Minutes of the Meeting of Bilsby & Farlesthorpe Parish Council

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Minutes of the Meeting of Bilsby & Farlesthorpe Parish Council


Present: Councillors Marsh, Morley, Wilson-Brown, Cooper, Iredale and Bailey. Cllr J Bradley (ELDC) Cllr S Palmer (LCC) Mrs J Cooper 1 members of the public.

Caroline Curry ELDC Environmental Noise Officer has dealt with wind farm applications. On receipt of application, noise assessment sent to external independent consultant and is assessed against guides, available online. Applicant sets 35db line around turbines – if any properties within the contour the applicant will need to do full assessment. A planning condition has been introduced to cover the affect of low frequency modulation on properties up to 2k away. However, the application can potentially be based on a different type of wind turbine to that erected. Planning conditions will specify what noise level turbine can meet. If the noise is excessive once built ELDC will install equipment to monitor this in property affected. If complaint upheld the developer has to mitigate effect by adjusting or shutting down the turbine dependant on wind direction. ELDC can refuse planning permission on noise basis. If turbines fail tests ELDC will object then discussions held with developer can overcome ELDC objections. Some noise wave lengths can affect buildings, known as “building sickness”; buildings with court yards are particularly affected. If additional turbines are proposed, applicants have to resubmit application for cumulative impact assessment on noise. C Curry left the meeting at 7.35pm Member of public expressed concerns that some unclassified roads with potholes might not be repaired. APOLOGIES. 98. Apologies received from Cllrs J & P Maplethorpe. Proposed Cllr Wilson-Brown Seconded Cllr Morley Resolved to accept apologies and reason for absence. TO RECEIVE ANY UNREGISTERED DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS 99. Cllr Bailey declared an interest in planning application. NOTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD 2 nd JANUARY 2014 TO BE APPROVED AS THE MINUTES AND SIGNED BY THE CHAIR. 100. Proposed Cllr Morley Seconded Cllr Iredale. Resolved that these be signed as a true record by the Chairman. ANY MATTERS ARISING FROM THIS MEETING. 101. Loop road not done yet. Clerk to follow up on overloaded trailers. CORRESPONDENCE 102. a. Letter from Lincolnshire County Council regarding library provision. As Bilsby has fewer than 550 households and mobile usage between July 2012 1nd August 2013 exceeded 6 people per 30 minutes of stop LCC will continue to provide a mobile stop of at least 30 minutes per month. The exact time and day may change, notification of details will be sent nearer the time. b. Complaint received from residents in Back Lane regarding noise from cleaning of chicken sheds late into night. Chicken sheds are often cleared at night; the Chairman has spoken to operators. Can occur 2 nights every 3 months. c. Note received regarding the newsletter. Writer feels it has become a church newsletter instead of a parish council one. (No address supplied for response) d. Newsletter from RWE with a project update on Triton Knoll offshore wind farm. e. LALC News – winter 2014. f. Request to chairman from Mark Fairhurst of Moy Park to come and talk to parish council with regard to plans to increase size of poultry units at Thurlby. . Chairman to invite to meeting to talk to Council. FINANCIAL 103. a. Accounts for Payment. Proposed Cllr Wilson-Brown Seconded Cllr Morley Resolved that the accounts as set before the Council totalling £86.25 be paid. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 104. N050/00019/14 Laburnum Cottage – Cllr Bailey having declared an interest left the room.

Proposed Cllr Morley

Seconded Cllr Wilson-Brown

Resolved to support the application

5th February 2014 Minutes 98 - 105 Decision notices N16/2215/13, N16/2200/13 and N40/2071/13 received and noted.

ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR GENERAL DISCUSSION OR INCLUSION IN NEXT 105. a. Predetermination rules – information passed to Cllr Bradley. b. Articles for newsletter needed – even any from Alford that might be of interest. c. Posters needed for Bilsby parish notice board – Clerk to use notices received by Alford if relevant. d. Funding required for printing of Newsletter – Cllr Webb to be contacted. e. Wind turbines at Asserby to be included on next agenda. f. What is happening with Thatched Cottage? Chairman will contact enquirer – next agenda. g. Cllr Palmer gave brief library update. There is to be a judicial review on the library situation.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm

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