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Avondale Elementary School District

Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 1: Inquiry Process “Science as inquiry is basic to science education and a controlling principle in the continuing organization and selection of students’ activities. Students at all grade levels and in every domain of science should have the opportunity to use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry…” (NSES 1995) Inquiry Process establishes the basis for students’ learning in science. Students use scientific processes: questioning, planning and conducting investigations, using appropriate tools and techniques to gather data, thinking critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations, and communicating results. Strand 1 Concept 1: Observation, Questions and Hypotheses

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Formulate relevant  KWL charts Being a Scientist Big Book Being a Scientist Big Book questions about the properties  Student Science notebook  Use graphic organizers to of objects, organisms, and help the questioning process  Kidspiration software events in the environment.  Predict events that will occur  http://teach-nology.com  Brainstorm and formulate ideas

2. Predict the results of  KWL charts  FOSS Insects Investigation Foss Insects Kit investigations (e.g., in animal  Student Science notebook 1, 5 States of Matter Kit life cycles, phases of matter,  States of Matter Kit Act. Being a Scientist Big Book the water cycle).  Being a Scientist Big Book   Kidspiration software  Predict results before  http://teach-nology.com conducting experiments  Collecting and recording data after predictions  Interpret data in small groups or in whole class discussion

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied1 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 1 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 1 Concept 2: Scientific Testing (Investigating and Modeling)

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Demonstrate safe behavior Oral Assessments Discuss Safety Poster  Safety Poster and appropriate Written Assessments FOSS Insects Investigation 1  FOSS Insects procedures (e.g., use of Teacher observations FOSS Air and Weather,  FOSS Air and Weather instruments, materials, and Share safety rules Teacher’s Manual p. 17  How To Do Science organisms) in all science FOSS Air and Weather, look for Experiments With Children inquiry safety icon by Evan-Moor  Brainstorm safe behaviors  Teacher models and demonstrates safe procedures  Display safety posters throughout classroom  Play concentration type games to review safety procedures 2. Conduct guided Oral Assessments FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects investigations in life, Written Assessments FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather physical, and earth and Teacher observation States of Matter Kit States of Matter Kit space sciences. Observation logs Conduct safe and guided How To Do Science Experiments Pair/Share Review experiments, journal after With Children by Evan-Moor investigations

3. Use simple tools such as Worksheet assessments using FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects rulers, thermometers, simple tools FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather magnifiers, and balances to Teacher Observation Investigation 2 Measurement Big Book collect data (U.S. customary Use of thermometers, rain States of Matter Activities units). gauges, wind vanes, pinwheels Measurement Big Book  Use quantitative tools for measurement, i.e. length, Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied2 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 2 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map capacity, mass, area, temperature, volume etc. 4. Record data from guided Teacher Observations FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects investigations in an organized Anecdotal Notes’ FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather and appropriate format (e.g., Student Worksheets Investigation 2 States of Matter lab book, log, notebook, chart Science Journals States of Matter Activities paper)  Use graphic organizers to  Kidspiration, software organize and summarize data  Record data through bar graphs, timelines, pictographs etc.  Record data in journals, science notebook and logs

Strand 1 Concept 3: Analysis and Conclusions

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Organize data using Teacher Observations FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects graphs (i.e., pictograph, tally Anecdotal Notes’ FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather chart), tables, and journals. Student Worksheets Investigation 2  Kidspiration, software Science Journals  Weather calendars, measuring and recording temperatures, identifying and charting several types of clouds, air and weather journal 2. Construct reasonable Discussion of classroom data FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects explanations of observations Teacher Observations FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather on the basis of data obtained Anecdotal Notes’ Investigation 2 States of Matter (e.g., Based on the data, does Student Worksheets States of Matter Activities this make sense? Could this Science Journals really happen?)  Predict and test prediction based upon data  Write reports and journals Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied3 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 3 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map based on observations obtained through data 3. Compare the results of the Discussion of classroom data FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects investigation to predictions Teacher Observations FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather made prior to the Anecdotal Notes’ Investigation 2 States of Matter investigation. Student Worksheets States of Matter Activities Science Journals Compare and contrast predictions from experiments  Write up results of investigation and share with class 4. Generate questions for Discussion of classroom data FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects possible future investigations Teacher Observations FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather based on the conclusions of Anecdotal Notes’ Investigation 2 States of Matter the investigation Student Worksheets States of Matter Activities Science Journals  Brainstorm various level questions

