Dismal Future for Americans and National Security
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Index Unfriendly Skies, 4th ed.
9/11 Commission, 540, ATF (Alcohol Tobacco CAB (Civil Aeronautics 541, 543-555, 564 and Firearms Bureau), Board), 28, 113, 219, AAL 587, 589 489 355, 356, 374, 379 ACLU, 464, 466, 535- Atta, Mohamed, 486 Cabranes, Jose A., 493 539 Avianca Airlines, 171 Canadian Pacific, 286, Air Florida Airlines, Ayers, Bradley, 488, 489 289 136, 154-157, 212, Bailey, F. Lee, 318 Carter, Pres. Jimmy, 410 213, 237 Baker, James, 310 Castillo, Celerino III, Air France, 289 Barron, David, 297, 298 211 Air India, 252, 289 BBRDW (Bishop, Air Lanka, 290 Baldwin, Rewald, Central Intelligence Air Line Pilots Dillingham & Wong), Agency (CIA) 471, Association (ALPA), 313, 316 503, 541, 556, 559, 28, 167 BCCI, 509 566 Al Qaeda, 479, 488, 507, Behel, Ivan, 51 Chase, Shelly, 464 542, 589, 591 Bennett, Robert, 101, Chesney, Peter, 48, 49, Alitalia, 335 102, 104, 112, 318, 68 Allende, Salvador, 540 403 Chile, 540 Aloha Airlines, 226 Bishop, Baldwin, Christenson, Ray, 391 ALPA (Air Line Pilots Rewald, Dillingham Claiborne, U.S. District Association), 13, 14, & Wong, 316 Judge Harry, 469 48, 52, 58, 111, 116, Blakey, Marion, 587, Cleveland, Derrick W., 165, 166, 168, 180, 588 2, 140, 141 197, 241, 247, 261, Boberick, Donald, 71- Clinton, William, 318, 284 75, 90, 94, 113 325, 332, 483 American Airlines, 17, Boren, Sen. David, 312 Coleman, Lester, 305, 57, 84, 92, 109, 129, Braniff Airlines, 224 317 132, 134, 135, 140, Broiles, Hiram, 75, 76, Continental Airlines, 42, 143, 144, 154, 157, 394 48, 192, 229, 288 160, 180, 196, 204, Brown, J., 76 Cook, Fred J., 388 209, 213, 219, 223, Browning, James R., Cooper, D.B., 284 237, 263, 264, 285, 188, 606 Crew, Ass’t U.S. 286, 290, 395, 407, Bulger, James, 501, 559 Attorney John, 22, 27, 477, 478, 570, 581, Bureau of Aviation 31, 38, 122, 156, 177, 585, 588, 589, 590, Safety (CAB), 9, 149, 183, 243 591 219, 224, 355, 377, DEA (Drug Enforcement American Civil Liberties 396 Administration), 297, Union, 536 Bush, George, 241, 298, 298, 304-308, 316, Anderson, Jack, 125, 299, 304, 480, 524, 317, 328, 334, 343 126, 181, 294, 364 540, 567, 569, 572, DeConcini, Sen. Dennis, Ashcroft, U. S. Attorney 591, 606 471 John, 499, 501, 508- Butler, Al, 35, 59, 60, Delta Airlines, 162, 168, 510, 517, 559 66, 72, 85, 86, 87 222, 247 Ashwell, Lynn, 17, 34, Dennis, Maj. Gen. James 36, 44, 52, 60 T., 554, 567 2 Dismal Future for Americans and National Security
DeRonde, Cal. Judge Frank, Julian, 287 Hill, James W., 542 John, 441 Friedman, Stanley J., Hizbullah, 592 DIA, 305, 306, 317, 336 434, 437-443, 446, Hoffa, Jimmy, 356, 389 Dornan, Robert K., 248, 448-452, 455, 456, Homeland Security, 318 463 Department of, 543 Douglas DC-10, 42, 89, Gander, 169 Hoover, J. Edgar, 380, 90, 132, 133, 135- Garvey, Jane, 482 382, 383, 512 144, 147-153, 160, General Electric, 151, Hurst,, 460 171, 188, 190, 193, 153, 211, 212, 214, Hussein, Saddam, 310, 196, 198, 199, 202, 230, 232, 237, 307 592 204-206, 208-215, Gibbs, Lawrence A., Idema, Keith, 502 230-232, 236, 237, 185, 438 INS. (Immigration and 239-241, 264, 290, Gibson, Hoot, 335 Naturalization), 487, 407, 431, 462 Ginsburg, Douglas, 492, 523, 553, 566 Druoin, Jack, 57, 404 535, 554, 567 Inslaw, 305, 306, 317, Duck, U.S. Trustee Goldstein, Sidney, 392 318 Charles, 345, 474, Gonzalez, Rep. Henry, Iran-Contra, 241, 298 507 75, 96, 112, 197, 198, Israel, 283, 309-311, E.C. Neilson Company, 606 486, 573 69 Gore, Al, 483 Jabarah, Mohammed