What Kind of Smart Are You

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What Kind of Smart Are You


Part I : Complete each section by placing a “1” next to each statement you feel accurately describes you. If you do not identify with a statement, leave the space provided blank. Then total the column in each section.

Section 1

_____ I enjoy organizing things by common traits _____ Environmental issues are important to me _____ Classification (grouping things together) helps me make sense of new information _____ I enjoy working in a garden or can see myself doing that one day _____ I believe preserving our National Parks is important _____ Putting things in order makes sense to me _____ Animals are important in my life _____ My home has a recycling system in place or will when I grow up _____ I enjoy studying biology(study of life), botany (study of plants)and/or zoology(study of animals) _____ I pick up on subtle differences in meaning

_____ TOTAL for Section 1

Section 2 _____ I easily pick up on patterns _____ I focus in on noise and sounds _____ Moving to a beat is easy for me _____ I enjoy making music _____ I respond to the cadence (flow) of poetry _____ I remember things by putting them in a rhyme _____ Concentration is difficult for me if there is background noise _____ Listening to sounds in nature can be very relaxing _____ Musicals are more engaging to me than dramatic plays _____ Remembering song lyrics is easy for me

_____ TOTAL for Section 2 Section 3 _____ I am known for being neat and orderly _____ Step-by-step directions are a big help _____ Problem solving comes easily to me _____ I get easily frustrated with disorganized people _____ I can complete calculations quickly in my head _____ Logic puzzles are fun _____ I can't begin an assignment until I have all my "ducks in a row" _____ Structure is a good thing _____ I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't working properly _____ Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied

_____ TOTAL for Section 3

Section 4 _____ It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things _____ I enjoy discussing questions about life _____ Religion is important to me _____ I enjoy viewing art work _____ Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding to me _____ I like traveling to visit inspiring places _____ I enjoy reading philosophers _____ Learning new things is easier when I see their real world application _____ I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe _____ It is important for me to feel connected to people, ideas and beliefs

_____ TOTAL for Section 4

Section 5 _____ I learn best interacting with others _____ I enjoy informal chat and serious discussion _____ The more the merrier _____ I often serve as a leader among peers and colleagues _____ I value relationships more than ideas or accomplishments _____ Study groups are very productive for me _____ I am a “team player” _____ Friends are important to me _____ I belong to more than three clubs or organizations _____ I dislike working alone

_____ TOTAL for Section 5 Section 6 _____ I learn by doing _____ I enjoy making things with my hands _____ Sports are a part of my life _____ I use gestures and non-verbal cues when I communicate (body language) _____ Demonstrating is better than explaining _____ I love to dance _____ I like working with tools _____ Inactivity can make me more tired than being very busy _____ Hands-on activities are fun _____ I live an active lifestyle

_____ TOTAL for Section 6

Section 7 _____ Foreign languages interest me _____ I enjoy reading books, magazines and web sites _____ I keep a journal _____ Word puzzles like crosswords or jumbles are enjoyable _____ Taking notes helps me remember and understand _____ I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail _____ It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others _____ I write for pleasure _____ Puns, anagrams and spoonerisms are fun _____ I enjoy public speaking and participating in debates

_____ TOTAL for Section 7

Section 8 _____ My attitude effects how I learn _____ I like to be involved in causes that help others _____ I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs _____ I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject _____ Fairness is important to me _____ Social justice issues interest me _____ Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group _____ I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it _____ When I believe in something I give more effort towards it _____ I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong

_____ TOTAL for Section 8 Section 9 _____ Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for me _____ I enjoy creating my own works of art _____ I remember better using graphic organizers _____ I enjoy all kinds of entertainment media _____ Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret data _____ A music video can make me more interested in a song _____ I can recall things as mental pictures _____ I am good at reading maps and blueprints _____ Three dimensional puzzles are fun (ex. Rubics cube) _____ I can visualize ideas in my mind

_____ TOTAL for Section 9


Part II

Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below:

Section Total Multiply Score 1 X10 2 X10 3 X10 4 X10 5 X10 6 X10 7 X10 8 X10 9 X10


Part III Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided: 100










0 Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 Sec 9



So what does all this mean? The whole point of this smart test stuff is to figure out what type of natural strengths you have….you should learn to use these strengths to your advantage when studying.

