Sturminster Newton Town Council s1

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Sturminster Newton Town Council s1



Held on Thursday 1 st May 2014 in the Council Chamber at 7.15pm

Present :

Councillor G. Rose (Chair) Councillor C. Feltham (from 7.18pm) Councillor V. Fox (Vice-Chair) Councillor D. Fox Councillor P. Batstone Councillor C. Fraser Councillor N. Cowell Councillor H. Lacey Councillor A. Donaldson

Absent : Councillors H. Reed and N. Watson

In Attendance: Christopher Wilkins (Town Clerk) and Kate Townsend (Admin. Assistant)

MINUTE COMMENTS RESOLUTION NUMBER For each item, the proposer is named first followed by the seconder 14/001 PUBLIC SESSION No members of the public were present 14/002 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr. Watson (business reasons) and District Councillor Michael Roake. These apologies were accepted by the Members present. 14/003 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Councillor Gerald (Joe) Rose was proposed by Councillor Batstone and seconded by Councillor Donaldson. There were no other nominations. Councillor Gerald (Joe) Rose was duly elected as Chairman of the Council until the annual meeting in 2015.

14/004 DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE BY CHAIRMAN Councillor Rose read out and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was then signed by the Town Clerk in the presence of the Council. [Cllr. Feltham joined the meeting during the foregoing item] 14/005 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Councillor Victor Fox was proposed by Councillor Rose and seconded by Councillor David Fox. There were no other nominations. Councillor Victor Fox was duly elected as Vice-Chairman of the Council until the annual meeting in 2015.

Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 2 14/006 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS In accordance with the relevant protocol Cllr. V. Fox indicated that since he is a member of the Development Committee of North Dorset District Council, he would not be participating in the consideration of planning applications later in the meeting. No interests were declared and consequently no written requests for dispensation had been received.

14/007 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS TOWN COUNCIL MEETING The minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 3rd April 2014 Cllr. Batstone (pages 1833-39) having been circulated and publicized prior to the Cllr. Fraser meeting were taken as read and approved for signature by the chair as a true and correct record. There were no matters arising 14/008 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COMMITTEES i. Planning & Environment Committee – 17.04.2014 Minute pages 1840-44 The minutes of this committee meeting having been circulated and publicized in draft form were NOTED and The Council RESOLVED to APPROVE the recommendations Cllr. Fraser contained therein Cllr. Feltham ii. Amenities Committee - 24.04.2014 Minute pages 1845-48 The minutes of this committee meeting having been circulated and publicized in draft form were NOTED and The Council RESOLVED to APPROVE the recommendations Cllr. Batstone contained therein Cllr. V. Fox

14/009 APPOINTMENT OF STANDING COMMITTEES After reviewing the existing committee structure and membership Cllr. Feltham The Council RESOLVED: Cllr. V. Fox i. To appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman as members of every committee ex officio; ii. To appoint all councillors members of the Planning and Environment Committee and to co-opt Mr. A. Harrison to this committee as the council’s Footpaths Officer; iii. To appoint Councillors Batstone, Cowell, Donaldson, Fraser and Lacey as members of the Finance & Personnel Committee; and iv To appoint Councillors Batstone, Feltham, D. Fox, Reed and . Watson as members of the Amenities Committee and to co-opt Mr. J. Read to this committee to report on matters relating to the Butts Pond Local Nature Reserve.

14/010 APPROVAL OF DELEGATED POWERS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES i. The Council RESOLVED to approve the delegated powers and Cllr. Fraser terms of reference of the Finance & Personnel Committee as set Cllr. Feltham out below on page 1853 ii. The Council RESOLVED to approve the delegated powers and Cllr. D. Fox terms of reference of the Planning & Environment Committee as Cllr. Donaldson set out below on page 1854 iii. The Council RESOLVED to approve the delegated powers and Cllr. V. Fox terms of reference of the Amenities Committee as set out below Cllr. Fraser on pages 1854 and 1855 Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 3 Minute book page number

14/011 APPOINTMENT OF CHEQUE SIGNATORIES The Council RESOLVED that there will be five signatories with two out Cllr. Lacey of the five to sign all cheques and that those five signatories should be Cllr. Donaldson the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Town Council, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Finance & Personnel Committee and the Town Clerk for the time being 14/012 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES The Council RESOLVED to approve the appointment of Cllr. Donaldson Representatives as set out below on page 1856. Cllr. Batstone

14/013 REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS In light of the extensive changes arising from the promulgation by NALC of new model Standing Orders The Council RESOLVED to refer the draft Standing Orders prepared Cllr. Rose by the Town Clerk to the Finance & Personnel Committee for review Cllr. V. Fox and recommendations

14/014 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS In light of the extensive changes arising from the promulgation by NALC of new model Financial Regulations and the need to consider financial controls appropriate to this council’s needs and circumstances The Council RESOLVED to refer the draft Financial Regulations Cllr. Rose prepared by the Town Clerk to the Finance & Personnel Committee for Cllr. V. Fox review and recommendations

