Curriculum Vitae for H
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Professor, Public PolicyandPublic Law , YorkUniversity Instructor, ProgramEvaluationandPolicy Analysis MastersProgramin Public Policy , AdministrationandLaw ( MPPAL ) Office: 234McLaughlinCollege , YorkUniversity Address: 4700Keele Street , NorthYork , OntarioM3J 1P3 Phones: Work ( 416 ) 7365128 - ; ( 416 ) 7362100x - 77896 ; Home ( 905 ) 8811548 - Fax: ( 416 ) 7365436 - ; E - mail : htwilson@osgoodeyorkuca . .
Public AdministrationProgram ( Public Policy andPublic LawAreas ) Facultyof LawOsgoodeHall / ( PublicConstitutionalLawandAdministrativeLaw / ) Facultyof GraduateStudies ( Social andPolitical ThoughtandPolitical Science ) Facultyof GraduateStudiesandLaw ( UrbanandAdministrativeAreas ) Facultyof Arts , Departmentof Political Science ( ProgramEvaluation , Policy Analysis andSystemsof Justicecourses ) Facultyof GraduateStudies , MPPALProgram
AB. . Honors , Government , Tufts University , 1962 MA. ., Political ScienceandConstitutionallaw , RutgersUniversity , 1964 PhD. . Political ScienceandConstitutionalLaw , RutgersUniversity , 1968
RA. ., ConstitutionalLaw , RutgersUniversity , 196263 - TA. ., AmericanPolitics , RutgersUniversity , 196365 - Instructor, AmericanPolitics , RutgersUniversity , 196566 - Lecturer, Public Administration ), RutgersUniversity , 196667 - Asst. Professor , AdminStudiesandSocial Science , YorkUniversity , 196769 - AssistantProfessor , AdminStudiesandLaw , YorkUniversity , 196971 - AssociateProfessor , AdminStudiesandLaw , YorkUniversity , 197176 - Professor, AdminStudiesandLaw , YorkUniversity , 1976 – 1996 Professor, Social andPolitical ThoughtProgram , York University , 1973 - Professor, Public AdministrationProgramandLaw , York University , 1996 - Professor, ProgramEvaluationandPolicyAnalysis , Arts , YorkUniversity , 1997 - Professor, Political ScienceGraduateProgram , YorkUniversity , 1999 - Professor, ProgramEvaluationandPolicyAnalysis , YorkUniversity , MPPALProgram , 20082012 - Professor, AdvancedPolicyAnalysis , YorkUniversity , PPAProgram , 201214 - Professor, PolicyTopicsResearchWorkshop , YorkUniversity , MPPALProgram , 2014 -
INTERNATIONALTRAININGANDCONSULTANCIES 1 Facultyof InternationalRelations , InternationalUniversityof Japan , 19881992 - Departmentsof SociologyandBusiness , UmeaUniversity , Sweden , 19901995 - Departmentof Communication , LundUniversity , Helsingborg , SwedenOrganizerandContributor , , Conferenceon theSciencesandHumanities , 2002 - Foundationfor InternationalTraining , AnhuiCivil Service , China , Toronto , 2005 York International , ConferencePresentations , NigerianSeniorJudiciary , 2006
Departmentsof Sociology & Philosophy , UniversityCollege , Cork , Ireland , 19731974 - ( Sabbatical ) ManagementCentre , Universityof Bradford , UK . ., 19791980 - ( external examinersabbatical / ) Departmentof Government , State Universityof Queensland , Brisbane , Australia , Fall 1987 ( leave ) Facultyof InternationalRelations , InternationalUniversityof Japan , Winter1988 ( sabbatical ) Facultyof InternationalRelations , InternationalUniversityof Japan , Fall 1990 ( leave ) Departmentsof SociologyandBusiness , UmeaUniversity , Umea , Sweden , Fall 1992 ( leave ) Departmentof Government , State Universityof Queensland , Brisbane , Australia , 19941995 - (sabbatical ) Departmentsof Social Work , SociologyandPolitical Science , UmeäUniversity , Umeä , Sweden , Fall 1995 ( leave )
