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Uganda GDDS - DQAF View Balance of payments GDDSKey_DQAF Format for Document Completion For prompt posting of metadata, please use the following guidelines when revising the templates: Format the templates as you would like them to be posted on the DSBB (i.e., no red or strikethrough type or manual tracked changes); Use plain black text for most content, with other formatting used only sparingly (italics for manual/publication titles, blue or bold text for titles and headers, …); Save the documents in Word format (.doc) throughout the metadata update process; and Avoid deleting any fields or coding in the template. GDDSKey_DQAF Help on Document Navigation: To show navigation tree in the side pane, select the menu: View -> Documentmap Click here to complete Contact Person(s) information Click here to go to Table of Contents H.Header data H.0.1 National Descriptor [National Descriptor]
H.0.2 Metadata Update date [Metadata Last Updated] April, 2013
H.0.4 Certification date [Certification date]
H.0.8 Metadata also cover the encouraged extension [Metadata also cover the encouraged extension]
H.0.9 Country Specific Indicator [Country-Specific Indicator] H.0.10 National Descriptor for Enc Extension [National Descriptor for Encouraged Extension]
H.0.11 National Methodological Publication [National Methodological Publication] Balance of Payments Compilation Methodology
0. Prerequisites 0.2 Resources 0.2.1 Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing (Encouraged) [Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing for statistical programs currently available as well as what would be required for programmed statistical outputs.] The Balance of Payments statistics are compiled by the External Statistics Division in the Statistics Department. Based on the fact that the Balance of Payments (BOPS) has expanded in recent years, the current number of staff has been increased and is adequate to meet the operational needs for compilation of the BOP statistics. All the staff are university-trained professionals. There is regular in- house training for staff and the new staff members are to attend external training in BPM6 methodology and compilation. Computing resources are adequate and are well utilized in achieving efficient data collection and compilation procedures. All staff members of the division have personal computers that are connected to the local area network and to the Internet.
2. Methodology 2.1 Concepts and definitions 2.1.1 Concepts and definitions (Required) [Degree to which the overall structure of concepts and definitions follows internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.] Since 1997, Uganda gradually adopted the conceptual framework and classification structure recommended in the fifth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5). The BOP current and financial accounts clearly distinguish between the income component and the goods and services components, separately record transactions in assets and transactions in liabilities, and apply a directional principle of recording the foreign direct investment (FDI) component.
The definitions, for example, the definition of residency given in the Foreign Exchange Act, 2004 (Part I (3)) and a definition of FDI given in the Survey on Foreign Private Capital, 2004 (Part D (14)), broadly conform to the BPM5. While much of the data was collected through the ITRS, there has been a gradual movement towards survey based and direct reporting data collection methods that have since replaced the ITRS. Only three service categories are currently collected using the ITRS.
It is presumed that all construction projects are long-term. Therefore, data on expenditures for construction activity are recorded under the foreign direct investment component that may include both projects (i) completed within one year, which would generally be classified as services, and (ii) projects that require more than one year to complete.
From 2012, Uganda has progressively embarked on the process of migration to BPM6 compilation methodology through modification of the survey instruments to incorporate the new requirements. With effect from June 2013, Uganda will disseminate the BOP based on the BPM6 compilation methodology.
2.2 Scope 2.2.1 Scope (Required) Scope of the data [Scope of the data.]
Geographic Coverage: The economic territory is defined as consisting of the geographic territory administrated by government of Uganda. It includes islands that belong to Uganda, airspace, and waters. The BOP data cover the whole territory of Uganda and its embassies abroad.
Unit Coverage: Basically, all resident institutional units engaged in transactions with nonresidents are covered.
Transaction Coverage: Besides the limitations of the ITRS described above, in principle, all transactions with nonresidents are covered. However, coverage of the data is incomplete for the following components mentioned below. Exceptions to coverage [Exceptions to coverage.] Services: Merchanting services are not recorded Income: No interest credits estimates are recorded for general government. Unrecorded activity [Unrecorded activity.] Estimates for unrecorded trade at the border points are obtained from informal cross border trade survey and are incorporated in the BOP.
