: Typical Assessment Question(s) or 1. Describe Common Task(s): 5.2.8.E.2 forms of energy 2. Recognize how energy causes change Exceeds Standard: 3. Compare & contrast 1. Design, build, and launch a straw rocket kinetic & potential

22 EQ: energy How do 4. Explain how energy potential and can change forms kinetic energy 5. Restate the law of differ? conservation of matter 6. Identify the different What are the technologies of different forms alternative energy of energy? 7. Evaluate advantages & What are the disadvantages of advantages different energy and technologies disadvantages of using alternative energy resources? /

23 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III 2 weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Balanced and Unbalanced forces

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how unbalanced forces affect motion f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8.E.1 Motion 1. Calculate and Graph Speed and 5.2.8.E.2 Acceleration Acceleration Forces 2. Design a multimedia presentation on the Physics of Sports SWBAT: 1. Define speed Typical Assessment Question(s) or EQ: 2. Calculate an object’s Task(s): How do speed and velocity scientists 3. Define and calculate measure acceleration Exceeds Standard: speed, 4. Measure acceleration 1. “Seat Belt Safety” webquest velocity, and through an experiment

24 acceleration? 5. Describe forces 6. Analyze how How are unbalances forces unbalanced change an object’s and balanced position forces related 7. Explain how Newton’s to an object’s Laws of Motion predict motion? motion

How do Newton’s Laws predict motion?

25 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III 3 weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Compounds

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how new materials are produced. f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8A5 Compounds 1. Drawing Electron Dot diagrams 5.2.8.B1 Chemical Bonds 2. M&M Model of the Atom activity 5.2.8.B2 3. Venn diagram- Ionic Bonds vs. Covalent SWBAT: Bonds 1. Describe how compounds are made Typical Assessment Question(s) or from a combination of Task(s): atoms. EQ: 2. Explain how chemical How are the formulas represent Exceeds Standard: properties of compounds 1. Building candy compounds compounds 3. Compare properties of a

26 different from compound to the the properties elements that form it. of elements? 4. Describe and classify the different types of How are chemical bonds compounds 5. Compare & contrast formed? ionic and covalent bonds 6. Identify and discuss the difference between polar and non-polar covalent bonds.

27 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III – 2 weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Chemical Reactions

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn the process of producing new substances. f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8.B1 Reactants 1. Balancing Chemical Equations activity 5.2.8.B2 Products 2. “Hot or Cold” Lab Activity- determining Chemical Changes effects of temperature on chemical reaction rate

SWBAT: Typical Assessment Question(s) or EQ: 1. Identify the three types Task(s): How are of chemical reactions chemical 2. Describe how the rate Exceeds Standard: reactions of a chemical reaction 1. Identify and illustrate the chemical identified and can be changed reactions in everyday processes and categorized? 3. Recognize how a technology.

28 chemical equation What factors represents a chemical affect the rate reaction of a chemical 4. Outline how to balance reaction? a simple chemical equation How is the 5. Compare and contrast principle of endothermic and conservation exothermic reactions of mass used 6. Demonstrate that mass to balance is conserved in a equations? chemical reaction.

29 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III- 2 weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Acids & Bases

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn the safety of various solutions, f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.2.8.A7 Acid 1. ‘Acids & Bases” Lab Activity- testing Base and classify substances. pH scale

EQ: SWBAT: Typical Assessment Question(s) or What are the 1. Compare and contrast Task(s): properties of acids and bases and Exceeds Standard: acids and their properties 1. “The Antacid Test” Lab Activity- testing bases? 2. Describe practical the neutralization ability of various uses of acids and neutralization How are bases

30 acids and 3. Measure how pH is bases used to describe the commonly strength of an acid used? and base

31 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter III- 2weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Gravitational Forces

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how gravity affects the earth’s rotation, tides and moon phases. f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.4.8.A.3 Friction 1. “What Factors Affect Friction” Lab 5.4.8.A.4 Gravity activity. Use sandpaper to measure the force of friction on moving objects 2. Compare the acceleration rate of falling SWBAT: objects. 1. Describe friction, and Typical Assessment Question(s) or EQ: identify factors that Task(s): What factors determine the frictional affect the force between an gravitational object Exceeds Standard: force 2. Identify the factors that 1. Graphing Activity- “Timing the Tides” between two affect the gravitational

32 objects? force between two objects 3. Explain and discuss why objects accelerate during free fall

33 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter IV – 1 week Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Sun, Earth, and Moon

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how seasonal changes affect their everyday life. f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.4.8.A.1 Rotation 1. Moon Phases Diagram 5.4.8.A.2 Revolution 2. Modeling Seasons Activity Seasons Moon Phases

Typical Assessment Question(s) or EQ: Task(s): How does the SWBAT: Exceeds Standard: earth’s 1. Explain earth’s 1. Moon day calendar- Students have to rotation and rotation and revolution draw the moon on a daily basis and revolution 2. Explain and determine the phase of the moon affect demonstrate why earth represented.

34 seasons? has seasons 3. Model relative position of the earth, moon and sum during different lunar phases.

35 Keansburg School District Timeline: Quarter IV -5 weeks Curriculum Management System Topic(s): Earth Systems, Climate, and Weather

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 Students will learn how climate and weather affect their everyday life. f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard: 5.4.8.C.1 Plate Tectonics 1. Modeling mountains using a clay model 5.4.8,C.2 Weather 2. Modeling Tension and Comprehension 5.4.8.C.3 Erosion using Taffy 5.4.8.D.1 Climate 3. Modeling erosion by rain 5.4.8.D.2 4. Observe Condensation and Evaporation 5.4.8.D.3 5. Cloud Poster Typical Assessment Question(s) or 5.4.8.E.1 6. Diagraming the Water Cycle Task(s): 5.4.8.F.1 SWBAT: 5.4.8.F.2 1. Describe how earth’s 5.4.8.F.3 interior is divided into two layers 2. Explain how plates of

36 the earth’s lithosphere EQ: move Exceeds Standard: How is the 3. Discuss why earth’s 1. Hurricane Tracking Activity earth’s plates move interior 4. Describe how the earth’s divided? mountains form and What forces erode shape earth’s 5. Compare types of mountains? mountains 6. Identify forces that What is the shape earth’s mountains rock cycle? 7. Identify and model the processes that break How does rocks apart energy cause 8. Describe processes that water on chemically change rock earth to 9. Explain how soil evolves cycle? 10. Identify and model the agents of erosion How do 11. Describe effects of clouds form? erosion 12. Explain why air has What causes pressure precipitation, 13. Describe the winds, and composition of the severe atmosphere weather? 14. Describe and analyze how energy causes What factors water on earth to cycle affect 15. Compare ways that heat climate? is transferred on earth 16. Describe and illustrate the formation of different types of clouds and

