CE______– 13 C402.1.1, Table C402.2

Proponent: Brenda A. Thompson, Clark County Development Services, Clark County, Nevada, representing Sustainable/Energy/High Performance Code Action Committee ([email protected])

Revise as follows:

C402.1.1 Insulation and fenestration criteria. The building thermal envelope shall meet the requirements of Tables C402.2 C402.1.1 and C402.3 based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the R-values from the “Group R” column of Table C402.2 C402.1.1. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the R-values from the “All other” column of Table C402.2 C402.1.2. Buildings with a vertical fenestration area or skylight area that exceeds that allowed in Table C402.3 shall comply with the building envelope provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1.


(Portions of table and footnotes not shown remain unchanged.)

Reason: This public comment is submitted by the ICC Sustainability Energy and High Performance Code Action Committee (SEHPCAC). The SEHPCAC was established by the ICC Board of Directors to pursue opportunities to improve and enhance assigned International Codes or portion thereof. This includes both the technical aspects of the codes as well as the code content in terms of scope and application of referenced standards. Since its inception in July, 2011, the SEHPCAC has held 2 open meetings and over 15 workgroup calls which included members of the SEHPCAC as well as any interested party to discuss and debate proposed changes and public comments. Related documentation and reports are posted on the SEHPCAC website at: http://www.iccsafe.org/cs/SEHPCAC/Pages/default.aspx. This proposal is intended to clarify the use and application of the codes prescriptive building thermal envelope provisions and does not contain changes to the technical requirements of the code. Detailed reasons are as follows: a) The current numbering of Table C402.2 adds confusion to the application of the codes prescriptive building thermal envelope R-value method. b) This proposal changes the numbering of Table C402.2 to Table C402.1.1 to coordinate with number of the primary and initial section that references it: Section C402.1.1 (which references the table three times). c) Due to the existing numbering anomaly, Table C402.2 is currently located in the code AFTER the table for the U-factor method referenced in Section C402.1.2 (which, by the way, appropriately references a table of the same number: Table C402.1.2). Code officials tell us that many architects, engineers, and contractors are confused by the order and incorrectly conclude that the only way to comply is to have the continuous insulation, regardless of the U-value of the assembly. Please note that the SEHPCAC has also submitted other proposals that are coordinated with this proposal and are intended to clarify and improve the usability of the code’s prescriptive building thermal envelope provisions. This proposal, however, is intended to stand alone and is not contingent upon the success of other SEHPCAC proposals.

Cost Impact: This code change proposal will not increase the cost of construction. This proposal is a clarification and, as such, will not increase the cost of construction.

CE_-13 Public Hearing: Committee: AS AM D Assembly: ASF AMF DF
