Ü 0601.1.3 Use Capitalization Correctly (E.G., Proper Adjectives, Within Quotations)

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Ü 0601.1.3 Use Capitalization Correctly (E.G., Proper Adjectives, Within Quotations)

“Say What” (1.0)  0601.1.3 Use capitalization correctly (e.g., proper adjectives, within quotations).  0601.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (e.g., after introductory words, to set off appositives and interrupters, before a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (e.g., in business letters, preceding a list of items), semicolons (e.g., to combine sentences), quotation marks (e.g., with explanatory material within the quote, proper use with end marks), and apostrophes (to form singular and plural possessives).

Materials:  Greeting cards with picture of people on the front or Images located at http://jc-schools.net/dynamic/LA/activities/Say%20What.ppt  Large Post-It Notes or Chart Paper  Markers

Description: The purpose of this activity is to use correct capitalization and punctuation for quotations. TSW also use a variety of sentences to write dialogue, as well as attempt to include elements of language such as hyphens, titles, appositives, noun of direct address, interrupter, colon and semicolons.

Step-by Step: 1. Mount pictures on large Post-It Notes around the room. 2. Divide the participants into groups of two-five people, depending on size of class. 3. Send groups to the various poster stations in the room, with the following directions:  Study the greeting card mounted on your poster.  Brainstorm in the group what these characters might be saying to one another in a fun dialogue.  Write this dialogue on the Post-It Note with markers. Instruct students to make sure they use a variety of sentence structures such as speaker at the beginning of sentence, speaker at end, a divided quote, a quote which ends with a question mark, etc,  Instruct students to include in at least one sentence of the dialogue elements of language such as hyphen, title, appositive, colon or semicolon.  Students can have no less than four sentences of dialogue on the poster. 4. Have participants move to the Post-It Note Dialogue to the right and check for correct grammar and punctuation. 5. Students can report out by role-playing the conversations. Write dialogue to accompany your picture on the Post-It Note/chart paper with markers.

Your team must:

Write one sentence using quotations marks with the speaker at the beginning of the sentence.

Write one sentence using quotations marks with the speaker at the end of the sentence.

Write one sentence using quotations marks with the speaker at the middle of the sentence.

One quotation must end with a question mark.

One sentence must include a hyphen, title, appositive, colon or semicolon.

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