Scripture Readings for the Week of the Trinity s16
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Staff Corner
Dear Parishioners, I would like to inform you all of one of the speakers for Mondays in March. Fr. Nathan Cromly C.S.J. will be speaking this coming week, March 7th, at 7:00 PM. He will also be celebrating the rite of benediction with us in order Monday, March 7 to close our usual time of adoration at 6:30 PM. I hope you 8:00 AM Holy Communion Service can join us for that before the talk. 3:30-7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration w/Vespers @ 6:30 I’d also like to share about two of the programs that his Tuesday, March 8 religious order, the Community of St. John, put on. Fr. 8:00 AM Mass Nathan will likely be promoting these programs in addition Wednesday, March 9 to his presentation, but having this background should be 8:00 AM Mass helpful for you to decide if you, or someone you know, Thursday, March 10 would like to participate. 8:00 AM Mass Eagle Eye Retreat Friday, March 11 The first program is a week-long retreat designed to form, 6:30 AM Mass (during Lent only) unite, and inspire young people. There are actually two of 8:00 AM Mass them taking place in Ohio this year. One is taking place 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (during Lent mid-June at the shrine in Carey, OH. This retreat is only) specifically for high schoolers, age 16-18. I had the privilege of chaperoning this retreat last year. I was so Lord’s Day – The Fifth Sunday of Lent impressed with the youth in our diocese and I left with a strong desire for the youth here in Lima to be a part of this Saturday, March 12 amazing experience. Consider this your invitation to attend 5:00 PM Mass this life changing retreat. It’s unlike any other experience Sunday, March 13 you may have had, so if you’re thirsting for more, this 8:00 AM Mass retreat is for you. The second Eagle Eye taking place in 10:30 AM Mass Ohio is in Cincinnati, in early August and this one is for 6:00 PM Mass college students and young adults (18-35). I intend to take a group this summer with me, so keep your eyes and ears open. Registration for both retreats is now open. St. John Institute The St. John Institute is a two year MBA program that will Scripture Readings for March 13, 2016 immerse a student into the life of the Community of St. Is 43:16-21, Phil 3:8-14, Jn 8:1-11 John, through prayer, daily mass, holy hour, spiritual formation, and all the while learning the skills of a business person. The program will be fully accredited through Our 8:00 AM liturgy is on radio station WCIT 940 AM Walsh University. As Fr. Nathan himself describes it, the each Sunday morning for our homebound or infirm St. John Institute is meant to give the student the heart of a parishioners. The cost of this service is generously missionary but the mind of an entrepreneur. This is an provided to the parish by Chamberlain-Huckeriede initiative that the Church greatly needs. While there are Funeral Home. other groups that train missionaries and disciples, this program is a ministry that seeks to give birth to new For anonymous prayer requests, call Dennie & Judy ministries. Never more appropriate was the phrase, “the sky Horlander at 419-999-5536 or Jerry & Sharon Laurent is the limit!” at 419-331-1763. I humbly ask you, especially the youth of our parish, to at least attend Fr. Nathan’s talk this week. The Lord is calling you to greatness. Will you answer? Pax, Kevin Welcome to our parish community! We are happy to have you! A special welcome to any guests who may be visiting. May your visit be blessed! THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT
St. Charles Mondays in March March 7, 14, 21, & 28 7-8.30 pm, hospitality following
Monday, March 7, 2016 Evangelization and Modern Culture: How to Build a Bridge Presented by Fr. Nathan Cromly, C.S.J. Hospitality provided by the M.O.M.s Group
Monday, March 14, 2016 “The Song in our Hearts: The Christian Mystery in Popular Entertainment” Presented by Emily Strand Stories are powerful vehicles of meaning in any culture, including ours. In this session, we’ll talk about the stories in general and fairy tales more specifically, since these are the basis for the stories that are very popular today: fantasy and sci-fi. We’ll discuss the relevance of such “fairy tales” to our faith, our values and our lives as Christians. More specifically, we’ll see how the Christian mystery and Christian values are present in two “fairy story” franchises which are very popular today: Harry Potter and Star Wars. Finally, we’ll strategize how we can utilize these stories in our own ministry of evangelization: that is, in preaching the Gospel to the wider world. Hospitality provided by the Newman Student Outreach
Monday, March 21, 2016 “Do You Think You Know the Bible?” Presented by Kevin Stetter The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and yet, it’s probably the most misunderstood. We as Catholics hear parts of it read every Sunday, but how well do we really know it? Come learn more about this great and wonderful work, and how best to read and properly interpret it. BE SURE TO BRING YOUR OWN BIBLE! Hospitality provided by the Women’s Bible Study and St. Charles PSR
Monday, March 28, 2016 The Similarities Between Islam and Christianity Presented by Iman Sedin Agic A general introduction to Islam and how Christianity and both religions use the same source. Hospitality provided by the Knights of Columbus
CALLING ADULTS OF ANY AGE Do you ever find yourself confused with, bored by, disinterested in, and disengaged from the Mass? Then we have the perfect series for you! We want to enlighten and enliven the Mystery of the Mass. Please join us for an exciting series called Altaration, March 6 & 13 immediately following the Life Teen Mass at 7 PM in the lower level. A small dinner will be provided.