14/015 APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS The list of payments set out below and checked by Cllrs. Donaldson Cllr. Rose and Fraser was APPROVED. Cllr. V. Fox Cheque Gross Invoice date Details 002076 £500.00 03/04/14 SNATCH - Grant BACS140507E £1,738.34 24/04/14 HMRC - Tax & NI payments BACS140428A-J £7,673.62 28/04/14 Various Employees – Salaries April 2014 Total of other payments each under £500 = £2,166.98 Grand total of payments made = £12,078.94

14/016 FUND-HOLDING FOR WW1 CENTENARY COMMEMORATION PROJECT After receiving from the Chairman a description of commemorative book to be prepared to mark the centenary of the outbreak of WW1 and noting that a suitable body is required to receive and administer the funds required The Council RESOLVED to act as the funds holding and administering body for the project

14/017 CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING APPLICATION The following application was considered and the Council resolved to make the comment indicated Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 4

1. Plan Number District Reference 2014/04/02 2/2014.0306/PLNG Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr & Mrs Harris Gasons Stalbridge Lane Bagber Town County Post Code Application date Sturminster Newton Dorset DT10 2JQ 24/10/13 Erect 1 no. timber stable building

STURMINSTER NEWTON TOWN COUNCIL Comment: Cllr. Batstone No objection Cllr. Fraser

14/018 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE The Clerk read a brief report received from District Councillor Michael Roake describing the meetings and other steps taken following the launch day.

14/019 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT In his capacity of District Councillor, Cllr. V. Fox reported attending meetings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (primarily concerned with the review of the community partnerships), the District Council and the Licensing Committee (the Development Management Committee had not met for want of sufficient business).

14/020 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT In her capacity of County Councillor, Cllr. Batstone reported attending several meetings about the re-structuring of Childrens’ Services, a Personnel Appeals hearing and a County Council meeting. She organized (but was unable to attend) a meeting to consider the possible re-location of the library (which had concluded that the issue was best taken forward through the neighbourhood planning process). The re-surfacing of roads in the Rivers Corner area has been delayed by the weather. The X8 bus service has been reprieved until 4th July and discussions are ongoing about a replacement for it thereafter.

14/021 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Cllr. Rose reported attending the Scouts’ St. George’s Day Parade and the inaugural meeting of the Community Speedwatch group which has now recruited enough members to proceed. Former councillor Dick Gillam died last Sunday. A memorial service will be held on Friday 9th May. Cllr. V. Fox added that he deputised for the Chairman at the Dorchester and Gillingham Civic Days.

14/022 COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAPTC AND NALC The latest Chief Executive’s Circular has been received from DAPTC and is available in the Council office.


Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 5 Minute book page number The Town Clerk’s monthly report having been circulated and publicized was noted.

14/024 INFORMATION FROM MEMBERS Cllr. Donaldson reported that William Barnes Primary School and Yewstock School have been offered vegetable growing kits under a scheme promoted by Waitrose Cllr. D. Fox reported that before meeting with the Museum & Mill Trustees he will seek a briefing from the Town Clerk on the latest developments Cllr Cowell reported that he had received a comment about the operation of the Mill hatches and the drop in the water level Cllr Fraser suggested that if councillors who are not members of the Finance & Personnel Committee attend its next meeting to participate in the discussion of the report on the community partnerships then perhaps that item could be taken early so they do not have to stay for the full meeting.

14/025 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS In exercise of the power conferred by the Public Bodies (Admission to Cllr. Rose Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1(2) the Committee RESOLVED that Cllr. V. Fox members of the public and press be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that the business to be transacted being of a confidential nature it is likely that personal and/or exempt information would otherwise be improperly disclosed and members would feel unable to discuss the matter freely CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS The confidential matters are minuted in the Confidential Minute Book page 193.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.13pm. Christopher Wilkins Town Clerk Approved on:

Chair’s signature: ......


The following matters are the responsibilities of the committee:

1. reviewing and recommending the following matters to council for approval: a. Quarterly Examination of Accounts b. Annual Budgets c. Annual Financial Risk Assessment d. Standing Orders e. Financial Regulations f. To Oversee Grant Applications

Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 6 g. Contracts of Employment for Staff h. Appointment of Staff i. Staff Relations and Training j. Training for Councillors k. Legal Matters l. Leasing and Licensing Matters m. Insurance Matters n. Purchases of Goods & Services o. Acquisitions and Acceptances of Interests in Land 2. reviewing and approving payments by all permissible methods


1. The committee has the power to authorize or approve payments by all permissible methods 2. The committee has power to make decisions on urgent personnel and staffing matters and make staff appointments on behalf of the council