2.3 Classification/sectorization 2.3.1 Classification/sectorization (Required as relevant to data category) [Broad consistency of classification/sectorization systems used with internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.] The current account records transactions in goods (exports and imports of goods), services (transportation, travel, and other services), income (direct, portfolio, and other investment income, compensation of employees), and current transfers (with a breakdown by general government and private sector). Transfers (specifically grants and debt forgiveness) split into current and capital transfers.
The financial account is compiled with a breakdown by direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivatives and other investment components. Other investment is disaggregated by trade credits, loans, currency and deposits, and other. Transactions of the BOU in foreign currencies are recorded under reserves, which has provisions for a breakdown by monetary gold, SDRs, and foreign exchange.
Four sectors are distinguished in the BOP statistics: monetary authorities, general government, banks, and other sectors.
2.4 Basis for recording 2.4.1 Valuation (Required as relevant to data category) [Types of prices (market, historical, administrative, basic, purchasers’, producer, etc.) used to value flows and stocks.] The BOP data are compiled in millions of U.S. dollars. Transactions denominated in other currencies are converted into U.S. dollars using the mid-rate weighted average exchange rate for the month, calculated from the current official exchange rate quotations.
In general, transactions are valued at market prices. Services are valued at the price paid for the services provided. The book value is used for recording the foreign direct investment transactions. Market price is used for portfolio investment transactions for companies listed on the Stock Exchange (such as Uganda Clays, New vision, DFCU bank, Stanbic bank and Bank of Baroda), and a cost value (issue price with the capitalized interest) is used for recording transactions in securities issued at a price that is at a discount to the redemption price, and which also make annual interest payments. 2.4.2 Recording basis (Required as relevant to data category) [Degree to which recording meets requirements for accrual accounting.] Recording is done on an accrual basis
Part of the BOP is prepared on a cash, not an accrual, basis. For the transactions collected through the ITRS, it is designed in a way that does not allow capture of the transactions following the change of ownership principle. For instance, receipts for service exports are recorded when the exporter sells the foreign exchange to the commercial bank. Accrual of interest costs on a straight-line basis is applied for recording income on debt securities. The other investment income for loans of general government is recorded on a due-for-payments basis.
In principle, goods are valued f.o.b. but, in practice, a mix of valuations of ex-factory, free on rail and truck, as well as f.o.b. is used for recording export of goods component.
2.4.3 Grossing/netting procedures (Encouraged) [Broad consistency of grossing/netting procedures with internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.] Following recommendations of the BPM5, the current and capital account transactions are recorded gross while financial account transactions are recorded net, separately for the individual asset and liability components. However, in the BOP statement dividends are recorded net (rather than gross) of taxes withheld.
3. Accuracy and reliability 3.1 Source data 3.1.1 Source data collection programs (Required) [Comprehensiveness of source data from administrative and survey data collection programs, and appropriateness of the collection modality for country-specific conditions.] The data collection program to compile the BOP statistics is evolving. The BOU employs a collection program that is comprised of several surveys, such as the Private Sector Investment Survey (PSIS), Personal Transfers Survey (PTS), surveys of the enterprises engaged in international trade in services, and the ITRS. Data from these sources are supplemented with information from the Customs Department of the URA on the international merchandise trade statistics, administrative data from the ministries and other government institutions responsible for exports, data on the government’s external liabilities, and information on the government’s external transactions from the MFPED and the BOU data for monetary and financial statistics.
Data sources are not entirely adequate for some parts of the BOP. The BOP survey framework is developing. The private sector surveys are based on the business register, and most of the survey forms are thoughtfully designed.
Data obtained from customs is not entirely accurate owing to (i) under-declaration of the value of imports by some importers, (ii) smuggling, and (iii) omission of classified imports (mainly military hardware and equipment). As a result, it is complemented with survey estimates from the informal cross border trade survey and official records for government imports at the Bank of Uganda The data sources for the specific BOP components are listed below.
