Dear Parents and Students s13

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Dear Parents and Students s13

Welcome to Tucker Middle School Band!

Greetings Parents and Students:

This handbook is designed to inform you of the policies, practices and procedures of the Band program. Band can be both exiting and rewarding. Being a member of the Tucker Middle School Band is designed to give the students a rewarding musical experience and development that will foster a deep sense of understanding and pride to the high school level. Please review it carefully.

The band program at Tucker is a vital and important part of the total middle school life. Band is a large, colorful, visible and consists of a highly disciplined segment of the school population. The band’s appearance at sporting events, concerts, and competitions/festivals, parades and community events adds a great deal of pride, color, life and music to our community.

The main emphasis of the band program is on musicianship, commitment, and pride of accomplishment, followed closely by citizenship, morale, spirit, and loyalty. It is a pride of doing your very best.

A band member must be a special kind of person! Remember band is a commitment. All band members must have dedication; a dedication that allows you to give yourself, mentally and physically, hours each day…a dedication that makes you budget your time, adhere to scheduled rehearsals in order to maintain high scholastic standing, and fulfill all your other obligations…a dedication that drives you to sacrifice so that you may proudly say, “I am a member of the Tucker Tigers band!”

It is a title not easily learned. The demands are great; practice, hours at home and in the band room, the team-work, and the pressures of performance. Band is the closet things to “real life” after you get out of school. It teaches you discipline, responsibility, mental and physical toughness. You learn how to get along with others to achieve a common goal. The carry over value, after your band days are over, cannot be measured because it is so great. It develops a “Don’t ever quit trying” attitude that you have forever.

At Tucker we teach Pride… with a capital “P”. It is a Pride of doing your best, personal discipline, a Pride that reminds you of what you represent.

Best wishes for a great year for the Tucker Middle Tiger band. Remember “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” Let’s feed the dream as one. I look forward in working with you. OUR GOALS

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF PERFORMING IS TO ENTERTAIN PEOPLE!! If they clap for us and enjoy the performance, that is what it’s all about. If the fans are on their feet when we complete a performance, then that’s winning and it can be a hollow thing…we want to earn it.

Striving to be a champion in any walk of life involves countless hours of preparation, practice, and self discipline. It is falling down and getting back up, over and over again. It is working harder when everyone says,…”It can be done,”…”It’s too hard,”…when no one is around to tell you to keep trying. Many times it is difficult and lonely to be a champion. You ask if the end result is worth it. For us, the end result is a band of winners and a stadium or concert hall filled with cheering people who are proud of “their” band. That’s what it’s all about.

So what are our goals for this year? First, we want to mutually agree on our goals. It cannot be your director’s secrets…we all have to agree that we want to achieve certain things this year. Perhaps we can agree that these goals are REALISTIC, something that we can achieve together.

1. Commitments to doing our very best in every practice and performance. Remember every rehearsal is a performance exactly like you rehearsed. Scheduled rehearsals times are important. Be on time always.

2. Being prepared for all performances with proper attire, music and clean instruments. We are performers and we want to affect our audiences with our energy and our intensity, by showing how much we just enjoy performing for the crowd. “We don’t play band we do it”

3. Bring home SUPERIOR ratings from every contest and festival and strive to place BEST IN CLASS in every group event and concert performance.

4. To raise the level of comprehensive musicianship throughout the band program. It should be an individual responsibility to learn your part and perform as best as you possibly can.

5. To make our community proud of us and to involve ourselves in the community life through service and participation. Also, to become a more integral part of Tucker Middle School through performances and services.

6. To increase band booster membership and support as well as increase the size of our band by at least 25 additional students.

These are REALISTIC and OBTAINABLE goals. It will take the efforts of every member. Dedication and hard work, along with a love for music and EXCELLENCE, will be the keys of our success. TUCKER TIGERS BAND POLICIES


1. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required for membership in the band. Please arrange your schedules accordingly. Two unexcused absences from rehearsal or performance will result in dismissal from the band. The following reasons are EXCUSED absences:

1. Personal illness 2. Death in the immediate family 3. Family wedding

Even within the above excuses, excessive absences will cause severe problems for the ensemble. ALL absences must be explained and written in advance to the director prior to the rehearsal. Last minute verbal explanations will not be accepted. All band rehearsal during concert season will be posted on the monthly calendar. Failure to appear at rehearsals or performance can result in suspension/removal from the ensemble. Always discuss extenuating circumstances with the director prior to an absence.

