GES Trip Report Template

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GES Trip Report Template

Follow-up Report

Vincennes University Follow-up Report for November 8-10/Consulting November 28, 2005

Account Information Project name: Vincennes University Prepared by: Sandra Spraglin Banner Functional Consultant [email protected] 1-800-541-5330 x 4911

Distribution SunGard SCT Andrew Hollander Project Manager SunGard SCT Sally Johnson Account Manager Vincennes Terry Bilskie Project Manager Vincennes] Stan Werne Financial Aid Director/Lead


The purpose of this visit was for general consulting, rules and table build support in Test, and a review of the following topics covered during Training Visits 5 & 6:

 Review of topics from previous visits  Student Employment  Return of Title IV Funds  Common Functions: Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  FISAP  Short-Term Credit  Self-Service  Population Selection/Letter Generation Review  New Year Roll  Pre Go-Live Tasks

The staff participated in hands-on exercises for topics discussed and all objectives were accomplished.

Progress Report Accomplishments

The Implementation Team participated in a combined Consulting/Training session with AR, Payroll, and the Registrar. All areas worked cooperatively to update the Financial Aid forms that are interfaced with AR, HR, and Student. The input from all the participants was very beneficial.

Training on topics previously covered was successfully delivered. The participants demonstrated this by successfully loading 53 ISIR records into Banner for the 2005-06 year in TEST, and cleared 1 student in Suspense. We disbursed 4 students, updated forms in the Student Employment module, ran the Return of Title IV (RT24) processes, reviewed Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), and loaded 18 students on the FISAP ROAFSAP Person Maintenance Form.

Vincennes University Page 1 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Vincennes also revisited the outstanding issues with missing seed data, and all necessary forms were successfully restored and compiled when necessary. Financial Aid forms were updated and all processes ran successfully before the consulting visit concluded.

The Financial Aid modules in TEST have been updated except for RORRULES. The following training/consulting was successfully delivered:

Review of Previous Visits

Prior to running the dataload for 05-06 and other processes in Banner TEST instance, there were setup forms that were required. The following setup forms were revisited and reviewed with Vincennes Implementation Team. We updated forms if necessary in the TEST database in order for the dataload and other processes to run successfully:

Setup forms reviewed in TEST

ROAINST – Create year, Pivot date, basic values for dataload, & school Pell code-Ok ‘Reschedule Disbursement Date’ field checked. STVTERM – mark terms for aid year –Ok STVMAJR – check aid eligible programs –Ok STVMRTL- form was updated with codes to coincide with the FAFSA in order for the dataload to run successfully. Staff is to inform Student so that codes can be finalized for PROD (code for ‘Separated’ added. STVSBGI – financial aid source code, client school code (added Vincennes school code) STVCTYP – financial aid contact code- Ok STVCLAS – note seed data values (to be reviewed for final values) STVLEVL – seed data present -Ok STVDEGC – aid eligible degrees- Ok STVAPDC – ‘Acceptance Incomplete’ value to be added by Registrar RCRTPTR – check that minimum values are present (updated with VINU school code). RTVINFC - EDE, ISIR, CSS (IM clients), MANUAL, and SIM are basic values needed- values were restored by Terry. RTVAPRD – Aid periods – Ok. Changed EFC percent to 0. RORTPRD – set up aid periods for FA/SPR, FALL, and SPRING with updated terms from Student (200610-fall; 200620-spring; 200630-summer). RFRDEFA - set up for FA/SPR, Fall, and SPRING aid period with correct terms from Student. We set up award and disbursement schedules for 200610, 200620 and I explained the =/- feature on RFRDEFA. RFRMGMT – define the Pell fund and put money in it for the test year. RFRBASE needs to be completed for all funds. RPROPTS – Pell values must be in place for awarding (p.1 and p.3). We added Vincennes Cut- off dates. RPRCLSS – Enter translations based on seed data including a blank Student class value at each enrollment level matched to an appropriate FAFSA value. (verified that form was updated form with UG-FR, UG-SO, & UG- blank) RTVAWST – verified values present – Ok RPRAUDT – enter Audit and drop code grading modes and registration statuses (to be verified with Student for proper codes).