Goods: Trade statistics are derived mainly from customs documents for exports and imports (from the single bill of entry—the SBE) obtained from URA and processed by both UBOS and the BOU. These data are supplemented by a variety of other data sources for exports, mostly from administrative sources. For exports, data are supplied by (i) individual exporters associations (for tobacco, electricity, and cobalt); (ii) industry organizations (such as the UCDA, UTA, and CDO); and (iii) government institutions (CAA for gold, flowers, and sundry perishables). Import source data are augmented by the records of Bank of Uganda. Data on the oil import are collected by the URA from the oil companies.
Transportation: Passenger services credits and estimates are based on immigration statistics and traveler’s surveys of transportation fares for bus and airline companies to respective destinations of travelers. Freight transportation debits are obtained by adjusting imports from c.i.f. values to f.o.b.
Travel: Credits and debits are based on expenditure surveys of departing non-residents and arriving residents and immigration statistics.
Communication: Communication services data are based on quarterly surveys of communications providers. The response rate has been adequate.
Construction: Construction services data are based on quarterly surveys of construction companies.
Insurance services: Insurance services data are based on the quarterly surveys of the insurance companies. Freight insurance debits are obtained by adjusting imports from c.i.f. values to f.o.b.
Financial services: These are obtained from banks income and expenditure statements for banks.
Other business services: Other business services are a combination of results from the ITRS.
Government services n.i.e: Debit entries on government services not included elsewhere are 3.1.2 Source data definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording (Encouraged) [Degree to which source data approximate the definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording required (as described in 2.1.1-2.4.3).]
Custom data are adjusted to include (i) informal trade (including those transported by ferry across Lake Victoria); (ii) imports or exports of small values (below $1,000) that are not captured by URA; (iii) goods imported in small installments, for which an average rate for container that contains a composition of different goods is provided by URA; and (iv) for custom documents that has not been processed for technical reasons
3.1.3 Source data timeliness (Encouraged) [Source data timeliness relative to what is required for producing statistical outputs whose timeliness meets applicable data standard (SDDS requirements or GDDS recommendations).] The customs authority (URA) provides the Statistics Department, monthly, with information on exports and imports, with an approximate lag of 15 days after the reference month.
Daily and monthly reports by commercial banks and monthly returns by foreign exchange bureaus are timely. Administrative data are timely.
However, most survey data are not timely. The quarterly surveys of communications and insurance providers have three-month lags, and the PSIS and PTS comes with a lag of over six months.
3.2 Assessment of source data 3.2.1 Source data assessment (Encouraged) [Routine assessment of source data—including censuses, sample surveys, and administrative records (e.g., for coverage, sample error, response error, and nonsampling error); whether assessment results are monitored; how results are used to guide statistical processes.] Source data including censuses, sample surveys and administrative records are routinely assessed, e.g., for coverage, sample error, response error, and non-sampling error; the results of the assessments are monitored and made available to guide statistical processes
Monthly trade data are reviewed by the Statistics Department to place them on a BOP basis, as well as to check them for accuracy. There is some underreporting in URA statistics as shown by the informal cross border trade survey and other data sources. As a result, adjustments are made to both imports and exports by the BOU. For consistency checks of data from the Customs Department, several other data sources for some export items are used. In case of differences in the export figures, compilers use the data from development authorities and associations for the major export crops, major industrial producers and miners, line ministries, and civil aviation authority, which are considered to be superior to those obtained from the Customs Department.
Monthly aggregates are checked through daily returns, and large transactions are verified. An assessment of survey results is made. Some imputations are done with data on enterprises’ income statements and published balance sheets.
3.3 Statistical techniques 3.3.1 Source data statistical techniques (Required as relevant to data category) [Statistical techniques in data compilation to deal with data sources (e.g., to align them with target concepts from 2.1.1).] The data compilation procedures used by the BOU to compile the BOP statistics are reasonably sound.
The survey data are processed by the BOU using a customized MS-Access application and Excel spreadsheets. Data at all stages of the survey exercise are verified against a set of control indicators. Both external and internal checks are employed in the source data validations including on-site and off- site editing carried out by enumerators. The editing procedures include checks on the internal inconsistencies in data, missing data (gaps), exchange rate conversion, and completeness in recording entries. The data editing procedures are followed by source data analysis at the various levels of data categorization.
