Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris s1

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Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris s1

Asbury United Methodist Church 220 W. Horatio Avenue, Maitland 407.644.5222 Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris Associate Pastor, Rev. Daniel Ivey Retired Clergy, Dr. Barbara Riddle Next Generation Pastor, Keith Tusing Worship Pastor, Tom Pieper

July 5, 2015 One Combined Service 10:00am

Welcome and Announcements Dr. V. Scott Harris *Passing the Peace Please take a moment to greet the people around you with a warm smile and a handshake.

Opening Hymn “The Star-Spangled Banner” vs. 1 Invocation *“Victory” Medley #717 “Battle Hymn of the Republic” vs. 1, 4 #370 “Victory In Jesus” vs. 1, 3

Special Music “God Bless the USA” Greenwood “10,000 Reasons” Myrin/Redman Celebration Praise Team “God Bless America” Video Morning Prayer The Lord’s Prayer

Special Music “God, Shed Your Grace On Us” Arr: Kirkland Worship Choir

*Hymn #437 “This Is My Song” vs. 1, 3

Worship with Tithes and Offerings Offertory Prayer *Doxology Scripture Matthew 7:24-28 Pew Bible Page 1506 Message Dr. V. Scott Harris “Freedom Isn’t Free”

*Hymn #514 “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus” vs. 1, 4 *Benediction *Congregation Response “God Bless America”

Postlude “This Land Is Your Land” Guthrie Alisa Alexander and Lani Schumacher

*Those who are able, please stand.

Assisting In Today’s Service Worship Leader Daniel Ivey Music Minister Tom Pieper Scripture Reader Patti Orlando Ushers Bob Burkhart, John Berry, Jr., Dallas Wolford, Ed Mathieu, Tom Moore Greeters Marian Ellis, Norleen Hilliard, Ruth Sprous Celebration Praise Team Chris Kovic, Steve Peck, David Stacey, Art Scott, Terri Ikemeier, Stephen Aldridge

Next Week July 12, 2015 Rev. Daniel Ivey 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 AM “The Movement of Joyful Praise”


PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep the following beloved in your prayers: BJ Abbott, Wade Aldridge, Robin Andre’, Randy Baird, Willow Bevin, Jane & Paul Bilyeu, Grace Bridge, Edith Burt, Camille Bybee, Zachary & Amber Bybee, Sharon Case, the family of Alice Childs, Joe Clark, Jack Cooper, Beth Daniels, Phil Dodds, Hetty Evans, Lori Faller, Brian Ferguson, Charlie File, Mark Flanagan, Evelyn Futch, Chuck Green, Midge Guest, Mary Hanley, Marian Heberling, Jack Hedgepeth, Bryce Hershner, Ann Herzog, Janet Hunter, Barbara Jackson, Al Kanode, Dale Kelly, Nelson Kessler, George King, Anne Kirby, Betty Kirk, Sharon Kuritz, Tommie Lapole, Herman Long, Frank Marcey, Mac McCauslin, Kerry McDonald, John and Joyce McLeod, Gabby Moldin, Dave Morton, the Nichols family, Dick Pace, Helen Parker, Loretta Peters, Nancy Pilk, Lynn Quigley, Peggy Rester, Betty Richelieu, Evelyn Rupp, Marcia Russell, Gerald Shelley, Terry Sneiderman, Hoke St. John, Wes Stouder, Janice Tilley, Allen Trovillion, the Van Epp family, Susie Wagstaff, Joan Wrenn.

OFFICE CLOSED: Beginning June 19th through August 14th, the church office will be closed on Fridays. Extended office hours will be Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 to 5:30. The office will also be closed on Monday, July 6th.

ONE COMBINED SERVICE: Our one combined service is TODAY. After the service, there will be a church wide picnic in the fellowship hall. All are invited and it is completely FREE! Picnic fare will be hot dogs, hamburgers and all the trimmings.

ADDRESS UPDATES: We need your help! If you have moved at any time and the church office does not have your new address or you have changed phone numbers in any way, please call us and help us update our records. There are printed church directories in the workroom by the office that we update periodically. You are welcome to take one of those and check to see if we have your current information on file. If for some reason you are not on the listing, please let us know that also. Thank You.

SUMMER CAMP: Asbury Early Learning Center will be providing 4 weeks of summer camp during July, for children ages 2 - 5. Camp will be held Monday - Thursday from 9:00 - 1:00, for $90 per week (if paid in advance). Get more information and register at, or by contacting Alison McAleenan at 407-644-5222 ext. 117 or [email protected].

CAMPMEETING IS COMING! Next week begins our Campmeeting by the Lake (in the sanctuary) worship services. July 12th thru August 9th will be old fashioned hymn sing Sundays. Starting Wednesday, July 8th, we will begin our covered dish dinners at 6:00 with a program at 6:45. Programs will be July 8th – Coalition for the Homeless president, Mr. Brent Trotter, July 15th – Magic Show by Pastor Keith Tusing, July 22nd – Gayle Hays, African Mission Trip and Teresa Scott, Mission team vision, July 29th – Bob & Kim Showalter, Hiking “The Way” in Spain. Beat the summer doldrums and join us for food and fun.

UMM FUNDRAISER: On Sunday, July 19th, the UMM will sponsor a box lunch fundraiser. The box will include southern pulled pork, baked beans, cole slaw, texas toast, drink and a large cookie. The cost will be $7.00 for the box lunch prepaid and day of $8.00. Tickets will be on sale TODAY after the services and in the church office during the week. You may pick up your lunch after each worship service in the courtyard. Deadline for advance ticket purchase is Thursday, July 16th. Help support the UMM and their missions.

