6th Grade – Ancient World History and Geography 2017-2018 Mr. Rob Ames Mill Creek Middle School 615-472-5250 (ext. 3346) [email protected] Welcome! In Ancient World History and geography, we will study and examine many time periods throughout history, from the earliest human settlements to the Roman Empire, with special emphasis on the river valley civilizations.

CLASSROOM RULES ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK 1. Respect is everything! Respect yourself, your When absent, pre-assigned homework must be teacher, your peers, and school property. turned in on the day you return. Basically, if you abide by this rule, there is no need for any others. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to complete the missing work. For every day missed, 2. Be prompt to class. Be IN class and one day will be allowed to complete and turn-in the completing the bell ringer by the time class assignment. begins. SUPPLY LIST 3. Be prepared. Bring proper texts, completed ALWAYS BRING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: assignments, an open mind, and a good 1. Composition book/notebook with paper attitude.  2. Pencil/pen 3. textbook 4. Be polite. Raise your hand before speaking 4. I will tell you in advance if other materials when I am teaching, when other students are are needed (including BYOT) . responding, or if anyone is presenting. TEXT DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS myWorld history and Geography: Early Civilizations Students who are tardy, talk without permission through the Decline of Roman Empire during class, cause unnecessary disruptions, fail to Tennessee Edition ©2015 come to class prepared, use electronic devices during class without permission, or violate school policies GRADING will face one or more of the following disciplinary You will be graded on individual standards measures: throughout the year. In Each quarter there will be multiple assignments,  Warning quizzes, tests and an occasional performance based assessment.  Parent-notification When you check your grade on skyward, each strand  Lunch detention/Loss of Flex Time you are assessed will be under one of these  Before or after school detention categories:  Office-referral Standard 1 = Geography  Friday opportunity school Standard 2 = Culture Standard 3 = Government SCHOOL RULES Standard 4 = History In addition to class rules and procedures, students must follow all Mill Creek Middle School rules listed Course content can be viewed here: in their agendas. http://www.wcs.edu/teaching-learning/scope- sequence/middle-school-index/ Class website address: https://edublogs.wcs.edu/millcreek6/