37 precipitation 17. Explain what causes winds 18. Discuss the causes of severe weather 19. Explain and discuss how currents affect weather and climate

38 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

39 40 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

41 42 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

43 44 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

45 46 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

47 48 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

49 50 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

51 52 Keansburg School District Timeline: Curriculum Management System Topic(s):

Subject/Grade/Level: Significance of Learning Goal(s): Science/Grade 8 f o

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e Content t Specific Learning Objective(s) Instructional Tools / Materials / s

e Standards / Technology / Resources / g CPI / Suggested Activities g Assessments and Assessment u Essential S The Students Will Be Able To: Models n Questions o i t c u r t s n I CPI: Concept(s): Meets Standard:


EQ: Exceeds Standard: Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

53 54 55 Standard 5.1 Science Practices: All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four Science Practices strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science. Strand A. Understand Scientific Explanations: Students understand core concepts and principles of science and use measurement and observation tools to assist in categorizing, representing, and interpreting the natural and designed world. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarte Quarter Quarter Quarter r I II III IV 8 Core scientific concepts and 5.1.8.A.1 Demonstrate understanding principles represent the conceptual and use interrelationships basis for model-building and facilitate among central scientific the generation of new and productive concepts to revise questions. explanations and to consider alternative explanations. 8 Results of observation and 5.1.8.A.2 Use mathematical, physical, measurement can be used to build and computational tools to conceptual-based models and to build conceptual-based search for core explanations. models and to pose theories. 8 Predictions and explanations are 5.1.8.A.3 Use scientific principles and revised based on systematic models to frame and observations, accurate synthesize scientific measurements, and structured arguments and pose data/evidence. theories. 12 Mathematical, physical, and 5.1.12.A.1 Refine interrelationships computational tools are used to among concepts and search for and explain core scientific patterns of evidence found concepts and principles. in different central scientific explanations. 12 Interpretation and manipulation of 5.1.12.A.2 Develop and use evidence-based models are used to mathematical, physical, and build and critique computational tools to build arguments/explanations. evidence-based models and to pose theories. 12 Revisions of predictions and 5.1.12.A.3 Use scientific principles and explanations are based on theories to build and refine 56 systematic observations, accurate standards for data measurements, and structured data/evidence. 57 Standard 5.1 Science Practices: All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four Science Practices strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science. Strand B. Generate Scientific Evidence Through Active Investigations : Students master the conceptual, mathematical, physical, and computational tools that need to be applied when constructing and evaluating claims. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarte Quarter Quarter Quarter r I II III IV 8 Evidence is generated and evaluated 5.1.8.B.1 Design investigations and as part of building and refining use scientific models and explanations. instrumentation to collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence as part of building and revising models and explanations. 8 Mathematics and technology are 5.1.8.B.2 Gather, evaluate, and used to gather, analyze, and represent evidence using communicate results. scientific tools, technologies, and computational strategies. 8 Carefully collected evidence is used 5.1.8.B.3 Use qualitative and to construct and defend arguments. quantitative evidence to develop evidence-based arguments. 8 Scientific reasoning is used to 5.1.8.B.4 Use quality controls to support scientific conclusions. examine data sets and to examine evidence as a means of generating and reviewing explanations. 12 Logically designed investigations are 5.1.12.B.1 Design investigations, needed in order to generate the collect evidence, analyze evidence required to build and refine data, and evaluate evidence models and explanations. to determine measures of central tendencies, causal/correlational relationships, and anomalous data. 12 Mathematical tools and technology 5.1.12.B.2 Build, refine, and represent are used to gather, analyze, and evidence-based models communicate results. using mathematical, physical, and computational tools. 12 Empirical evidence is used to 5.1.12.B.3 Revise predictions and construct and defend arguments. explanations using evidence, and connect explanations/arguments to 58 established scientific knowledge, models, and theories. Standard 5.1 Science Practices: All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence- based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four Science Practices strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science. Strand C. Reflect on Scientific Knowledge : Scientific knowledge builds on itself over time. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 8 Scientific models and 5.1.8.C.1 Monitor one’s own thinking understandings of fundamental as understandings of concepts and principles are refined scientific concepts are as new evidence is considered. refined. 8 Predictions and explanations are 5.1.8.C.2 Revise predictions or revised to account more completely explanations on the basis for available evidence. of discovering new evidence, learning new information, or using models. 8 Science is a practice in which an 5.1.8.C.3 Generate new and established body of knowledge is productive questions to continually revised, refined, and evaluate and refine core extended. explanations. 12 Refinement of understandings, 5.1.12.C.1 Reflect on and revise explanations, and models occurs as understandings as new new evidence is incorporated. evidence emerges. 12 Data and refined models are used 5.1.12.C.2 Use data representations to revise predictions and and new models to revise explanations. predictions and

59 explanations. 12 Science is a practice in which an 5.1.12.C.3 Consider alternative established body of knowledge is theories to interpret and continually revised, refined, and evaluate evidence-based extended as new evidence arguments. emerges.

Standard 5.1 Science Practices: All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four Science Practices strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science. Strand D. Participate Productively in Science: The growth of scientific knowledge involves critique and communication, which are social practices that are governed by a core set of values and norms. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 8 Science involves practicing 5.1.8.D.1 Engage in multiple forms productive social interactions with of discussion in order to peers, such as partner talk, whole- process, make sense of, group discussions, and small-group and learn from others’ work. ideas, observations, and experiences. 8 In order to determine which 5.1.8.D.2 Engage in productive arguments and explanations are scientific discussion most persuasive, communities of practices during learners work collaboratively to conversations with peers, pose, refine, and evaluate both face-to-face and questions, investigations, models, virtually, in the context of and theories (e.g., argumentation, scientific investigations representation, visualization, etc.). and model-building. 8 Instruments of measurement can be 5.1.8.D.3 Demonstrate how to safely used to safely gather accurate use tools, instruments, and

60 information for making scientific supplies. comparisons of objects and events. 8 Organisms are treated humanely, 5.1.8.D.4 Handle and treat responsibly, and ethically. organisms humanely, responsibly, and ethically. 12 Science involves practicing 5.1.12.D.1 Engage in multiple forms productive social interactions with of discussion in order to peers, such as partner talk, whole- process, make sense of, group discussions, and small-group and learn from others’ work. ideas, observations, and experiences. 12 Science involves using language, 5.1.12.D.2 Represent ideas using both oral and written, as a tool for literal representations, making thinking public. such as graphs, tables, journals, concept maps, and diagrams. 12 Ensure that instruments and 5.1.12.D.3 Demonstrate how to use specimens are properly cared for scientific tools and and that animals, when used, are instruments and treated humanely, responsibly, and knowledge of how to ethically. handle animals with respect for their safety and welfare.