The following matters are the Terms of reference of this Committee:  To make observations on planning applications and planning appeals and to notify North Dorset District Council of the committee’s observations  To make observations on tree matters and to notify North Dorset District Council of observations and comments  To receive and examine notification of the decisions of North Dorset District Council  To inform the relevant authorities of concerns of the committee related to public rights of way, highways, road safety, planning and environmental matters  To monitor the built environment with particular reference to listed buildings and the conservation area  To endeavour to preserve and improve the quality of the environment  To monitor the activities of the relevant authorities with regard to enforcement matters  To oversee the activities of Council Staff with regard to public rights of way and highways


 This committee has the power to make observations on planning applications, planning appeals, rights of way, highways, road safety and tree matters and to notify the relevant authorities of those observations.  The Town Council nominated Tree Officer is given the responsibility to investigate and make recommendations to this Committee regarding Tree Preservation Orders, Tree Works and other related tree matters.  The Town Council nominated Rights of Way Officer is given the responsibility to investigate and make recommendations to this Committee regarding maintenance, obstruction and diversion of public footpaths and bridleways and other related rights of way matters.



Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials: 7 Minute book page number 1. For the purposes of these Terms of Reference, the expressions “amenity” and “amenities” mean: (a) land and/or buildings owned by or leased to the Council or for which the Council is responsible under any other arrangement;

(b) a service delivered either to the general public or to any person or body of persons under any arrangement approved by the Council;

(c) trees, shrubs and plants, benches, shelters, signs, street-lamps, art-works, troughs, and facilities of all kinds for which the Council is responsible (whether owned by the Council or not)

(including amenities which are managed by any person or body of persons under delegated powers conferred by or any other arrangement approved by the Council but excluding footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way).

2. Subject to paragraph 3 below, the following matters are within the terms of reference of this committee: (a) monitoring all amenities; (b) considering and making recommendations in respect of all aspects of the management of existing amenities (including proposed improvements and/or additions to or extensions of them); (c) considering and making recommendations in respect of all proposals for the acquisition or creation of new or additional amenities; (d) monitoring the activities and performance of Council staff insofar as their duties relate to existing and proposed amenities (including their exercise of delegated powers in that respect) and making recommendations with regard to them; (e) monitoring and making recommendations in respect of the vehicles, equipment and materials belonging to the Council and used in connection with amenities; (f) considering and making recommendations for the acquisition of replacement or additional vehicles, equipment and materials (including specifying the relevant needs); (g) considering and making recommendations in respect of comments, compliments, complaints or suggestions regarding new or existing amenities; and (h) monitoring and making recommendations in respect of health and safety and risk management issues relating to amenities.

3. Notwithstanding the contents of paragraph 2 above, the following matters are not within the committee’s terms of reference and shall not be discussed at its meetings: (a) the processing of the acquisition or disposal by the Council of any interest in land; (b) the procurement of goods and/or services in connection with amenities (after the specification has been agreed); (c) the processing of the disposal of surplus or redundant vehicles, equipment and materials by the Council; (d) the setting and monitoring of budgets relating to amenities; (e) the recruitment and remuneration of Council staff and the operation of grievance and disciplinary procedures applying to Council staff; and (f) any matter within the terms of reference of the Finance & Personnel Committee or the Planning & Environment Committee.


Blackmore Vale Transport Forum Councillor Pauline Batstone Councillor Helen Reed Butts Pond Local Nature Reserve (Co-opted to Amenities Committee) Mr. Jeremy Read Carnival Trustees Councillor David Fox (2nd year of 4-year appointment) Councillor Joe Rose Cemetery Liaison Councillor Helen Reed DAPTC Larger Local Councils & AGM Councillor Joe Rose Councillor Vic Fox Town Clerk DAPTC – Northern Area Meetings Councillor Joe Rose Councillor Pauline Batstone Development Working Party Councillor Joe Rose Councillor Charles Fraser (deputy) Town Clerk Dorset Age Partnership Councillor Vic Fox Footpaths Liaison Officer (Co-opted to Planning & Environment Committee) Mr. Alan Harrison Newsletter & Unity.Com Chairman & Town Clerk Planning Issues - Councillor to Liaise with NDDC Chairman of the Planning & Environment Committee Press Releases/Media Chairman & Town Clerk Rural Sounding Board Councillor David Fox SNATCH (Sturminster Newton Association for Trade, Commerce and Hospitality) Councillor Vic Fox Sturfit Trust Councillor Neil Watson Sturminster Newton Allotments Association Councillor Nicholas Cowell Sturminster Newton Museum & Mill Society Councillor David Fox SturQuest Board of Directors Chairman of the Council SturQuest Open Spaces Group Councillor Vic Fox Team North Dorset Councillor Helen Lacey Councillor Charles Fraser (deputy) Town Clerk Tree Warden Councillor Vic Fox William Williams Trust Councillor Joe Rose (2nd year of 4-year appointment)


North Dorset District Council Councillor Victor Fox Dorset County Council Councillor Pauline Batstone

Minutes of TC – 01.05.2014 Chair’s initials:

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