Critical TheoryandMarxianThought : Dialecticsa Procedurenot a Method Historyof Social , EconomicandPolitical Thought : MarxandtheAncients Theoryof InstitutionsandLegitimacy : Capitalismafter Postmodernism Public PolicyandAdministrativeProcesses : Limits of InstitutionalTransference TheUniversityandHigherEducationPolicy : CrossCulturalMulticultural / Issues Scientific andTechnologicalInnovation : the Role of CommonsenseCapacities Time, SpaceandPlacein a CrossCulturalMulticultural / DevelopmentalSetting ProgramEvaluationas a CrossCulturalMulticultural / DisciplineandActivity Aboriginally AppropriateAlterationsto the Criteria for DeterminingTenureandPromotionin Canadian Universities
SecretaryandTreasurer , YorkUniversityFacultyAssociation , 19681973 - AreaCoordinator , Policy , Facultyof AdministrativeStudies , 1973 , 19741978 - Executive, InterdisciplinaryStudiesProgramsinceits inceptionin 1975to 1996 FoundingMemberExecutive / , YorkTorontoOccupationalEthicsGroup / , 197786 - Fellow, McLaughlinCollege , 1968 - AssistantMasterandSeniorTutor , McLaughlinCollege , 19831987 - Director, Social andPolitical Thought ( SPT ) Program , 19881990 - Executive, SPTProgram , 19881994 - , 19972005 - Advisory, AdmissionsandCurriculumCommittees , SPTProgram , 1988 - ProgramEvaluationCourse , Public PolicyandAdministrationCertificate ( PPA ), Departmentof Political Science, 19962007 - BoardMemberandMemberof Executive , Centrefor Practical Ethics , 19972009 - 2 AdministrativeJusticeWorkingGrouponOntarioJusticeReform , 2003 -
Variouscommitteesof the Faculty of AdministrativeStudiesincluding : StudentAffairs , Admissions , Public AdministrationProgram , PhD . . Program , Research , TenureandPromotion , Curriculumand LibraryCommittees , 19672006 - SCARSA, 19701973 - Facultyof GraduateStudiesCouncil , 19741979 - , 19801987 - SenateTenureandPromotionsCommittee , 19751978 - SenateEthicsCommitteeon ResearchUsingHumanSubjects , 19801983 - Facultyof GraduateStudies , AdmissionsCommittee , 19881992 - McLaughlinCollege : Advisory , PlanningandCounselingFunctions , 1968 - Equity SubcommitteeMember , 20022004 - , 2009 - TeachingVisitor , OsgoodeHall TenureandPromotionCommittee , 20022004 - GraduateProgram , OsgoodeHall , 2002 - AdmissionsCommittee , MPPALProgram , 2008 -
InternationalSociety for theStudyof EuropeanIdeas ( ISSEI ), Executive , ConferencePlanning , 1986 - 2006 Societyfor theAdvancementof Socio Economics , 19841993 - EuropeanGroupfor OrganizationStudies , 19921999 - CanadianScienceandTechnologyHistorical Association , 19761996 - Australia andPacific Associationfor ResearchonOrganizations , 19771995 - InternationalPolitical ScienceAssociation , 19861992 - CanadianSocietyfor Practical Ethics , 19782009 - CanadianEvaluationSociety ( CES ), 2006 -
Editorial Boards : InternationalJournal of ComparativeSociology , 19691973 - Philosophyof theSocial Sciences, 1971 - Historyof EuropeanIdeas (HEI ), 19861995 - TheEuropeanLegacy (successorof HEI ), 19952009 - AustralianJournal of PoliticsandHistory , 1994 - Additionalrefereeingandreviewresponsibilitiessince1970for CanadianPublic Administration, CanadianJournal of Political Science, four internationalandtwoCanadianpublishersandthe professionalassociationscitedabove SSHRCAssessmentPanel , ‘ Technology , SocietyandCulture ’, 19861991 - .