Standard 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand A. Properties of Matter : All objects and substances in the natural world are composed of matter. Matter has two fundamental properties: matter takes up space, and matter has inertia. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

61 I II III IV 6 The volume of some objects can be 5.2.6.A.1 Determine the volume of determined using liquid (water) common objects using displacement. water displacement methods. 6 The density of an object can be 5.2.6.A.2 Calculate the density of determined from its volume and objects or substances after mass. determining volume and mass. 6 Pure substances have 5.2.6.A.3 Determine the identity of characteristic intrinsic properties, an unknown substance such as density, solubility, boiling using data about intrinsic point, and melting point, all of which properties. are independent of the amount of the sample. 8 All matter is made of atoms. Matter 5.2.8.A.1 Explain that all matter is made of only one type of atom is made of atoms, and give called an element. examples of common elements. 8 All substances are composed of 5.2.8.A.2 Analyze and explain the one or more of approximately 100 implications of the elements. statement “all substances are composed of elements.” 8 Properties of solids, liquids, and 5.2.8.A.3 Use the kinetic molecular gases are explained by a model of model to predict how matter as composed of tiny particles solids, liquids, and gases (atoms) in motion. would behave under various physical circumstances, such as heating or cooling. 8 The Periodic Table organizes the 5.2.8.A.4 Predict the physical and elements into families of elements chemical properties of

62 with similar properties. elements based on their positions on the Periodic Table. 8 Elements are a class of substances 5.2.8.A.5 Identify unknown composed of a single kind of atom. substances based on data Compounds are substances that regarding their physical are chemically formed and have and chemical properties. physical and chemical properties that differ from the reacting substances. 8 Substances are classified according 5.2.8.A.6 Determine whether a to their physical and chemical substance is a metal or properties. Metals are a class of nonmetal through student- elements that exhibit physical designed investigations. properties, such as conductivity, and chemical properties, such as producing salts when combined with nonmetals. 8 Substances are classified according 5.2.8.A.7 Determine the relative to their physical and chemical acidity and reactivity of properties. Acids are a class of common acids, such as compounds that exhibit common vinegar or cream of tartar, chemical properties, including a through a variety of sour taste, characteristic color student-designed changes with litmus and other investigations. acid/base indicators, and the tendency to react with bases to produce a salt and water. 12 Electrons, protons, and neutrons 5.2.12.A.1 Use atomic models to are parts of the atom and have predict the behaviors of measurable properties, including atoms in interactions. mass and, in the case of protons and electrons, charge. The nuclei of

63 atoms are composed of protons and neutrons. A kind of force that is only evident at nuclear distances holds the particles of the nucleus together against the electrical repulsion between the protons. 12 Differences in the physical 5.2.12.A.2 Account for the differences properties of solids, liquids, and in the physical properties gases are explained by the ways in of solids, liquids, and which the atoms, ions, or molecules gases. of the substances are arranged, and by the strength of the forces of attraction between the atoms, ions, or molecules. 12 In the Periodic Table, elements are 5.2.12.A.3 Predict the placement of arranged according to the number unknown elements on the of protons (the atomic number). Periodic Table based on This organization illustrates their physical and chemical commonality and patterns of properties. physical and chemical properties among the elements. 12 In a neutral atom, the positively 5.2.12.A.4 Explain how the properties charged nucleus is surrounded by of isotopes, including half- the same number of negatively lives, decay modes, and charged electrons. Atoms of an nuclear resonances, lead element whose nuclei have different to useful applications of numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. isotopes. 12 Solids, liquids, and gases may 5.2.12.A.5 Describe the process by dissolve to form solutions. When which solutes dissolve in combining a solute and solvent to solvents. prepare a solution, exceeding a particular concentration of solute

64 will lead to precipitation of the solute from the solution. Dynamic equilibrium occurs in saturated solutions. Concentration of solutions can be calculated in terms of molarity, molality, and percent by mass. 12 Acids and bases are important in 5.2.12.A.6 Relate the pH scale to the numerous chemical processes that concentrations of various occur around us, from industrial to acids and bases. biological processes, from the laboratory to the environment.

Standard 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand B. Changes in Matter : Substances can undergo physical or chemical changes to form new substances. Each change involves energy. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 When a new substance is made by 5.2.6.B.1 Compare the properties of combining two or more substances, reactants with the it has properties that are different properties of the products from the original substances. when two or more substances are combined and react chemically.

65 8 When substances undergo 5.2.8.B.1 Explain, using an chemical change, the number and understanding of the kinds of atoms in the reactants are concept of chemical the same as the number and kinds change, why the mass of of atoms in the products. The mass reactants and the mass of of the reactants is the same as the products remain constant. mass of the products. 8 Chemical changes can occur when 5.2.8.B.2 Compare and contrast the two substances, elements, or physical properties of compounds react and produce one reactants with products or more different substances. The after a chemical reaction, physical and chemical properties of such as those that occur the products are different from during photosynthesis and those of the reacting substances. cellular respiration. 12 An atom’s electron configuration, 5.2.12.B.1 Model how the outermost particularly of the outermost electrons determine the electrons, determines how the atom reactivity of elements and interacts with other atoms. the nature of the chemical Chemical bonds are the interactions bonds they tend to form. between atoms that hold them together in molecules or between oppositely charged ions. 12 A large number of important 5.2.12.B.2 Describe oxidation and reactions involve the transfer of reduction reactions, and either electrons or hydrogen ions give examples of oxidation between reacting ions, molecules, and reduction reactions or atoms. In other chemical that have an impact on the reactions, atoms interact with one environment, such as another by sharing electrons to corrosion and the burning create a bond. of fuel. 12 The conservation of atoms in 5.2.12.B.3 Balance chemical chemical reactions leads to the equations by applying the ability to calculate the mass of law of conservation of

66 products and reactants using the mass. mole concept.

Standard 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand C. Forms of Energy : Knowing the characteristics of familiar forms of energy, including potential and kinetic energy, is useful in coming to the understanding that, for the most part, the natural world can be explained and is predictable. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Light travels in a straight line until it 5.2.6.C.1 Predict the path of interacts with an object or material. reflected or refracted light Light can be absorbed, redirected, using reflecting and bounced back, or allowed to pass refracting telescopes as through. The path of reflected or examples. refracted light can be predicted. 6 Visible light from the Sun is made 5.2.6.C.2 Describe how to prisms up of a mixture of all colors of light. can be used to To see an object, light emitted or demonstrate that visible reflected by that object must enter light from the Sun is made the eye. up of different colors. 6 The transfer of thermal energy by 5.2.6.C.3 Relate the transfer of heat conduction, convection, and from oceans and land radiation can produce large-scale masses to the evolution of events such as those seen in a hurricane.

