Course Description s34

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Course Description s34

History of the United States Course Syllabus Mrs. Desaulniers/Mr. Harrison FY 2013-14

COURSE DESCRIPTION: United States History class is the study of various historical concepts, themes and events in the following periods of U.S. history: Colonial Era, Revolution, the New Nation, Early Expansion, Jeffersonian Democracy, The road to the Civil War, Expansion and Imperialism, Progressivism, WWI and WWII, the Cold War and the Modern Age. REQUIRED BOOKS: Text; United States History, articles, documents; Primary Resources in U.S. History, and the required reading book; Across Five Aprils, are supplied in class and may be checked out with the teacher for home use. Students are financially responsible for all texts and school books checked out and not returned in the condition they were borrowed in. Please remember that books are very expensive and all monies owed to the school will be paid before a student can graduate, per school policy. SUPPLIES:  A 3 ring loose-leaf binder with 50-100 sheets of loose-leaf paper for assignments and containing at least two interior packets to place handouts.  2 pens – blue or black ink and 2 pencils  I advise a multicolored pen (available at Wal-Mart) to use for organizing notes according to key concepts.  3x5 ruled paper note cards and a key ring to carry them on. Office Depot has the cheapest large key rings and 3x5 cards. This is for the vocabulary project. A hundred cards is a good starting number but you will need more for the second semester. . Departmental Grading is as Follows: Tests and Projects-50% Daily /Class Work-40% Nine Weeks Exam-10% EOCT will be 20% of Final Grade

Additionally- participation in the National History Day will be required for advanced, honors, and AP classes and an option in regular classes. It will be graded. More info to be announced as we learn more.

There will be a vocabulary project. Quarterly, students will create a key ring of specific US History and academic vocabulary, using the Frayer Method, with 3x5 cards, and receive two project grades for it. Students will need to work on this at home in order to complete the project. Planning ahead and not leaving it to the night before it is due would probably lead to a better learning experience and grade. Cards will be graded on accuracy, following directions by using the model, neatness and completing all assigned terms.

GRADING: Students may re-attempt a summative assessment (tests, quizzes) only one time. The re-attempt must be made within 5 days of receiving the grade on the original assessment. Failure to make a valid attempt on the first assessment (Christmas treeing) may result in a loss of the retake privilege for that assignment. Students are expected to turn in assignments on time and demonstrate proficiency. Points will be subtracted for each day an assignment is late. Any additional make-up requires prior approval. There are plenty of regular assignments therefore there are no extra credit assignments CREDIT REPAIR: Only students that have a 60-69 annual average are eligible for credit repair. The repaired average can be no higher than a 70. See your guidance counselor for details.

YEAR LONG GRADING: For year long courses, the final grade will be an average of 36 weeks of course works. Progress reports are periodically sent home, during each 9 weeks period, to keep parents abreast of their student’s progress. A parent or student my request a progress report at any time and it will be provided within 24 hours if not sooner.

CLASS/HOMEWORK: � Written class work is to be completed on loose-leaf paper in blue or black ink. Sloppy or incomplete work is unacceptable. � Class work is due the period when class is being held. Class work becomes homework if it is not completed in class and is then due the following day. “I left it at home,” or “in my locker,” is not acceptable as an excuse and therefore the work will be considered “not handed in” if it is not handed in. You have until 5 days after the assignment date to submit an assignment; however there will be a loss of 10 points per day. Otherwise after 5 days the “not handed in grade” will turn into a “zero”. � If you are absent, you are required to complete and return all assignments as arranged with Miss D. � Quizzes may be given spontaneously throughout the year. CHEATING & PLAGIARISM: Cheating and plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Copying answers directly out of a text is not acceptable. All answers should be in your own words, not word for word from the text or supplemental reading. Plagiarized essay or worksheet work will be re-done in a different manner as determined by the teacher, for a maximum grade of 70 or receive a zero. Cheating on tests will require a written essay test as a substitute. Please refer to the integrity policy in the student handbook. COURSE/TEACHER CONTACTS: Mrs. Desaulniers at 225-5050 or email at [email protected] or [email protected] EXTRA HELP: Extra help will be given after school, as arranged with Miss D or during the day as schedules allow EXTRA CREDIT: There are many assignments, quizzes and projects each quarter so extra credit is not necessary. EXPECTATIONS: � It is expected that each student will prepared, in their seat and in dress code when the bell rings each day. Continued violations of dress code will result in a behavior referral. � Lateness, profanity, racial or any other type of slurs, and insubordination will not be tolerated and a behavior referral may be completed for such offenses. � It is expected that each student will be respectful of the teacher, school property and each other. � Each student must participate in class. It is an important part of this course and it is part of the grade. This does not mean talking to one’s peers as the teacher teaches even if it is about the subject. Continued violations will result in a behavior referral. � Use of technological devices such as cell phones or I-pods are not allowed unless the school or teacher approves them for a special project or reason. They will be taken away and sent to Administration if used inappropriately in class. � Desk tops and laps are required to be empty of coats, purses, book bags and all other personal materials. The desk chair has a place to store personal items. Hands should be on desk tops and not in coat pockets. This rule will help prevent texting. � Each student is expected to submit neat and complete assignments that are legible and either typed or written in pen –blue or black ink only. Illegible assignments will be returned with no grade and are expected to be re- written for a grade. A note book of assignments, notes, and relevant information will be kept and is expected to be neat and in order at most times. � All students and the teacher are expected to learn something new each day. � Each student is expected to THINK critically at all times, question what they hear and see, ask why and how, verbalize their doubts, and use the information they are receiving from the teachers to develop a full productive adult life as a citizen of the United States and the world. YOUR NOTEBOOK: Keeping a neat and organized notebook is a necessity in this class. � This handout is to be the first page of your notebook. � There are certain papers, assignments, and packets that you must have in your notebook at all times and these should be placed at the back of the binder as you receive them. � All notes, class work assignments, flash cards, essays, etc. should be dated by unit and date so that all work can be kept in optimal use for study order in your notebook. Notebook checks are random. New s Flas h! This year, we will be using a class wiki. Go to to read this web site and be prepared to ask questions about how it will help you succeed this year. Tell your parents about this site as they can use it to help you study and review. The class calendar is on the wiki so you can always know what is going on and when it due. More about the wiki in class. We will also be signing up for Remind 101 in class, to receive text updates on class work. Parents are also encouraged to sign up so be sure to give them the hand out that I gave you for them.

======Please sign and show to Miss D:

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the information above on the “United States History Course Syllabus” sheet and I understand its content.

Parents and students: Please initial the following if you did/read them:

______I looked at the wiki ______I signed up for Remind 101______There is a vocabulary Project______

Signature of Student’s Parental or Guardian Units: ______

Parent’s email for contact purposes: ______

Student's Signature: ______

Date: ______Period: ______

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