May 4th, 2016


SOBA Colleagues:

The Call for Nominations is now open for SOBA’s 2017 Executive Board of Directors, and we are seeking candidates for at-large Board Member positions.

SOBA has a seven-member Board, which includes the Past President. Nominations may be submitted for President, Vice President, Treasurer and three Members-At-Large. Terms for officers and at-large positions are one year (renewable) beginning after the annual conference.

A slate of officers and at-large Board members for 2017 will be elected at SOBA’s 30th Anniversary Annual National Boating Access Conference at the Chattanoogan Hotel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, during the business meeting on Wednesday, October 12th. The Nominating Committee will select the slate based on nominations received from member states.

Individuals nominated to serve on the SOBA board must be a member and be able to secure a letter of support from the director of the member state agency.

The SOBA board is a working board and members are expected to participate in monthly conference call meetings, travel to quarterly face-to-face meetings including the annual conference, and take on committee or task force assignments.

Serving on SOBA’s Board of Directors is a rare chance to help the organization face new challenges arising from reauthorization, contribute to nationally renowned technical resources, help shape how federal programs are administered, work with the leaders of other boating industry organizations, and affect long-term positive change within the world of boating access. It allows you be on the cutting edge of boating access matters, and be a part of the decision making process, on a national level, that drives SOBA’s strategic goals and direction.

Board service also offers you the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, to develop valuable skills in non- profit governance, gain unique experience and make lasting connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Please consider serving on the Board and submitting a nomination for the 2017 SOBA Board. Nominations close Monday June 13th, 2016. Please send your nominations to Janine Belleque, SOBA Past President and Chair of SOBA’s Nominating Committee: [email protected]

Nominations should include the following information:

1. Name of Nominee, address and contact information (including email address); 2. Brief statement outlining why the nominee would like to be a board member; 3. Short background editorial on the candidate in question (work history, boating access experience/interests, etc.); and 4. Reference (optional). Thank you.

Janine Belleque, Past President ([email protected])

SOBA 2016 Nominating Committee Chair

**** NOMINATIONS CLOSE Monday June 13th, 2016 ****

Frequently Asked Questions:

 Are my expenses for attending meetings covered by SOBA? YES. SOBA will cover your travel, room and stipend for meals for all business meetings, including the meeting prior to the annual conference, and for your room for the night before or after the conference.  Are members paid to be Board members ? NO, permission is needed from your agency to participate and any SOBA related work would be carried out during your regular work day.  What if I am only interested in being a Member At Large? YES, this is possible, and has been done by a number of members who were only interested in being involved in operational and logistical board work.  Do you need to be a member of States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) to run for office? YES, you must be from a SOBA member state, be in good standing with the organization to be considered, and be able to secure a letter of support from the director of the member state agency.  How do I become President? The President is typically picked from among existing board members who have served in another officer capacity and as a member at-large.  When do board terms begin? Terms usually run from September/October through the following September/October to coincide with the annual conference.

Below is an approximate outline of time commitment expected from each board member, in addition to an explanation of the various Board positions.


Function/Activity Typical Time Required

In-Person Board Meetings 2 or 3 meetings per year requiring travel. Meetings typically last two days, plus travel time and are held during or post Conference (Oct-Nov timeframe): Dec/March (Winter) and June/July (Summer).

Annual Conference The week of the conference (includes a short board meeting prior to and just following the conference).

Teleconference board meetings Average of 2 hours per month, excluding in-person meetings.

Other SOBA related activities: Time will vary depending upon type of requested activity

 Participation on task forces or committees.  Representing President when requested.  Representing SOBA before with Federal Agencies if needed.

 Representing SOBA at meetings of partners and stakeholders as appropriate.

If you are interested in being considered for a board position, OR know anyone who would be interested, please contact Janine Belleque, Past President and SOBA’s Nominating Chair at [email protected] and provide brief details as outlined on Page 1 and 2.

3 SOBA Executive Board Position Descriptions

By serving on the Executive Board for the States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) individuals are presented with an opportunity to participate in setting the organization’s policies and direction. Those who have previously served on the Board found the experience to be rewarding, challenging, and fun. Members who have served SOBA in this capacity have also gained a great deal from the experience themselves.

President The President of SOBA is elected for a one-year term (renewable), followed by a term as Past President (variable). During his or her tenure, the President is the chief elected officer of the organization, and serves to lead in the development of programs, goals, and objectives in keeping with policies established by the Executive Board.

Vice President The Vice President of SOBA is elected for a one-year term (renewable). During his or her tenure, the Vice President's efforts are directed to assuming the Presidency, and assignments are designed in preparation for that transition. The Vice President serves to provide continuity of programs, goals, and objectives in keeping with policies established by the Executive Board.

Treasurer The Treasurer of SOBA is elected for a one-year term (renewable). During his or her tenure, the Treasurer's efforts are directed to providing financial oversight for the association.

Member-at-Large Each Member-at-Large is elected for a one-year term (renewable). The Member-at-Large serves to develop new policies, obtain support for SOBA's programs, and should provide an objective point of view on issues affecting the membership and the profession. Thoughts and ideas are facilitated through discussion and analysis, and followed up by responsible action taken by a majority Board vote.

May 2016