MA. . InterdisciplinaryStudies 9 completed MA. . SPT 12completed MA. . Sociology 7 completed MA. . Law 4 completed MA. . Political Science 13completed 3 PhD. . SPT 15completed , 2 in progress PhD. . Sociology 9 completed PhD. . Political Science 5 completed , 1 in progress PhD. . AdministrativeStudies 4 completed PhD. . Law 7 completed
MASTERSANDPHD . . EXAMININGRESPONSIBILITIES (eg . . Internal - ExternalOutsideor/ Dean's Representativesince1968 )
MA. . InterdisciplinaryStudies 16 MA. . SPT 13 MA. . Sociology 7 MA. . Psychology 4 PhD. . SPT 32 PhD. . Sociology 18 PhD. . Philosophy 9 PhD. . AdministrativeStudies 6 PhD. . Law 6 PhD. History 3
‘OrganizationalTheoryandBehavior ’, Facultyof AdministrativeStudies196770 - ‘Politics, EconomicsandSociety ’, Divisionof Social Science , 19671969 - ‘TheOrganizationalSociety ’, McLaughlinCollegeTutorial , 19691973 - ‘Discretionandthe AdministrativeProcess ’, Facultiesof LawandAdministrativeStudies , 19771988 - ‘Public AdministrationandtheLaw ’, Facultiesof LawandAdministrativeStudies , 19892006 - ‘ValueFrameworkof AdministrativeDecisionMaking - ’, Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , 19691973 - , 19741979- ‘EnvironmentalFrameworkof Management ’, Facultyof AdministrativeStudies , 19701996 - ‘TechnologicalPolitics , Canada ’, McLaughlinCollegeTutorial , 19741979 - ( year course ) ‘ComparativeAdministrativeSystems ’, Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , 19751983 - ‘GovernmentOrganizationandIntergovernmentalRelations ’, Facultyof AdministrativeStudies , 1976 - 1987 ‘Managementof Scientific andTechnologicalInnovation ’, Facultyof AdministrativeStudies , 1981 , 1986, 1991 ‘Public PolicyAnalysis ’, Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , Summer , 1986 . ‘Business, OccupationalandSocial Ethics ’, Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , 1986 , 1988 , 1989 ‘Critical Theoryof Society ’, Social andPolitical ThoughtProgram ", 19851986 - , 19891990 - ‘PhD. . Seminar ’, PolicyArea , Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , 19911992 - ‘Critical TheoryandtheSocial Sciences ’, PhDSeminar , Depts . of Sociology , Political Scienceand Law, UmeäUniversity , Sweden , Fall 1992 . ‘ValueFrameworkof AdministrativeDecisionMaking - ’, PhDSeminar , Depts . of Managementand Administration, UmeäUniversity , Sweden , Fall 1992 . ‘Political Ideals andPractical Realities ’, PhDSeminar , Depts . of Social Work , SociologyandPolitical Science ( basedcompletelyon myownwritings ) UmeäUniversity , Sweden , Fall 1995
4 ‘Public PolicyAnalysis ’, Faculty of AdministrativeStudies , 1992 , 1995 Variousreadingcoursesfor Faculty of AdministrativeStudies : ‘ ValueFrameworkof Administrative DecisionMaking ’; ‘ Business , OccupationalandSocial Ethics ’ Social andPolitical ThoughtProgram : ‘ Critical Theoryof Society ’ InterdisciplinaryStudiesProgram : ‘ Critical Theoryof Society ’; ‘ ValueFrameworkof Administrative DecisionMaking- ’; ‘ Managementof Scientific andTechnologicalInnovation ’, for no