Dataload Revisited

Vincennes University Page 2 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 We ran the complete DATALOAD process and successfully loaded 53 students into Banner Test instance. As a group we looked at each of the parameter sets and reviewed the values that were selected. Parameters have been saved. This will facilitate recreating a testing environment in Pre-PROD instance. The suspense file was also worked.

The following Oracle error was received when running RCRTP06: ORA-02291: Integrity constraint (SATURN.FK1_SPBPERS_INV_STVMR). This error was resolved after the STVMRTL form was updated.

Student Employment, RT24, SAP, FISAP, Short Term Credit Discussion

A flowchart was used to provide a brief overview on each of the above topics, reports and processes covered from visits 5 & 6. The topics were successfully revisited and the staff demonstrated their understanding of each.

Student Employment Revisited

The Student Employment module performs the referral, placement, hour submission, and tracking functions for student employees. The module provides features for authorizing employment, monitoring earnings, adjusting earnings, tracking employment history and it also integrates with Banner Human Resources.

This was a combined training with Payroll and Financial Aid. The setup of the Student Employment module was reviewed again. All Student Employment reports were run successfully. The staff made the following decisions: It was decided that Federal Work-Study (FWS) will not be auto-accepted, but can be accepted on the Web. The position numbers for FWS will start with ‘85’. The ORGN (origin codes) are needed from HR. The Financial staff needs view access to the HR PTRCALN form. Questions from the previous visit were answered and the Student Employment module review was successfully completed.

RT24 Revisited

The SunGard SCT Banner Return of Title IV Funds (RT24) and Title IV Authorizations functionality assists you in complying with the Title IV regulations for federal student financial aid. The Title IV functionality involves three areas: Accounts Receivable, Student and Financial Aid. It enables you to identify students that have fully withdrawn or are no longer in attendance and perform the required Return of Title IV Funds calculation to return funds back to the Federal government. It also allows application of payments to payoff allowable charges based on user authorization.

Vincennes staff participated in a combined training session with Registrar and AR representatives. A review of how each department fits into the RT24 process was given. The setup necessary for the Return of Title IV calculation was revisited and all reports were reviewed. The staff participated in hands-own exercises and provided valuable input in the discussion. The Title IV Refunds were successfully calculated and reports were successfully run.

Vincennes must still determine if the institution is returning funds on the students’ behalf. If so, the return option on ROAINST needs to be checked. The Implementation Team will also decide if they will use one code or three for Title IV Authorizations. Pros and cons of the various options were presented.

SAP Revisited

Vincennes University Page 3 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 We successfully reviewed the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) module. Some of the Vincennes staff participated in a technical training session. The majority of the setup and rules for Satisfactory Academic Progress were complete. However, it was observed that all the expert rules except for the GOOD status code on RTVSAPR were missing from the TEST instance. IT will contact the technical trainer regarding the SAP expert rules.

FISAP Revisited

The SunGard SCT Banner RORFSxx FISAP Report produces the income grid, Campus-Based Program grid, and an audit listing of students/FISAP data included in the report. Accounting entries must be compiled separately. Documentation on this annual report is included in a summer Financial Aid release each year.

The 6.8 Release was installed in the TRNG instance. Therefore 04-05 ISIR records were utilized to test the RORFS05 process in TRNG. The process ran successfully and eighteen (18) student records were added to the ROAFSAP Person Maintenance form. It was explained that this form will need to be manually updated for students with work-study for crossover years. In addition, any students identified as having a bachelor’s degree on the RSRDSCP (discrepancy) report should also be updated on this form.

Short-Term Credit, Self-Service, Letter Generation/Population Selection Discussion

The Financial Aid staff decided that they will not utilize the following forms of the Short-Term Credit module. These forms are for emergency/ short term loans:

RPRSTAM Short-Term Account Maintenance Rules Form RTVRPSR Repayment Source Validation Form RPASTCD Short-Term Credit Detail Form RPISTCI Short-Term Credit Inquiry Form RPRSTCR Short-Term Credit Report

Vincennes Implementation Team elected to revisit all tables setup in TEST and defer Letter Generation/Pop-Sel review until the Training Visit for Letter Generation and Population Selections scheduled the following week. . The flowchart on this topic was shared again.