The ITRS data compilation procedures incorporate a continuous process of assessment of the accuracy and reliability of reported ITRS data.
There are a number of plans for improvements in both source data and statistical techniques. Some of these include:
Widening the coverage for the Personal Transfers Survey to obtain a representative sample for better estimates especially of the outward transfers. Augmenting estimates of government services n.i.e with data from international organizations bases in the country. Reviewing methodology used for BOP forecasting.
3.3.2 Other statistical procedures (Required as relevant to data category) [Statistical techniques employed in other statistical procedures (e.g., data adjustments and transformations, and statistical analysis).] The BOU prepares estimates for the c.i.f. /f.o.b. adjustment. The adjustment is 19.7 percent for transportation and 0.9 percent for insurance of the c.i.f. value. These adjustments are based on data from a survey of large importers; thus the basis for the adjustment is not sufficiently robust. Imports from Uganda’s neighbors are excluded from the adjustment. These ratios might change after final results from the most recent survey of large importers that has just been concluded.
Some SBEs indicate freight and insurance charges but these data are not processed at present by URA. Adjustments on freight for proportion of imports that are carried with resident carriers are done using data from the quarterly surveys of the freight companies.
Agreed estimates are developed by the BOU and UBOS for undercoverage of imports and exports for unrecorded trade across borders using information generated from the informal cross border trade surveys.
Compensation of employees (debits) captures technical assistance attributed to government projects financed by inflows of project aid. The estimates on project aid inflows are obtained from BOU records.
Trade credit inflows of buyers’ credit and repayments are based on annual private sector investment surveys.
3.4 Data validation 3.4.1 Validation of intermediate results (Encouraged) [Assessment and investigation of statistical discrepancies in intermediate data.] There is continuous reconciliation exercise between UBOS and the BOU for the merchandise trade data. Data on imports and exports for selected commodities for a given period are reviewed periodically for accuracy.
Information reported in the financial press is used to verify the BOP transactions. However, data on withholding taxes on income payments received from the URA have not yet been used to assess the accuracy of reported information on income transactions.
3.4.2 Assessment of intermediate data (Encouraged) [Assessment and investigation of statistical discrepancies in intermediate data.] The MFPED and the BOU undertake monthly reconciliation of the external debt data. Data on the reserve position in the IMF are verified through the published IMF accounting data.
The reported financial flow data are routinely reconciled with changes in the corresponding stock data collected for all components of the international investment position. The discrepancies between merchandise trade and the associated financial flows from the ITRS are routinely reviewed.
3.4.3 Assessment of discrepancies and other problems in statistical outputs (Encouraged) [Investigation of statistical discrepancies and other potential indicators of problems in statistical outputs.] The BOU monitors merchandise trade data for major trade partners, and investigates fluctuations in the merchandise trade data. Bilateral trade data comparisons have been done with some of the EAC countries. BOP data on direct investment is checked with the CDIS data. However, the BOP data are not checked with the information available from the Joint External Debt Table.
3.5 Revision studies 3.5.1 Revision studies and analyses (Encouraged) [Periodicity with which studies and analyses of revisions are carried out; whether and how they are used internally to inform statistical processes (see also 4.3.3).] Studies and analyses of revisions are carried out for goods and services series. Revisions due to methodological changes (or acquisition of new data) are based on analyses on the impact of such revisions to the BOP which are done for internal discussion. Such studies are not made available to the public. The documentation on revisions is maintained internally.
4. Serviceability 4.1 Periodicity and timeliness 4.1.1 Periodicity (Required) [Periodicity of statistical outputs relative to applicable dissemination standard (SDDS requirement or GDDS recommendation).] The BOU disseminates quarterly BOP data in the BOU Quarterly Economic Report and annual BOP statistics in the BOU Annual Report. Data are published on both a calendar year and a fiscal year basis. The periodicity is consistent with the annual periodicity recommended by the SDDS.
