Report on Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Louth County Development Plan

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Report on Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Louth County Development Plan

Report on Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021

June 2015 Table of Contents

2 Part 1 Introduction Page 1 Part 2 Legislative Requirements Page 1

Part 3 List of Proposed Material Alterations to Written Statement Page 3

Part 4 List of Proposed Material Alterations to Tables in Written Statement Page 17 Part 5 List of Proposed Material Alterations to Maps Page 24

Part 6 List of Proposed Material Alterations to RPS Page 28

Part 7 Environmental Statement on the Proposed Material Alterations Page 41

Part 8 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Page 86

Appendix 1 - Maps

Part 1 Introduction

This document focuses on the proposed amendments made by the Elected Members of Louth County Council following consideration of the draft Louth County Development Plan 2015- 2021, the Chief Executives Report on submissions received as well as workshops and Council meetings. It consists of amendments to the written statement, amendments to maps, amendments to the Record of Protected Structures and a revised Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. This report also contains a statement on any significant environmental impacts from the proposed material amendments.

There are 3 stages in the review process. These are detailed below.

Stage 1 – Pre-Draft • Background work, data gathering • Initial notification in newspaper of planning authority intention to prepare a new Development Plan. • Public consultation including prescribed bodies, service provider etc. • Report to members outlining the Chief Executive’s response on issues raised in public consultation and recommendations on policies to be included in the development plan. • Making of direction to the Chief Executive by the members regarding the preparation of the plan. • Preparation of environment report (SEA).

Stage 2 – Preparation of Draft Plan  Submission, by Chief Executive of a draft plan to members for their consideration  Consideration by members of draft plan including the making of amendments by members  Sending notice and a copy of the draft plan to specified bodies. Public display of draft plan and environmental report, and invitation of submissions

Stage 3 –Making of Development Plan • Preparation by the Chief Executive of a report on submissions received. • Consideration by members of the draft plan and managers report. • Making of the development plan by accepting or amending the draft, except where amendment represents a material alteration of draft plan. In this case material amendments go on public display including amending environmental report if necessary. • Preparation of Chief Executive’s report on submissions. • Consideration of the amendment and Chief Executive’s report by the elected members. • Members making the plan. Part 2Legislative Requirements

Having considered the Draft Louth County Development Plan and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received as a result of the public display period, it was resolved by the members at Council meeting on the 9th June 2015 to amend the Draft Development Plan. It was then determined that some of the amendments would constitute a material alteration to the draft Development Plan. The proposed material alterations are to be on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks in accordance with Section 12 (7) (ad) (i) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended).

Purpose of this Report

The function of this report is to help inform and assist the public and other interested parties in consideration of the proposed material alterations to the Draft Plan.

Written observations or submissions regarding the Material Alterations to the Draft County Development Plan are invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Written submissions or observations must be received between Tuesday 30 th June 2015 and Tuesday 28 th July 2015. The Chief Executive will prepare a report on all submissions or observations received during the above time period and submit this to the Elected Members for their consideration. Having considered the material alterations to the draft and the Chief Executive’s report on submissions received, members will make the new Louth County Council Development Plan 2015-2021. Outline of Report

The proposed amendments consist of material alterations to the written statement, zoning alterations reflected in map format, amendments to the Record of Protected Structures and revised Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

In this document changes to the text follow the format of the written statement of the Draft Plan with the relevant Chapter headings, page numbers and submission reference identified where a change is proposed. This has been undertaken in a tabulated format. Omissions from the text are denoted using strikethrough and additions by using red text (bold), see example below. This facilitates comparison between the contents of the Draft Plan and the proposed material alterations to the Draft.

Revise Policy To examine the need seek to provide for bus and car based park and ride TC 37 facilities at a range of locations including motorway interchanges, subject to the availability of funding. Part 3: List of Proposed Material Alterations

Submissi Amendme Amendment Page No. of on No. nt to Draft Section/ Developme Policy No. nt Plan Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy

34 Omit Strategic Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to Land Reserve Maps where appropriate

Pg 19 Revised Text Phasing proposal relates to two phases of Section 2.10 development; one for the duration of this plan a second phase “Strategic Reserve” for consideration beyond 2021. The inclusion of such lands as a Strategic Reserve will not in any way imply a prior commitment on the part of Louth County Council regarding their future zoning during the preparation of the subsequent County Development Plan for the period 2021-2027. Remove text from Table 1.1 Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Table 61 Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for a Core Maps Strategy Diagrammatic Map

Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for Composite Maps Maps Pg 30

To promote and facilitate limited development Revise Policy within Level 3 Settlements that is SS9 commensurate with the nature and extent of the existing settlement to support their role as local service centres and to implement the policies and objectives relative to each settlement as provided for in Appendix 2. 121 Revise Policy In those cases where for financial or other Pg 40 SS22 reasons, construction has been suspended on a rural dwelling indefinitely, the council will consider removing restrictions on the purchase of such dwellings to permit their completion. In all cases the council must be satisfied that works are in situ. The Planning Authority will only consider the lifting of occupancy conditions by way of a planning application made to the effect of seeking the retention and completion of the dwelling together with removal of the occupancy condition. The Planning Authority in assessing such cases must be satisfied that there is genuine hardship arising from the inability of the applicant to dispose of the property. As such the authority will require;

Written evidence from the financial institution responsible for the applicant’s financial affairs verifying the nature and scale of the difficulties being encountered. In cases where there is a health problem which necessitates disposal of the property, the application should be supported by relevant documentation from a registered medical consultant. Sales of dwellings qualifying under these extreme circumstances will not attract the requirement that potential purchasers must be eligible under the appropriate qualifying criteria for the area. This shall not apply in those cases where a planning permission has expired, is applicable only where the planning authority is satisfied that works commenced prior to 1st February 2012 and this provision shall cease to have effect from 16th November 2015.

151 Revise Policy To prevent the creation of ribbon development Pg 49 SS53 by not permitting more than four houses in a row along any public road. A minimum gap of 400 150 metres shall be maintained between such developments. An exception to this requirement may be considered where the dwelling is required to meet the housing needs of a son/daughter/foster child of a qualifying landowner and where the planning authority is satisfied that there is no other suitable site available on the landholding Pg 49 Revise Policy SS54 To preserve a clear break of a minimum of 400 150 metres between the boundary of existing settlements and any permitted development along adjoining roads.

156, Amend Table Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Pg 18 157, 2.5 Tables 164,1 65 160, Amend Table Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Pg 18 & 20 196, 2.5 & 2.6 Tables 222 210 Revise Policy To require a minimum site area of 0.2ha (0.5 Pg 31 SS14 acres) for each residential unit within Level 4 Rural Settlements where serviced by an individual waste water treatment plant.

222 Additional To provide for the construction of one-off type Pg 31 words to be houses within Level 4 Rural Settlements in included in order to assist in satisfying a housing and SS10 county based local area need within a structured but low density environment as an alternative to the development of scattered one –off housing.

Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for a Core Maps Strategy 222 Diagrammatic Section &128 Map 2.19.1 Pg 34 Applicants are the son or daughter of a Revise Text qualifying landowner, or a niece or nephew of a childless single person or childless couple of a qualifying landowner. One house only shall be granted in the case of a niece or nephew. The applicant must demonstrate a rural housing need and show that they do not already own a house or have not owned a house within the rural area of the county for a minimum of 5 years prior to making Pg 40 an application. Section 2.19.5 Revise Text Definition of Qualifying Land Owner For the purposes of this Plan, Qualifying Landowner is defined as being where a person owned a landholding of at least 3 hectares for a minimum of 25 10 years.

Chapter 3 Rural Development and Natural Resources

66 Revise Policy To support sustainable tourism enterprises RD16 that are developed at appropriate locations in conjunction with established Pg 77 rural activities and to facilitate the development of agri tourism. Additional Wording To increase the quality of beaches in the RD17 County and in so doing contribute to the development of the tourism industry and to the enjoyment of the facilities subject to compliance with the provisions of the EU Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 121 Revise Policy To encourage farmers already in REPS or any Pg 69 RD2 subsequent scheme, such as GLAS, to continue participation in the interests of environmental protection and the safeguarding of sensitive and rural landscapes. 58 & 161 Revise Policy To consider developments falling within the Pg 86 RD39 following categories; limited one-off housing*, agricultural developments, extensions to existing authorised uses and farms, appropriate farm diversification projects; developments to be used for leisure, recreation and tourism; holiday accommodation including cottages and lodges where these are part of an existing or proposed integrated tourism complex; hotels/ guest houses / B & B’s (only where the proposal involves the re-use or diversification of an existing building); extensions to existing authorised commercial and industrial developments; renewable energy schemes, public utility infrastructure, certain resource based and location specific developments of significant regional or national importance and, critical infrastructure projects. Nursing homes/analogous services ** and Economic Business zone at Carrickcarnon.***

Multi-unit residential, conventional industrial and commercial development appropriate to existing settlements, developments directly adjacent to rural motorway interchanges would not be considered appropriate within this zone.