Part IV


Section 1 – This reflects your Naturalist strength Section 2 – This suggests your Musical strength Section 3 – This indicates your Logical strength Section 4 – This illustrates your Existential strength Section 5 – This shows your Interpersonal strength Section 6 – This tells your Kinesthetic strength Section 7 – This indicates your Verbal strength Section 8 – This reflects your Intrapersonal strength Section 9 – This suggests your Visual strength


 Everyone has all the intelligences!  You can strengthen each intelligence!  This inventory is meant as a snapshot in time - it can and probably will change!


The naturalist intelligence involves the full range of knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment. It involves the ability to recognize different types of plants and animals and a feeling of one with nature.

If the naturalist intelligence is one of your strengths you have a profound love for the outdoors, animals, plants, and almost any natural object. You are probably fascinated by and noticeably affected by such things as the weather, changing leaves in the fall, the sound of the wind, the warm sun or lack thereof, or an insect in the room. At a young age you were likely nature collectors, adding such things as bugs, rocks leaves, seashells, sticks, and so on to your collections. You probably brought home all manner and kinds of stray animals and today you may have several pets and want more. You tend to have an affinity with and respect for all living beings. People who had this type of intelligence include- galileo Rachael Carson John Audubon Lewis & Clark Jane Goodall Jacques Costeau Diana Fossey John Muir Sacajawea Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence This intelligence is based on the recognition is based on the recognition of tonal patterns, including various environmental sounds, and on a sensitivity to rhythm and beats. Musical/rhythmic intelligence is turned on by the resonance or vibrational effect of music and rhythm on the brain, including such things as the human voice, sounds from nature, musical instruments, percussion instruments, and other humanly produced sounds.

If you are strong in this intelligence area you likely have a love of music and rhythmic patterns. You are probably very sensitive to sounds in the environment; the chirp of cricket, rain on the roof, varying traffic patterns. You may study and work better with music in the background. You can often reproduce a melody or rhythmic pattern after hearing it only once. Various sounds, tones, and rhythms may have a visible effect on you--others can often see a change in facial expressions, body movement, or emotional responses. You probably like to create music and you enjoy listening to a wide variety of music. You may be skilled at mimicking sounds, language accents, and others’ speech patterns, and you can probably readily recognize different musical instruments in a composition. Examples- Mozart Bach Beethoven Debussy Gershwin Haydn Tchaikovsky Chopin Scott Joplin John Lennon Stevie Wonder Burt Bacharach Carole King Carlos Santana

Logical/Mathematical intelligence Often called "scientific thinking," this intelligence deals with inductive and deductive thinking/reasoning, numbers, and the recognition of abstract patterns. Logical mathematical intelligence is activated in situations requiring problem solving or meeting a new challenge as well as situations requiring pattern discernment and recognition.

If you happen to be a logical-mathematically inclined person you tend to think more conceptually and abstractly and are often able to see patterns and relationships that others miss. You probably like to conduct experiments, to solve puzzles and other problems, to ask cosmic questions, and analyze circumstances and people’s behavior. You most likely enjoy working with numbers and mathematical formulas and operations, and you love the challenge of a complex problem to solve. You are probably systematic and organized, and you likely always have a logical rationale or argument for what you are doing or thinking at any given time. Examples- Archimedies Sir Isaac Newton Galileo Copernicus Einstein Pythagoras Euclid Kepler Pascal Existential Intelligence: The wondering intelligence

If you have “Wondering intelligence” you tend to ponder questions like…Why are wehere on Earth...What the world was like before they were born... What life might be like on another planet...Where their pets go after they have passed on...Whether or not animals can understand each other...If there really is another dimension...The existence of ghosts or spirits... They are individuals who exhibit the proclivity to pose (and ponder) questions about life, death, and ultimate realities. Examples people who had this type of intelligence include- Aristotle, Confucius, Einstein, Emerson, Plato, Socrates

Interpersonal Intelligence This intelligence operates primarily through person-to-person relationships and communication. Interpersonal intelligence is activated by person-to-person encounters in which such things as effective communication, working together with others for a common goal, and noticing distinctions among persons are necessary and important.