67 weather. 8 A tiny fraction of the light energy 5.2.8.C.1 Structure evidence to from the Sun reaches Earth. Light explain the relatively high energy from the Sun is Earth’s frequency of tornadoes in primary source of energy, heating “Tornado Alley.” Earth surfaces and providing the energy that results in wind, ocean currents, and storms. 8 Energy is transferred from place to 5.2.8.C.2 Model and explain current place. Light energy can be thought technologies used to of as traveling in rays. Thermal capture solar energy for energy travels via conduction and the purposes of converting convection. it to electrical energy. 12 Gas particles move independently 5.2.12.C.1 Use the kinetic molecular and are far apart relative to each theory to describe and other. The behavior of gases can be explain the properties of explained by the kinetic molecular solids, liquids, and gases. theory. The kinetic molecular theory can be used to explain the relationship between pressure and volume, volume and temperature, pressure and temperature, and the number of particles in a gas sample. There is a natural tendency for a system to move in the direction of disorder or entropy. 12 Heating increases the energy of the 5.2.12.C.2 Account for any trends in atoms composing elements and the the melting points and molecules or ions composing boiling points of various compounds. As the kinetic energy compounds. of the atoms, molecules, or ions increases, the temperature of the matter increases. Heating a pure

68 solid increases the vibrational energy of its atoms, molecules, or ions. When the vibrational energy of the molecules of a pure substance becomes great enough, the solid melts.

Standard 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand D. Energy Transfer and Conservation : The conservation of energy can be demonstrated by keeping track of familiar forms of energy as they are transferred from one object to another. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 The flow of current in an electric 5.2.6.D.1 Use simple circuits circuit depends upon the involving batteries and components of the circuit and their motors to compare and arrangement, such as in series or predict the current flow parallel. Electricity flowing through with different circuit an electrical circuit produces arrangements. magnetic effects in the wires. 8 When energy is transferred from 5.2.8.D.1 Relate the kinetic and one system to another, the quantity potential energies of a of energy before transfer equals the roller coaster at various quantity of energy after transfer. As points on its path.

69 an object falls, its potential energy decreases as its speed, and consequently its kinetic energy, increases. While an object is falling, some of the object’s kinetic energy is transferred to the medium through which it falls, setting the medium into motion and heating it. 8 Nuclear reactions take place in the 5.2.8.D.2 Describe the flow of Sun. In plants, light energy from the energy from the Sun to the Sun is transferred to oxygen and fuel tank of an automobile. carbon compounds, which in combination, have chemical potential energy (photosynthesis). 12 The potential energy of an object on 5.2.12.D.1 Model the relationship Earth’s surface is increased when between the height of an the object’s position is changed object and its potential from one closer to Earth’s surface energy. to one farther from Earth’s surface. 12 The driving forces of chemical 5.2.12.D.2 Describe the potential reactions are energy and entropy. commercial applications of Chemical reactions either release exothermic and energy to the environment endothermic reactions. (exothermic) or absorb energy from the environment (endothermic). 12 Nuclear reactions (fission and 5.2.12.D.3 Describe the products and fusion) convert very small amounts potential applications of of matter into energy. fission and fusion reactions. 12 Energy may be transferred from 5.2.12.D.4 Measure quantitatively the one object to another during energy transferred collisions. between objects during a collision.

70 12 Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic 5.2.12.D.5 Model the change in rate process that is significant in many of a reaction by changing a systems, including biological, factor. ecological, environmental, and geological systems. Chemical reactions occur at different rates. Factors such as temperature, mixing, concentration, particle size, and surface area affect the rates of chemical reactions.

Standard 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand E. Forces and Motion : It takes energy to change the motion of objects. The energy change is understood in terms of forces. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 An object’s position can be 5.2.6.E.1 Model and explain how the described by locating the object description of an object’s relative to other objects or a motion from one background. The description of an observer’s view may be object’s motion from one observer’s different from a different view may be different from that observer’s view. reported from a different observer’s view. 6 Magnetic, electrical, and 5.2.6.E.2 Describe the force

71 gravitational forces can act at a between two magnets as distance. the distance between them is changed. 6 Friction is a force that acts to slow 5.2.6.E.3 Demonstrate and explain or stop the motion of objects. the frictional force acting on an object with the use of a physical model. 6 Sinking and floating can be 5.2.6.E.4 Predict if an object will sink predicted using forces that depend or float using evidence and on the relative densities of objects reasoning. and materials. 8 An object is in motion when its 5.2.8.E.1 Calculate the speed of an position is changing. The speed of object when given distance an object is defined by how far it and time. travels divided by the amount of time it took to travel that far. 8 Forces have magnitude and 5.2.8.E.2 Compare the motion of an direction. Forces can be added. The object acted on by net force on an object is the sum of balanced forces with the all the forces acting on the object. motion of an object acted An object at rest will remain at rest on by unbalanced forces in unless acted on by an unbalanced a given specific scenario. force. An object in motion at constant velocity will continue at the same velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced force. 12 The motion of an object can be 5.2.12.E.1 Compare the calculated described by its position and and measured speed, velocity as functions of time and by average speed, and its average speed and average acceleration of an object in acceleration during intervals of time. motion, and account for differences that may exist between calculated and

72 measured values. 12 Objects undergo different kinds of 5.2.12.E.2 Compare the translational motion (translational, rotational, and and rotational motions of a vibrational). thrown object and potential applications of this understanding. 12 The motion of an object changes 5.2.12.E.3 Create simple models to only when a net force is applied. demonstrate the benefits of seatbelts using Newton's first law of motion. 12 The magnitude of acceleration of an 5.2.12.E.4 Measure and describe the object depends directly on the relationship between the strength of the net force, and force acting on an object inversely on the mass of the object. and the resulting This relationship (a=Fnet/m) is acceleration. independent of the nature of the force.

Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Strand A. Organization and Development : Living organisms are composed of cellular units (structures) that carry out functions required for life. Cellular units are composed of molecules, which also carry out biological functions. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV

73 6 Systems of the human body are 5.3.6.A.1 Model the interrelated and regulate the body’s interdependence of the internal environment. human body’s major systems in regulating its internal environment. 6 Essential functions of plant and 5.3.6.A.2 Model and explain ways in animal cells are carried out by which organelles work organelles. together to meet the cell’s needs. 8 All organisms are composed of 5.3.8.A.1 Compare the benefits and cell(s). In multicellular organisms, limitations of existing as a specialized cells perform single-celled organism and specialized functions. Tissues, as a multicellular organs, and organ systems are organism. composed of cells and function to serve the needs of cells for food, air, and waste removal. 8 During the early development of an 5.3.8.A.2 Relate the structures of organism, cells differentiate and cells, tissues, organs, and multiply to form the many systems to their functions specialized cells, tissues, and in supporting life. organs that compose the final organism. Tissues grow through cell division. 12 Cells are made of complex 5.3.12.A.1 Represent and explain the molecules that consist mostly of a relationship between the few elements. Each class of structure and function of molecules has its own building each class of complex blocks and specific functions. molecules using a variety of models. 12 Cellular processes are carried out 5.3.12.A.2 Demonstrate the by many different types of properties and functions of molecules, mostly by the group of enzymes by designing and

74 proteins known as enzymes. carrying out an experiment. 12 Cellular function is maintained 5.3.12.A.3 Predict a cell’s response in through the regulation of cellular a given set of processes in response to internal environmental conditions. and external environmental conditions. 12 Cells divide through the process of 5.3.12.A.4 Distinguish between the mitosis, resulting in daughter cells processes of cellular that have the same genetic growth (cell division) and composition as the original cell. development (differentiation). 12 Cell differentiation is regulated 5.3.12.A.5 Describe modern through the expression of different applications of the genes during the development of regulation of cell complex multicellular organisms. differentiation and analyze the benefits and risks (e.g., stem cells, sex determination). 12 There is a relationship between the 5.3.12.A.6 Describe how a disease is organization of cells into tissues the result of a and the organization of tissues into malfunctioning system, organs. The structures and organ, and cell, and relate functions of organs determine their this to possible treatment relationships within body systems of interventions (e.g., an organism. diabetes, cystic fibrosis, lactose intolerance).

75 Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Strand B. Matter and Energy Transformations : Food is required for energy and building cellular materials. Organisms in an ecosystem have different ways of obtaining food, and some organisms obtain their food directly from other organisms. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Plants are producers: They use the 5.3.6.B.1 Describe the sources of energy from light to make food the reactants of (sugar) from carbon dioxide and photosynthesis and trace water. Plants are used as a source the pathway to the of food (energy) for other products. organisms. 6 All animals, including humans, are 5.3.6.B.2 Illustrate the flow of energy consumers that meet their energy (food) through a needs by eating other organisms or community. their products. 8 Food is broken down to provide 5.3.8.B.1 Relate the energy and energy for the work that cells do, nutritional needs of and is a source of the molecular organisms in a variety of building blocks from which needed life stages and situations, materials are assembled. including stages of development and periods of maintenance. 8 All animals, including humans, are 5.3.8.B.2 Analyze the components consumers that meet their energy of a consumer’s diet and needs by eating other organisms or trace them back to plants their products. and plant products.

76 12 As matter cycles and energy flows 5.3.12.B.1 Cite evidence that the through different levels of transfer and transformation organization within living systems of matter and energy links (cells, organs, organisms, organisms to one another communities), and between living and to their physical systems and the physical setting. environment, chemical elements are recombined into different products. 12 Each recombination of matter and 5.3.12.B.2 Use mathematical energy results in storage and formulas to justify the dissipation of energy into the concept of an efficient diet. environment as heat. 12 Continual input of energy from 5.3.12.B.3 Predict what would happen sunlight keeps matter and energy to an ecosystem if an flowing through ecosystems. energy source was removed. 12 Plants have the capability to take 5.3.12.B.4 Explain how environmental energy from light to form sugar factors (such as molecules containing carbon, temperature, light intensity, hydrogen, and oxygen. and the amount of water available) can affect photosynthesis as an energy storing process. 12 In both plant and animal cells, sugar 5.3.12.B.5 Investigate and describe is a source of energy and can be the complementary used to make other carbon- relationship (cycling of containing (organic) molecules. matter and flow of energy) between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. 12 All organisms must break the high- 5.3.12.B.6 Explain how the process of energy chemical bonds in food cellular respiration is molecules during cellular respiration similar to the burning of

77 to obtain the energy needed for life fossil fuels. processes.

Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Strand C. Interdependence : All animals and most plants depend on both other organisms and their environment to meet their basic needs. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 4 Organisms can only survive in 5.3.4.C.1 Predict the biotic and environments in which their needs abiotic characteristics of are met. Within ecosystems, an unfamiliar organism’s organisms interact with and are habitat. dependent on their physical and living environment. 4 Some changes in ecosystems occur 5.3.4.C.2 Explain the consequences slowly, while others occur rapidly. of rapid ecosystem change Changes can affect life forms, (e.g., flooding, wind including humans. storms, snowfall, volcanic eruptions), and compare them to consequences of gradual ecosystem change (e.g., gradual increase or decrease in daily temperatures, change in

78 yearly rainfall). 6 Various human activities have 5.3.6.C.1 Explain the impact of changed the capacity of the meeting human needs and environment to support some life wants on local and global forms. environments. 6 The number of organisms and 5.3.6.C.2 Predict the impact that populations an ecosystem can altering biotic and abiotic support depends on the biotic factors has on an resources available and on abiotic ecosystem. factors, such as quantities of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. 6 All organisms cause changes in the 5.3.6.C.3 Describe how one ecosystem in which they live. If this population of organisms change reduces another organism’s may affect other plants access to resources, that organism and/or animals in an may move to another location or ecosystem. die. 8 Symbiotic interactions among 5.3.8.C.1 Model the effect of positive organisms of different species can and negative changes in be classified as: population size on a symbiotic pairing.  Producer/consumer

 Predator/prey

 Parasite/host

79  Scavenger/prey

Decomposer/prey 12 Biological communities in 5.3.12.C.1 Analyze the ecosystems are based on stable interrelationships and interrelationships and interdependencies among interdependence of organisms. different organisms, and explain how these relationships contribute to the stability of the ecosystem. 12 Stability in an ecosystem can be 5.3.12.C.2 Model how natural and disrupted by natural or human human-made changes in interactions. the environment will affect individual organisms and the dynamics of populations.

Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics.