SUNDAY SERVE: Save the date of September 27th for our Sunday Serve projects. They will include: Feeding Children Everywhere (filling food bags) and Hymn sing and communion services at various assisted living facilities.

ASBURY MISSION TEAM: Our Asbury mission team will be holding two box lunch fundraisers to help raise funds for our Sunday Serve project. The dates are August 23rd and September 20th. Be on the lookout for more info to come. YOUTH WEEK 2015: Youth week will be held August 10-14. The cost is $85.00 for the whole week. If you attend all five days you will receive a free ELEVATE t-shirt. RSVP and PREPAY no later than Sunday, August 2nd. RSVP is required to make sure there is ample transportation. Events include: Wet and Wild, Fun Spot, Beach, Rebounderz & Aiguille Rock Climbing Center and Bioluminescent Lagoon Kayak Tour. If you cannot attend all the events, there are individual prices for each event. For more info, please contact Keith Tusing at [email protected].

UMM SATURDAY BREAKFAST: All men are invited to the Saturday breakfast on July 11th, at 7:30 am in the fellowship hall. Bring a friend! This is a move from the first Saturday because of it being the 4 th of July. Paul Schumacher and Jim Crandall will be the guest speakers at the August 1st breakfast.

UMM GOLF OUTING: Asbury UMM is planning a golf outing at the Ventura Country Club, Saturday, October 3rd. Shotgun start is at 8:00 am with a scramble format. ALL ARE WELCOME! The cost is $79.00 per person or $316.00 for a team of four. There will be Golf! Food! and Fun!! If you would like to be a hole sponsor, the cost is $100.00. They also need door prize donations. Sign up forms are available in the church office or from the UMM. For more information, please contact Bill Bowmar at 407-260-9697.

SHARING CENTER THRIFT STORE 20TH ANNIVERSARY: As you may have already heard, the Thrift Store is celebrating 20 years of serving the community. They are planning a big anniversary sale on Saturday, July 18 that includes 30% off in both stores, warehouse reduction & sidewalk sales, raffles, prizes, food and more. Concessions will be handled by two of their church partners and those opportunities are now filled. However, they desperately need volunteers and volunteer groups on Saturday, July 18, between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm for set up, restocking, security, baggers, and general floor help. Interested volunteers and groups should email Patricia or call her at 407-691-3138.Thank you for your support!

PRISON MINISTRY: Paul Schumacher brings prayer requests on Sunday mornings for any who are interested to pray for the inmates at the Central Florida Reception Center which is a part of the Florida Department of Corrections. These are youthful offenders about 18-24 in age. They are sent there after sentencing and after evaluation they are sent to other facilities around the state. They are there an average of 3 to 4 weeks. Paul is part of the ministry called Prison Fellowship. Please help these young men by taking a prayer request and praying for those needs during the week.

RED BAG MINISTRY: You may bring items for the pantry at any time. Help us keep our children from going hungry. Remember to pick up a RED BAG on the third Sunday and return it on the fourth Sunday filled with the items requested on the attached list. Please remember…NO GLASS CONTAINERS, NO EXTRA LARGE BOXES. THERE IS A GREAT NEED now for extra cereal and extra fruit. For the rest of the summer, if you could double just one of the items on the list that would help a great deal. They hope to stockpile this summer and be ready for the new school year. Also, there has been a splitting bag problem and they have found that the bags that Aldi sells for 10 cents are very durable and last a lot longer. If anyone shops at Aldi and could buy some additional bags, that would be a true blessing. Thank you to everyone who continues to support this ministry.

MEN’S GROUP MEETINGS: All men of Asbury are invited to attend any or all of the classes that are offered here just for them. Monday morning Bible study, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the conference room, facilitated by Bill Erdman. Wednesday morning fellowship, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the parlor, facilitated by Jack Cooper. Promise Keepers on Friday morning, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the parlor, facilitated by Chuck Burt. The UMM Breakfast is held the first Saturday of the month in the fellowship hall beginning at 7:30 am.

AMERICAN FLAGS: Asbury member, Brenda P, is collecting cloth American flags. If you have any that need disposal, kindly bring them to the church office. Brenda cuts the stars out and sends the stars with a note to military overseas. The remainder of the flag is given to her dad’s Marine Corps League and is disposed of properly.

PRAYER MINISTRY: Our prayer ministry team is a vital ministry for our church. They meet once a month as a group and then someone prays over our prayer requests in the chapel every day. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 29th at 1:30 pm in the Welcome Friends Class room. If you feel led to be a member of this ministry, please contact Mavis Treat at 407-699-8654. OURM MINISTRY: The next visit by Asbury men to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission will be July, 19th. Dale Grovert will be the speaker. We meet in the fellowship hall parking lot and leave at 6:15 pm. Please place toiletries in the containers in the narthex for the men and women clients of the mission. Toiletries Only Please. Contact: Dick Rabner.


 ALTAR GUILD: July – Eloise Hogue, Kendra Roark


 PETAL PUSHERS: 1st Monday-Mel Frye, Von Hancock, 2nd Monday-Betty Kendall, Becky Black; 3rd Monday- Janna Fatic, Joy Row; 4th Monday-Faye Andrew, Lynne Bowles; 5th Monday-Janice Tilley. Flower Tags for each week by Maxine Bartz

 SANCTUARY ANGELS: Camille Piering, Betty Kendall, Molly Verbraeken, Ruth Sprous, Karen Jensen, Grace Southern, Pat Woodard

 POWERPOINT: Steve Alsene, Sam Johnson

 SOUND TECHNICIAN: Greg Lee, Steve Johnson  VAN DRIVERS: July – Derek Scott, Greg Tomlinson

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