If this person-to-person way of knowing is more developed in you, you learn through personal interactions. You probably have lots of friends, show a great deal of empathy for other people and exhibit a deep understanding of other points of view. You probably love team activities of all kinds and are a good team member--you “pull your own weight” and often much more! You are sensitive to other people’s feelings and ideas, and are good at piggybacking your ideas on others’ thoughts. And you are likely skilled at drawing others out in a discussion. You are also probably skilled in conflict resolution, mediation, and finding compromise when people are in radical opposition to each other. Abraham Lincoln George Washington Ghandi Dr. Phil Oprah Jesse Jackson

Martin Luther King Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence This intelligence is related to physical movement and the knowing/wisdom of the body. Including the brain's motor cortex, which control bodily motion. Body/kinesthetic intelligence is awakened through physical movement such as in various sports, dance, and physical exercises as well as by the expression of oneself through the body, such as inventing, drama, body language, and creative/interpretive dance.

If you have a strength in this intelligence area you tend to have a keen sense of body awareness. You like physical movement, dancing, making and inventing things with your hands, and role-playing. You probably communicate well through body language and other physical gestures. You can often perform a task much better after seeing someone else do it first and then mimicking their actions. You probably like physical games of all kinds and you like to demonstrate how to do something for someone else. You may find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time and are easily bored or distracted if you are not actively involved in what is going on around you. People similar to you- Tiger Woods Michael Jordan David Copperfield Charlie Chaplin Harry Houdini Mia Hamm

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence This intelligence, which is related to words and language both written and spoken, dominates most Western educational systems. Verbal linguistic intelligence is awakened by the spoken word, by reading someone's ideas thoughts, or poetry, or by writing one's own ideas, thoughts, or poetry, as well as by various kinds of humor such as "plays on words," jokes, and "twists" of the language.

If this is a strong intelligence for you, you have highly developed skills for reading, speaking, and writing and you tend to think in words. You probably like various kinds of literature, playing word games, making up poetry and stories, getting into involved discussions with other people, debating, formal speaking, creative writing, and telling jokes. You are likely precise in expressing yourself and irritated when others are not! You love learning new words, you do well with written assignments, and your comprehension of anything you read is high. SHAKESPEARE AGATHA CHRISTIE MAYA ANGELOU HEMINGWAY LOUISA MAY ALCOTT MARY HIGGINS CLARK ROBERT FROST MARK TWAIN STEINBECK J.K. ROWLING

Intra-personal Intelligence This intelligence relates to inner states of being, self-reflection, metacognition (i.e. thinking about thinking), and awareness of spiritual realities. Intra-personal intelligence is awakened when we are in situations that cause introspection and require knowledge of the internal aspects of the self, such as awareness of our feelings, thinking processes, self- reflection, and spirituality.

If this intelligence is one of your strong points you may like to work alone and sometimes you may shy away from others. You are probably self-reflective and self-aware and thus you tend to be in tune with your inner feelings, values, beliefs, and thinking processes. You are frequently bearers of creative wisdom and insight, are highly intuitive, and you are inwardly motivated rather than needing external rewards to keep you going. You are often strong willed, self-confident, and have definite, well-thought out opinions on almost any issue. Other people will often come to you for advice and counsel. NEIL ARMSTRONG HELEN KELLER COLUMBUS CHARLES LINDBERGH JOAN OF ARC CLARA BARTON CLEOPATRA LEIF ERICSSON SIR EDMOND HIlLARY

Visual/Spatial Intelligence This intelligence, which relies on the sense of sight and being able to visualize an object, includes the ability to create internal mental images/pictures. Visual/spatial intelligence is triggered by presenting the mind with and/or creating unusual, delightful, and colorful designs, patterns, shapes, and pictures, and engaging in active imagination through such things as visualization guided imagery, and pretending exercises. If you are strong in this intelligence you tend to think in images and pictures. You are likely very aware of object, shapes, colors, textures, and patterns in the environment around you. You probably like to draw, paint, and make interesting designs and patterns, and work with clay, colored markers, construction paper, and fabric. Many who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence love to work jigsaw puzzles, read maps and find their way around new places. You probably have definite opinions about colors that go together well, textures that are appropriate and pleasing, and how a room should be decorated. And, you are likely excellent at performing tasks that require “seeing with the mind’s eyes,” such as visualizing, pretending, imagining, and forming mental images. Michelangelo, Van Gogh Rembrandt Leonardo Da Vinci Monet Manet Picasso Grandma Moses Steven Spielberg

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