*Refer to Section 2.19.1 for Qualifying Criteria ** In the location identified by ??? dot on Map 3.1 entitled’ Development Zones’.

*** In the location identified by ??? dot on Map 3.1 entitled ‘Development Zones’. Refer Part 5 Material Alterations to Maps Chapter 4 Residential and Community Facilities

58 Revise Policy To require that nursing homes/ analogous Pg 115 RES 45 services are located within Dundalk, Drogheda, Ardee, Dunleer and level 3 Settlements. In exceptional circumstances where suitable the re-use of existing buildings shall be considered.

110 Additional The Council will support the Pg 103 Text development of a best practice brochure/ Section manual for designing dwelling houses 4.10.1 which includes the principles of universal design. The brochure/ manual should be developed in conjunction with DKIT and Louth County Council. That best practice in town planning and design will also be considered in the design of the public realm.

117 Additional To co-operate with the Department of Pg 113 wording to Education and Skills in the identification of RES40 need and provision of school sites and in accordance with relevant national guidance.

Chapter 5 Heritage (Natural & Built)

45,109, Revise Table TWSAV 15: New Mellifont Abbey Woods Pg 138 119, 205 5.8 N.B TWSAV: One Mile Wood, procedures Newtownstalaban*, are in train *It is an objective of the plan to make a for this Tree Preservation Order for trees at TWSAV 33 it Newtownstalaban is proposed that it goes to the July meeting and Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material may be Revise Map Alterations to Tables passed thus 5.9 not accordingly necessitatin Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to g the need Maps for the objective to be included

66 Revise Policy The Local Authority will ensure that a Pg 124 HER4 screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) on all Plans and Projects and or Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment (NIS/NIR) where appropriate, is undertaken to make a determination. Natura 2000 sites located outside of the County but within 15 km of proposed development site should also be included in such screenings. All screening assessments submitted to the planning authority shall include a written statement indicating control methods proposed to prevent the spread of invasive species onto a Natura 2000 site.

105 To protect trees and woodlands of special Pg 140 amenity value and to review and where Include Trees appropriate put in place make a Tree East of Preservation Order(s) for this propose in Termonfecki relation to trees of special amenity value n (including those identified as Possible Tree Preservation Orders in the Level 3 Settlements) or any other tree(s) of amenity value where the planning TWSAV authority considers such trees to be at utilised risk. instead of TP Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Tables. Include Trees East of Termonfecki n

Additional Tree symbols along Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material Eastern side Alterations to Maps. of Baltray Road, Termonfecki n Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material Alterations to Maps 111 Revise Policy A minimum of 20m wide riparian corridor shall Pg 173-174 HER66 be kept free from development (except for pathways) along the side of each bank of the river for the purposes of habitat protection, maintenance access requirements, flood alleviation and recreational requirements. Any proposed path should be located a minimum of 6m from the top of the river edge.

“All proposed coastal walkways will be required to comply with the Habitats, EIA and SEA Directives” 115 New policy Existing stone kerbs and paving stones to Chapter 5 are to be maintained and refurbished as much as possible. Where new kerbs are necessary they are to be of high quality in character with the existing. 163 Revise Policy Where in exceptional circumstances trees Pg 140 HER16 and or hedgerows are required to be removed to facilitate development, there shall be a requirement that each tree felled is to be replaced at a ratio of 10:1 and each hedgerow removed is to be replaced with native species where feasible.

212 New policy That a variation of the County Pg 145 after HER22 Development Plan will be proposed, if required, to make appropriate amendments to the plan, as a result of any recommendations arising from the publication of The Irish Battlefields Project. Omit HER56 Pg 166

To promote the maintenance and the appropriate reuse, renovation and rehabilitation of older buildings which are not New Policy protected, but are of architectural or HER56 streetscape merit.

To recognise the importance of the contribution of vernacular architecture to the character of a place and promote where feasible the protection, retention and appropriate revitalisation and use of the vernacular built heritage, including structures that contribute to landscape and streetscape character and discourage the demolition of these structures.

220 New Policy To investigate during the lifetime of the Pg 140 after HER18 Plan the addition of Trees and Woodlands of Special Amenity Value and where appropriate to include in Table 5.8 and Map 5.9.

Chapter 6

Economic Development, Tourism & Retail

66 Revise Policy Pg 194 EDE 20-23

102 Revise Policy EDE 20 EDE20 To promote and facilitate the development of walkways and cycleways at appropriate locations throughout the county utilising disused transport links where feasible.*

EDE 21 To promote and facilitate the development of cycle routes in accordance with The NationalCycle Network Scoping Study 2010.*

EDE 22 To protect the integrity and scenic quality of existing and future walking and cycling routes and their setting.* 102 Revise Policy EDE23 EDE 23 To work in conjunction with adjoining authorities including Newry Mourne & Down, Monaghan and Meath County Councils to extend and design new walking and cycling routes, including towards Newry, Inniskeen and the eastern coastal route to Drogheda and Balbriggan as well as extending the Bru na Boinne Greenway. Ensure all proposals include appraisal of environmental impacts and take full account of the potential for negative impacts on Natura 2000 sites through the process of Habitats Directive Assessment Screening”* 66 Revise Policy Pg 195 *The above policies EDE 20-23 shall all EDE 25 be subject to compliance with all relevant EU policies such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA Directives.

To co-operate with the relevant authorities and government agencies north and south of the border in the provision of Narrow Water Bridge. Policy EDE 25 shall be subject to compliance with all relevant EU policies such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA and EIA Directives. 134 Remove To resist the provision of large scale regional Pg 202 Policy EDE developments outside town centres subject to 35 the application of the sequential test and demonstrate that the existing town centre will not be adversely affected.

143 Revise Policy To explain, promote and co-operate with all Pg 192 EDE16 relevant stakeholders to facilitate the development of the Mourne/Cooley/Gullion Geo Tourism Project. 161 Additional Additional information in relation to Table 6.3 Pg 181 Information Louth Economic Forum 10 Point Action Plans. to Table 6.3 Refer to Part 4 Material Alteration to Tables 199 Revise Policy “To co-operate with the appropriate Pg 180 EDE3 authorities and key stakeholders in Northern Ireland to support joint economic initiatives and programmes for the promotion of the region on a cross border basis”.

214 & 222 Remove To resist the provision of large scale regional Pg 202 Policy EDE35 developments outside town centres subject to the application of the sequential test and demonstrate that the existing town centre will not be adversely affected. Chapter 7 Transport

7, 44, 121, Revised Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material Pg 220 151, 222 Table 7.4 Alterations to Tables

7 Amend Text In urban areas the Design Manual for Pg 220 Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) will be Section applied. In all urban roads and streets 7.3.6 (that is streets and roads with speed limits of 60kph or less) the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) shall be applied.

Revise Policy TC2 Pg 213 To support the implementation of government transport policy as expressed in Transport 21, A Sustainable Transport Future – A New Transport Policy for Ireland 2009-2020, Spatial Planning and National Roads – Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012, National Cycle Policy Framework 2009, Traffic Transport Assessment Guidelines Revise policy 2014, Smarter Travel and other relevant TC7 policy documents which may evolve during Pg 217 the course of the plan.

To provide and maintain a road hierarchy based on motorway, national routes, regional routes and local roads and to maintain the carrying capacity and lifespan of the road network and ensure high standards of safety for road users and to require that all proposals for development that would be likely to impact significantly on the carrying capacity of national routes be accompanied by traffic Include new impact transport assessment, road safety policy after impact assessment, road safety audits and Pg 219 TC10 mobility management plans in accordance with the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines 2012 and/or the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2013). Revise Policy TC11 Pg 221 To prohibit the proliferation of non road traffic signage on or adjacent to national roads as per the DECLG Spatial Planning & National Roads Guidelines 2012.

To apply the visibility standards and vehicle dwell area requirements as set out in tables 7.4 and 7.5 and Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets in accordance with the National Roads Authority Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) for the national road network and to ensure that the standards set out in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) apply to all Urban Roads and Streets.

44 Revise Policy The policy of the Planning Authority will be to Pg224 TC12 avoid the creation of additional access points from new development or the generation of increased traffic from existing accesses to National Roads and protected Regional Roads to which speed limits greater than 50km/h 60km/h apply. This provision will apply to all categories of development, including individual houses in all control zones within the plan area. 44 & 111 Revise Policy Pg 226 TC 18 To secure the implementation of the Councils Road Improvement Programme 2015-2021 as detailed in Tables 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 in consultation and agreement with the Department of Transport and National Roads Authority subject to available funding and to keep free from development all lands identified for the construction and improvement of national, regional and local roads within the county.All proposed transport routes will be required to comply with the Habitats, EIA and SEA Directives. 66 Revise Policy To support the development and expansion of Pg 237 TC39 the ports of Drogheda, Greenore, Dundalk and Clogherhead subject to the preparation of a masterplan and compliance with EU Habitats Directive.

Include new Pg 237 Policy TC42 Louth County Council will explore the potential development of Dundalk Port as a centre for future recreation and leisure use. Include new Pg 225 text after Table 7.8 Proposed new roads included in Table 7.8 shall be subject to compliance with all relevant EU polices such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA and EIA Directives.

120 & 125 Revise Policy To require the provision of car parking spaces Pg 224 TC15 for persons with impaired mobility at 5% 10% of the total car spaces and in accordance with Section

121 Revise Policy To examine the need seek to provide for Pg 235 TC37 bus and car based park and ride facilities at a range of locations including motorway interchanges, subject to the availability of funding.

121, 130 Revise Policy Pg 235 TC34 To work in consultation and co-operation with the National Transport Authority (NTA) other public bodies, agencies and community groups, to secure improvements in public transportation and associated infrastructure including bus shelters within the County and greater integration of existing and any new services. 130 New Policy To require that new and retrofitted cycle Pg 223 TC12 infrastructure is designed in line with Section the recommended approach in the NTA’s National Cycle Manual. Funding for retrofitted infrastructure where appropriate, shall be investigated in consultation with the NTA. 140, 93, Revise Policy To secure in cooperation with Iarnród Éireann Pg 234 152, TC32 improved Rail Services in County Louth, 153,189, particularly for the mid and south Louth 197 areas Revise Policy Pg 234 TC33 To support the improvement of Rail based Park & Ride facilities as required in Dundalk & Drogheda and in conjunction with any existing/new Railway Stations located in the County.

209 Revise Policy To support and facilitate where appropriate, Pg 231 TC29 the network of electric vehicle supporting infrastructure across County Louth in accordance with national policy on the promotion of electric vehicles requiring that EV ducting for 10% of all car parking spaces is provided for in all car parks.

Chapter 8 Environment

66 Include new To promote the future development of Pg 239 policy after County Louth in such a manner as to ENV 4 support climate change mitigation measures through the implementation of infrastructure to designated settlements.

Chapter 9 Energy and Communications

29 New Policy Where existing and proposed high Pg 261 after EnCo4 voltage lines traverse sensitive rural landscapes consideration should be given to locating them underground where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity.

66, 111, Revise Policy “The Council will aim to produce a Renewable Pg 263 113, 124, EnCo12 Energy Strategy for County Louth during the lifetime of this Development Plan. This strategy shall have regard to “A Methodology for Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategies” SEAI and shall be compliant with the requirements of SEA and Habitats Directives”

113,222, Revise Policy To require the under-grounding of electrical Pg 261 134 EnCo4 cables within new residential, commercial or civic developments. Where existing and proposed high voltage lines traverse new residential, commercial or civic developments, consideration should be given to locating them underground where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity. Additional 113 new policy Pg261 after EnCo4 Where existing and proposed high voltage lines traverse sensitive rural landscapes consideration should be given to locating them underground where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity. 121 Additional To encourage and support the use of solar Pg 267 wording to energy technologies in all new and proposed policy retrofit developments taking place in County EnCo17 Louth.

Chapter 10 Water Services

210 New Policy Private Waste Water Treatment facilities Section other than single house systems will not 10.3.2 Pg be permitted except in the following 288 limited circumstances. Consideration may be given to granting permission for private waste water/communal facilities in developments managed by suitable institutions.

Volume 2 Settlement Plans

101, 179 New Policy To Develop the Carlingford Library Chapter 4 CAR15 Pg 21 151 New Policy To promote and develop a bypass road Chapter 4 CAR16 from Shilties Lough on the Greenore Pg 21 Road to the Grove Road at the sewerage works. 134 Omit Policy To seek to alleviate traffic congestion and Chapter 4 CAR13 inadequacies in parking provision during peak Pg 21 periods New Policy Chapter 4 CAR13 To seek to alleviate traffic congestion Pg 21 and inadequacies in parking provision and improve provision for pedestrians and cyclists through the implementation of an agreed traffic management plan with relevant stakeholders. Revise Policy Chapter 11 OTH 15 Pg 47 To facilitate with service providers, an expansion of the existing public transport services and other such measures such as the provision of bus shelters and bus lay-bys.

Appendix 12 158 New Opportunity Site 4 (OS4) Super Valu and Section 5.39 Opportunity building fronting onto Market Street. Pg 88 Site in the Draft Retail The site is bounded by Market Street to the Strategy East and Ash Walk to the South. (OS4) Additional text Within the Ardee Local Area Plan 2010-2016, the site is zoned as ‘Town Centre’ the Objective of which is ‘To Provide, protect and enhance town centre facilities and enable town centre strengthening’

The buildings fronting Market Street are located within an Archaeological Conservation Area. The site is located along Ardee’s Core shopping area as designated by this Retail Strategy.

The site is presently occupied by Super Valu, associated car-parking and a number of buildings fronting onto Market Street. The total site extends to 1.4 ha with extant permissions on the site 12/103 and 13/522.

OS4 is strategically located in the heart of Ardee’s Core Retail Area and should be prioritised for development.

Appendix 13

214, 222 Revise Revise Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Volume 2 Appendix Appendix 13

Volume 3 Environmental Reports

127 Include Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material Volume 3 Northern Alterations to Maps Environmenta Ireland l Reports SAC/SPA Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Tables

Table 7.4: Chapter 7, Transport

Table 7.4 Minimum Visibility Standards

Road Sight Visibilit Distance Distance Category distance y back from back from (Y) require edge of edge of ment Carriageway Carriagew over (X) ay ground (1 to 6 (X) houses, (More than field and 6 houses farmyard and non- accesses) domestic developme nts ) National and 215m 0.6 3.0m* 4.5m** Protected -1.05m Regional Routes Regional 125m 0.6 3.0m* 4.5m** -1.05m Local Class 1 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Local Class 2 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Local Class 3 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Cul de Sac 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m * in difficult circumstances a relaxation to 2.4m may be permitted. ** in difficult circumstances a relaxation to 3.0m may be permitted.

Note: Where the 85% percentile speed on a local class 2 or a local class 3 rural road is shown to be below 50 kilometres per hour, the minimum sight distance requirements contained in the document National Roads Authority –Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, shall apply. Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 1.1: Volume 2, Appendix 2

Table 1.1 Land Use & Zoning Objectives

Table 1.1 Land Use Land Use Zoning Objective Colour Land Use Zoning Zoning and Category Objectives Zone 2 Village To provide, protect and enhance village Blue Centre centre facilities and enable town centre expansion. The principal permitted land use in this zone will be town/ village centre related uses. These shall include shops, offices, residential (comprising of not more than 50% of the floor space of the overall development), crèches/playgroups, personal services, community and cultural activities, pubs, restaurants, guesthouses, hotels, places of entertainment, clinics, doctors/dentist surgery and any other similar type uses. 8 Strategic Phase II land will be reserved to allow proper Green Reserve planning and sustainable development in the hatched next plan period(s). The following uses will be area on open for consideration utility structures, playing white fields, park/playground and one - off housing on a limited basis only, for the son or daughter of a qualifying landowner or niece or nephew of a single person or childless couple of a qualifying landowner. For the purpose of this provision a qualifying land owner is where the land has been in family ownership for a minimum of 25 10 years. Only one house will be granted in the case of a niece or nephew. Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 5.8: Chapter 5, Heritage