Strand 1 Concept 4: Communication

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Communicate the results Discussion of classroom data FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects and conclusions of an Teacher Observations FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather investigation (e.g., verbal, Anecdotal Notes’ Investigation 2 States of Matter drawn, or written). Student Worksheets States of Matter Activities Science Journals  Think, pair, share with drawings, oral and written reports 2. Communicate with other Discussion of classroom data FOSS Insects Investigation 1,5 FOSS Insects groups to describe the results Teacher Observations FOSS Air and Weather FOSS Air and Weather of an investigation) Anecdotal Notes’ Investigation 2 States of Matter Student Worksheets States of Matter Activities Science Journals  Conduct activities such as: Pair and Share to stimulate Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied4 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 4 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map communication

Strand 2: History and Nature of Science “Knowledge of the nature of science is central to the understanding of the scientific enterprise” (NAEP 2000) Scientific investigation grows from the contributions of many people. History and Nature of Science emphasizes the importance of the inclusion of historical perspectives and the advances that each new development brings to technology and human knowledge. This strand focuses on the human aspects of science and the role that scientists play in the development of various cultures. Strand 2 Concept 1: History of Science as a Human Endeavor

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Identify how diverse Book Reports  Sharing oral book reports  Library people and/or cultures, past Teacher Observations about scientists  Encyclopedia and present, have made Anecdotal Notes’  Teacher reads aloud  Library, Encyclopedia important contributions to Science Journals biographies of people who  Internet scientific innovations (e.g., have made important Daniel Hale Williams, supports contributions to science Strand 4; Charles Drew,  Conduct biography literature supports Strand 4; Elizabeth circles Blackwell, supports Strand 4).  Use internet sites 2. Identify science-related Teacher Observations  Investigating Your  Investigating Your career opportunities. Anecdotal Notes’ Backyard Big Book Backyard Big Book Student Worksheets  Invite guest speakers and Science Journals community workers;  Library meteorologists, pilots,  Encyclopedia exterminator, ASU staff  Internet  Take field trips: News Station, Arizona Science Center  Book Reports on science careers

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied5 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 5 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 2 Concept 2: Nature of Scientific Knowledge

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Identify components of Teacher Observations Anatomy Apron Activities  Anatomy Apron Kit familiar systems (e.g., organs Anecdotal Notes’ FOSS Insects Life Cycles  FOSS Insects of the digestive system, Student Worksheets Investigation 1  Community professionals bicycle) Science Journals Use internet site  Mr. Heart (program)- AZ  Look at and identify the Heart Institute various parts of a system  http://kidshealth.org (diagram)  Library  Identify components of familiar systems through posters and pictures

2. Identify the following Teacher Observations Anatomy Apron Activities  Anatomy Apron Kit characteristics of a system: Anecdotal Notes’  Use graphic organizers  FOSS Insects  Consists of multiple parts Foss Student Worksheets  Identify components of  Community professionals or subsystems Science Journals familiar systems through  AZ Heart Institute/Mr. Heart  Parts work posters and pictures  http://kidshealth.org/kid/body/ interdependently  Library

3. Identify parts of a system Teacher Observations Use hand lens for observation  Lab Supplies from Middle too small to be seen (e.g., Anecdotal Notes’ (check out from Labs) School Labs plant and animal cells, Student Worksheets  Encyclopedia crystals). Science Journals  Library reference books