THEOLOGY ON TAP-Join us every Monday at 7:30 PM at Vino Bellisimo for riveting discussion of deep theological thought. This is for college students and young adults who want to grow in their faith and be challenged. Contact Kevin Stetter in the Parish Office with any questions. Note: Theology on Tap is cancelled in March due to the Mondays In March speaker series.
The yellow Memorial Floral Fund envelopes will be in the pews. Your loved ones will be remembered at the Easter Vigil.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated food to the Parish Mission. If you brought food containers, they are in the parish office. ST. CHARLES MARCH 6, 2016 LIMA, OHIO
please call Linda Hoehn at the Parish Office 419-228-7635. Thank You!
Budgeted Amount Needed Weekly……….. The Parish Library inventory has been updated on the $21,271.93 parish website. Please be aware it has been updated on Feb. 28, 2016………………………………….. the drop down menu, not on the main page. Please $14,779.82 contact Emily at the parish office if you have suggestions Thank you for your generous Stewardship! for new Lighthouse cds, dvds, or books to add to the library. LECTOR SCHEDULE March 12/13 5:00 PM-K. Seitz START TALKING-Come join the LCC Academic Booster 8:00 AM – K. Koester Club on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the 10:30 AM – PSR Quatman Room for this important discussion about SERVER SCHEDULE alcohol and drug use. Discover ways to keep your March 12/13 5:00 PM – Team 24 children safe and tips for talking about drugs with them. Speaker: Nate Garlock and a presentation from The 8:00 AM – Team 25 Partnership at called “Parents 360Rx”. 10:30 AM - Team 26 LCC MOCK ELECTION-The LCC students will hold a Linens March 13: J. Stolly mock presidential election of Friday, March 11 from 6-9 PM in the old gym. The public is invited to attend and will WANTED: EASTER BASKETS! take part by representing California in the election Please bring any unwanted Easter baskets to church next process. Don’t miss the mock election at LCC under the weekend. We’d like parishioners to take and fill them with direction of Mr. Eric Kuhlman, LCC History teacher. goodies for the children that we serve at our Christian LCC OPEN HOUSE-Join us for an open house at LCC on Corner Community Center. Filled baskets can be returned Sunday, March 6 from noon to 2:00 PM. You will have a to the church or the office by Palm Sunday, March 20. chance to meet some of the fine young men and women Thank you for your support! who attend LCC, tour our school, and meet with faculty and administration. All are welcome to attend. In this Year of Mercy we are encouraged to offer extra LCC Taste Tour Coupon Books are now available from opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. any LCC student or at the LCC Business Office. Each book Steve will be available to hear confessions on the if $15 and includes over 140 coupons from 62 restaurants following Wednesdays: March 9-5:00-6:00 PM & March in the Lima area. Get yours today! 16- 12:00-1:00 PM. Save The Date: St. Charles Parish Garage Sale – June Everyone is welcome to visit St Charles School OPEN 9, 10 & 11 to benefit Haiti. HOUSE on Sunday, March 6th from 11:30-1:00 PM. Please come and visit our classrooms, talk with the Congratulations goes to Mr. John Bowker for receiving teachers and administrations and see our beautiful the OPEN ARMS AWARD from Bishop Thomas on facilities. Information will be available on scholarships for Saturday evening, Feb. 27th. Watch for more information kindergarten-8th grade students based on income and in the next edition of the CHIMES. anyone that may live in a school district not meeting Ohio standards. Bring your family and enjoy some St. Charles School community hospitality. Not sure if God is calling you to be a priest or a brother? We can help! Come and See if the Old College Undergraduate Seminary program is the right fit for you. St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Spencerville, is looking Spend the weekend with current Old Collegians, tour for a PSR coordinator for the next school year. This is a paid position. Classes run from August through April and Holy Cross and Notre Dame campuses, March 17-19, 2016. Visit for more information. are Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM with children’s Mass to follow at 7:30 PM. Please email Fr Steve at [email protected] or Dave Butorac at We are all called to a vocation! Come hear Mayor David [email protected]. Berger talk to us about “Public Service as a Vocation” at the Serra Club of the Lima Area meeting on Thursday, March 10. We meet in the LCC Chapel for Mass at 5:45 p.m. Rehearsal for RCIC and RCIA candidates and followed by dinner at 6:30pm in the Quatman Room. Mayor catechumens is March 26th at 9:30 am for the Easter Berger will speak to us in the Quatman Room. For dinner Vigil at 8:30 pm. Please be at St Charles at 8pm. If you reservations please call Marilyn at 567-204-4745. Everyone have any questions please contact the office. Thank you! welcome!
Contribution Counter Needed – If you have 1 hour (once every 5 weeks) to help with counting contributions, THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT
The Annual Right to Life Banquet fundraiser will be March 15, 2016 at Delphos K of C at 1011 Elida Ave., Delphos. Call 419-222-8915 for tickets by March 10. ~ The Holy Week schedule will be in the March 13 bulletin.