Lowes Creek Little League
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Lowes Creek Little League
Board Meeting
January 13, 2013
Board Member Attendance: Bob Salonek, Jay Fentress, Kath Bourget, Cindy Klink, Nathan Wood, Tammy Toman, Aaron Vachowiak, Bob Weisenberger, Mark Pugmire, Jake Kostka, Jeff Bernmardt, Brian Sherry, Shawn Kapanke
Board Member Absence: Bruce Platter
I. Meeting called to order by President Bob Salonek @ 6:30 pm.
II. Shifting of board positions
a. President: Bob Salonek
b. Vice-President: Jay Fentress
b.i. Evaluations/Draft Coordinator
b.ii. Last year of service
c. Treasurer: Cindy Klink
d. Secretary: Kath Bourget
d.i. Safety Officer
e. Sponsor Coordinator: Bob Weisenburger
f. Evaluations/Draft Coordinator: Aaron Vachowiak
g. Coach Coordinator: Jeff Bernhardt; Brian Sherry
h. Umpire Coordinator: Mark Pugmire
i. Concessions: Tammy Toman
j. Equipment: Shawn Kapanke
k. Schedule Coordinator: Bruce Platter
l. Field Maintenance Coordinator: Jake Kostka
m. Web Site Coordinator: Nathan Wood Motion by Brian Sherry to accept new positions on board as stated, seconded by Cindy Klink. All in favor. Zero against.
III. Player Development
a. Exploring player development options
a.i. Player Agent: Randy Graese and Troy Oestreich
a.ii. Brian Sherry to check into possibility of a Saturday morning clinic with player development for LCLL players. Brian Sherry to formulate what program would entail.
a.ii.1. 9:00 – 10:30 am, 10:30 – 12:00 Rookies, Minors, Majors (pitching, hitting, fielding development)
a.ii.2. Person needed to facilitate and coordinators to assist needed.
IV. Vice President/Evaluation/Draft Coordinator: Jay Fentress
a. Evaluation Dates Set: Monday, March 11, 2013 T-Ball 4:15 – 5:15 pm. Rookies 5:30 – 6:30 pm; Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Minors: 4:15 – 5:15 pm, Majors: 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Evaluations being conducted at EC Indoor Sports Center.
b. Draft: Monday, March 18, 2013 6:00 – 7:30pm and Tuesday, March 19, 2013 7:30 – 9:00 pm
b.i. Cindy Klink & Kath Bourget to be involved with Excel Data Base for Draft
c. Coaches Meeting: Monday, March 4, 2013 (time to be confirmed) (Many Volunteers needed)
V. Coach Coordinator: Jeff Bernhardt
a. Ready to start season
a.i. Have been contacted by a few coaches already this year
a.ii. Registration Form: Jeff will print copies to distribute to IC, Robbins & Meadowview Schools
a.iii. Bob Salonek to send emails to current data base members
VI. Web Site Coordinator: Nathan Wood
a. Last year total web site cost was $1100.00 this included start up costs
b. Base price is $399. Expect $0.99 fee per registered child or 1.5% total fee, whichever is less
c. Investigated new Web Site possibilities, but feel this is sufficient at this current time
VII. Field maintenance Coordinator: Jake Kostka
A. Project Ideas:
a. Sprinklers: Jake Kostka, Mark Pugmire, Gary Wosick to work on.
b. 3rd Base Line on O’Connor Field – has a dip/lip – needs work
c. Dismantle Pitcher’s mound between O’Connor & Horlacher Fields – need repairs and safety issue
c.i. Where to reconstruct Pitcher’s mound: Left Field/Right Field behind fence. d. Ford Field has been severely dusty past seasons: would like to purchase top soil and redo Ford Field.
d.i. Going to check in with sponsor(s) and recommend long term proposal for completing this item.
B. Jake Kostka to take over lawn maintenance – not hiring it out this year
a. Motion by Brian Sherry to purchase Lawn Tractor for $4500 for lawn maintenance, motion seconded by Cindy Klink. All in favor, Zero against, motion carried.
VIII. Concessions Coordinator: Tammy Toman
a. Need help with multiple duties for concessions this season
a.i. Mon/Wed Person and a Tues/Thurs person suggested. Need a volunteer to help manage the concession stand on specified night, also help needed with picking up food/beverage for concession sales.
a.ii. Need a volunteer to help with transitioning into Concession Manager Role due to Tammy Toman being finished with this role in the future.
a.iii. Tammy Toman to define role in writing and check into local CVTC and UWEC or high schools for responsible volunteers to fill some of the duties needed
a.iv. Parent(s) volunteering could be excluded from $50 participation check and possibly registration fee for helping out in this area being considered.
IX. Sponsor Coordinator: Brian Sherry
a. Emails and communication being conducted with sponsors currently
X. Treasurer: Bob Weisenburger transferring to a Sponsor Coordinator Role and Cindy Klink stepping into Treasurer Role.
a. Discussed Registration Fees – to remain as is
b. Lawn maintenance fee to be down due to purchase of new lawn tractor
XI. Equipment Coordinator: Shawn Kapanke
a. Purchasing balls for Minors and Majors, also catcher’s equipment. Existing catchers equipment needs repair on shin pads with Velcro straps,etc. Shawn to look into having these repaired also.
b. Working with CV Sporting goods to put current apparel on web site for discounted prices – getting a list of that apparel to CVSG.
c. New Dry Fit Jerseys being purchased this year for LCLL baseball players
d. All Star Jersey’s – Some are 10 years old, will look into purchasing new jersey’s for replacement of some of the old ones. Expect also to stay with wearing white baseball pants for all-star games.
e. Pictures – Expect to stay with Sharp photo.
e.i. Sponsorship from Sharp
e.ii. Sharp to make plaques for sponsors and we will be able to distribute same time as when kids receive their pictures. Thinking about having a specific sponsorship day/Sponsor Night
XII. Umpire Coordinator: Mark Pugmire
a. Need Help – can’t be at the field every night due to work responsibilities a.i. Expand Web Site to include list of Opportunities for Volunteers
XIII. New Business
a. As Board Members keep focus on recruiting new people to assist in volunteer opportunities within our LCLL Association for the benefit of transitioning the current member out and the new member in with cross training of that position.
Next Meetings: Sunday, February 10, 2013 @ 5:30 pm Metropolis
Monday, March 4, 2013 after coaches Meeting Concludes
Sunday, April 14, 2013 @ 6:30 pm Metropolis
Sunday, September 8, 2013 @ 6:30 pm Metropolis
Sunday, November 10, 2013 @ 6:30 pm Metropolis
Brian Sherry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jeff Bernhanrdt. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm