Commtech Midterm English Portion

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Commtech Midterm English Portion

1 Name: ______Date: ______Quiz Chapters 1-15 of To Kill a Mockingbird 1-A

I. Vocabulary: Match the definition in the right column to the vocabulary word in the left column and write the correct on the line tot he left of the number. (4 points each) _____ 1. vapid A. the quality or condition of being influenced by more feeling than reason _____ 2. malevolent B. the way a person behaves himself or herself; behavior _____ 3. deportment C. the process of becoming morally corrupt _____ 4. melancholy D. lifeless; dull; boring _____ 5. provocation E. innocent in an open or natural way; simple; naive _____ 6. degeneration F. the legal action of limiting the inheritance of land or property _____ 7. sentimentality G. any bitter verbal attack _____ 8. entailment H. something that excites one to some action or causes anger or irritation _____ 9. ingenuous I. causing sadness or depression _____ 10.philippic J. wishing evil or harm to others, having or showing ill will. II Fill-in the Blank/ Multiple Choice: Read each question/sentence and choose the best answer/item for each and write the corresponding letter of the item to the left of the number. (4 points each)

______11. Atticus tells Scout A. She cannot read with him at night anymore. B. She must wear dresses to school. C. You never really understand a person until your consider things from his point of view. D. Calpurnia was wrong to scold her for criticizing Walter’s manners.

______12. Besides the gum and the pennies in the tree, what other occurrence showed the children someone was watching them? A. They find a note on their front porch. B. Jem loses his pants on the Radley fence and returns to find them mended and neatly folded. C. Mr. Radley says Arthur is talking about the children and the games they are playing. D. Scout waves at someone at a window of the Radley house and the person waves back.

______13. At the jail where Atticus is guarding Tom Robinson, the gang ceases its efforts to lynch Tom because A. Mr. Underwood fired a gun from an upstairs window. B. Atticus told them Tom had escaped. C. The children were in the way. D. Scout’s childish, innocent remarks shamed Mr. Cunningham.

______14. This statement, “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird,” was made by A. Uncle Jack B. Calpurnia C. Atticus D. Miss Maudie

______15. Atticus tells Jem he would have sent Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose even if he hadn’t fallen into her hands because 2 A. It would have been a way for Atticus to punish Jem for pestering Boo Radley. B. Jem and Scout needed things to do to keep them out of trouble. C. Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict and the reading would help her to break the habit. D. Atticus wanted to know what Mrs. Dubose felt about Defending Tom Robinson.

______16. Miss Maudie moved in with Miss Stephanie Crawford because A. They were sisters. B. Miss Maudie’s house burned. C. The critical remarks of the foot washing Baptists. D. Threats of people who called her a negro- lover.

______17. The novel is narrated from the first person from whose point of view? A. Harper Lee’s B. Atticus’ C. Scout’s D. Jem’s

______18. An important lesson Atticus teaches Scout is A. That you never really know a person until you consider things from his or her point of view. B. This, above all, to thine own self be true.” C. That when you get the notion that another person that’s he’ s better than everyone else, you must consider that he very well may be better than everybody else. D. Above all else, be proud of the family.

______19. The minor character that makes it difficult for Scout and Jem to feel comfortable at Cal’s church is A. Rosalie B. Stephanie C. Lula D. Maudie

______20. Tim Johnson is A. on trial for raping Mayella Ewell. B. suspended for being rude to Miss Caroline. C. a dog infected with rabies, shot by Atticus. D. the reverend in Calpurnia’s church.

III: Short Answer: Respond to two of the following questions using the space below. You may use loose- leaf paper if necessary. Please number the items you choose to answer. You may answer in any order. (10 points each)

21.The Ewell’s and the Cunningham’s are both “poor whites.” How do they differ? 22. Identify and discuss the most powerful lesson Atticus has taught Scout so far in the novel. 23. Identify one theme in the novel so far and provide at least three examples to support the theme. 24. Create a character cluster of Scout, Jem or Atticus. Be sure to include all 5 parts of characterization.

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