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The Redeemer Reporter

T H E R E D E E M E R R E P O R T E R REDEEMER L UTHERAN CHURCH The Rev. Kirk Griebel, Pastor 1054 Truman Avenue Home - 451-5266 Owatonna, MN 55060 Church Office - 451-2720 September, 2011 E-mail - [email protected] A Congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Web site:

Dear Fellow Redeemed, the church from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Please mark “Where the Holy Trinity is present and your calendar and more details to follow. received in faith, there cannot but be witness ATTENTION ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN (martyria), mercy (diakonia), and life together AND PARENTS!! The 2011- 2012 Sunday (koinonia). These three reflect God’s very being as school/Education Hour will begin on Sunday, Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier and encompass September 11, from 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. for his holy and gracious will for all in Christ Jesus, learners of all ages. During the 9:00 a.m. worship namely, that all come to believe in and bear service that day there will installation of the witness to Christ, reflect divine compassion, and Sunday school teachers and staff, presentation of live together in forgiveness, love and joy in the “Faithfull Attendance” awards for the 2010-2011 Church.” Sunday school year, and presentation of Bibles to This passage from the Augsburg Confession, the Fifth Grade students. Part 1, forms the basis of the new churchwide Sunday School teachers for this year are: emphasis for our synod, The Lutheran Church – Preschool: Melinda Wisch Missouri Synod. President Matthew Harrison and Kindergarten & 2nd Grade Amanda Dowling his staff have developed many materials to keep 3rd – 7th Grade Steve Strusz our Synod focused on these three elements of our 8th -12th Grade Steve Frodl life together as Christians. Sunday School Music Janda Pitan One of the resources that has been developed is a video-based Bible study entitled Witness, Faithfull Attendance awards will be given to he Mercy, Life Together. Starting on Sunday, following children for being present in Sunday September 11, at 10:15 a.m. Redeemer’s Sunday School for 25 or more Sundays. morning Bible class will be using this Bible study to Kendra Bogen Samantha Bogen begin the new year. Oran Dowling Hayden Litke** Each session will have a video segment Mitchell Seykora Jasmine Wisch featuring President Harrison followed by a Bible Claire Schwartz-Woosley study discussion. This will be a great opportunity to Isabelle Schwartz-Woosley get to know our synodical president and study Spencer Shaw Isabel Wisch these important elements of our life as Christians. Cael Dowling Taylor Bogen Everyone is invited to join us for this important Olivia Shaw Katie Ihrke new study. Matthew Seykora Kaitlyn Strusz Sincerely yours in Christ, Pastor Griebel Sean Bergeman MaKenzie Schmidt Tanner Strusz Cole Bergeman RALLY SUNDAY POTLUCK The board of Eric Reuss Ethan Hollingsworth Christian Fellowship is planning to have a pot luck **One child had perfect attendance, he attended dinner on Rally Day, September 11, starting after all 34 days of Sunday school. Congratulations, the Education Hour. Everyone is welcome to Hayden Litke. come. There will be a sign up sheet in the narthex Congratulations and God’s blessing to you and for people to indicate what they are bringing. your parents. Also, thanks to everyone who attended the Arby’s night out. About 30 people attend and Redeemer Bible presentation to the fifth graders. received a check for $50.00 for our general fund. Sean Bergeman It was nice to see the people stay and visit. MaKenzie Schmidt Coming up the fellowship board is planning a ladies luncheon on October 15th. It will be held at NOTE: The Children’s Sunday School Christmas Service will be on Sunday, December 18th during our 9:00 worship service with a birthday party for to give their offerings electronically instead of Jesus to follow in the Social Hall. writing out checks. If you need a form to sign up SPECIAL SERVICE On Sunday, September 11, for Joyful Response, contact the church office. we will have a special service commemorating the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our SIGN UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS If you would country. like to provide flowers to beautify our altar for worship on a Sunday morning, simply sign SPECIAL VOTERS MEETING A special voters your name on the Flower Chart located on the meeting will be held on Sunday, September 11, in bulletin board next to the office. If you are the sanctuary after the 9:00 a.m. service to discuss giving the flowers in memory of a loved one, the purchase and installation of a new furnace for or because of a wedding/anniversary or the church