Pre-interview Planning Worksheet (10 points)

General Information Name of student: ______Date of Interview: ______Location of Interview: ______Contact information for person being interviewed: Name of Professional: ______Employer: ______Profession/Position: ______Email*: ______Work Phone (not cell): ______Work Address: ______

* Email address needs to be professional, so not a gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, etc. account; examples of professional email address are those ending in .gov or .edu

Research the answers to the following questions before the interview so that you are well-prepared.

1. What type of preparation is required to enter this field? (courses, exams, advanced degrees, special training, etc.) 2. What are the nature of the work and the conditions of the work? 3. What are the chances for advancement? 4. What is the employment outlook in this field? 5. What did you find out that surprised you?

Sources:  The Occupational Outlook Handbook:  University Career Center:

Write a summary of 1-2 paragraphs of the information learned researching to prepare for the interview. Include a list of questions you plan to ask your contact. You may use p. 255 as a resource, but you need to come up with at least 3 questions on your own. You should have 10-15 questions prepared for the interview. (The questions are not part of the 1-2 paragraph summary).

Complete the information above. Type your summary and questions on a separate piece of paper, and attach to this paper. Turn in to class the week of February 19, 2007.