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied6 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 6 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 3: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science in Personal and Social Perspectives emphasizes developing the ability to design a solution to a problem, to understand the relationship between science and technology, and the ways people are involved in both. Students understand the impact of science and technology on human activity and the environment. The strand affords students the unique opportunity to understand their place in the world – as living creatures, consumers, decision makers, problem solvers, managers and planners. Strand 3 Concept 1: Changes in Environments This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Strand 3 Concept 2: Science and Technology in Society

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources 1. Analyze how various Teacher Observations  For Your Information Big  For Your Information Big technologies impact aspects Anecdotal Notes’ Book Book of our lives (e.g., Student Worksheets  Look into various  Guest speakers entertainment, medicine, Science Journals technologies and discuss  Library resources such as transportation, Group charts how they effect our lives books, videos, magazines communication). Timelines  Using pictures from and Encyclopedias magazines classify and sort on chart and analyze how technology effects us (examples: TV, video, space travel, cell phones, cancer cures etc)  Share and compare charts with class in groups and as a whole  Make timelines with stages of different forms of technology through time.  Use Internet sites

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied7 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 7 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

2. Describe important Teacher Observations  Research important  http://school.discovery.com technological contributions Anecdotal Notes’ technological contributions  Library made by people, past and Student Worksheets through interview, library  Encyclopedia present: automobile – Henry Science Journals books, reference books and  Social Studies Books Ford; airplane – Wright Group reports Internet sources. Brothers; telephone – Plays  Create reports on specific Alexander G. Bell. people and their contributions to science  Share information and reports in small groups and whole class  Create and perform plays based on the people and their contributions 3. Identify a simple problem Teacher Observations  A Closer Look Big Book  A Closer Look Big Book that could be solved by using Anecdotal Notes’  Create strategies as a group  Reference books from library a suitable tool. Student Worksheets to solve the problem (graphic  Internet Sites Science Journals organizers, brain storming, Group reports lists of tools that might be suitable)  Use identified strategies and test them using suitable tools (ex. Thermometers, rulers, balance scales, microscopes etc  Classroom demonstration

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied8 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 8 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 4: Life Science “The fundamental goal of life sciences is to attempt to understand and explain the nature of life” (NAEP 2000). Life Science expands students’ biological understanding of life by focusing on the characteristics of living things, the diversity of life and how organisms change over time in terms of biological adaptation and genetics. This includes the relationship of structures to their functions and life cycles, interrelationships of matter and energy in living organisms, and the interactions of living organisms with their environment

Concept 1: Characteristics of Organisms

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Identify animal structures  Whole group charts FOSS Insects Investigation Foss Insects that serve different functions  Discussions Butterflies Animals in Hiding Big Book (e.g., sensory, defense,  Worksheets Animals in Hiding Big Book locomotion).  Matching pictures  Define parts of animals that  FOSS Insects  Drawing serve different functions http://www.fossweb.com/  Teacher Observations  Label animal structures (i.e.  Anecdotal Notes’ skin, camouflage, quills,  Student Worksheets skeleton, movement)  Science Journals  Select functions of animals that show their uniqueness  Group reports (animal tracks, body cover)  Students create record sheets, logbook, mini books, picture cards to show animal structures and display  Match animal tracks and prints to correct animal

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied9 to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 9 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map 2. Identify the following Teacher Observations  Anatom  Anatomy Apron Kit major parts of: Anecdotal Notes’ y Apron Heart 2, Lungs 6, The Human Body Big Book a. The digestive system – Student Worksheets Stomach 10, Intestines 12,  Community professionals mouth, esophagus, Science Journals Kidneys 14, Color Aprons  AZ Heart Institute/Mr. Heart stomach, small and large Group reports  The  . intestines Human Body Big Book  http://www.kidshealth.org b. Respiratory system – Arrange Field Trips to science nose, trachea, lungs museum relating to our bodies  http://infozone.imcpl.org/ c. Circulatory system – Read body books and describe  heart, arteries, veins, blood and summarize findings about body systems Watch videos relating to systems and take notes and discuss the body systems View classroom video Use Internet sites  3. Describe the basic Post-video discussions  Anatom  Anatomy Apron Kit functions of the following Teacher Observations y Apron Heart 2, Lungs 6,  http://www.asset.asu.edu/ systems: Anecdotal Notes’ Stomach 10, Intestines 12,  The Digestive System  digestive – breakdown and Student Worksheets Kidneys 14, Color Aprons  absorption of food Science Journals  Video  http://yucky.kids.discovery.co  respiratory – exchange of Group reports  Arrange Field Trips to m/noflash/body/pg000138.ht oxygen and carbon dioxide science museum relating to ml  circulatory – transportation our bodies of nutrients and oxygen  Read body books and throughout the body. describe and summarize findings about body systems  Watch videos relating to systems and take notes and discuss the body systems  Use Internet sites

