Course Outline
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Spanish II Señora Olexenko [email protected]
Course Outline:
We are going to have a great year together continuing your study of Spanish! It will be fun, yet challenging. Be prepared to play games, watch cultural and learning videos, maybe even a little singing and some crafts. Some of the vocabulary topics we will be covering this year include: Transportation and travel Personal identification Being on vacation Sports and recreation Sports and health Daily routines Clothes and shopping At the market Legends and stories Past and present We will also cover several grammatical topics including: Present Tense (-ar/-er/-ir verbs, irregulars, stem-changers) Past Tenses (Preterite and Imperfect) Reflexive Verbs Cultural topics covered will include: Culture of Argentina, Puerto Rico, Florida, Mexico, and Costa Rica Celebrating Hispanic holidays (Día de los Muertos, Navidad, Cinco de mayo)
Course Website: During the year, you may visit this website to obtain current information about the class and assignments.
Students and parents may subscribe to Remind to receive course updates and homework/quiz reminders via email or text messages. Please be aware that text messaging fees may apply.
If you would like to be added for reminders please text: @olexenko to: 81010 or go to: Required Materials:
The following materials are required and must be brought to class daily. 1. 1 ½ inch binder for Spanish 2. 5 labeled dividers (Vocabulario y Apuntes / Preguntas/ Calentamientos/ Hojas de ejercicios/ Exámenes) 3. 2 BLACK dry erase markers Materials Due: 4. Blue or black pens Monday, September 5. RED Pen 11th 6. Earbuds 7. Notebook paper 8. Workbook (this will be provided) 9. Box of tissues OR hand sanitizer (not required, but very appreciated!)
eSchool Portal
Grades will be posted to the eSchool Portal for this course. Both students and parents are encouraged to check the portal for updates. Grades will be updated on a weekly basis.
Grading Procedure:
Grades for this class are based on a point system within three categories: Homework 20% Classwork and Participation 30% Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Projects) 50%
Homework – Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Homework assignments will lose 20% the first day it is late and 10% each day after. Work completed after 4 days will only earn half credit.
Classwork and Participation – This includes having all your materials in class, being prepared to work with a GOOD ATTITUDE, completing assignments and participating in a variety of activities (speaking, writing, reading, listening, singing, games, etc.)
Assessments - This includes weekly quizzes, tests, and projects. If you are absent for a quiz or test you have up to 5 days from the day of your return to make up the assessment. After 5 days, you will receive a zero if the assessment is not completed.
If a student is absent from school, it is his or her own responsibility to inquire about the work that was missed. School policy will apply to all work missed due to absence. Extra help is always available after school. Spanish II Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful 2. Be prepared 3. Be on time
What does this mean:
Be respectful of your teacher and classmates. Treat each other kindly, be nice. Use school appropriate language and manners. Be respectful of the classroom and supplies. No throwing materials or vandalizing property. Follow directions and remain on task. Do not talk when I am talking. Arrive to class on time and prepared to work. Three late arrivals to class will result in detention, as per school policy. Failure to be prepared to work will also result in a detention. Remain in your seat at all times. I dismiss the class, not the bell. No lining up at the door prior to the bell. Do not bring food or drinks into the classroom without permission. Cell phones are not to be used during instructional time. If I see these devices during class, they will be turned in to the main office.
Behavior Consequences: If you choose to break a rule you will have one or more of the following consequences:
. Warning . Meet with the teacher . Receive a detention . Phone call home . Separated from the group . Administrative action and/or a referral . Conference with Parents and Counselor Spanish II Mrs. Olexenko
Please take our course outline home and share it with your parents or guardians. Complete and sign the form below and bring it back to class. Gracias.
STUDENT: I have read the classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it throughout the year.
Student Name (print neatly): ______
PARENT(S): My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.
Parent/Guardian Name(s):______
Best phone number to call:______e-mail: ______
TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan throughout the year.