4.1.2 Timeliness (Required) [Timeliness of statistical outputs relative to applicable dissemination standard (SDDS requirement or GDDS recommendation).] Quarterly BOP statistics are disseminated on the BOU website within three months following the reference period. Thus, timeliness is consistent with SDDS recommendations on timeliness of six–nine months.
4.2 Consistency 4.2.1 Internal consistency (Required as relevant to data category) [Consistency of statistics within the dataset.] In general, quarterly and annual BOP statistics are consistent with each other.
There are discrepancies between some financial account transactions and changes in stocks in the international investment position. Results of the reconciliation between the two datasets (e.g., transactions, exchange rate, price, and other changes) are not disseminated.
4.2.2 Temporal consistency (Encouraged) [Consistency or reconcilability of statistics over a reasonable period of time.] Annual BOP statistics dating from 1993 and quarterly data from six preceding periods onwards are available in time-series format. The time series broadly utilize the BPM5 classifications.
Major changes in methodology and unusual changes in economic trends are explained in internal documents, but not made public. No methodological notes identify or explain the main breaks and discontinuities in the BOP statistics component time series. For instance, in the BOU Annual Report 2002/2003, there is a break in the annual time series in 1998 for the capital account component, apparently due to the changes in the treatment of the HIPC transactions. This discontinuity in the BOP component time series is not indicated and not explained in the BOU publication.
4.2.3 Intersectoral and cross-domain consistency (Encouraged) [Consistency or reconcilability of statistics with those obtained through other data sources and/or statistical frameworks.] There is consistency with monetary and financial statistics, as the relevant BOP components are derived from changes in stocks of foreign financial assets and liabilities. The merchandise trade statistics and government external debt data are used as a data source. The current account statistics are broadly consistent with the data on the rest of the world account in the national accounts. The reconciliation exercises also benefit from regular consultation between the MFPED, the BOU, and UBOS.
4.3 Revision 4.3.1 Revision schedule (Required) [Transparency and regularity of revision schedule.] There is a draft written policy on revisions. However, revisions to BOP statistics do not have an established schedule, but they are made whenever new source data become available for the relevant BOP component. In addition, the BOP follows as a rule of thumb the revision of statistics for time series not exceeding three years from the current period. However, when major methodological changes that may lead to a break in the series are introduced, the revisions may be done for time series exceeding three years from the current period.
4.3.2 Identification of preliminary and/or revised data (Required) [Identification of preliminary and/or revised data.] In the BOU publications, the revised time series are identified and the provisional status of the data is indicated in the explanatory notes to the BOP statement.
4.3.3 Dissemination of revision studies and analyses (Encouraged) [Dissemination of revision studies and analyses (see also 3.5.1).] External users are informed of the causes of the revisions although circulation of detailed documentation for revisions made and the impact of the revisions on the BOP statements is restricted to internal use. 5. Accessibility 5.1 Data 5.1.1 Statistical presentation (Required) [Statistics are presented in a way that facilitates proper interpretation and meaningful comparisons (layout and clarity of text, tables, and charts).] The Annual Report of the BOU includes summary BOP statistics, enriched by detailed tables on BOP statistics components and an analysis. Current-period developments are compared with the relevant period of the previous year. Charts and tables are disseminated with the data to facilitate analysis. A summary quarterly BOP statistics presentation is included in the BOU Quarterly Economic Report.
Publications of the quarterly and annual BOP statements contain a presentation that shows the liabilities and assets separately in the financial account and foreign direct investment is on a directional basis.
The government and government-guaranteed foreign debt data are reproduced in the Annual Report of the BOU and in the MFPED publication the Background to the Budget. The data include external debt repayments classified into principal and interest. A forward schedule of projected repayments is not published.
The data on the gross official international reserves in millions of U.S. dollars and in terms of months of imports of goods together with the analysis of trends in reserves and in the structure of international foreign exchange reserves are published annually in the Annual Report of the BOU.