compensation , 19691996- . Public AdministrationProgram , AdminStudiesandSSB : ‘ StrategicManagementin the Public Sector ’ and ‘ CanadianPublic Law ’ ( 19952006 - ) ‘ProgramEvaluationandPolicyAnalysis ’, Dept . of Political Science , 19972006 - ‘ProgramEvaluationandPolicyAnalysis ’, PPAS4300 , PPAProgram20062011 - ‘Systemsof Justice ’, Departmentof Political Science , Winter2003 ‘Marxs’ CriticalDialectical / Procedure ’, SPTProgram , Winter2008 , Winter2011 ‘ProgramEvaluationandPolicyAnalysis ’, PPAL62103 , 20082011 - ‘Public Administration ’, PPAS31906 , PPAProgram , Winter2012 ‘Public PolicyAnalysis ’, PPAS4350 , Winter2013 ; Fall andWinter , 20132014 - ‘PolicyTopics : ResearchWorkshopin Public Policy ’, Fall andWinter , 20142015 -
I donot normally apply for grantsor otherfinancial support to fundresearch , but restrict my requestsfromtheUniversityandfundingagenciesto conferencetravel , subsistenceandsabbaticals . This is a matterof personalpreferenceon mypart , andis basedonearly negativeexperiences with issuesbearingon academicfreedomandfinancial dependency . SSHRCfor travel , subsistenceandconferenceparticipation , 19742006 - Facultyof AdministrativeStudiestravel andsubsistencefunds , 19682006 - SSHRCSabbatical leavegrants19731974 - , 19791980and19871988 - - , 19941995 - MaxBell Program , travel andsubsistencegrantsfor conferenceparticipation , March , 1992 YUFAProfessionalExpenseandConferenceGrants , 19682006 - YUFAContractTeachingConferenceandTravel Grants , 2006 -
PUBLICATIONS (Doesnot includebookreviews , speechesandaddressesor advisoryandconsultative work)
Books: 10published , 2 editedand2 in progress Papersin EditedBooksandMonographs : 18 Papersin RefereedJournals : 35 Papersin RefereedConferenceProceedings ; 38 Papersin NonRefereedConferenceProceedings : 94 Other; 71 ( addenda , notes , researchmemoranda , etc .)
TheAmericanIdeology (London : Routledge , 1977 )
5 TraditionandInnovation (London : Routledge , 1984 )
Political Management (Berlin : DeGruyter , 1985 )
SexandGender (Leiden , Netherlands : Brill , 1988 )
RetreatfromGovernance Hull : Voyageur , 1989 )
Marx's Critical Dialectical Procedure (London : Routledge , 1991 )
NoIvory Tower (Toronto : VoyageurInternational , 1999 )
BureaucraticRepresentation (Leiden , Netherlands : Brill , 2001 )
Capitalismafter Postmodernism (Leiden , Netherlands : Brill , 2002 )
TheVocationof Reason, editedwith a forewordby ThomasKemple ( Leiden , Netherlands : Brill , 2004)
BureaucraticCompetence : Towarda NewWorkingSociety (in progress )
TheTimeof Our Lives : Towarda NewPostmodernCommonsense (in progress )
TheAmericanUniversityandtheWorldof Scholars (NewBrunswick , NJ : Rutgers , 1969 ) ( joint editorship)
Social Change , InnovationandPoliticsin East Asia (HongKong : AsianResearchInstitute , 1980 ) (joint editorship )
"Science , CritiqueandCriticism ", OnCritical Theory, editedby J . O'Neill ( NY . .: SeaburyPress , 1976), 206230 -