Self-Service was not revisited because it was not set up for student access during this visit.

New Year Roll/ Pre Go-Live Tasks

Handouts on the New Year Roll Process and a Combined Test Plan was discussed and disseminated to the Implementation Team. All Pre Go- Live Tasks are included in the Combined Test Plan and the following items were discussed regarding the New Year Roll:

 Documentation for Financial Aid New Aid Year Start-Up Checklist is located in the Banner Documentation Bookshelf (Financial Aid User Manual, Appendix A) and in subsequent Release Guides.  The intent of this document is to ensure that all required tables are set up for new year Financial Aid processing.  The execution of this process facilitates a timely set up of Banner Financial Aid.

Vincennes University Page 4 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Progress Report Decisions Made and/or Actions Taken

 A decision was made not to load students as ‘New” during the dataload.  Vincennes wants to be able to search by SSN. A decision was made to create alternate ID’s with SSN’s on SPAIDEN, the identification form.  Vincennes will not put all students through the formal channels for admission during the initial Go-Live. Students will be quick admitted on SAAQUIK. Registrar’s staff will utilize SOAHSCH to determine pending students. Grad date will be left blank for Non-High School graduates and SOAPCOL will be updated with transcripts received.  ‘Acceptance Incomplete’ value will be added to STVAPDC form by the Registrar.  The new Term Codes were updated in the Financial Aid module.  Admissions will go-live after Financial Aid. Must coordinate how ineligible students for Financial Aid will be identified.  Staff will not utilize the Short-Term Credit module.

Attendance Name E-Mail Address Attendance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Lori Hosteller Bursar X X X Barbara Lowe Financial Aid X X X Brad Oexmann MIC X X X Marilyn Pea Financial Aid X X Lynn Roberson Financial Aid X X X Stan Werne Financial Aid X X` X Jamie Green Payroll X Donna Jo Weaver Registrar X

Action Items and/or Assignments for SunGard SCT Date Description Owner Critical Status Assigned Date for Completion 1/28/05 Is there a list of commonly SunGard SCT Consultant 2/15/05 Completed defined “user defined fields”. There is not a common list. However, it has been used for the following: State grant remaining eligibility terms, & amounts, Admissions

Vincennes University Page 5 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for SunGard SCT information not otherwise stored in Banner, Scholarship eligibility information not otherwise stored in Banner.

1/28/05 Provide a comparison of SunGard SCT Consultant 3/28/05 Completed Banner to SIS-PLUS Forms 1/28/05 Can Award Letter Web SunGard SCT Consultant 3/28/05 Completed acceptance be for a specific fund? Yes, except for funds that are auto-accept. 4/28/05 Why isn’t the calculation for Sandra Spraglin 5/30/05 Completed the MIXED budget not exactly equal the % of the aid period? 4/28/05 How do you stop a Sandra Spraglin 5/30/05 Completed QuickFlow in the middle? 4/28/05 What is the length for Sandra Spraglin 5/30/05 Completed messages on RORMESG 5/26/05 Find out if others are SunGard SCT Consultant 7/5/06 Completed experiencing the “Extract No Data Key” feature not working and if so, the reason. 7/8/05 If using RTVINCT, can SunGard SCT Consultant 8/4/05 Completed anyone on form make changes to the loan application? 7/8/05 How do you create an SunGard SCT Consultant 8/4/05 Completed electronic loan from RPAELAP? 7/8/05 How do you handle PLUS SunGard SCT Consultant 8/4/05 Completed loans for the same term for different borrowers (i.e., two different parents) 7/8/05 Can the college use filecat SunGard SCT Consultant 8/4/05 Completed for response files from loans? 08/04/05 SunGard SCT Consultant 10/18/05 Completed Will a Perkins Loans be automatically