Written excuses must be filed with the director at least two days prior the rehearsal or performance. Failure to do so will result in the absences being counted as unexcused.

Practice Logs

Practice logs are due every two weeks on Thursdays or Fridays depending on your schedule. Practice logs are designed to monitor and and encourage students to invest in their instruments. You can never get better unless you spend time with your instrument. Practice at least 30 minutes per day or 210 minutes per week . you will notice your tone and articulations will get better. I t is also designed to teach your responsibility and organizational skills. You may practice but never document or log your hours as required. This will defeat the purpose. You must turn in your documented practice times to get the desired grade of an A. Late logs will be penalized after two days of lateness. Copies of the practice logs are posted of the wall file located next to my office door. Stay focused and turn in your logs. Private lessons are strongly encouraged. A list of private teachers is listed under the links tab.


Grades will be posted every six, nine, thirteen and eighteen week periods. Grades will be based on participation, class work, assessments and practice logs. All grades must be reported before the posting deadline. Students are responsible for any missed work. The director will warn students of impending incomplete grades. Failure to complete missed work will result in a lower GPA. The grading scale is posted under the course syllabus folder under forms and documents. Grades cannot be changed without the authorization and approval of the instructional principal. Grading Criteria Classwork/ Daily Work 30% Homework 15% Tests 5% Performance/ Participation 20% Quizzes 5% Reading/ Writing 10% Final Exam 15%

Classroom Procedures

The way we enter the band room each and every day is very important in band classes. We have a lot of material to cover in a very limited amount of time. Therefore it is extremely important that we follow the protocol and procedures as listed. Failure to follow will result in missed opportunities for our program and disciplinary actions by both the director and/or administrators.

Upon entering the band room students will proceed directly to their lockers and retrieve their instrument and band binders. Students will not be allowed to bring book bags or instrument cases into the block band area. The only exception will be clarinets and flute players who can easily store their cases under their chairs. Students will have a grace period of 5 minutes to put air into their horns prior to the beginning of class. When the director steps on the podium. All playing ceases. Everyone should be seated and ready for instruction. Students should have all necessary materials to start class. There will absolutely be no movement out of chairs during instructional time unless given permission. Notebook checks will be given randomly as well as instrument checks. Students should have their own mouthpieces, binders, music, pencils and tuners in their possession during class. At the conclusion of class students will clean around their area straighten up their chairs return their instrument to the lockers and proceed to the next class. Students will not be given late passes to class due to hanging out in the band room. Our band room is a special place for all band members and we must keep if neat and tidy. Please respect your band room by keep it clean and tidy at all times. Please pick up your trash before leaving and remind your band mates to do the same.

Band Attire

The way we present ourselves for performances is very important and critical . our visual perception makes a big difference before we play the first note. Therefore, what we wear as a unit is of upmost importance.

We have basically two types of uniforms we wear when performing.

1. Formal wear consists of: *White tuxedo shirts with cummerbund and black dress shoes Girls: solid black calf-length skirt with black or flesh tone stockings. No leggings or anything not mentioned above will be accepted. Boys: black dress pants, black socks.

2. Casual wear consists of: Band Tee shirts,band hoodie sweat shirts khaki shorts, jean shorts or jeans. White athletic shoes. White socks, band caps for pep bands.

 All students will wear the school issued tuxedo shirts, bowtie and cummerbunds. This is included in your band dues payment.