80 Strand D. Heredity and Reproduction : Organisms reproduce, develop, and have predictable life cycles. Organisms contain genetic information that influences their traits, and they pass this on to their offspring during reproduction. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Reproduction is essential to the 5.3.6.D.1 Predict the long-term effect continuation of every species. of interference with normal patterns of reproduction. 6 Variations exist among organisms 5.3.6.D.2 Explain how knowledge of of the same generation (e.g., inherited variations within siblings) and of different and between generations generations (e.g., parent to is applied to farming and offspring). animal breeding. 6 Traits such as eye color in human 5.3.6.D.3 Distinguish between beings or fruit/flower color in plants inherited and acquired are inherited. traits/characteristics. 8 Some organisms reproduce 5.3.8.D.1 Defend the principle that, asexually. In these organisms, all through reproduction, genetic information comes from a genetic traits are passed single parent. Some organisms from one generation to the reproduce sexually, through which next, using evidence half of the genetic information collected from comes from each parent. observations of inherited traits. 8 The unique combination of genetic 5.3.8.D.2 Explain the source of material from each parent in variation among siblings. sexually reproducing organisms results in the potential for variation. 8 Characteristics of organisms are 5.3.8.D.3 Describe the influenced by heredity and/or their environmental conditions environment. or factors that may lead to a change in a cell’s genetic information or to an organism’s development,

81 and how these changes are passed on. 12 Genes are segments of DNA 5.3.12.D.1 Explain the value and molecules located in the potential applications of chromosome of each cell. DNA genome projects. molecules contain information that determines a sequence of amino acids, which result in specific proteins. 12 Inserting, deleting, or substituting 5.3.12.D.2 Predict the potential DNA segments can alter the genetic impact on an organism (no code. An altered gene may be impact, significant impact) passed on to every cell that given a change in a develops from it. The resulting specific DNA code, and features may help, harm, or have provide specific real world little or no effect on the offspring’s examples of conditions success in its environment. caused by mutations. 12 Sorting and recombination of genes 5.3.12.D.3 Demonstrate through in sexual reproduction result in a modeling how the sorting great variety of possible gene and recombination of combinations in the offspring of any genes during sexual two parents. reproduction has an effect on variation in offspring (meiosis, fertilization).

Standard 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Strand E. Evolution and Diversity: : Sometimes, differences between organisms of the same kind provide advantages for

82 surviving and reproducing in different environments. These selective differences may lead to dramatic changes in characteristics of organisms in a population over extremely long periods of time. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Changes in environmental 5.3.6.E.1 Describe the impact on the conditions can affect the survival of survival of species during individual organisms and entire specific times in geologic species. history when environmental conditions changed. 8 Individual organisms with certain 5.3.8.E.1 Organize and present traits are more likely than others to evidence to show how the survive and have offspring in extinction of a species is particular environments. The related to an inability to advantages or disadvantages of adapt to changing specific characteristics can change environmental conditions when the environment in which they using quantitative and exist changes. Extinction of a qualitative data. species occurs when the environment changes and the characteristics of a species are insufficient to allow survival. 8 Anatomical evidence supports 5.3.8.E.2 Compare the anatomical evolution and provides additional structures of a living detail about the sequence of species with fossil records branching of various lines of to derive a line of descent. descent. 12 New traits may result from new 5.3.12.E.1 Account for the combinations of existing genes or appearance of a novel trait from mutations of genes in that arose in a given reproductive cells within a population. population. 12 Molecular evidence (e.g., DNA, 5.3.12.E.2 Estimate how closely

83 protein structures, etc.) related species are, based substantiates the anatomical on scientific evidence evidence for evolution and provides (e.g., anatomical additional detail about the sequence similarities, similarities of in which various lines of descent DNA base and/or amino branched. acid sequence). 12 The principles of evolution 5.3.12.E.3 Provide a scientific (including natural selection and explanation for the history common descent) provide a of life on Earth using scientific explanation for the history scientific evidence (e.g., of life on Earth as evidenced in the fossil record, DNA, protein fossil record and in the similarities structures, etc.). that exist within the diversity of existing organisms. 12 Evolution occurs as a result of a 5.3.12.E.4 Account for the evolution combination of the following factors: of a species by citing specific evidence of  Ability of a species to biological mechanisms. reproduce  Genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes  Finite supply of the resources required for life

Natural selection, due to environmental pressure, of those organisms better able to survive and leave offspring

84 Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand A. Objects in the Universe : Our universe has been expanding and evolving for 13.7 billion years under the influence of gravitational and nuclear forces. As gravity governs its expansion, organizational patterns, and the movement of celestial bodies, nuclear forces within stars govern its evolution through the processes of stellar birth and death. These same processes governed the formation of our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 The height of the path of the Sun in 5.4.6.A.1 Generate and analyze the sky and the length of a shadow evidence (through change over the course of a year. simulations) that the Sun’s apparent motion across the sky changes over the course of a year. 6 Earth’s position relative to the Sun, 5.4.6.A.2 Construct and evaluate and the rotation of Earth on its axis, models demonstrating the result in patterns and cycles that rotation of Earth on its axis define time units of days and years. and the orbit of Earth around the Sun. 6 The Sun’s gravity holds planets and 5.4.6.A.3 Predict what would happen other objects in the solar system in to an orbiting object if orbit, and planets’ gravity holds gravity were increased, moons in orbit. decreased, or taken away. 6 The Sun is the central and most 5.4.6.A.4 Compare and contrast the massive body in our solar system, major physical which includes eight planets and characteristics (including their moons, dwarf planets, size and scale) of solar asteroids, and comets. system objects using evidence in the form of data tables and photographs.

85 8 The relative positions and motions 5.4.8.A.1 Analyze moon-phase, of the Sun, Earth, and Moon result eclipse, and tidal data to in the phases of the Moon, eclipses, construct models that and the daily and monthly cycle of explain how the relative tides. positions and motions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon cause these three phenomena. 8 Earth’s tilt, rotation, and revolution 5.4.8.A.2 Use evidence of global around the Sun cause changes in variations in day length, the height and duration of the Sun temperature, and the in the sky. These factors combine to amount of solar radiation explain the changes in the length of striking Earth’s surface to the day and seasons. create models that explain these phenomena and seasons. 8 Gravitation is a universal attractive 5.4.8.A.3 Predict how the force by which objects with mass gravitational force between attract one another. The two bodies would differ for gravitational force between two bodies of different masses objects is proportional to their or bodies that are different masses and inversely proportional distances apart. to the square of the distance between the objects. 8 The regular and predictable motion 5.4.8.A.4 Analyze data regarding the of objects in the solar system motion of comets, planets, (Kepler’s Laws) is explained by and moons to find general gravitational forces. patterns of orbital motion. 12 Prior to the work of 17th-century 5.4.12.A.1 Explain how new evidence astronomers, scientists believed the obtained using telescopes Earth was the center of the universe (e.g., the phases of Venus (geocentric model). or the moons of Jupiter) allowed 17th-century

86 astronomers to displace the geocentric model of the universe. 12 The properties and characteristics 5.4.12.A.2 Collect, analyze, and of solar system objects, combined critique evidence that with radioactive dating of meteorites supports the theory that and lunar samples, provide Earth and the rest of the evidence that Earth and the rest of solar system formed from the solar system formed from a a nebular cloud of dust nebular cloud of dust and gas 4.6 and gas 4.6 billion years billion years ago. ago. 12 Stars experience significant 5.4.12.A.3 Analyze an H-R diagram changes during their life cycles, and explain the life cycle of which can be illustrated with an stars of different masses Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) using simple stellar Diagram. models. 12 The Sun is one of an estimated two 5.4.12.A.4 Analyze simulated and/or hundred billion stars in our Milky real data to estimate the Way galaxy, which together with number of stars in our over one hundred billion other galaxy and the number of galaxies, make up the universe. galaxies in our universe. 12 The Big Bang theory places the 5.4.12.A.5 Critique evidence for the origin of the universe at theory that the universe approximately 13.7 billion years evolved as it expanded ago. Shortly after the Big Bang, from a single point 13.7 matter (primarily hydrogen and billion years ago. helium) began to coalesce to form galaxies and stars. 12 According to the Big Bang theory, 5.4.12.A.6 Argue, citing evidence the universe has been expanding (e.g., Hubble Diagram), since its beginning, explaining the the theory of an expanding apparent movement of galaxies universe. away from one another.