Vincennes University Page 6 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for SunGard SCT

reduced if a student has less than six hours? 10/18/05 Can Pell be reported in SunGard SCT Consultant 11/10/05 Yes - cents when calculating RT24? Completed

11-9-05 Does creating a Recruiting SunGard SCT Consultant 12-9-05 New Record automatically create a General Person record? 11/09/05 What happens on the SunGard SCT Consultant 12-9-05 New RJRAUTH report when a student’s FWS is adjusted? 11/09/05 How do you update Perkins SunGard SCT Consultant 12-9-05 New MPN detail from option on the RRAAREQ form? 11/09/05 Can tables be copied SunGard SCT Consultant 12-9-05 Guidance upward? from a Technical SCT Consultant sent to Terry

Status: New, Open, Completed, Cancelled, Deferred

Action Items and/or Assignments for Vincennes Date Description Owner Critical Status Assigned Date for Completion 1/28/05 Complete Tracking Setup FA Implementation Team 3/21/05 Completed (See Requirements Tracking Worksheets). 1/28/05 Complete RTVMESG if “ 3/21/05 Completed Vincennes plans to use this form (optional) 1/28/05 Coordinate with Student to FA Implementation Team 3/21/05 Completed verify that all terms for coordinates with Student 2004-05 are set up properly on STVTERM: We will be building 2004-05 so we can roll the rules to 2005-06. We will need terms that coincide with these aid years. The term codes are populated on many of the financial aid validation and rules forms. We will need the term information as soon as possible.

Vincennes University Page 7 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for Vincennes 2/10/05 In building the Banner Financial When *Complete Aid System, we will need to FA Implementation Team possible select values from the following coordinates with Student Most tables Student System Tables. If the are tables that I have an asterisk by updated. can be built early on it would be Must verify most helpful. Coordinate with if the Student. values are the final values Student Validation Tables before *STVTERM *STVLEVL using in STVSBGI *STVCAMP rules. STVCTYP STVAPDC STVMAJR STVDEGC *STVAPDC *STVCLAS to be updated with new code by Registrar. 1/28/05 Review the following FA Implementation Team 3/28/05 Completed reference materials listed on agenda for training visit 1: Banner Financial Aid User Manual, Chapter 1- System Overview, Chapter 2-Using Banner, Chapter 3- Processing, pages 7-51, Chapter 11-EDE, Pages 3- 25, Chapter 7- Requirements Tracking, Chapter 14-Student System Shared Data

1/28/05/ Familiarize yourself with FA Implementation Team 3/28/05 Completed Banner Bookshelf Documentation 4/28/05 Create budget components Implementation group 5/30/05 Completed for the NRWP group 4/28/05 Decide on the CFLAGS to Implementation group 5/30/05 Open batch post using guide distributed and update RORPOST

5/26/05 Decide who will be Implementation Team 7/5/05 Completed responsible on the Student side for the recruiting information updated by Financial Aid. 5/26/05 Decide how the H.S. Implementation Team 7/5/05 Completed students without transcripts,

Vincennes University Page 8 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for Vincennes but with diplomas will be handled and how they will be coded on the Student side. 5/26/05 Check with Student to find Implementation Team 7/5/05 Open the codes for ineligible students (i.e., Ineligible major, degree, transient, non-degree, suspended, etc). 5/26/05 Requirements Tracking Implementation 7/5/05 Completed Practice Practice Batch Grouping to assign verification documents. Practice Batch Posting of CFLAG documents. Practice manual entry of tracking documents and status codes. Use Workbooks for assistance. 5/26/05 Update comment codes Implementation Team 7/5/05 Open (cflags) to be tracked on the RORPOST form. 5/26/05 Decide how Contracts and Implementation Team 7/5/06 Completed Exemptions will be handled. 5/26/05 Research the new required Implementation Team 7/5/05 Completed Disclosure statement for the Perkins MPN. 7/8/05 Set up loan periods for Implementation Team 8/4/05 Open each aid period. 7/8/05 Review Chapter 17 of the Implementation Team 8/4/05 Completed Financial Aid Users Manual and familiarize yourself with the Electronic Loan Handbook. 7/8/05 Set up RFRBASE and Implementation Team 8/4/05 Partially RFRMGMT with Financial Completed Aid fund codes and fund criteria. 7/8/05 Add message on Implementation Team 8/4/05 Completed RTVMESG for Entrance. 7/28/05 Determine if the University Implementation Team 08/04/05 Completed will utilize two set of fund Coordinate with AR codes for alternating years. 07/28/05 Implementation Team 11/08/05 Open Develop letter codes for each SAP code that you would like to send