at a cost of about $45,000.00. birthday, you may indicate that on the chart Everyone is welcome to stay and hear about this and that information will be put in the bulletin. important project. Once you sign up, place a check for $19.00, made out to Redeemer Lutheran Church, in WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS with an envelope marked “Altar Flowers”. Take it to Pastor Krause will begin on Wednesday, the church office or place it in the offering September 14, at 9:30 a.m. The topic will the Third plate. If you wish to have a special Article of the Apostles’ Creed as taught in Luther’s arrangement, contact the church office. Small Catechism. Bring your catechism and Bible. If you need a new catechism contact the church PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION office. Rev. Thomas K. Ries will be inaugurated as the ninth president of Concordia University, St. Paul, LARGE PRINT copies of the hymns and readings MN on Saturday, September 24, 2011. The we will use in the worship service on Sundays, are inauguration will begin at 10:00 a.m. and be held in available from the ushers at each service. the Gangelhoff Center on the university campus, 235 Hamline Ave. N, St. Paul, MN. For more PORTAL OF PRAYER & MY DEVOTIONS: for information visit the months of July to September are available on the register stand in the narthex. Pick one up for 2011 FALL BIBLE SALE For a limited time this yourself and another to share. fall, Concordia Publishing House is offering its most popular Bibles at significant discounts. RIDES FOR CHURCH If you are in need of a ride Please check out sign-up sheet in the narthex or to church, please call the church office. see the church office for more details or go to their web-site . LOOKING FOR A FUNERAL COORDINATOR We are looking for someone to serve compassion, PEACH SALES There are a few peach crates still love, and thankfulness as our Funeral available. If you would like to purchase a crate, Luncheon.Coordinator. If you are interested in this please fill out an order form. One crate of peaches job and would like to see a job description please cost $29.00 and weighs between 18-20 pounds. let Pastor know or church secretary. The tentative delivery date is September 10, 2011. More information will be mailed to customers when REDEEMER ON THE AIRWAVES Charter actual date is known. Thank you for ordering. Communications offers a one hour broadcast of our services on Channel 8 at 1:00 p.m. Tuesdays CELEBRATIONS: Call Church Office 451 – 2720 and at 3:30 p.m. Fridays. Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. LUTHERAN HOUR radio broadcast on KDHL 920 except for the Noon hour. a.m, and KJLY 93.5 fm on Sundays 6:00 p.m., and WCCO 830 am at 6:00 a.m. To listen to the PROVIDING THEIR TIME & TALENTS IN Lutheran Hour at any time or find out about other SEPTEMBER resources available from the Lutheran Hour, simply go to their website, ACOLYTES September 4 Ashley Coulombe JOYFUL RESPONSE Joyful Response electronic September 11 Alex Burns offering program is a very simple way for members September 18 Ethan Hollingsworth September 25 Eric Reuss Stephanie Reuss 9-21 Maynard Maas 9-23 LAY MINISTER & READER: Steve Frodl Melissa Zilm 9-23 Cheryl Seykora 9-23 ORGANIST: Janda Pitan Dana Ost 9-25 Glodean Welch 9-25 ALTAR GUILD: Daysha Zilm 9-25 Sept 4 & 11 Wilma Halbe & Vickie Vannatta Marlene Hanson 9-27 Jeneane Snyder 9-28 USHERS: – Burt Bemmels, Maynard Maas, Kurt Elda Krause 9-28 Berndt, Chris Burns, Kyle Burns, Gaynor Levos Cory Urban 9-29 Wallace Wendel 9-29 STATISTICS Cari Felstead 9-29 Date Attendance Communion Offering July 3 .75 53 $2532.96 ANNIVERSARYS July 10 .85 56 1949.76 Gaynor & Carol Levos 9-1 July 17 105 3730.76 Sylvan & Evelyn Jacobson 9-1 July 24 90 71 2236.75 Richard & Joanne Grunklee 9-5 July 31 85 72 2079.76 Richard & Lois Erdman 9-6 Aug. 7 80 71 3049.76 Timothy & Lori Schiltz 9-7 Aug. 14 103 2604.01 Jerome & Marcella Meixner 9-11 Aug. 21 87 73 2919.76 Tom & Kathy Brage 9-12 James & Pam Bergeman 9-14 BIRTHDAYS Dean & Melissa Zilm 9-16 Gerald Huntington 9-1 Ron & Valerie Shaw 9-21 Tameara Cook 9-2 John & Rose Fogal 9-21 Kyle Burns 9-3 Lynn & Evonne Klages 9-25 Taylor Fritz 9-4 Darin & Lisa Stewart 9-26 Hailie Kallembach 9-4 Hilbert & Florence Huber 9-28 Katherine Vierling 9-5 Katherine Heldt 9-5 NEW ADDRESSES Randy Marik 9-6 Marcella Meixner Myrdene Meyer 9-7 720 Lincoln Ave Sarah Coulombe 9-8 Owatonna, MN. 55060 Vickie Vannatta 9-9 Cole Bergeman 9-9 Curtis Berry Debra Rollins 9-9 201 – 2nd Ave. NE Trlr 3 Gregory Bogen 9-9 Pocahontas, IA. 50574-2128 Barb Schmidt 9-12 James Ulrich 9-12 RELEASES Norma Mensing 9-13 Janell, Rodney, & Kristi Lester Matthew Reuss 9-13 Corey, Sara & Kathryn Ihrke Zachary Stewart 9-14 Gerald & Janice Lewison Jarrod Schmoll 9-14 Brian, Mary Beth, Matthew & Mitchell Seykora Linda