Cyber Ambassador Job Description

Cyber ambassadors are volunteers who help us spread important messages for Mailman through online channels. Depending on the individual’s use and comfort with technology, this could include sending emails, posting information to Facebook, tweeting, or other e-communications. These volunteers will often help publicize events, share exciting news, raise money, or help build a connection between their classmates and the School. The office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving will provide sample posts, tweets and emails, or ambassadors are free to create their own messaging.

 Help share news and raise awareness of events – - Cyber Ambassadors can help share news of exciting research, new developments and news from the School, and spread the news about Mailman events.

. Attend networking and Reunion events if schedule and location permits . Invite fellow alumni to come to events . Post word of Mailman events on Facebook and Twitter

 Build connections between alumni and the Mailman School – Cyber Ambassadors work to build relationships between the school in a number of ways, such as:

. Letting us know about the accomplishments of your fellow graduates . Joining the Mailman Linked-In page (for Linked In Users) . Helping to ensure the School has the correct contact information for graduates . Posting jobs internships opportunities, or coming to campus for job fairs or employer presentations (contact Career Services at [email protected] for details)

 Help with fundraising – Each year, the Mailman School asks graduates to support the Fund for Public Health Leadership, which provides student scholarship support. Cyber-ambassadors can help by:

. Helping us fundraise- Ambassadors publicize initiatives like challenges, and “Giving Day” in October by sending emails, Facebook posts and/or tweets to encourage alumni to make gifts . Attending phonathons – Volunteers join us for dinner, and have conversations with classmates to raise money for scholarships. Prizes are awarded, and this is generally a fun time for all! . Making a personal gift to the Fund – Cyber Ambassadors should serve as an example by making their own annual gift to the Fund for Public Health Leadership (Gifts of any size are appreciated).