Eastern Airlines, 46, 78, Graham, Jack, 286 Mansour, 590 162, 163, 166, 174, Graziano, John, 355, Japan Airlines, 131, 199, 196, 237, 238, 239, 391-393 209, 214, 217, 236, 284 Grief, Jr. John Edward, 244, 251, 259, 288, Ed Jensen, 36, 372, 373 23 405 Edde Airlines, 395 Hakim Murad, Abdul, Jdey, Abderraouf, 589, El Al, 589 487, 488 590 Ely, Cal. JudgeDwight, Hakim, Albert, 297 Jellen, U.S. Bankruptcy 437, 441 Halaby, Najeeb, 15, 70, Judge Edward, 344- Enterprise, 331 71, 75, 95, 112, 197, 346, 447, 538, 539, Ervin, Sen. Sam, 364 198, 365 561 Exxon, Sen. James, 251, Hale, Edward Everett, Jennings, William, 71- 260, 296 447 74, 77, 81, 82, 89-94, FAA (Federal Aviation Haley, Dave, 25, 34, 37, 387 Administration), in 49, 50, 51, 54 John F. Kennedy passim Hall, U.S. Attorney Airport, 2 Far Eastern Air David, 345 Jones, U.S. Bankruptcy Transport, 225 Hamilton, Lee H., 540 Judge Robert, 345, Federal Emergency Hantman, Alfred, 380 447 Management Agency. Harrell, Frank, 12, 83, Kean, Thomas H., 540, (FEMA), 488, 489 85, 373, 394 543, 555, 568 Feinstein, Sen. Dianne, Harris, Richard, 441 Kehmeier, Gale, 53, 68, 520, 521, 569 Hartke, Sen. Vance, 96, 102, 103, 106, 107, Flying Tigers Airline, 285 109-111, 374 40, 85, 86, 115, 401- Hellerstein,, 570, 571, Kennedy, Anthony, 190, 405 572 461, 462 Foreman, Percy, 386 Henry, Lawrence, 385 Kennedy, John F., 2, 585 Dismal Future for Americans and National Security 3
Kerry, Sen. John, 318 Meese, Edwin, 186 October Surprise, 318, Khalid Al Midhar, 487 Mena Airport, 305 502, 503, 526, 528, King, Donald, 437, 443 Mineta, Norman, 517 530 Kissinger, Henry, 500, Mix, U.S. Magistrate Osama bin Laden, 481, 540, 567 Esther, 456 488, 507, 514, 515, Knight Ridder, 259 Mollenhoff, Clark, 365 568, 590 Korean Airlines, 289 Monroney, Sen. Mike, Pacific Airlines, 284 Kreindler and Kreindler, 14, 95, 96, 101, 113, Pan American Airlines, 150, 568, 573, 574 361, 366, 368, 369, 47, 171, 172, 196, Kreindler, Lee, 150, 167, 371, 372 197, 199, 204-206, 294, 303, 389, 568, Morgenthau, Robert, 223, 286, 290, 293- 574 509 311, 316, 317, 328, Krieger, William, 43, Mossad, 307, 311, 318, 333, 334, 337 44, 60, 66-69, 87-90 502, 507, 526, 527 Patel, U.S. District Kuttler, J.E., 71 Motley, Ronald L., 568, Judge Marilyn, 253, Kuwait, 305, 310, 589 569 341, 343, 344, 346, Larson, Carl, 462, 463 Moulds, U.S. Magistrate 475, 535, 553, 566 Lawrence, David, U.S. John, 343, 344, 457, Patel, U.S. district Attorney, 364 458, 460 judges Marilyn, 341, Levi, U.S. District Judge Mueller III, Robert, 340, 343, 344, 346 David, 346, 457, 535 341, 504, 508 Patterson, Michael, 111, LeWinter, Oswald, 305, Mukasey, U.S. District 113 308 Judge Michael B., Patterson, William, 111, Libya, 300, 301, 302, 492, 495, 562, 563, 113 303, 304, 305, 307, 570 Paul. U.S. District Judge 308, 310, 482 Muller, Robert, 501, 559 Maurice, 5, 203, 323, Liddy, G. Gordon, 193 Murphy, Robert, 23, 113 592 Lieberman, Donna, 536 Nader, Ralph, 378, 379, Pegg, Joel, 455, 457, Lieberman, Joseph I., 466 458 536, 542 National Airlines, 153, Peterson, William, 440, Lockerbie, 293, 294- 214, 240, 283, 286, 441, 442 310, 328, 337 287 Philippine Police, 487 Lockheed Electras, 116, Neilson, James, 69 Pitt, Richard, 360, 573 224 Nelson, Gaylord, 362, Powell, Colin, 330, 499, Loeb, Gerald K., 605 375 567 Loomis, Dr. Donald, 287 Nidal, Abu, 300, 301, Pratt, Clarence, 49, 51, Low, Cal. Judge Harry, 309 332 437, 443 Nolan, Philip, 411, 447 Price, Joe, 242, 595 Mafia, 61, 445, 604, 605 North, Oliver, 297, 516 PROMIS, 305 McCain, Sen. John, 471, Northwest Airlines, 158, PSA Airlines, 177-187, 500, 567 163, 247, 249, 284 194, 195, 244, 247, McCarthy, Keven, 96, Nowinski, Peter, 456 251, 401, 406, 430, 177, 182, 375 NTSB, in passim 431, 588 McErlean, Charles, 111 Nugan Hand Bank, 316 Ramirez, U.S. District McInnis, Michael, 441 Nunn, Sen. Sam, 471 Judge Raul, 343, 344, McLaughlin, John R., 445, 461 160 4 Dismal Future for Americans and National Security