Table 5.8 Trees and Woodlands of Special Amenity Value Ref. Location TWSAV 1 Townley Hall / King William’s Glen TWSAV 2 Termonfeckin Village TWSAV 3 N1 at Aghnaskeagh TWSAV 4 N1 north of Greenore junction TWSAV 5 Trumpet Hill TWSAV 6 Monvallet east of ESB station TWSAV 7 Red House, Ardee TWSAV 8 Fox Covert, Ardee TWSAV 9 St. Joseph, Ardee TWSAV Mullaghesh, Collon 10 TWSAV Barmeath Woods 11 TWSAV Blackhall Woods 12 TWSAV Darver Castle Woods 13 TWSAV Louth Hall 14 TWSAV New Mellifont Abbey Woods 15 TWSAV Ravensdale Plantation 16 TWSAV Woodlands at Omeath Park 17 TWSAV Salterstown 18 TWSAV Drumcar 19 TWSAV Beaulieu 20 TWSAV Drogheda – Baltray Road 21 TWSAV Newtown House 22 TWSAV Church at Milltown 23 TWSAV Lisrenny House, Tallanstown 24 TWSAV Rathbrist House, Tallanstown 25 TWSAV Corderry House, Readypenny 26 TWSAV Stephenstown Pond 27 TWSAV Ballymakenny Church 28 TWSAV South of Killineer 29 TWSAV Piperstown House 30 TWSAV North of Mount Oriel 31 TWSAV The Rectory, Ardee 32 TWSAV One Mile Wood Newtownstalaban 33 TWSAV Trees East of Termonfeckin 34

Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 2.5: Chapter 2, Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy

Replace Table 2.5 in Draft Louth county Development Plan 2015-2021 with the following:

Table 2.5 Potential Housing and Population Growth within Settlements

Extrapol Populat Househ Avera Existing Housing Hou Shortfall/Ex ated ion old ge Undevelo Land sing cess Populati Target Allocati Densi ped Land Allocate Lan on Levels on to ty d (ha) d Levels 2021 2021 up to Req 2016 2016 uire d (ha) up to 202 1 Dundalk 42,300 46,622 4,322 42 904 51 57 793 & Environs Droghed 35,373 37,944 2,571 40 355 40.3 36 277 a & Environs Ardee 4,841 4,970 129 30 60 11 2.4 46.6 Dunleer 1,688 1,751 63 30 14.4 4.5 1.1 8.75 5 Level 3 13,669 14,008 339 20 199.1 21 10. 168.775 Settleme 525 nts Level 4 2,003 2,033 30 5 - 18.6 3.3 - Settleme nts Rural 32,774 33,722 948 - - - Area Total 132,648 141,05 8,402 - 1532.15 146.4 109 0 .22 5

Proposed Material Alterations to Table 2.6: Chapter 2, Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy Replace Table 2.6 in Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021 with the following:

Table 2.6 Residential Zoning in Level 3 Settlements Settlement Target Househ Allocat Allocat Aver. Undevelo Strate Populati old ed ed Densi ped Land gic on Allocati Housin Housin ty Available Reserv Allocati on g Land g Land unit/ (Ha) e^ on 2016 - 2010 – 2016 – ha (Ha) 2021 2021 2016 2021 (Ha) (Ha)

Annagassan 2 Infill 20 2 0

Baltray 1.96 Infill 20 1.96 0

Carlingford 3.93 1.15 20 4.54 12.10 339 125 Castlebellingh 6 5.4 20 11.4 10.28 am/ Kilsaran Clogherhead 4 Infill 20 4 1.07

Collon 2 0.3 20 2.3 2.11

Dromiskin 6.2 1.356 20 7.556 7.39

Knockbridge 1.3 0.55 20 1.85 0

Louth Village 1.3 5.85 20 7.15 7.9

Omeath 1.62 Infill 20 1.62 16.57

Tallanstown 1.7 0.5 20 2.2 3.5

Termonfeckin 6.2 2.47 20 8.47 24.84

Tullyallen 2.7 1.63 20 4.33 0

Total 40.91 18.056 59.91 85.76

^ Strategic Reserve as identified in Table 1.1 (Land Use Zoning Objectives) in Appendix 2 states that these lands are to allow for the proper planning and development in the next plan period(s). The Strategic Reserve does not allow for residential development save in the exceptional circumstance that it is for the son/daughter of a qualifying landowner or the niece/nephew of a childless couple of a qualifying landowner, where the land has been in family ownership for a minimum of 25 10 years. Proposed Material Alterations to Table 6.3: Chapter 6, Economic Development Tourism & Retail

Table 6.3 Louth Economic Forum 10 Point Action Plans Action Plan Objectives Foreign Direct Investment Attract 3,000 new jobs in foreign owned enterprises. Focus on pharmaceuticals, clean technology and internationally traded services sectors

Sustainable Energy Aims to make Louth the Country’s first smart green county

Indigenous Industry Capitalise on Louth’s traditional strengths in engineering, food and drink. Promote new international services and products. Provide dedicated Business Support Unit * Tourism and Heritage Tourists see destinations, not counties. Identifies areas to be developed including The Boyne Valley and Cooley/ Mourne/ Gullion Region. Age Friendly Business Initiatives to position Louth as a leader in age-friendly business development.

Education and Training Ensure that the education and training sector within the County addresses the changing needs of business and industry

Agriculture and Fisheries Development of the agriculture, food and fisheries section of the Region

Broadband The Draft Broadband Action Plan is nearing completion.

Making Louth the Best County Drafting due to commence Winter to do Business 2014

The Drogheda, Dundalk Newry Drafting due to commence Winter Economic Corridor 2014

*In addition to the aims of Louth Economic Forum regarding Indigenous Industry , Louth County Council shall strive to support and retain existing indigenous industry throughout the County and ensure there is an adequate supply of land serviced and available to accommodate industrial parks suited to indigenous Irish Manufacturing. In this regard and Economic and Business Zone has been identified at Carrickcarnon as identified by a yellow dot on Map 3.1 entitled ‘Development Zones’.

Part 5.0: List of Material Alterations to Maps – Refer to Appendix 1 Maps

Mapping Error Settlement Existing Amended Carlingford Composite Lands not Zoned Community Facilities Map

Proposed Material Alterations to Maps within the Written Statement Submission Amendment Map (s) Nos. 45& 105 TWSAV to replace TP Chapter 5

Illustrate trees at One Mile Map 5.9: Trees and Wood. Newtownstalaban. Woodlands of Special (TWSAV 33) Amenity Value.

Illustrate trees east of Termonfeckin ( TWSAV 34)

No. 222 & 61 Include Core Strategy Chapter 2 Diagrammatic Map Core Strategy Diagrammatic Map

Proposed Material Alterations to Level 3 Settlement Maps* Submission Amendment Map (s) No.222 &161 Composite Maps for all Level Annagassan, Baltray, 3 Settlements Carlingford, Castlebellingham and Kilsaran, Clogherhead, Collon, Dromiskin, Knockbridge , Louth Village, Omeath, Tallanstown, Termonfeckin and Tullyallen Composite Maps

No. 34 Omit Strategic Land Reserve Annagassan, Baltray, on composite maps and Carlingford, subsume said land into Castlebellingham and adjoining development Kilsaran, zones. Clogherhead,Collon, .Strategic Reserve omitted in Dromiskin, Annagassan and land Knockbridge , Louth Village, subsumed into Development Omeath,Tallanstown, Zone 5 Termonfeckin .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tullyallen Composite Maps. Baltray, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Amend Map 3.1 accordingly Carlingford, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Castlebellingham and Kilsaran, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Clogherhead, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Collon, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Dromiskin, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Knockbridge , and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Louth Village, and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Omeath, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tallanstown, and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Termonfeckin and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tullyallen and land subsumed into Development Zone 6

No. 144 Extend settlement limit to Carlingford Composite Map include lands zoned as residential (new/ existing). No. 69 Rezone 0.5ha strip from Castlebellingham and Open, space, amenity and Kilsaran Composite Map recreation to Development Control Zone 4 No.163 Amend settlement Boundary and rezone lands to residential

No. 155 Extend Settlement Boundary Dromiskin Composite Map and zone lands for employment use. No. 16 Village boundary amended , Louth Village Composite rezone strategic reserve to Map residential. No. 105 Tree Symbols on Eastern Termonfeckin Composite side of Baltray Road. Map No. 216 Lands at Tullyallen be Tullyallen Composite Map rezoned for residential use

Proposed Material Alterations to Level 4 Settlement Maps Submission Amendment Map No. 222 Reintroduction of the Ballagan, Bellurgan, following Level 4 Faughart and Willville Settlements: Ballagan, Composite Maps Bellurgan, Faughart and Willville No. 222 Show Flood Zones A & B Ballapousta, Ballagan, Bellurgan , Darver, Dromin, Faughart, Glenmore, Grange, Greenore, Giles Quay, Kilcurry, Kilkerly, Lordship, Mountbagnel, Muchgrange, Philipstown, Ravensdale, Reaghstown, Sandpit, Sheelagh, Stabannon, Tinure, Willville Composite Maps Extend village boundary and Darver, Muchgrange, zone additional lands Philipstown, Ravensdale, Sandpit, Sheelagh, Tinure No. 151 Extend village boundary and Grange Composite Map zone additional lands as Development Area and Civic/Community.