5.1.2 Dissemination media and format (Required) Hard copy - New release [Hard copy - New release.] Hard copy - Weekly bulletin [Hard copy - Weekly bulletin.] Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin [Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin.] Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin [Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin.] Hard copy - Other [Hard copy - Other.] Electronic - On-line bulletin or data [Electronic - On-line bulletin or data.] The BOU disseminates quarterly BOP data in the BOU Quarterly Economic Report and annual BOP statistics in the BOU Annual Report on the BOU website. Electronic - Other [Electronic - Other.]
5.1.5 Dissemination on request (Encouraged) [Dissemination on request of unpublished but non-confidential statistics.] In addition to the BOP data included in the BOU’s publications and disseminated on the website, a number of unpublished but non-confidential BOP subcomponents are made available upon demand. Requests from users for special tabulations based on unpublished (but non-confidential) data are usually accommodated, especially from data providers (e.g., PSIS participants) and students carrying out research.
No specific reference is made in BOP statistics publications on the availability of non-published subcomponents and the terms and conditions on which they are made available.
5.2 Metadata 5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques (Required) [Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques, including annotation of differences from internationally accepted standards, guidelines.] A detailed description of the BOP concepts, sources, and methods is posted on the BOU website. It contains (i) the conceptual framework, (ii) the classifications, (iii) the data sources, and (iv) the compilation practices. While departures from internationally accepted compilation standards are documented in the general description of the methodology, no explicit reference is made toward what the best practice should be and the reasons for the deviations. In addition, documentation of the methods used for compiling the BOP statistics is published in the IMF Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and in the GDDS metadata posted on the DSBB.
9. Plans 9.1 Recent 9.1.1 Plans for improvements - Recent improvements [Plans for improvements - Recent improvements.] A Trade Statistics System (TSS) has been developed and is being improved to expedite processing of trade data.
Bilateral trade data comparisons and analysis have been carried out with some countries within the EAC region.
Quarterly Enterprise Surveys (QES) are carried out to obtain data on foreign private capital flows and international trade in services. Both the QES and annual PSIS questionnaires have been modified to accommodate the new requirements necessary for BPM6 compilation.
The system used to capture data on the foreign private capital is fully in production and has been modified to support the changes introduced in the survey tools.
Data on Financial Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) are now being compiled.
The Personal Transfers Survey questionnaire has been modified to enable collection of data on outward personal transfers.
A quarterly survey on cross border workers has been introduced to complement current estimates of compensation of employees.
A BPM6 framework has been set up; and with effect from June 2013 Uganda will disseminate the BOP data based on the BPM6 compilation methodology.
Dissemination practices have been improved and BOP data appears on the Bank of Uganda website in the quarterly and annual reports for external users and on the Bank of Uganda intranet for the internal users.
9.2 General 9.2.1 Plans for improvements - Short-term [Plans for improvements - Short-term.] Conduct surveys of the oil companies to obtain pertinent data on oil investment for the BOP.
Conduct quarterly surveys to obtain current and capital transfers to the NGO’s.
Conduct surveys on stockbrokers to obtain data on portfolio investment assets.
Hold training seminars for internal and external users of the BOP on the BPM6 compilation.
9.2.2 Plans for improvements - Medium-term [Plans for improvements - Medium-term.] Move to electronic distribution and collection of survey data of foreign private capital and trade in services.
Compile and disseminate an annual BOP country report in both electronic and hard copy format.
9.3 Financial 9.3.1 Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Short- term [Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Short-term.]
9.3.2 Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Medium-term [Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Medium-term.] Technical assistance for setting up a Data Quality Assessment Framework.