 BEGINNING BAND  Beginning band is made up of all 6th grade students who are enrolled in band classes. The beginning band class will meet everyday, with very few required after-school rehearsals. Most after school rehearsals will begin during the month of December. This will only occur once or twice to prepare the band for our holiday performances. We will start a weekly sectional/rehearsal during the third quarter usually around the third week of January till the second week of March. Each mamber of the beginning band will recieve a monthly calandar starting the third quarter with the rehearsal times and dates. We will perform a minimum of at least two concerts this year - a Holiday concert and a Spring concert. Students will be immediately integrated into the total band program and will participate in fundraising, solo and ensemble, and private lessons. Lessons are optional, but highly encouraged for individualized attention and musical development.The top tier 6th grade band is the Cadet Band.  The TMS band staff understands the importance of instrument selection; therefore, each student will undergo a very thorough instrument selection process, whereby the band directors will recommend the instrument on which we believe the student will have the greatest opportunity for success. Once an instrument is chosen, the student is expected to remain on that instrument for as long as he remains in the Tucker band program. Occasionally, we may feel that a student has attained the skills necessary to play a more challenging instrument (i.e. bari-sax, bassoon, etc.) These recommendations will be made on a case by case basis according to the student's individual (and band's instrumentation) needs. CONCERT BAND

The Tucker Middle School Concert Band is comprised of mainly 7th grade band students. The Concert Band will perform at least three times this year - the Winter concert, GMEA festival, and a spring concert. The musical demand on the ensemble is higher than that of the Beginning band; therefore, we expect all students in the Concert band to practice on a daily basis. The after-school rehearsals will be listed on the monthly band calendar to allow time to plan accordingly. The calendars will be distributed at the beginning of the third quarter in January. Each student is expected to attend all after-school rehearsal and secure a ride home after practice. Please have your child picked up immediately after practice. A missed after-school rehearsal or performance without notification will result in a lower grade and possible loss of part. . Individual practice is expected and required of all students as part of their daily participation grade. Lessons are optional, but highly recommended and would fulfill part of the "daily practice" requirement.


The Tucker Middle School Symphonic Band is made up of eighth grade band students and highly skilled 6th and 7th graders. This is the most advanced top tier music ensemble at Tucker so they will be involved in many activities throughout the year. The Symphonic Band meets daily and will have some after-school rehearsals scheduled during the winter and spring terms.There will be several concerts during the year including a fall performance, holiday concerts at the feeder schools and local businesses, Tucker Holiday Festival Parade, GMEA Festival and a Spring concert. The level of music performed by this ensemble is such that individual practice is not only expected, but required as part of the daily participation grade. Lessons are optional, but are also highly encouraged, and would fulfill part of the "daily practice" requirement. PEP BAND

 The Tucker Middle School Pep Band is comprised of seventh and eighth grade band students and select outstanding 6th graders. Exceptions include those band students on the football team, the cheerleading squad, and the TMS Majorettes. This group performs at TMS football games, parades, pep rallies, one Tucker High School varsity football game, and possibly some special performances during the year.  The Pep Band will rehearse during class and early mornings before school. As in all performing ensembles, rehearsal and performance attendance is required. Students should be aware that a missed after-school rehearsal or performance will negatively affect his daily participation grade and/or performance grade. The uniform for our performances will be the band T- shirt, hoodie and shorts or blue jeans

Jazz Band

 The Tucker Middle School Band Program offers students many unique performance opportunities. The Jazz Band, Brass Ensemble, and Woodwind Ensemble all meet at various times throughout the year. They provide our outstanding and dedicated students opportunities to play more complex literature and perform in a chamber music settings. Each ensemble is considered an extra-curricular activity, thus, it is not associated with the student's grade. Membership into each ensemble is by audition and/or invitation. Once a student has joined a group, he is expected to attend each rehearsal and performance. Failure to do so, without an excused absence (as stated in Board Policy), will result in immediate dismissal from the group.

7th and 8th grade band students in the Tucker Middle School band program are eligible to participate in jazz band by audition. If you want to participate in jazz band, you must audition during that set time and date for audition. The students will be judged on the following category to participate in jazz band.

 SCALES...... 20  RHYTHM...... 10  STYLE/INTERPREPTATION...... 10  INTONATION...... 10  PREPARED PIECE...... 10  SIGHT READING...... 20  IMPROVE...... 10  EXPRESSIVE...... 10

The audition will determine how you will be placed in jazz band. Part assignments, adding students in after audition and chair placement will be made by only the director and can change if the director sees that it will help the entire band. Students must attend ALL jazz band rehearsals. The jazz band meets frequently and regular attendance is IMPERATIVE.