No.151 & 133 Extend village boundary and Greenore Composite Map zone additional lands as Port/Port Related Activity.

No.151 Extend Village Boundary and Kilkerley Composite Map zone additional lands as Development Area

No. 151 Extend Village Boundary and Lordship Composite Map No. 172 zone additional lands as No. 219 Development Area No. 167 Extend Village Boundary and Mountbagnel Composite zone additional lands as Map Development Area.

Maps Showing Other Amendments Submission Amendment Map (s) No. 58 Light Blue Dot indicates a Greenore Nursing Home and Nursing home/Analogous Analogous Services services. (Map 3.1 to be amended accordingly) No.161 Yellow Dot identifies Carrickcarnon Economic/ Business Zone. Economic/Business Zone

(Map 3.1 to be amended accordingly)

Proposed Amendments to Draft Louth Retail Strategy Maps Volume 2 Appendix 12 Submission Amendment Map (s) No. 129 Map Showing Drogheda Drogheda - Vacant Vacant Properties Properties Map 02

No. 158 Additional Opportunity Site Ardee Opportunity Sites at Supervalu/ Market Street, Map 09 Ardee

Proposed Material Alteration to Map within Environmental Report:

Submission Amendment Map No.127 NI Sac & Spa Maps NI Sac & Spa Maps Part 6 Proposed Amendments to the Record of Protected Structures

Materials Amendments to Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015 – 2021 June – July 2015 Material Amendments to the List of additions & deletions to the Record of Protected Structures

Status ID Ref Map Sheet Description Notes NIAH No. No. 1. Minister’s LHS002- 2 House Detached three-bay single- 13833006 Recommendation 006 storey over basement with attic house, built c. 1760. Main block Proposed not to be rectangular-plan facing east, added to the Record gabled glazed porch c. 1930 of Protected projecting from front east Structures. elevation, two-storey over basement return wing to north- west. 2. Minister’s LHS003- 3 Water Mill Detached multiple-bay two- 13900303 Recommendation 004 storey mill, built c. 1830, now disused. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures.

3. Minister’s LHS004- 4 House Detached three-bay two-storey 13900408 Recommendation 018 house, built c. 1850, incorporating. Square-plan, Proposed not to be pedimented breakfront and added to the Record open porch to east elevation, of Protected two two-storey returns to west, Structures. bow window to south 4. Minister’s LHS005- 5 Warehouse Detached multiple-bay two- 13825025 Recommendation 036 storey former warehouse, built c. 1820, now in use as shop. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 5. Minister’s LHS005- 5 Walls & Stone gateway, built c.1820. 13825027 Recommendation 038 Arched Random rubble stone walling, gateway saddle-coping, squared Proposed not to be limestone quoins to north-east added to the Record corner. Camber-headed carriage of Protected arch, limestone voussoirs, Structures. square-headed pedestrian gate to north, limestone relieving arch. Set to west of road, wrought iron railings to the north. 6. Proposed Protected LHS005- 5 House Attached three-bay two-storey 13825055 Structure 060 house, built c. 1830, with return Minister’s to west. Recommendation 7. Minister’s LHS005- 5 House Detached three-bay single- 13833007 Recommendation 065 storey house, built c. 1860. Rectangular-plan, gabled porch Proposed not to be to south, flat-roofed extension added to the Record to north. of Protected Structures 8. Minister’s LHS005- 5 House Detached three-bay two-storey 13833014 Recommendation 070 house, built 1846. Symmetrical gabled breakfronts, central Proposed not to be square porch projecting from added to the Record east elevation, two-bay two- of Protected storey in line extension to north, Structures. single-storey pitched roof porch to west (rear). 9. Minister’s LHS007- 7 House Detached three-bay two-storey 13900760 Recommendation 024 house, built c. 1800. Projecting gable-fronted central bay, Proposed not to be single-storey canted bay added to the Record windows to south-west and of Protected north-east, single-storey with Structures. attic addition to north-west c. 1840, single-storey house attached to north-west. 10 Minister’s LHS008- 8 Factory Detached multiple-bay multiple- 13900817 . Recommendation 019 storey alcohol factory, built c. 1935, comprising two-storey Proposed not to be entrance block to east of added to the Record complex, rising to five storey of Protected tower-like block to centre of Structures. complex and double-height blocks to the western (rear) side of the complex. 11 Minister’s LHS009- 9 House No. 5 of a terrace of eight three- 13831033 . Recommendation 037e bay two-storey former workers' Proposed not to be houses, built c. 1860, now in added to the Record private domestic use. Variety of of Protected single- and two-storey Structures. extensions to east. 12 Minister’s LHS009- 9 House Detached three-bay two-storey 13900904 . Recommendation 047 house, built c. 1800. Two-storey return and flat-roofed extension Proposed not to be to south. added to the Record of Protected Structures.

13  Not Minister’s LHS009- 9 Church - Galvanised Church in Greenore NA . Recommenda 055 Disused Railway Village tion Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 14 Minister’s LHS012- 12 Curate's Detached three-bay two-storey 13901213 . Recommendation 048 House rendered former rectory, built c. 1820, now in private domestic Proposed not to be use. T-plan, lean-to entrance added to the Record porch c.1900 to west elevation. of Protected Structures. 15 Minister’s LHS012- 12 House Detached three-bay single- 13901222 . Recommendation 052 storey former dower house, built c. 1760, by Lord Cleemount for Proposed not to be his sister, now in use as private added to the Record house. of Protected Structures. 16 Minister’s LHS014- 14 Country Detached three-bay two-storey 13901402 . Recommendation 010 House house, built 1851, now derelict. Projecting porch to central bay Proposed not to be of north (front) elevation, added to the Record square-profile crenellated tower of Protected set back from parapet. Structures. 17 Minister’s LHS015- 15 Manse Detached three-bay two-storey 13826026 . Recommendation 039 former manse, built c. 1880, now in use as private house. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 18 Minister’s LHS015- 15 House Detached multiple-bay two- 13826027 . Recommendation 040 storey house, built c. 1840. L- plan to original house, two- Proposed not to be storey gabled return to east of added to the Record north elevation, various single- of Protected storey extensions to north Structures. 19 Minister’s LHS017- 17 House Corner-sited attached four-bay 13823030 . Recommendation 066 two-storey house, built c. 1830, also in use as shops Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 20 Minister’s LHS017- 17 Rectory Detached three-bay two-storey 13823031 . Recommendation 067 former rectory, built c. 1910, now in use as guest house. L- Proposed not to be plan. added to the Record of Protected Structures 21 Minister’s LHS017- 17 Markaville Detached five-bay two-storey 13901717 . Recommendation 078 House house, built c. 1780. Proposed not to be Rectangular-plan, single-storey added to the Record extension to east of Protected Structures. 22 Minister’s LHS017- 17 Hoathstown Detached three-bay single- 13901718 . Recommendation 079 House storey house, built c. 1890, four- bay two-storey extension south- Proposed not to be east, c. 1920 added to the Record of Protected Structures. 23 Minister’s LHS018- 18 Four-bay Detached four-bay two-storey 13830011 . Recommendation 029 Two-storey house house Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 24 Minister’s LHS018- 18 Mountain Rd Single-span stone railway-over- 13830016 . Recommendation 031 Bridge road bridge, built c. 1880. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 25 Minister’s LHS018- 18 North Bridge Single-span railway-over-road 13830017 . Recommendation 032 limestone bridge, built c. 1880. Proposed not to be Concrete block parapet walls c. added to the Record 1970 of Protected Structures. 26 Minister’s LHS018- 18 White River Single-span rail-over-river 13830018 . Recommendation 033 Bridge bridge, built c. 1880. Cylindrical iron columns, riveted iron Proposed not to be panels supporting deck, added to the Record cylindrical iron railings, of Protected depressed plinths. Spanning Structures. White River at outskirts of Dunleer town.