Coleman 9-14 Bobbi Kenow Paul Ulrich 9-14 Jeffrey Rieser 9-15 DEATHS Ashley Stewart 9-15 Donald Hartwig Bill Carlson 9-16 August 2, 2011 Kenneth Radel 9-16 Eric Dowling 9-20 LETTER FROM CALEB SCHEWE “OUR” Vicki Bemmels 9-20 SEMINARY STUDENT Cynthia Boerner 9-21 September Diane Edel 9-21 Dear members of Redeemer Lutheran, Cory Holm 9-21 May God’s blessings be with you during this Arnold Putnam 9-21 Pentecost season! A great blessing during this vicarage is the privilege of preaching through the immediately after things will be hectic as we get year. The liturgical year is a thing of beauty. I’ll ready to move back to Fort Wayne. We have an admit I never noticed it growing up, even as a apartment! And jobs back at Hobby Lobby! God regular church attender. At college I learned the has been immensely good to us! Here’s the new church seasons for a general Lutheran Worship address: class. At seminary I learned the seasons, learned 2228-1 South Harrison St. the deeper theological implications of the church Fort Wayne, Ind. 46802 seasons and flow of the liturgical year, but it never The upcoming months will be adventurous clicked so well until I got to preach through the whether we get lost on vacation or not. It will be liturgical year. hard leaving New York but we are both aware As a child I viewed Pentecost as that great there’s more to learn before ordination. God hurdle to overcome so that Christmas would arrive. continues to bless us in many ways. Now Pentecost is beautiful season that allows all We continue to pray for all of you and we thank kinds of preaching opportunities and Bible study God for all the support you’ve shown to us. May opportunities! It’s Trinitarian, it’s baptismal, it’s God richly bless you this summer and through this missional, it’s educational, it’s sacramental…it’s Pentecost season! everything related to Jesus! I’ll stop now because In Christ, this doesn’t need to be a Bible study. Caleb & Sarah Schewe Anywho, as far as things in Owego and surrounding areas of New York…by the time you A group of students were asked to list what they receive this school should be out at Zion! thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the Teachers certainly appreciate summer vacations, World.” Though there were some disagreements, they just have to hide those feelings from the the following received the most votes: children. It’s been wonderful working with the kids. Teaching the children religion class and leading 1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids them through chapel services was one of my fears 2. Taj Mahal coming into this vicarage. I’ve certainly been 3. Grand Canyon blessed to work at Zion. Outstanding staff, parents 4. Panama Canal and especially children, who are eager to learn 5. Empire State Building about Jesus. It’s been a lot of fun! 6. St. Peter’s Basilica Several of my Bible studies are all wrapped up. I 7. China’s Great Wall made it through Revelation with the church far north. I an done with a midweek Bible class and While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that I’m done with the confirmation classes. Teaching one quiet student hadn’t turned in her paper yet. a number of Bible studies pushed me to learn a lot So she asked the girl if she was having trouble more this year myself. I’m still working through with her list. The girl replied, “Yes, a little. I Genesis on Sunday mornings at two of the couldn’t quite make up m my mind because there churches and at the other church I’, teaching on were so many.” The teacher said, “Well, tell us the resurrection accounts in the Gospels, what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl Sarah and I are going on vacation in two weeks. hesitated, then read, “I think the “Seven Wonders We’ve got a camping spot in the Adirondack of the World” are: mountains for 5 nights and we hope we don’t get lost somewhere. If we do…then that’ll be an 1. To see unexpected adventure. The camp ground looks 2. To hear very nice. Beautiful lake, many miles and miles of 3. To touch trails, and enough civilization that we won’t feel too 4. To taste isolated from help should it be needed. 5. To feel Our running continues! I’m positive we’ve 6. To laugh reached 600 plus days in a row. It’s weird to recall 7. And to love that first day when we said, “That a 1 day streak!” Perhaps Bill Murray’s character was on to The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin something in What about Bob when he focused on drop. baby steps. Baby steps the way to 600 and beyond. The things we overlook as simple, ordinary and I don’t imagine we’ll be able to send out a July take for granted are truly wondrous! A gentle update. Early July we’re on vacation and reminder – that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.

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