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 10applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 10 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 4 Concept 2: Life Cycles

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Describe the life cycles of  Observation journal  Insects Kit Activities Act.  Insects Kit various insects.  Daily log Mealworms and Butterflies  The World of Ants Big  Drawing  The World of Ants Big Book  Portfolio Book  Busy as a Bee Big Book  Graph  Busy as a Bee Big Book  Insect Metamorphosis From  Chart , Egg to Adult By Ron and  KWL Nancy Goor  FOSS Life Cycles of Square  www.hhmi.org/coolscience/in Moth Investigation 5 student dex.html sheet 11  FOSS Insects  FOSS Insects End-of-Module http://www.fossweb.com/ Assessment 2. Describe the life cycles of Post-video discussions  View classroom video  http://www.asset.asu.edu/ various mammals. Teacher Observations  The Big Bears Big Book Anecdotal Notes’  Construct an animal report  Junior Zoologist: Mammals Student Worksheets that describes the mammal’s (13:00) Science Journals life cycle  The Big Bears Big Book Group reports  http://esd.iu5.org/lessonPlan s/LifeCycle/animals.htm 3. Compare the life cycles of Teacher Observations  Insects Kit Activities  Insects Kit various organisms. Anecdotal Notes’ Mealworms & Butterflies  FOSS Insects Student Worksheets  Grow different organisms http://www.fossweb.com/ Science Journals with various life cycles and  Group reports chart different organisms and compare  Make growth charts (ex. Timeline, Venn diagram)  Create graphic organizers comparing cycles of mealworm, butterfly and Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 11applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 11 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map humans

Strand 4 Concept 3: Organisms and Environments This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Strand 4 Concept 4: Diversity, Adaptation, and Behavior This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Strand 5: Physical Science “The physical science component…should probe the following major topics: matter and its transformations, energy and its transformations, and the motion of things.” (NAEP 2000) Physical Science affords students the opportunity to increase their understanding of the characteristics of objects and materials they encounter daily. Students gain an understanding of the nature of matter and energy including their forms, the changes they undergo, and their interactions. By studying objects and their forces that act upon them, students develop an understanding of the fundamental laws of motion, knowledge of the various ways energy is stored in a system, and the process by which energy is transferred between system and surroundings. Strand 5 Concept 1: Properties of Objects and Materials

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Describe objects in terms Teacher Observations  States of Matter Kit  States of Matter Kit of measurable properties (e.g., Anecdotal Notes’ Activities 6, 7, 11 length, mass, volume, Student Worksheets temperature) using scientific Science Journals tools.) Group reports 2. Classify materials as  States of Matter Kit States of Matter Kit solids, liquids, or gases. Teacher Observations Activities 1,2,3  Emmett’s Snowball –by Miller Anecdotal Notes’  Conduct experiments that will  Horrible Harry and the Green Student Worksheets change water to ice, ice to Slime by Suzy Klin Science Journals water, and water to gas. Group reports 3. Demonstrate that water Teacher Observations  States of Matter Kit  States of Matter Kit can exist as a: Anecdotal Notes’ Activities 8,9 10  Amazing Water Big Book  gas – vapor Student Worksheets  Amazing Water Big Book  Magic School Bus: The  liquid – water Science Journals  Draw and sequence water Water Cycle-by Joanna Cole  solid - ice Group reports cycle with a literature circle  www.fossweb.com 

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 12applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 12 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