Randolph, Appeals Sheikh Mohammed, Thomas, Clarence, 96, Judge A. Raymond, Khalid, 590 259, 295, 299, 471, 554, 567 Shelby, Richard, 318 568 Reed, James, 192 Sheridan, George, 394, Thompson, Terrence J., Reed, Jr., U.S. District 395 569 Judge, 474, 554, 567 Skannal, Charley, 52 Tippets, Joe, 66, 69, 70, Reed, Jr., U.S. District Sloatt, Don, 381 113 Judge Edward, 231, Smith, Robert, 344 Title 28 U.S.C. § 1361., 314 Sol Estes, Billie, 365, 186, 413, 414, 505, Rehnquist, William, 531 393 516, 532, 535, 547, Reno, U.S. Attorney Sommermeyer, Gus, 26, 548, 560 General Janet, 263, 76, 84, 109 Torricelli, Rep. Robert, 330 Southern Airlines, 284, 318 Reston, James, 362 285 Traficant, Rep. James, Revell, Oliver, 311 Soviet Union, 314, 503, 296, 297 Rewald, Ronald, 313, 549, 559 Turska, William, 287 314 Spears, Chiropractor TWA Airline, 1-6, 14, Rice, Condoleezza, 499, Robert, 287 17, 42, 49, 55, 172- 567 Specter, Sen. Arlen, 314, 174, 176, 196, 199, Riconosciuto, Michael, 326 206, 221, 237, 258, 306, 317 Speers, Jo Anne, 192, 289, 290, 313, 322, Riegle, Donald, 471 455 325, 326, 328, 331, Robertson, U.S. Trustee Spiro, Ian Stuart, 392 332, 335, 338, 339, Jerome, 378 Spiro, James, 391 340, 591 Roemer, Jim, 499 Sporkin, Stanley, 492, U.S.S. Vincennes, 304 Rowley, 214 550, 551, 553, 563, United Airlines,, 1, 2, 7, Royal Jordanian, 290 566 8, 10-94, 99-102, Ruby Ridge, 316 Stacy, Chuck, 33, 58, 105-109, 111-129, Rumsfeld, Donald, 499, 59, 60, 65-68, 77, 78, 135, 151, 171-173, 567 81-85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 174, 177, 181, 197, Russoniello, U.S. 94, 111, 113, 386 198, 202, 206-208, Attorney Joseph, 469 Stevens, John P., 124 221, 222, 237, 241, Schiavo, Mary, 577 Stoll, George, 187, 430, 249, 262, 263, 286, Schumer, Rep. Charles, 588, 591, 606 342, 345, 347, 355, 509 Straub, Chester J., 493 356, 365, 371, 373, Schwartz, U.S. District Street, Rick, 61 374, 378, 387, 388, Judge Milton, 343, Stuart M. Speiser, Stuart 390, 391, 392, 394, 344, 346, 442, 450, M., 378, 390, 391, 400, 402, 403, 407, 454-456, 458-460, 568 466, 473, 603, 606 535, 553, 566, 606 Swiss banks, 139, 302 UTA Airline, 289 Scott, DPS Commander Taft, Fred, 464, 465, 472 Utah State Bar Rider, 164, 369, 435 Taliban, 514, 515 Association, 391, 392 Sentelle, Appeals Judge Taus, Richard, 501 Victims Compensation David, 492, 554, 567 Tedmon, Clifford, 472 Fund, 569, 570 September 11, 2001, Texas National Guard, Victor Trombettas, 586 258, 477, 479-482, 172, 319, 338, 582 Waco, 316 486-577 Dismal Future for Americans and National Security 5
Waldie, Jerome, 375, Western Airlines, 61, Winter Hill gang, 509 382, 383, 384, 385 131, 286 World Trade Center, Walker, U.S. District White, U.S. Supreme 478, 479, 486, 487, Judge Vaughn, 177, Court Justice Byron 492, 501, 502, 507, 182, 343, 344, 346, R., 123, 124, 125, 514, 519, 524, 525, 387 174, 192, 193, 194, 527, 530, 559, 570- Watts, Clyde, 386 203, 211, 220, 222, 572, 576, 578-581, Watts, Patrick R., 386, 569, 591 583, 590, 592 387 Whitlock, Marvin, 118 Yount, Joseph, 365 Wesley, Richard C., 493 Whitman, Carl, 57, 394, Yousef, Ramzi, 487, 395 502, 590, 592