SRT IV Poster Scoring Sheet 2016-17

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SRT IV Poster Scoring Sheet 2016-17

Student Name: ______Advisor:______SRT IV Poster Scoring Sheet 2016-17

Poster grading: The first draft will be scored out of 200 points for content, and 100 points for aesthetics. Thereafter, there will be a deduction of 15 points per round of revisions needed, taken from a second allocation of 200 points. Revisions will continue until all criteria are met to the satisfaction of your advisor and Mr. Evans. Revisions are due by 7 AM the next B-day electronically to your faculty advisor!

You MUST keep this paper until all work on the poster is complete, and your score recorded by your faculty advisor.

Mandatory components:  42” x 30” page size  Image compression turned off before pictures are inserted  At least 30% of column space must be allocated to graphical elements

Record of Revisions Teache Teache Roun Roun Scor Roun Scor Teacher Date Score r Date r Date d d e d e Initials Initials Initials 1 4/24 200 5 155 9 95 2 200 6 140 10 80 3 185 7 125 11 65 4 170 8 110 12 5/19 0 Any poster not approved by 2 pm Friday May 12th will require daily submissions. Any poster not approved by 2 pm Friday May 19th will receive 0/200 for the edit point. If handed in multiple times in one day or between due dates additional points may be taken off. 15 points per teacher review requiring edits. Possible Category Points Received Points Initial Final Introduction Score Score Introductory sentence is well written and gets the attention 5 of the reader Bibliography reflects in text citations used and in text 10 citation is used in correct APA format Grammar and spelling are error free and body of text has 20 good flow with transitional phrases (3rd person, past tense) Purpose and/or hypothesis is stated clearly and concisely 15 Subtotal 50 Initial Final Materials and Methods Score Score All major materials included in paragraph and/or pictures 20 A clear and concise description of major procedural steps 20

Revised March 19, 2014 GROUP Grammar and spelling are error free and body of text has 10 good flow with transitional phrases (3rd person, past tense) Subtotal 50

Initial Final Results Score Score All items (pictures, graphs, tables, figures, maps, etc.) are in 10 a logical order – matching methods as well as conclusions Results are presented without bias (e.g. uniform scales on 10 graphs) Summarized data only (e.g. the results of multiple trials) – 5 no raw data Data is presented with appropriate analysis (statistical or 15 other tests determined by mentor and faculty advisor) Grammar and spelling are error free and body of text has 10 good flow with transitional phrases (3rd person, past tense) Subtotal 50 Initial Final Conclusions Score Score Grammar and spelling are error free and body of text has 15 good flow with transitional phrases (3rd person, past tense) Introductory statement refers to the project purpose. 5

Discussion, analysis, and synthesis of the results 20 Connections to previous research and/or future research 10 directions or applications. Subtotal 50


Only the initial score is recorded in the grade book. However, the final score must be perfect in order for this section of the poster to be considered complete. Poster Aesthetics and Formatting Advisor: Initial for approval. All items are worth 2 points. Mr. Evans Appropriate colors and contrast Use APA in text citation style “reference” section must be in APA style (see OWL site) File name must be “student last name _first name_version#” Title is sentence case; author next line “Mentored by (mentor’s name)” All colors are created by RGB values (no opacity adjustments) All shapes have mitered corners No Calibri font Final submission converts to PDF without errors Fonts Titles 64-105 pt serif or san serif font subheading 47-58 pt serif or san serif font body and graph titles 32-35 pt serif font captions and graph labels 26 pt serif font axis numbers/categories 16-24 pt serif font References and Acknowledgements may be 26-35 pt serif font (no larger than body text) Consistent font size and style for like sections (body, sub-headings, captions, titles and text on graphs, etc.) No underlining Large enough contrast between headings and body text Text No text is a graphic (bitmap) Trademark/ registered/copyright symbols are superscripts No nested text boxes One space after periods Not fully justified text (left justified) Indents and hanging indents are created by the ruler not spacing or tabs (0.5 – 1 inch) Graphics and pictures SMA logo is a vector graphic (wmf or emf) downloaded from the SMA website (upper left-hand corner) All graphics and pictures maintain aspect ratio (not stretch horizontally or vertically) Pictures (bitmaps, jpegs, gifs, etc.) not to exceed 100% size (better to make smaller)(Image compression turned off) Not too dark (it will print darker then it appears on the screen) Scale bars or magnification for all pictures Clear pictures (not fuzzy, not pixilated, taken from an appropriate angle, no distracting backgrounds, consider cutting the background out and making it transparent) All pictures should be yours. For the rare case they are not, cite pictures that are not your own. All pictures must have written permission for use on the poster from the mentor and faculty advisor. Company logo is of high resolution or a vector graphic (not the logo you find online). Spacing and alignment Everything is aligned properly (text boxes, charts, subtitles, paragraphs, all edges, etc.). This is to be done with the alignment tool or typing in specific locations in inches or pixels. Single space between numbers and units Consistent spacing between items (Both within columns and between columns; top and bottom of poster) Consistent and appropriate internal margins (at least 0.15 inches) No objects are within 0.50 inches of the edge of the poster Textboxes and the like are the same width Figures, graphs, and tables Appropriately labeled and in logical order (Figure 1:, Figure 2:, Graph 1:, Table 1). First letter capitalized and not bold Graphs have a title, axis labels, and units (legend or key when appropriate) Captions required for each element Must be able to edit graphs at school. Graphs are vector format (Excel object, wmf, emf, etc.) – No pixilated graphs and text Colors in graphs and diagrams match the rest of the color scheme Products that have registered trademarks noted appropriately (even pictures and equipment) Numbers and math Decimals numbers start with a zero (Example: 0.15 not .15) Equation fonts match the body text Sentences starting with numbers, the number must be spelled out Mathematical equations have been done in equation editor Correlation is the r value. R2 is coefficient of determination.

______has permission to bring their poster to Mr. Evans. ______(Student Name) (Faculty advisor signature)

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