"Innovation : the Practical Usesof Theory ", Social Change , Innovationand Politicsin East Asia, editedby YS . . Yim , HT . . WilsonandR . Wilson ( HongKong : AsianResearchCentre , 1980 ), 9 - 29
"FunctionalRationality andSenseof Function ", InternationalYearbookof OrganizationStudies , 1980, editedby G . SalamanandD . Dunkerly ( London : Routledge , 1981 ), 7298 -
"Values : OnthePossibility of a ConvergencebetweenEconomicandNonEconomicDecision - Making", ManagementunderDifferingValueSystems , editedby G . DlugosandK . Weiermair ( Berlin : DeGruyter, 1981 ), 3771 -
"Anti - Methodas a CounterStructurein Social ResearchPractice ", Beyond Method, editedby G . Morgan ( Los Angeles : SagePublications , 1983 ), 247259 -
6 "TechnocracyandLate Capitalist Society ", TheState , Classandthe Recession, editedby S . Clegg , P. BorehamandG . Dow ( London : CroomHelm , 1983 ), 152238 -
"Industrial DemocracyReconsidered ", TheBusinessCorporationin the DemocraticSociety , editedby W. Dorow ( Berlin : DeGruyter , 1987 ), 1322 -
"Anti - DiscriminationLegislationandits Impacton the EmploymentRelationship ", Managerial Discretionandthe LaborMarketandEmploymentRelationship , editedby W . DorowandK . Weiermair ( Berlin : DeGruyter , 1988 ), 383395 -
"Essential Processof Modernity ", InternationalUniversityof JapanAnnual Review, 198788 - , (Tokyo : IUJ Press , 1988 ), 1 - 42
"Industrial StrategyandSocial Equality ", Moral Expertise, editedby CD . . MacNiven ( London : Routledge, 1989 ), 7192 -
"TheImpactof 'Gender' onCritical Theory's Critiqueof AdvancedIndustrial Societies ", Current Perspectivesin Social Theory , Volume12 , editedby BenAgger ( London : JAI Press1992 ), 125136 -
"TheQuagmireof Industrial Policy " in Meetingthe Global Challenge, editedby J . Dermer ( Toronto : CaptusPress , 1992 , 1995 ), 151159andin - TheNewWorld EconomicOrder , editedby T . Wesson (Toronto : CaptusPress , 1998 , 2001 , 2005 ), 396403and - supra
“TheDownsideof Downsizing : BureaucraticRepresentationin Capitalist Democracies ”, TheNew Public Management : InternationalDevelopments (Toronto : CaptusPress , 1999 ), 5580 -
“La TheorieCritiqueauxEtatsUnis - ( 19381978 - ): UnExempledInnovationIntellectuelleet ’ sa Reception”, La Posteritede lEcole ’ de Francfort, editedby Alain BlancandJeanMarie - Vincent (Paris : EditionsSyllepse , 2004 ), 235252 -
“Is EmploymentEquity Necessary?Yes ”, Approachesto Public Administration : Core Issuesand EmergingResponses , editedby RobertoLeoneandF . L . K . Ohemeng ( Toronto : EmondMontgomery , 2011), 257264 - .
“AdequateEvidencein ProgramEvaluationandthe Social Sciences ”, EncountersCanada : Aboriginal andMulticultural Perspectives , VolumeII (Toronto : Universityof TorontoPress , 2014 ), 35pp .
“Aboriginally AppropriateAlterationsto theCriteria for DeterminingUniversityTenureand Promotion”, EncountersCanada : Aboriginal andMulticultural Perspectives, VolumeI (Toronto : Universityof TorontoPress , 2014 ), 20pp .
“ONeills’ ’ Cannons ( ) : AnInterrogativeInquiry ”, to appearin a forthcomingFestschrift for John ONeill’ in 2015 ( publisheras yet undetermined , 32pp .
