Minutes for July Tri-County Amateur Radio Club Minutes 07/28/2014 Buddy Cheek, KS4XR called the meeting to order at 19:00. Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance. Each member introduced themselves with their call sign. No unfinished business New business: V.E. Testing-Buddy announced for Roger Gibson, WB4T that at the July testing session Trip Wingate KM4CWE passed the technician exam, Ken Reed KK4ZPS passed his passed his general exam, Joel Crain passed his extra class exam. Field Day Committee - Dianne Harris KK4FCT reported on the recent Field Day event. There were 26 operators and 18 visitors. 569 contacts in 24 hours. 286 phone, 168 digital, 89 CW. Top five operators by contacts were Mark N4MKA, Buddy KS4XE, Chuck N2LDZ, Charles W4CLE and Ron AF4GT. A very successful field day. Family Picnic/Special Events Committee - Cheryl Locke KJ4HAU said that they are looking to do the club picnic in mid October. They have not selected a venue yet. The W4B special event station will happen Saturday August 9th at Mike Gee's W9QU home and station. Website Committee - Charles Locke W4CLE reported that all seems fime and that he is looking for suggestions and content for the website. Net operations-Nat Christman,K4NPC- Received volunteers for the the August nets. News Letter - It has been decided that the newsletter is no longer necessary because of the content available on the club's website and yahoo group. Dianne Harris KK4FCT was given a certificate by the club in appreciation for her hard work organizing theField Day enent this year. Minutes from the June meeting were available and no one requested that they be read. Treasurers Report - Cheryl Locke KJ4HAU reported the following: General Fund: Starting Balance: 1,727, Deposits: 34, Ending Balance: 1761 Repeater Fund: Starting Balance: 568, Deposits: 50, Ending Balance: 618 Ending Bank Balance for all accounts: 2,379.75 Examinations: Roger Gibson, WB4T tested Doug Lamont KK4BTP for his general class license and he passed it. A motion was made that the club purchase a second radio for the club that was passed. A motion of $800 for a Ten Tec radio was offered, seconded and passed. Cheryl Locke KJ4HAU did mention that the club has an insurance premium of $320 that is due soon. Friday night dinners were held at El Centinella, Oriental J and Fatz this month. Three door prizes were awarded. The 50/50 prize of $27 was awarded.. Bussy KS4XR made a presentation about building VHF beams from scrap antennas. There being no further business, the meeting was concluded at 19:55. Respectively submitted by: Carol Goodnight, K4CCG