1 June 2012

Tailevu benefits from Australian Government aid

Two schools and five villages in Tailevu have benefited from the Australian Government’s assistance for improved education and community development.

The Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) provided $19,000 worth of assistance for a sanitation project in Dakuivuna Village School and the upgrade the library at Vunibokoi District School. DAP also provided more than $20,000 worth of water tanks to Naitutu, Davetalevu and Nakalawaca villages and Telau and Naiyalayala settlements.

While commissioning the water tank projects this week at Naitutu village, DAP Committee member Ms McEwan said the Australian Government recognised the importance of improving water and sanitation conditions and its impact on the health and wellbeing of people living in rural communities.

Ms McEwan said the Australian High Commission was also particularly happy to contribute to the upgrade of a school library and the construction of new flush toilets in the two schools.

Receiving the donation, the Project Coordinator for the water tank projects, Mr Sanaila Tuilomana expressed his gratitude to the Government and people of Australia for the timely donation.

According to Mr Tuilomana, water shortages had been a daily problem for these communities and for many years, they had relied on nearby creeks for their daily needs like cooking, bathing and washing. But thanks to this Australian aid, they would no longer have to worry about such problems.

This year, Tamavua-i-wai settlement in Suva also received over $3,000 worth of DAP funding for the construction of their footpath which was completed early this month and also commissioned this week.