27 Minister’s LHS018- 18 Burren House Detached three-bay two-storey 13901824 . Recommendation 044 house, built c. 1840.

Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 28 Minister’s LHS018- 18 Woodpark Detached three-bay two-storey 13901825 . Recommendation 045 house, built c. 1880. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 29 Minister’s LHS019- 19 Dunany Detached three-bay single- 13901901 . Recommendation 008 Cottage storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Proposed not to be added to the Record of Protected Structures. 30 Minister’s LHS019- 19 Four-bay Detached four-bay two-storey 13901914 . Recommendation 016 Two-storey house, built c. 1820. Proposed not to be house added to the Record of Protected Structures. Minister’s LHS022- 22 Glaspistol Detached three-bay two-storey 13902208 31 Recommendation 030 House house, built c. 1820. Bathroom . to first floor west elevation on Proposed not to be cast-iron columns c. 1880. added to the Record of Protected Structures.

32 Minister’s LHS022- 22 Four-bay Detached four-bay two-storey 13902213 . Recommendation 033 Two-storey house, built c. 1800. Proposed not to be house added to the Record of Protected Structures.

33 Minister’s Lhs024- 24 Kilineer Five-bay, two-storey lime 13902427 . Recommendation 005 Farmhouse rendered farmhouse, built Proposed not to be c.1830. Long sash windows to added to the Record ground floor, incl. Outbuilding, of Protected boundary walls, gates, piers Structures. 34 Minister’s Lhs024- 24 Former Rocky Outcrop. The base of the NA . Recommendation 006A Obelisk Base former Obelisk – Proposed not to be (Rocky Commemorative Pillar marking added to the Record Outcrop) King William’s victory over King of Protected James in the Battle of the Structures. Boyne. 35 Minister’s LHS025- 25 Beltichburne Detached multiple-bay two- 13902528 . Recommendation 017 House storey with attic house, built c. Proposed not to be 1860. added to the Record of Protected Structures.

Proposed Additions: Status ID Ref Map Address Description Notes NIAH No. No. Shee t 1. Proposed D500 13B Ice House The Ice House In an area of NA Protected The Demesne A Detached other similar Structure Dundalk two Storey 1930s Art Deco 1930s Art style houses. Not Minister’s Deco style Designed by Recommendation house, with local architect replacement Thomas Pius uPVC McGahon for windows Dundalk Premier Utility Society 1932.

2. Proposed Lhs017- 17 Drogheda Road, Ardee The Lone Statue erected NA Protected 093 Solider in Structure Monument remembrance Not Minister’s of Sean Recommendation O’Carroll and Patrick Tiermey murdered by the Black and Tans 30th November 1920 3. Proposed Lhs015- 15 Village Green Castlebellingham First World First World War NA Protected 056 War Memorial Memorial Cross Structure Cross erected in Not Minister’s 1919. Recommendation 4. Proposed Lhs015- 15 Lime Kiln, Stone built Built early NA Protected 057 Annagassan Harbour lime kiln with nineteenth Structure Annagassan brick arches century. Not Minister’s and quoins. Notable for its Recommendation location at the harbour,rather than close to the source of raw material: lime, due to fuel (coal) being landed at Annagassan harbour. Louth Proposed Deletions:

Status ID Ref No. Map Sheet Addre Description Notes NIAH No. ss 1. Proposed Deletion LHS009-037 9 No. 1- Houses A terrace of eight three- 13831033 a – d & f - h 4 & 6- bay two-storey former Minister’s 8 workers' houses, built c. Recommendation Angles 1860, now in private ey domestic use. Variety of Terrac single- and two-storey e, extensions to east. Green ore 2. Proposed Deletion LHS011-029 11 Lough Farmhouse Detached five-bay two- 13901118 antarv with farm storey house, built Minister’s e yard to rear c.1840. Farmyard to rear Recommendation and out- (north) with outbuildings buildings along This well preserved streetscape complex is a good at example of the traditional Knockbridge combined house and village farmyard arrangement cross-roads. and is thus very representative of rural architectural development in the nineteenth century. The long low proportions of the outbuildings and plain façade with symmetrically arranged openings are both features typical of the type and the complex is a central feature of Knockbridge Village, occupying one quadrant of its crossroads plan. Dundalk Additions Status I D NIAH Map Sheet Struct Type Description Number ure or Addre ss 1. Minister’s D274 13701007 13B Glenaul House Detached Recommendation in three-bay Philip two-storey Proposed not to be Street / house built added to the Record of Culhain c.1930. Protected Structures. e Street 2. Minister’s D412 13707055 18 & 18A Brookm House Semi- Recommendation ount, detached Proposed not to be Ardee three-bay added to the Record of Rd. two-storey Protected Structures. house, built c. 1860. 3. Minister’s D417 13707056 18 & 18A Ardee House Semi- Recommendation Road. detached three-bay Proposed not to be two-storey added to the Record of house, built Protected Structures. c. 1860.

4. Minister’s D433 13705131 14 & 14A Dun School Detached T- Recommendation Dealga plan eight- Proposed not to be n bay single- added to the Record of Nation storey school Protected Structures. al dated 1891. School Jocelyn St. 5. Minister’s D434 13705099 14 & 14A Dun Schoolmaster’s Detached Recommendation Dealga house three-bay Proposed not to be n two-storey added to the Record of school school Protected Structures. master master’s s house house, built Jocelyn c.1900. St. 6. Minister’s D438 13705073 14 & 14A Presbyt Church Hall c. 1880 Recommendation erian corner sited Proposed not to be Hall detached added to the Record of Jocelyn gable fronted Protected Structures. St. three-bay Jocelyn single-storey Drive church hall. 7. Minister’s D452 13705043 14 & 14A 4 House Terraced Recommendation Seatow two-bay two- Proposed not to be n storey with added to the Record of Garden house attic, Protected Structures. s. built c. 1900.

8. Minister’s D453 13705044 14 & 14A Massab House End of Recommendation ielle, 5 terrace two- Proposed not to be Seatow bat two- added to the Record of n storey house Protected Structures. Garden with attic, s built c.1900.

9. Minister’s D459 13705047 14 & 14A 8 House Semi- Recommendation Seatow detached n two-bay two Proposed not to be Garden –storey added to the Record of s house with Protected Structures. attic, built c.1900. 10. Minister’s D481 13702049 13B 4 Kelso House Terraced Recommendation Terrace two-bay two- , St. storey with Proposed not to be Mary’s house attic added to the Record of Road built c. 1900. Protected Structures. Bounded by granite plinth wall with wrought iron railings. 11. Minister’s D487 13707061 13C Mount House in use as Detached Recommendation Hamilt HSE building three-bay on two storey Proposed to Protect House house. Exterior Only Carrick macros s Rd 12. Minister’s D499 13900743 18 Former Manse Detached Recommendation Manse three-bay Proposed not to be Dublin two-storey added to the Record of Road. former Protected manse, built Structures. 1860, now a private house.

Amendments to RPS in Environs of Dundalk 13. Minister’s LHS 13901222 31 Fairym House Detached Recommendation 012-052 ount, three-bay Haggar single-storey Proposed not to be dstown former dower added to the Record house, built of Protected c. 1760, now Structures. in use as private house. Drogheda Additions:

NIAH Number T y p Status I D e Description 1 Minister’s DB- 13619013 H Semi-detached two-bay, two-storey house with . Recommendation 323 o integral garage, built c. 1930, as a pair with the Proposed not to u adjoining house to the west. be added to the s Record of e Protected Structures. 2 Minister’s DB35 13621017 H Attached seven-bay, three-storey building, built . Recommendation 5 o c.1860, formerly a pair of three and four-bay u houses. Retains many early features such as Proposed not to s timber sliding sash windows with no horns & be added to the e slate roof & the proportion & form. Record of / Protected s Structures. h o p / r e t a il 3 Minister’s DB37 13622084 S Detached multiple bay two-storey school, dated . Recommendation 1 c 1952. Irregular plan, ten-bay breakfront to south Proposed not to h elevation, eight-bay single storey block to east. be added to the o A fine example of architectural developments in Record of o the 1950s. Protected l Structures. B u il d i n g . Part 7 Proposed Amendments to the Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021 Strategic Environmental Report Appropriate Assessment

Table of Contents

1. Introduction Page 42

2. Managers Recommendations – Screening of Significant Effects Page 43

Chapter 2: Settlements Page 44 Chapter 3: Rural Development & Natural Resources Page 49 Chapter 4: Residential and Community Facilities Page 51 Chapter 5: Heritage (Built & Natural) Page 52 Chapter 6: Economic Development, Tourism & Retail Page 56 Chapter 7: Transport Page 59 Chapter 8: Environment Page 64 Chapter 9: Energy & Communications Page 64 Chapter 10: Water Services Page 66 Volume 2: Settlement Plans Page 67 Volume 3: Environmental Reports Page 69 List of Material Alterations to Tables Page 70 List of Material Alteration to Maps Page 79

3. Conclusion and determination on Material Alterations Page 85

57 1.0 Introduction

The Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021 , together with accompanying Environmental Report (Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Natura Impact Statement (Appropriate Assessment(AA) ) , was put on public display from Monday 6th October 2014 to Wednesday 17th December 2014.