4. Demonstrate that solids Teacher Observations  States of Matter Kit  States of Matter Kit have a definite shape and that Anecdotal Notes’ Activities 1,2,3 liquids and gases take the Student Worksheets  Pour same amount of liquids shape of their containers. Science Journals or pourable solids (sand, dirt) Group reports in different containers to see various shapes and sizes

Strand 5 Concept 2: Position and Motion of Objects This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Strand 5 Concept 3: Energy and Magnetism This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 13applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 13 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map

Strand 6: Earth and Space Science “Earth science is the study of the planets, Earth’s composition, processes, environments and history, focusing on the solid Earth, and its interaction with air and water.” (NAEP 2000) Earth and Space Science provides the foundation for students to develop an understanding of the Earth, its history, composition, and formative processes, the solar system, and the universe. Students study the regularities of the interrelated systems of the natural world. In doing so, they develop understandings of the basic laws, theories, and models that explain the world (NSES, 1995). By studying the Earth from both a historical and current time frame, students can make informed decisions about issues affecting the planet on which they live.

Strand 6 Concept 1: Properties of Earth Materials This concept is not addressed at this grade level.

Strand 6 Concept 2: Objects in the Sky This concept is not addressed at this grade level. Strand 6 Concept 3: Changes in the Earth and Sky

Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources

1. Measure weather Teacher Observations  Air and Weather Kit  Air and Weather Kit conditions (e.g., temperature, Anecdotal Notes’ Activity Observing Weather  www.weatheronline.com precipitation) Student Worksheets  Collect rain water, measure  What’s the Weather Today? Science Journals precipitation using by Allan Fowler Group reports thermometer  Air and Weather by Foss  Read about weather in  Questions and Answers newspapers and interpret About Weather by M. Jean around the country Craig 2. Record weather conditions Teacher Observations  Air and Weather Kit  Air and Weather Kit (e.g., temperature, Anecdotal Notes’ Activities Observing  Weather Words and What precipitation). Student Worksheets Weather, and Looking for They Mean, by Gail Gibbons Science Journals Change  Wacky Weather, Reading, Group reports  Construct a bar graph that Writing and Speaking About shows daily temperatures Weather by A. McMorrow  Draw weather conditions in your favorite place in the world using news. or internet

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 14applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 14 Rev 5/08 Avondale Elementary School District Second Grade Science Curriculum Map 3. Identify the following types Teacher Observations  Air and Weather Kit  Air and Weather Kit of clouds: Anecdotal Notes’ Activity Observing Weather  It Looked Like Spilt Milk by  cumulus Student Worksheets  Take an observation walk Charles Shaw  stratus Science Journals  Collect data on different  The Cloud Book, by Tommy  cirrus Group reports types of clouds de Paola  Classify by drawing and  www.scholastic.com/magicsc labeling different types of hoolbus/games/weather/inde clouds x.htm  Make a cloud bulletin board  Wacky Weather, Reading, showing the 3 types of Writing and Speaking About clouds Weather by A. McMorrow  Create 3 dimensional cloud  http://sohowww.nascom.nasa pictures using cotton balls to .gov/ depict types of cloud  Make clouds using water, ice cubes, producing steam)  Make class pictures of clouds after reading It Looked Like Spilt Milk

4. Analyze the relationship Teacher Observations  Air and Weather Kit  Air and Weather Kit between clouds, temperature, Anecdotal Notes’ Observing Weather, and  100 Best Ideas for Primary and weather patterns. Student Worksheets Looking for Change Science by Beverly Hartman Science Journals  Conduct a Literature Circle (cloud experiment P. 45) Group reports reading the book Cloudy with  www.weatheronline.com a Chance of Meatballs by  Weather by Terry Jennings Judi Barrett discussing the  What Will the Weather be weather patterns Like Today? by Paul Rodgers  Research zip codes on  http://sohowww.nascom.nasa internet for weather patterns .gov/  Graph for prediction of weather based on clouds.

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be 15applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be. Arizona Department of Education 15 Rev 5/08

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