 Percussion Ensemble/Drum Line

The TMS drum line/ Percussion consists of percussion students that are enrolled in band classes and perform on percussion instruments. The percussion ensemble is open to all students who are interested in performing percussion literature. This ensemble meets during class period for 8th graders and after school for 6th and 7th graders. Interested students must audition before joining the ensemble. Students who are interested in participation with the drum line must be a member of the band class and must be in good standing with their membership.


Individual practice is the heart of our band program. A student can not expect to reach his full potential if an individual practice routine is not followed. Lack of practice can lead to much frustration when performing both on and off the stage. Each student in the DeKalb County band program is encouraged to practice at least thirty minutes each day. At the end of each week, a parent will need to sign and verify that the student’s practice log is accurate. Each Monday, signed practice logs will be submitted to the director. Twenty percent (15%) of the final band grade for each grading period will be based on the student’s having practiced at least one (1) hour per week. We ask parents to encourage their children to practice. The success of the individual student (and our band as a whole) is directly related to the individual practice routine.

 Parents, we strongly encourage you to seek private lessons for your child. While our goal is to have highly efficient rehearsals both during and after school, the individualized attention that a student can receive in a private lesson is invaluable. A private lesson is one-on-one instructional time between your child and a qualified and skilled individual accomplished on the instrument your child plays. All attention is focused on your child's individual needs and development as a musician. Students who take private lessons attain greater levels of achievement and musicianship. The success of any band program depends on the determination and quality of its students. Top band programs across the state have a high participation rate in private lessons. Any extra work and effort outside of the classroom will help ensure the continual development, progression, and success of your young musician. Instrument Storage: Individual instrument lockers are available on a limited basis. Due to the large number of instrumentalist in our program we will have to share lockers with classmates. Students must provide their own COMBINATION LOCK . You must have your instrument, serial number, combination and members who you share your locker with on file with your director. This is your responsibility. A storage area is also available for instruments that will not fit in a band locker. Dekalb County School System assumes no liability for stolen instruments. It is suggested that parents place instruments on their homeowners’ insurance policy. Please attach a name tag to the case of each instrument brought to school. Parents should also keep a record of the serial number, make and model of the instrument.


Be on time (in the room when bell rings) No gum ,food or beverages in class Be prepared (w/instrument, music, pencil and rehearsed) Respect others (keep hands, feet to yourself) No name-calling, teasing, talking, or playing out of turn. Follow directions the first time given. Do not bring gum, candy, food or drinks to class. Personal grooming is not allowed in the band room Tucker Middle Instrumental Music Rubic

A/A+ (Excellent) B/C (Satisfactory) D/F (Needs improvement) 90-100 89-80 / 71-79 70 / 69 below  attentively and actively  participates in rehearsals and  does not participate in attends and participates in attends the majority of rehearsals or attend regularly rehearsals/lessons scheduled lessons scheduled lessons

 carefully follows rehearsal  follows rehearsal procedures  often does not follow rehearsal procedures procedures

 maintains music, materials  usually music, materials and  does not maintain music, and rehearsal area and is rehearsal area and is, for the materials and rehearsal area and prepared for lessons most part, prepared for lessons is not prepared for lessons (completed assignments) (completed assignments) (incomplete assignments)

 carefully follows  usually follows conducting  ignores conducting gestures conducting gestures gestures

 has learned music and  has learned most of the music  is unfamiliar with the musical rhythms accurately and has and rhythms and has memorized repertoire; has not memorized memorized the music (when most of the music (when the music (when applicable) applicable) applicable)

 takes breaths in correct  takes most breaths in correct  takes breaths at inappropriate places; maintains support places; maintains support but times; makes no effort to support through phrases sometimes breaks phrases through phrases

 observes performance  observance of performance  ignores performance markings markings such as dynamics markings such as dynamics and such as dynamics and tempo and tempo changes tempo changes is inconsistent changes

 consistently makes an effort  usually makes an effort to play  makes no effort to play with to play with the best possible with quality and depth of tone expressive quality and depth of quality tone

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