87 Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand B. History of Earth : From the time that Earth formed from a nebula 4.6 billion years ago, it has been evolving as a result of geologic, biological, physical, and chemical processes. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Successive layers of sedimentary 5.4.6.B.1 Interpret a representation rock and the fossils contained in of a rock layer sequence to them tell the factual story of the establish oldest and age, history, changing life forms, youngest layers, geologic and geology of Earth. events, and changing life forms. 6 Earth’s current structure has been 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s surface influenced by both sporadic and features and identify those gradual events. Changes caused by created on a scale of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions human life or on a geologic can be observed on a human time time scale. scale, but many geological processes, such as mountain building and the shifting of continents, are observed on a geologic time scale. 6 Moving water, wind, and ice 5.4.6.B.3 Determine if landforms continually shape Earth’s surface by were created by processes eroding rock and soil in some areas of erosion (e.g., wind, and depositing them in other areas. water, and/or ice) based on evidence in pictures, video, and/or maps.

88 6 Erosion plays an important role in 5.4.6.B.4 Describe methods people the formation of soil, but too much use to reduce soil erosion. erosion can wash away fertile soil from ecosystems, including farms. 8 Today’s planet is very different than 5.4.8.B.1 Correlate the evolution of early Earth. Evidence for one-celled organisms and the forms of life (bacteria) extends back environmental conditions more than 3.5 billion years. on Earth as they changed throughout geologic time. 8 Fossils provide evidence of how life 5.4.8.B.2 Evaluate the and environmental conditions have appropriateness of changed. The principle of increasing the human Uniformitarianism makes possible population in a region the interpretation of Earth’s history. (e.g., barrier islands, The same Earth processes that Pacific Northwest, Midwest occurred in the past occur today. United States) based on the region’s history of catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and floods. 12 The evolution of life caused 5.4.12.B.1 Trace the evolution of our dramatic changes in the atmosphere and relate the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, changes in rock types and which did not originally contain life forms to the evolving oxygen gas. atmosphere. 12 Relative dating uses index fossils 5.4.12.B.2 Correlate stratigraphic and stratigraphic sequences to columns from various determine the sequence of geologic locations by using index events. fossils and other dating techniques. 12 Absolute dating, using radioactive 5.4.12.B.3 Account for the evolution isotopes in rocks, makes it possible of species by citing to determine how many years ago a specific absolute-dating

89 given rock sample formed. evidence of fossil samples.

Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand C. Properties of Earth Materials : Earth’s composition is unique, is related to the origin of our solar system, and provides us with the raw resources needed to sustain life. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Soil attributes/properties affect the 5.4.6.C.1 Predict the types of soil’s ability to support animal life ecosystems that unknown and grow plants. soil samples could support based on soil properties. 6 The rock cycle is a model of 5.4.6.C.2 Distinguish physical creation and transformation of rocks properties of sedimentary, from one form (sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic igneous, or metamorphic) to rocks and explain how one another. Rock families are kind of rock could determined by the origin and eventually become a transformations of the rock. different kind of rock. 6 Rocks and rock formations contain 5.4.6.C.3 Deduce the story of the evidence that tell a story about their tectonic conditions and past. The story is dependent on the erosion forces that created minerals, materials, tectonic sample rocks or rock conditions, and erosion forces that formations. created them. 8 Soil consists of weathered rocks 5.4.8.C.1 Determine the chemical and decomposed organic material properties of soil samples from dead plants, animals, and in order to select an

90 bacteria. Soils are often found in appropriate location for a layers, each having a different community garden. chemical composition and texture. 8 Physical and chemical changes 5.4.8.C.2 Explain how chemical and take place in Earth materials when physical mechanisms Earth features are modified through (changes) are responsible weathering and erosion. for creating a variety of landforms. 8 Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of 5.4.8.C.3 Model the vertical structure nitrogen, oxygen, and trace gases of the atmosphere using that include water vapor. The information from active atmosphere has a different physical and passive remote- and chemical composition at sensing tools (e.g., different elevations. satellites, balloons, and/or ground-based sensors) in the analysis. 12 Soils are at the interface of the 5.4.12.C.1 Model the Earth systems, linking together the interrelationships among biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, the spheres in the Earth and hydrosphere. systems by creating a flow chart. 12 The chemical and physical 5.4.12.C.2 Analyze the vertical properties of the vertical structure of structure of Earth’s the atmosphere support life on atmosphere, and account Earth. for the global, regional, and local variations of these characteristics and their impact on life.

91 Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand D. Tectonics : The theory of plate tectonics provides a framework for understanding the dynamic processes within and on Earth. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Lithospheric plates consisting of 5.4.6.D.1 Apply understanding of the continents and ocean floors move in motion of lithospheric response to movements in the plates to explain why the mantle. Pacific Rim is referred to as the Ring of Fire. 6 Earth’s landforms are created 5.4.6.D.2 Locate areas that are through constructive (deposition) being created (deposition) and destructive (erosion) and destroyed (erosion) processes. using maps and satellite images. 6 Earth has a magnetic field that is 5.4.6.D.3 Apply knowledge of detectable at the surface with a Earth’s magnetic fields to compass. successfully complete an orienteering challenge. 8 Earth is layered with a lithosphere, 5.4.8.D.1 Model the interactions a hot, convecting mantle, and a between the layers of dense, metallic core. Earth. 8 Major geological events, such as 5.4.8.D.2 Present evidence to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, support arguments for the and mountain building, result from theory of plate motion. the motion of plates. Sea floor spreading, revealed in mapping of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and subduction zones are evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. 8 Earth’s magnetic field has north and 5.4.8.D.3 Explain why geomagnetic south poles and lines of force that north and geographic north

92 are used for navigation. are at different locations. 12 Convection currents in the upper 5.4.12.D.1 Explain the mechanisms mantle drive plate motion. Plates for plate motions using are pushed apart at spreading earthquake data, zones and pulled down into the mathematics, and crust at subduction zones. conceptual models. 12 Evidence from lava flows and 5.4.12.D.2 Calculate the average rate ocean-floor rocks shows that of seafloor spreading using Earth’s magnetic field reverses archived geomagnetic- (North – South) over geologic time. reversals data.

Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand E. Energy in Earth Systems : Internal and external sources of energy drive Earth systems. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 The Sun is the major source of 5.4.6.E.1 Generate a conclusion energy for circulating the about energy transfer and atmosphere and oceans. circulation by observing a model of convection currents. 8 The Sun provides energy for plants 5.4.8.E.1 Explain how energy from to grow and drives convection the Sun is transformed or within the atmosphere and oceans, transferred in global wind producing winds, ocean currents, circulation, ocean and the water cycle. circulation, and the water cycle. 12 The Sun is the major external 5.4.12.E.1 Model and explain the

93 source of energy for Earth’s global physical science principles energy budget. that account for the global energy budget. 12 Earth systems have internal and 5.4.12.E.2 Predict what the impact on external sources of energy, both of biogeochemical systems which create heat. would be if there were an increase or decrease in internal and external energy.

Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand F. Climate and Weather : Earth’s weather and climate systems are the result of complex interactions between land, ocean, ice, and atmosphere. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Weather is the result of short-term 5.4.6.F.1 Explain the variations in temperature, humidity, interrelationships between and air pressure. daily temperature, air pressure, and relative humidity data. 6 Climate is the result of long-term 5.4.6.F.2 Create climatographs for patterns of temperature and various locations around precipitation. Earth and categorize the climate based on the yearly patterns of temperature and precipitation.

94 8 Global patterns of atmospheric 5.4.8.F.1 Determine the origin of movement influence local weather. local weather by exploring national and international weather maps. 8 Climate is influenced locally and 5.4.8.F.2 Explain the mechanisms globally by atmospheric interactions that cause varying daily with land masses and bodies of temperature ranges in a water. coastal community and in a community located in the interior of the country. 8 Weather (in the short term) and 5.4.8.F.3 Create a model of the climate (in the long term) involve hydrologic cycle that the transfer of energy and water in focuses on the transfer of and out of the atmosphere. water in and out of the atmosphere. Apply the model to different climates around the world. 12 Global climate differences result 5.4.12.F.1 Explain that it is warmer in from the uneven heating of Earth’s summer and colder in surface by the Sun. Seasonal winter for people in New climate variations are due to the tilt Jersey because the of Earth’s axis with respect to the intensity of sunlight is plane of Earth’s nearly circular orbit greater and the days are around the Sun. longer in summer than in winter. Connect these seasonal changes in sunlight to the tilt of Earth’s axis with respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. 12 Climate is determined by energy 5.4.12.F.2 Explain how the climate in transfer from the Sun at and near regions throughout the Earth’s surface. This energy world is affected by

95 transfer is influenced by dynamic seasonal weather patterns, processes, such as cloud cover and as well as other factors, Earth’s rotation, as well as static such as the addition of conditions, such as proximity to greenhouse gases to the mountain ranges and the ocean. atmosphere and proximity Human activities, such as the to mountain ranges and to burning of fossil fuels, also affect the ocean. the global climate. 12 Earth’s radiation budget varies 5.4.12.F.3 Explain variations in the globally, but is balanced. Earth’s global energy budget and hydrologic cycle is complex and hydrologic cycle at the varies globally, regionally, and local, regional, and global locally. scales.

Standard 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand G. Biogeochemical Cycles : The biogeochemical cycles in the Earth systems include the flow of microscopic and macroscopic resources from one reservoir in the hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, or biosphere to another, are driven by Earth's internal and external sources of energy, and are impacted by human activity. Grade Standard NJCCCS# CPI Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter I II III IV 6 Circulation of water in marine 5.4.6.G.1 Illustrate global winds and environments is dependent on surface currents through factors such as the composition of the creation of a world water masses and energy from the map of global winds and Sun or wind. currents that explains the relationship between the two factors. 6 An ecosystem includes all of the 5.4.6.G.2 Create a model of plant and animal populations and ecosystems in two

96 nonliving resources in a given area. different locations, and Organisms interact with each other compare and contrast the and with other components of an living and nonliving ecosystem. components. 6 Personal activities impact the local 5.4.6.G.3 Describe ways that and global environment. humans can improve the health of ecosystems around the world. 8 Water in the oceans holds a large 5.4.8.G.1 Represent and explain, amount of heat, and therefore using sea surface significantly affects the global temperature maps, how climate system. ocean currents impact the climate of coastal communities. 8 Investigations of environmental 5.4.8.G.2 Investigate a local or issues address underlying scientific global environmental issue causes and may inform possible by defining the problem, solutions. researching possible causative factors, understanding the underlying science, and evaluating the benefits and risks of alternative solutions. 12 Natural and human-made 5.4.12.G.1 Analyze and explain the chemicals circulate with water in the sources and impact of a hydrologic cycle. specific industry on a large body of water (e.g., Delaware or Chesapeake Bay). 12 Natural ecosystems provide an 5.4.12.G.2 Explain the unintended array of basic functions that affect consequences of humans. These functions include harvesting natural

97 maintenance of the quality of the resources from an atmosphere, generation of soils, ecosystem. control of the hydrologic cycle, disposal of wastes, and recycling of nutrients. 12 Movement of matter through Earth’s 5.4.12.G.3 Demonstrate, using system is driven by Earth’s internal models, how internal and and external sources of energy and external sources of energy results in changes in the physical drive the hydrologic, and chemical properties of the carbon, nitrogen, matter. phosphorus, sulfur, and oxygen cycles. 12 Natural and human activities impact 5.4.12.G.4 Compare over time the the cycling of matter and the flow of impact of human activity energy through ecosystems. on the cycling of matter and energy through ecosystems. 12 Human activities have changed 5.4.12.G.5 Assess (using maps, local Earth’s land, oceans, and planning documents, and atmosphere, as well as its historical records) how the populations of plant and animal natural environment has species. changed since humans have inhabited the region. 12 Scientific, economic, and other data 5.4.12.G.6 Assess (using scientific, can assist in assessing economic, and other data) environmental risks and benefits the potential environmental associated with societal activity. impact of large-scale adoption of emerging technologies (e.g., wind farming, harnessing geothermal energy). 12 Earth is a system in which chemical 5.4.12.G.7 Relate information to elements exist in fixed amounts and detailed models of the

98 move through the solid Earth, hydrologic, carbon, oceans, atmosphere, and living nitrogen, phosphorus, things as part of geochemical sulfur, and oxygen cycles, cycles. identifying major sources, sinks, fluxes, and residence times.


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