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Ministry of Community Confirmation of Assignment Unit Confirmation of Assignment and Social Services Box 1997, Toronto ON M7A 1E9 Fax: 1 800 772-6836

Note: Please print and complete as much information as possible. I am the (check one) support payor support recipient and I am commencing or have commenced a court proceeding to change the terms of my support order. I require information about whether the support order is assigned. Information about the Support Payor Last Name First Name

Address (Number, Street, Apt. No.) City/Town Province Postal Code

Business (Work) Telephone Number Home Telephone Number ( ) ( ) Information about the Support Recipient Last Name (and any other last name used by the Recipient) First Name Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Address (Number, Street, Apt. No.) City/Town Province Postal Code

Business (Work) Telephone Number Home Telephone Number ( ) ( ) Information about the Court Order FRO Case Number Court File Number

Ontario Court of Justice Superior Court of Justice Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice Other (Specify) ► Court Location/City Date of Court Order (dd/mm/yyyy)

Information about Children on this Court Order Number of children on this Court Order ► Last Name First Name Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)





Note: The Ministry of Community and Social Services will only provide information if you are the support payor or the support recipient named above, or his/her lawyer. Please note that only the assignee can provide information on the actual amount owed. Mailing Address (if different from above) Name (Last, First) Telephone Number Fax Number ( ) ( ) Address (Number, Street, Unit/Apt./Suite No.) City/Town Province Postal Code

Signature (must be signed by Support Payor, Support Recipient OR Lawyer) Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

OFFICE USE ONLY To be completed by Confirmation of Assignment Unit The following assignee(s) have a financial interest in the support order. Please serve the following assignee(s) with your application: ______


______There are no arrears owed to any assignee(s), however, your order was assigned during the following periods. If you intend to address any of these time periods, you must serve the assignee(s) below:


Start Date: End Date:


Start Date: End Date:


Start Date: End Date:

There is no financial interest by any assignee(s). There is no need to serve the Ministry, municipality or First Nation. This information is valid for three (3) months from the date below. Ministry Representative Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Note: A Notice of Motion to change under Rule 15 of the Family Law Rules must be served on the assignee at least 30 days before the motion is to be heard.

3006 (2011/03) © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2011 français 3007 Page 1 of 3 7730-3006 Notice with Respect to the Collection of Personal Information (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) This information is collected under the legal authority of the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997, sections 5, 10, 45 & 46 or the Ontario Works Act, 1997, sections 7, 8, 15, 57 & 58 for the purpose of administering Government of Ontario social assistance programs. For more information contact MCSS General Inquiry Line at 1 888 789-4199.

3006 (2011/03) français 3007 Page 2 of 3 7730-3006 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS


1. Q. Who should I notify when I want to change (vary) my support order? A. Notify the other party to the support order, usually the other parent of your child/children. Notify any other agency that has a legal interest such as the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS), or the municipal or First Nation social services department.

2. Q. Why would the government have a legal interest? A. If the parent entitled to support has ever been in receipt of social assistance, they may have “assigned” their support interest to the government body that provides social assistance, (either MCSS, a First Nation or one of the various municipalities). This means that the government assignee has a legal interest in the support order.

3. Q. Why do I have to tell anyone I am changing my support order? A. The person or agency to whom an order is assigned has the right to participate in any court proceedings that will affect their interest in that order. This includes MCSS, a municipality or a First Nation. The assignee may still have a legal interest in this case although the order is no longer assigned.

4. Q. How do I find out if my order is assigned and where to send the application to change the support order? A. You can fill out the Confirmation of Assignment form (on the other side of this page) and fax or mail it to the Ministry of Community and Social Services (see Q6 below). The bottom of the form will be filled out and sent back to you showing whether or not your support order is assigned. If your order is assigned, you will also be told where to send a copy of your application to change (vary) the order.

5. Q. What if I am seeking interim relief against enforcement? A. If your Motion to Change the support order includes a request for interim relief against enforcement, you must also serve the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). The address for service of documents to the FRO is "Legal Services, Family Responsibility Office, P.O. Box 220, Downsview ON M3M 3A3" (by mail), 1201 Wilson Avenue, Bldg B, 5th floor, Downsview ON M3M 1J8 (via courier) or Legal Services Fax Number at 416 240-2402. The FRO deals only with the enforcement of support orders and does not make decisions regarding the amount of support owing. Similarly, the Assignee (MCSS, municipality or First Nation) makes no decisions regarding interim enforcement. The FRO and the Assignee (MCSS, municipality or First Nation) are two different government offices that have different roles and responsibilities with respect to support orders.

6. Q. Where do I send this form?

A. You can mail it to: Or, you can fax it to: Ministry of Community and Social Services Confirmation of Assignment Unit 1 800 772-6836 Box 1997 Toronto ON M7A 1E9

7. Q. When will I get the form back with the information I need? A. It depends on whether you ask for it to be mailed back or if you provided a fax number. The form will be processed within three (3) working days, then mailed or faxed to you.

8. Q. When I get the form back, will it tell me how much money I owe? A. No. The assignee will provide information on how much is owed after you send a copy of your Motion to Change and all attached materials to the assignee’s office specified on the bottom of the Confirmation of Assignment form.

3006 (2011/03) français 3007 Page 3 of 3 7730-3006

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