7 "ContinentalismandCanadianHigherEducation ", CanadianReviewof American Studies, 1 ( 2 ) ( Fall 1970), 8999 -
"AcademicBureaucracy ", QueensQuarterly , 783 ( ) ( Autumn1971 ), 34352-
"TheDismalScienceof OrganizationReconsidered ", CanadianPublic Administration, 141 ( ) ( Spring 1971), 8299 -
"MaxWeber's Pessimism ", InternationalJournal of ContemporarySociology , Volume8 ( April 1971 ), pp 183188 -
"Discretionin the Analysis of AdministrativeProcess ", OsgoodeHall Law Journal, 103 ( ) ( Autumn 1972), 117139 -
"Rationality andDecisionin AdministrativeScience ", CanadianJournal of Political Science, 6 ( 3 ) ( June 1973), 271294 -
“TheProblemof Domination ", Philosophyof the Social Sciences, 5 ( 4 ) ( December1975 ), 496500 -
"TheSociologyof Apocalypse ", TheHumanContext , 8 ( Fall 1975 ), 274294 -
"ReadingMaxWeber : theLimits of Sociology ", Sociology, 102 ( ) ( May 1976 ), 297315 -
"AttitudestowardScience : CanadianandAmericanScientists ", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 181 ( ) and ( 2 ) ( March – June1977 ), 154175 -
"ThePovertyof Sociology ", Philosophyof theSocial Sciences, 8 ( 1 ) ( March1978 ), 187204 -
"TheMeaningandSignificanceof 'Empirical Method'for theCritical Theoryof Society ", Canadian Journal of Political andSocial Theory, 3 ( 3 ) ( Fall 1979 ), 5768 -
"TheParadoxof Liberalism ", Philosophyof the Social Sciences, 102 ( ) ( June1980 ), 215226 -
"Responseto Ray , I ", Philosophyof theSocial Sciences, 111 ( ) ( March1981 ), 4548 -
"Science , TechnologyandInnovation ", MethodologyandScience , 153 ( ) ( Fall 1982 ), 167200 -
"Responseto Ray , II ", Philosophyof the Social Sciences, 131 ( ) ( March1983 ), 6365 -
"OnceAgain : the Industrial StrategyDebate ", AtkinsonReviewof Canadian Studies, 2 ( 2 ) ( Spring - Summer1985 ), 3340 -
"Technologyandasor / / theFuture ", Philosophyof theSocial Sciences, 153 ( ) ( September1985 ), 349358-
"Critical Theory's Critiqueof Social ScienceI ", Historyof EuropeanIdeas , 7 ( 2 ) ( 1986 ), 127147 -
8 "Critical Theory's Critiqueof Social ScienceII ", Historyof EuropeanIdeas , 7 ( 3 ) ( 1986 ), 287302 -
"Noteson the Achievementof CommunicativeBehaviorandRelatedDifficulties ", Dialectical Anthropology, 123 ( ) ( 1988 ), 285305 -
"Ordeals of Implementation ", AsianJournal of Public Administration, 102 ( ) ( December1988 ), 225 - 237
"CultureversusCivilizationin theTheoryandPracticeof InternationalUnderstanding ", Maydan (JapaneseJournal of MiddleEasternStudies ) ( September1988 ), 1013 -
"TheCounterRevolutionaryFunctionof theSocial Sciencesin AdvancedIndustrial Societies ", History of EuropeanIdeas , 11 ( 1989 ), 467477 -
"SpaceandPlace : A Schemafor AnalyzingthePossibilitiesandLimits of theContemporary LegalDemocraticState/ ", Bulletinof the Instituteof MiddleEastern Studies, 6 ( March1992 ), 527 - 547
"Nationalist IdeologyandPolitical Philosophy : the Caseof MaxWeber ", History of EuropeanIdeas , 163( ) ( 1992 ), 545550 -
"TheEuropeanMindontheEve of Full EconomicIntegration ", Historyof EuropeanIdeas , 171 ( ) (1993 ), 1 - 10
“SpaceandPlaceas ConvergentSourcesof Political Identity ,” Historyof EuropeanIdeas , 214 ( ) (1995 ), 499504 -
“TheMissingBodyin the NewPhysics ,” TheEuropeanLegacy , ROMfor InternationalSocietyfor theStudyof EuropeanIdeas ( Cambridge , Mass : MIT Press , 1997 )
“InstitutionalComplementarityandCanadianIdentity ”, CanadianReviewof AmericanStudies 273 ( ) (1997 ), 175190 - .
“TheChallengeof ParticipatoryDemocracyin an EmergingSupranationalEurope ,” TheEuropean Legacy 3 ( 4 ) ( 1998 ), 8695 - .
“Time, SpaceandValue ”, TimeandSociety 8 ( 1 ) ( March1999 ), 161181 -
“Rationality andCapitalismin MaxWebers ’ Analysis of WesternModernity , Journal of Classical Sociology 3 ( 2 ) ( 2002 ), 93106 -
“UseValueandSubstantiveRationality in the Workof MarxandWeber ”, Journal of Classical Sociology 4 ( 1 ) ( March2004 ), 5 - 30
“BureaucraticCompetenceas an Essential Factorin CrossCulturalMultiCultural / - ProgramEvaluations ”, CanadianJournal of ProgramEvaluation 232 ( ) ( 2008 ), 93115 -
"ScienceandTechnologyTeachingin a MBAMPAProgram / : YorkUniversitys - ’ Facultyof Administrative StudiesSchulichSchoolof/ Business , 19701997 -
“GoverningSpace , PlaceandTime : Public Trust andEffectivePolicy Implementation ”
“DisorganizedCapitalism?CommentsonPostmodernisms ’ NewPolitical Economy
“Problematizingthe Fate of ‘ Society ’: Critical TheoryversusNeoliberalism - ”
“Space, PlaceandTime : their RespectiveRolesin StudiesEmphasizingIntra HumanDifferencesand Similarities.”
“Settlers’ AssumptionsaboutSpace , PlaceandTimein theLawsGoverningFirst Nationsin North AmericaandCreativeResponsesto theseLaws ”
“ DynamizingPolicyImplementation : thePostmodernPolis .”
“AdequateEvidencein ProgramEvaluation ”, paperto theCanadianEvaluationSociety , October4 , 2010
"TechnologicalPolitics : SomeCanadianAmericanDimensions - ", Proceedingsof theCanadianPolitical ScienceAssociation (Montreal : McGill University , 1972 )
"OrganizationalAnalysis : the Problemof Rationality ", Proceedingsof the CanadianSociological and AnthropologyAssociation (Kingston : QueensUniversity , 1973 )
"Capitalism , Scienceandthe Possibility of Political Economy ", Proceedingsof theWorldCongressof Sociology (Toronto : Universityof Toronto , 1974 )
"Public Regulation : theNeedfor 'ResponsibleDiscretion' ", Proceedingsof the Conferenceonthe RegulatoryProcessin Canada (Montreal : BronfmanSchoolof Management , McGill University , 1975 )
"TheProblemof Discretionin ThreeLanguages ", Proceedingsof the InternationalCongressof Legal Science (TheHague : Kongressgebeow , 1977 )
"TheEssential Marx ", Proceedingsof theMarxist StudiesConference (Buffalo : Universityof Buffalo , 1990)
10 "Marx's Critiqueof theMethodof Political Economy ”, Proceedingsof the Conferenceon Rationality , ScienceandSociety (Umea , Sweden : Universityof Umea , 1990 )
"Privatizationas a RetreatfromResponsibleGovernance ", Conferenceon InternationalPrivatization StrategiesandPractices (St . Andrew , Scotland : St . AndrewUniversity , 1991 )
TheCommonwealthof PuertoRico : Status , PoliticsandProspects (HonorsThesis , Tufts University , 1962). Documentof Dept . of InformationandCaribbeanCommissionOrganization / : Rio Piedras , Commonwealthof PuertoRico
TheRegulationof StandardRadioBroadcasting , 19341952 - (Ph . D , RutgersUniversity , 1968 ) ( Ann Arbor: UniversityMicrofilms , 1968 ). Documentof theFederal CommunicationsCommission : Washington, DC . .
TheAcademyandits Clients : ConflictingPerspectivesontheContemporary CanadianUniversity , Report to the CommissiononRelationsbetweenUniversitiesandGovernments ( Ottawa : Queens Printer, 1970 )
"TheUniversity , Society andInnovation ", and12otherpapersandpresentationsto theMcLaughlin CollegePublic PolicyForumbetween1974and1993
"Technocracy ", 600wordentry for Blackwell's Dictionaryof Modern Social Thought (Oxford : Blackwell's, 1993 , 1994 , 2003 )
"OrganizationalTheory ", 600wordentry for Blackwell's Dictionaryof ModernSocial Thought (Oxford : Blackwells ’ , 1993 , 1994 , 2003 )