This document focuses on the proposed amendments made by the Elected Members of Louth County Council following consideration of the draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021, the Chief Executives Report on submissions received as well as workshops and Council meetings. It consists of amendments to the written statement, amendments to maps, amendments to the Record of Protected Structures and a revised Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. This report also contains a statement on any significant environmental impacts from the proposed material amendments.

Written submissions and observations with respect to the Draft Development Plan and/or Environmental Report and/or Appropriate Assessment were invited from members of the public and other interested parties. These included submissions from members of the public, government bodies, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and statutory consultees.

Following the consultation period the Chief Executive prepared a Chief Executive’s Report on the observations/submissions received during the display period, together with a series of the recommendations (Chief Executive’s Recommendations) on proposed amendments to the Draft Plan and submitted it to the Elected Members for consideration.

The Chief Executive’s Report was considered by the Elected members of Louth County Council at a Special Meeting on 9th June 2015.

58 This report addresses the SEA/AA consequences, where any, of the outcome of the consideration at that meeting of the Manager’s Report and Recommendations, together with the SEA/AA consequences of any further Elected Members’ Motions as made on the Draft Plan on that date.

Content of the Draft Plan that does not comprise policies or objectives is not within the scope of the SEA/AA and therefore was not evaluated in the initial Environmental Report or Natura Impact Statement. Similarly, proposed amendments to such content are generally not considered in this report.

Where supporting text, referred to in policies is being amended and where such amendments would change the evaluation provided in the Environmental Report or Natura Impact Statement, then such amendments are considered.

This document includes screening for both significant impacts in terms of both SEA and Appropriate Assessment (AA). Where a comment is being made in the context of AA, this has been noted separately in the text.

2.0 Manager’s Recommendations

Screening of Significant Effects

This section identifies the environmental consequences of the Chief Executive’s Recommendations to the Draft Louth County Development Plan which were put before the Elected Members of Louth County Council at a special Council meeting on the 9th June 2015.

This report refers to the Chief Executive’s Recommendations as agreed at the meeting of the 9th of June 2015 and the minute thereof.

While new objectives and/or policies and any subsequent re-numbering are referred to this report, assignment of new objective and/or policy reference numbers is not reflected in the report. Please refer to Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021 (as Amended) for all such re-ordering and referencing.

In the following sections (and except where otherwise noted) text in normal black is unchanged in the Written Statement of the Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021. Comments on SEA and/or AA Screening are in red text.

59 Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy


34 Omit Strategic Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to Land Reserve Maps where appropriate

Pg 19 Revised Text Phasing proposal relates to two phases of Section 2.10 development; one for the duration of this plan a second phase “Strategic Reserve” for consideration beyond 2021. The inclusion of such lands as a Strategic Reserve will not in any way imply a prior commitment on the part of Louth County Council regarding their future

60 zoning during the preparation of the subsequent County Development Plan for the period 2021-2027. Remove text from Table 1.1 Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Table

SEA/ AA Screening The omission of strategic land reserve would not have any material effect on the overall environment of the 13 Level 3 settlements within which they would have been included. The proposed changes will therefore result in a neutral effect. The removal of these areas within the plan will not change the overall assessment and conclusion contained within the SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report.


61 Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for a Core Maps Strategy Diagrammatic Map

Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for Composite Maps Maps Pg 30

To promote and facilitate limited development Revise Policy within Level 3 Settlements that is SS9 commensurate with the nature and extent of the existing settlement to support their role as local service centres and to implement the policies and objectives relative to each settlement as provided for in Appendix 2.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 76.

- The inclusion of a Core Strategy diagrammatic map is purely an illustration of those proposals within the overall direction development contained in the Draft plan and does not change any fo the policies objectives contained in the Draft Plan.

61 - The inclusion of composite maps for the Level 3 and 4 settlements in County Louth has a positive effect on the environment where the overall decision making on individual cases can be assessed in a holistic approach; preliminary flood zone areas have been included.

- The inclusion of specific objectives within Appendix 2 of the Draft Plan further supports the appropriate development within the Level 3 settlements and protection of the environment.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


121 Revise Policy In those cases where for financial or other Pg 40 SS22 reasons, construction has been suspended on a rural dwelling indefinitely, the council will consider removing restrictions on the purchase of such dwellings to permit their completion. In all cases the council must be satisfied that works are in situ. The Planning Authority will only consider the lifting of occupancy conditions by way of a planning application made to the effect of seeking the retention and completion of the dwelling together with removal of the occupancy condition. The Planning Authority in assessing such cases must be satisfied that there is genuine hardship arising from the inability of the applicant to dispose of the property. As such the authority will require;

Written evidence from the financial institution responsible for the applicant’s financial affairs verifying the nature and scale of the difficulties being encountered. In cases where there is a health problem which necessitates disposal of the property, the application should be supported by relevant documentation from a registered medical consultant.

Sales of dwellings qualifying under these extreme circumstances will not attract the requirement that potential purchasers must be eligible under the appropriate qualifying

62 criteria for the area. This shall not apply in those cases where a planning permission has expired, is applicable only where the planning authority is satisfied that works commenced prior to 1st February 2012 and this provision shall cease to have effect from 16th November 2015.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment for removal of text to policy presents no issue for the SEA or AA.


151 Revise Policy To prevent the creation of ribbon development Pg 49 SS53 by not permitting more than four houses in a row along any public road. A minimum gap of 400 150 metres shall be maintained between such developments. An exception to this requirement may be considered where the dwelling is required to meet the housing needs of a son/daughter/foster child of a qualifying landowner and where the planning authority is satisfied that there is no other suitable site available on the landholding Pg 49 Revise Policy SS54 To preserve a clear break of a minimum of 400 150 metres between the boundary of existing settlements and any permitted development along adjoining roads.

SEA/ AA Screening The reduction in the gap along the edge of settlements from 400m to 150m should not cause a significant effect on the environment where there was an element of development permitted previously. Other polices to protect the environment at these locations are included throughout the Draft Plan and therefore no affect on the environmental assessment.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.

63 156, Amend Table Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Pg 18 157, 2.5 Tables 164,1 65

SEA/ AA Screening See no 71 and 76.

Amendment to Table 2.5 refers to a change on the calculations in the residential zoned lands available in the level 3 settlements and the strategic land reserve recalculation in the same settlements. The strategic land reserve lands has reduced the amount by approx 67 hectares whereas the residential zoned lands has increased by 9.73%.

The proposed amendments has reduced the amount of possible future residential lands within the Level 3 settlements and cumulatively this reduces the possibility of residential units within the settlements therefore decreasing the growth of these areas and less impact on the rural infrastructure. This proposed amendment has a positive environmental impact.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


160, Amend Table Refer to Part 4 Material Alterations to Pg 18 & 20 196, 2.5 & 2.6 Tables 222

SEA/ AA Screening See no 5 and 71

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


210 Revise Policy To require a minimum site area of 0.2ha (0.5 Pg 31 SS14 acres) for each residential unit within Level 4 Rural Settlements where serviced by an individual waste water treatment plant.

64 SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of waste water treatment plants in SS14 provide an element of clarity to the criteria for residential development in Level 4 settlements. Waste water treatment systems must be compliant with EPA guidelines to ensure protection of the environment.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


222 Additional To provide for the construction of one-off type Pg 31 words to be houses within Level 4 Rural Settlements in included in order to assist in satisfying a housing and SS10 county based local area need within a structured but low density environment as an alternative to the development of scattered one –off housing.