Contact Person(s): [Please provide information below as relevant]
Contact 1 Prefix/First Name/Last Name: Mr Emmanuel Ssemambo Title: Assistant Director Unit: Division: External Statistics Department: Statistics Department Agency: Bank of Uganda Address1: P.O. Box 7120 Address2: City/State: Kampala Country: Uganda Postal Code: Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number 256 414 232762 Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number 256 414 259339 Email: [email protected] Contact 2 Prefix/First Name/Last Name: Ms Vivian Namugambe Title: Senior Banking officer Unit: Division: External Sector Department: Statistics Department Agency: Bank of Uganda Address1: P. O Box 7120 Address2: City/State: Kampala Country: Uganda Postal Code: Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number 256 414 258441 Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number 256 414 259336 Email: [email protected] Contact 3 Prefix/First Name/Last Name: Title: Unit: Division: Department: Agency: Address1: Address2: City/State: Country: Postal Code: Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number Email: Go to Top Table Of Contents
Uganda...... 1 H.Header data...... 1 H.0.1 National Descriptor...... 1 H.0.2 Metadata Update date...... 1 H.0.4 Certification date...... 1 H.0.8 Metadata also cover the encouraged extension...... 1 H.0.9 Country Specific Indicator...... 1 H.0.10 National Descriptor for Enc Extension...... 2 H.0.11 National Methodological Publication...... 2 0. Prerequisites...... 2 0.2 Resources...... 2 0.2.1 Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing (Encouraged)...... 2 2. Methodology...... 2 2.1 Concepts and definitions...... 2 2.1.1 Concepts and definitions (Required)...... 2 2.2 Scope...... 3 2.2.1 Scope (Required)...... 3 Scope of the data...... 3 Exceptions to coverage...... 3 Unrecorded activity...... 4 2.3 Classification/sectorization...... 4 2.3.1 Classification/sectorization (Required as relevant to data category)...... 4 2.4 Basis for recording...... 4 2.4.1 Valuation (Required as relevant to data category)...... 4 2.4.2 Recording basis (Required as relevant to data category)...... 4 2.4.3 Grossing/netting procedures (Encouraged)...... 5 3. Accuracy and reliability...... 5 3.1 Source data...... 5 3.1.1 Source data collection programs (Required)...... 5 3.1.2 Source data definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording (Encouraged)...... 8 3.1.3 Source data timeliness (Encouraged)...... 8 3.2 Assessment of source data...... 8 3.2.1 Source data assessment (Encouraged)...... 8 3.3 Statistical techniques...... 9 3.3.1 Source data statistical techniques (Required as relevant to data category)...... 9 3.3.2 Other statistical procedures (Required as relevant to data category)...... 9 3.4 Data validation...... 10 3.4.1 Validation of intermediate results (Encouraged)...... 10 3.4.2 Assessment of intermediate data (Encouraged)...... 10 3.4.3 Assessment of discrepancies and other problems in statistical outputs (Encouraged)...... 10 3.5 Revision studies...... 10 3.5.1 Revision studies and analyses (Encouraged)...... 10 4. Serviceability...... 11 4.1 Periodicity and timeliness...... 11 4.1.1 Periodicity (Required)...... 11 4.1.2 Timeliness (Required)...... 11 4.2 Consistency...... 11 4.2.1 Internal consistency (Required as relevant to data category)...11 4.2.2 Temporal consistency (Encouraged)...... 11 4.2.3 Intersectoral and cross-domain consistency (Encouraged)...... 11 4.3 Revision...... 12 4.3.1 Revision schedule (Required)...... 12 4.3.2 Identification of preliminary and/or revised data (Required)...12 4.3.3 Dissemination of revision studies and analyses (Encouraged).12 5. Accessibility...... 12 5.1 Data...... 12 5.1.1 Statistical presentation (Required)...... 12 5.1.2 Dissemination media and format (Required)...... 13 Hard copy - New release...... 13 Hard copy - Weekly bulletin...... 13 Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin...... 13 Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin...... 13 Hard copy - Other...... 13 Electronic - On-line bulletin or data...... 14 Electronic - Other...... 14 5.1.5 Dissemination on request (Encouraged)...... 14 5.2 Metadata...... 14 5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques (Required)...... 14 9. Plans...... 15 9.1 Recent...... 15 9.1.1 Plans for improvements - Recent improvements...... 15 9.2 General...... 15 9.2.1 Plans for improvements - Short-term...... 15 9.2.2 Plans for improvements - Medium-term...... 15 9.3 Financial...... 16 9.3.1 Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Short-term....16 9.3.2 Plans for improvements - TA/financing needs - Medium-term ...... 16 Contact Person(s):...... 16