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letters for. 07/28/05 Implementation Team 11/10/05 Closed Decide if you want to show SAP codes on the Web. If so, add message number to RTVSAPR. 07/28/05 Implementation Team 11/10/05 Open Review the setup of RT24 in coordination with Student by using the AR RT24 Handbook and update as appropriate. 07/28/05 Implementation Team 11/10/05 Open Update Disbursement Timeline with Vincennes procedures 07/28/05 Implementation Team 11/10/05 Open Determine Parts of Term Coordinate with Student dates and set up the original cutoff dates for terms. 8/4/05 Implementation Team 11/10/05 Open Update Sample Financial Aid Process Flow with Vincennes parameters, processes, and procedures 10/20/.05 Funds – TSADETC Coordinate with AR 11/10/05 *Open – Review Title IV checkbox setup * Partially Review Institutional Charge Complete checkbox setup 10/20/05 Complete the Student Implementation Team 11/10/05 *Open- Employment module setup using the Training *Partially

Vincennes University Page 10 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for Vincennes Workbook as a guide complete 10/20/05 Coordinate with HR on Implementation Team 11/10/05 Open positions on (RJRPLRL). Determine if they plan to use suffix numbers prior to Financial Aid go-live? Have discussion with HR regarding suffix numbers. 10/20/05 Packaging– Implementation Team 11/10/05 New RTVTGRP/RORRULE Finalize Packaging groups and associated rules.

10/20/05 Packaging–RPRGFND Implementation Team 11/10/05 New Finalize Testing of automated packaging and revise limits and funds as needed once TEST can be accessed with 0506 ISIR files. 10/20/05 Determine in Vincennes will Implementation Team & 11/10/05 Complete-- return funds on behalf of appropriate administrative NO students from RT24 staff calculations.

10/20/05 Testing -Record Student/Admissions 11/10/05 Partially Creation/Tracking & all Complete processes trained to date Ask the Admissions/ Student staff to admit and register about 100 students in TEST from another ISIR file that will be loaded.

10/20/05 Obtain clarification of ‘XD’ Implementation Team 11/10/05 Complete and ‘XP’ codes on STVLEVL Exclude from GPA- Pass fail/DEV 11/9/05 Update and maintain Implementation Team 12/09/05 New System Build Schedule disseminated. 11/9/05 Train Financial Aid staff on IT Staff 12/09/05 New the FTP process for the dataload 11/9/05 Update SAP rules on Implementation 12/09/05 New RORRULE Team/Technical trainer 11/09/05 Practice processes trained Implementation Team 11/10/05 New on by using guide disseminated 11/09/05 Test rules and update Implementation Team 11/10/05 New

Vincennes University Page 11 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018 Action Items and/or Assignments for Vincennes RORRULES in Test with assistance from SCT Consultant Status: New, Open, Completed, Cancelled, Deferred

Concerns / Decisions to be made Description Owner Target Date Action Plan for Closure Terms codes were changed Coordination between Closed Completed- Financial after Financial Forms were Student and Financial Aid module updated updated. This affects all Aid with new codes. Financial Aid processes. Too many students went into SCT Consultant will 12/09/05 Research and report suspense during the assist with research of back to Vincennes RCPMTCH part of the the problem. May be dataload associated with how alternate ID’s are entered.



Supplemental Documents Attached


Hours Billed Preparation 2 Travel 8 On-Site Consulting 26.5 Follow-Up 3 TOTAL 39.5

Vincennes University Page 12 of 12 Banner Implementation Confidential and Proprietary 4/6/2018

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