Requirement Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to for a Core Maps Strategy 222 Diagrammatic Section &128 Map 2.19.1 Pg 34 Applicants are the son or daughter of a Revise Text qualifying landowner, or a niece or nephew of a childless single person or childless couple of a qualifying landowner. One house only shall be granted in the case of a niece or nephew. The applicant must demonstrate a rural housing need and show that they do not already own a house or have not owned a house within the rural area of the county for a minimum of 5 years prior to making Pg 40 an application. Section Revise Text 2.19.5 Definition of Qualifying Land Owner For the purposes of this Plan, Qualifying Landowner is defined as being where a person owned a landholding of at least 3 hectares for a

65 minimum of 25 10 years.

SEA/ AA Screening - The inclusion of additional reference to the qualifying criteria to include the housing based need support those policies for the protection of the environment and the direction of growth to settlement centers.

- The reduction in the landholding of the qualifying landowner from 25 to 10 years should have no significant effect on the environment.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.

Chapter 3 Rural Development and Natural Resources

9. 66 Revise Policy To support sustainable tourism enterprises Pg 75 RD16 that are developed at appropriate locations in conjunction with established rural activities and to facilitate the development of agri tourism. Additional Pg 77 Wording To increase the quality of beaches in the RD17 County and in so doing contribute to the development of the tourism industry and to the enjoyment of the facilities subject to compliance with the provisions of the EU Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

SEA/ AA Screening Additional textual changes to policies RD 16 and RD 17 further strengthen protection of the environment. No affect on the overall conclusions of the environmental assets.

66 The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


121 Revise Policy To encourage farmers already in REPS or any Pg 69 RD2 subsequent scheme, such as GLAS, to continue participation in the interests of environmental protection and the safeguarding of sensitive and rural landscapes.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed inclusion of text RD 2 provides additional contact to support agriculture. The impact is neutral. It will not alter the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment in the SEA or NIR.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


58 & 161 Revise Policy To consider developments falling within the Pg 86 RD39 following categories; limited one-off housing*, agricultural developments, extensions to existing authorised uses and farms, appropriate farm diversification projects; developments to be used for leisure, recreation and tourism; holiday accommodation including cottages and lodges where these are part of an existing or proposed integrated tourism complex; hotels/ guest houses / B & B’s (only where the proposal involves the re-use or diversification of an existing building); extensions to existing authorised commercial and industrial

67 developments; renewable energy schemes, public utility infrastructure, certain resource based and location specific developments of significant regional or national importance and, critical infrastructure projects. Nursing homes/analogous services ** and Economic Business zone at Carrickcarnon.***

Multi-unit residential, conventional industrial and commercial development appropriate to existing settlements, developments directly adjacent to rural motorway interchanges would not be considered appropriate within this zone.

*Refer to Section 2.19.1 for Qualifying Criteria

** In the location identified by ??? dot on Map 3.1 entitled’ Development Zones’.

*** In the location identified by ??? dot on Map 3.1 entitled ‘Development Zones’.

Refer Part 5 Material Alterations to Maps

SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of the Nursing homes/analogous services in policy RD 39 is linked to Map “Greenore Nursing Home & Analogous services”. This proposed additional text and map change has been linked specifically to an individual site within Development Control Zone 5. Any future proposals will be subject to mandatory environmental and development control compliance. The impact is neutral. It will not alter the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment in the SEA or NIR.

The inclusion of “Economic business zone at Carrickcarnon in policy RD 39 id linked to Map and Table 6.3 (Part 4) see no 73. As per above comments the proposed amendments have been linked specifically to an individual site within Development Control Zone 5 and any future development proposals will be subject to mandatory environmental and development control compliance.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

68 Chapter 4 Residential and Community Facilities


58 Revise Policy To require that nursing homes/ analogous Pg 115 RES 45 services are located within Dundalk, Drogheda, Ardee, Dunleer and level 3 Settlements. In exceptional circumstances where suitable the re-use of existing buildings shall be considered.

SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of additional wording in RES 45 proposed the reuse of an existing building and as impact on the environment are neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

13. 110 Additional The Council will support the Pg 103 Text development of a best practice brochure/ Section manual for designing dwelling houses 4.10.1 which includes the principles of universal design. The brochure/ manual should be developed in conjunction with DKIT and Louth County Council. That best practice in town planning and design will also be considered in the design of the public realm.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed text in Section 4.10.1 provides support for best practice disability management and further studies. The impact is therefore considered neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

69 14. 117 Additional To co-operate with the Department of Pg 113 wording to Education and Skills in the identification of RES40 need and provision of school sites and in accordance with relevant national guidance.

SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of wording in RES 40 is a mandatory requirement and therefore the inclusion in the text is one of clarification. The impact on the environment is neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

Chapter 5 Heritage (Natural & Built)

15. 45,109, Revise Table TWSAV 15: New Mellifont Abbey Woods Pg 138 119, 205 5.8 N.B TWSAV: One Mile Wood, procedures Newtownstalaban*, are in train *It is an objective of the plan to make a for this Tree Preservation Order for trees at TWSAV 33 it Newtownstalaban is proposed that it goes to the July meeting and Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material may be Revise Map Alterations to Tables passed thus 5.9 not accordingly necessitatin Refer to Part 5 Material Alterations to g the need Maps for the objective to be included

SEA/ AA Screening See no 70

70 The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


66 Revise Policy The Local Authority will ensure that a Pg 124 HER4 screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) on all Plans and Projects and or Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment (NIS/NIR) where appropriate, is undertaken to make a determination. Natura 2000 sites located outside of the County but within 15 km of proposed development site should also be included in such screenings. All screening assessments submitted to the planning authority shall include a written statement indicating control methods proposed to prevent the spread of invasive species onto a Natura 2000 site.

SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of additional text reference for the control of invasive species in HER 4 proposed additional assessment for the protection of the conservation objective of the SAC/SPA and therefore has a positive effect on the environment.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


105 Revise Policy To protect trees and woodlands of special Pg 140 HER13 amenity value and to review and where appropriate put in place make a Tree Preservation Order(s) for this propose in relation to trees of special amenity value (including those identified as Possible Tree Preservation Orders in the Level 3 Settlements) or any other tree(s) of amenity value where the planning Include Trees authority considers such trees to be at East of risk.

71 Termonfecki n Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Tables.

TWSAV utilised instead of TP

Include Trees East of Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material Termonfecki Alterations to Maps. n

Additional Tree symbols Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material along Alterations to Maps Eastern side of Baltray Road, Termonfecki n

SEA/ AA Screening See No 15 and 70 The proposed amendment refers to additional protection of trees with special amenity value. The environmental impact is positive.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


111 Revise Policy A minimum of 20m wide riparian corridor shall Pg 173-174 HER66 be kept free from development (except for pathways) along the side of each bank of the river for the purposes of habitat protection, maintenance access requirements, flood alleviation and recreational requirements. Any proposed path should be located a minimum of 6m from the top of the river edge.

“All proposed coastal walkways will be

72 required to comply with the Habitats, EIA and SEA Directives”

SEA/ AA Screening See No 9

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


115 New policy Existing stone kerbs and paving stones to Chapter 5 are to be maintained and refurbished as much as possible. Where new kerbs are necessary they are to be of high quality in character with the existing.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed additional policy refers to the replacement of existing elements of the built environment. The proposed amendments would have a neutral impact.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


163 Revise Policy Where in exceptional circumstances trees Pg 140 HER16 and or hedgerows are required to be removed to facilitate development, there shall be a requirement that each tree felled is to be replaced at a ratio of 10:1 and each hedgerow removed is to be replaced with native species where feasible.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed additional text to HER 16 provides for additional protection for hedgerows. The proposed amendment would have a positive impact on the environment.

73 The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


212 New policy That a variation of the County Pg 145 after HER22 Development Plan will be proposed, if required, to make appropriate amendments to the plan, as a result of any recommendations arising from the publication of The Irish Battlefields Project. Omit HER56 Pg 166

To promote the maintenance and the appropriate reuse, renovation and rehabilitation of older buildings which are not New Policy protected, but are of architectural or HER56 streetscape merit.

To recognise the importance of the contribution of vernacular architecture to the character of a place and promote where feasible the protection, retention and appropriate revitalisation and use of the vernacular built heritage, including structures that contribute to landscape and streetscape character and discourage the demolition of these structures.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed additional wording to policy HER 22 refers to further protection of the cultural landscape in Louth near Bru na Boinne. The proposed amendment would have a positive impact. Proposed policy HER 56 refers to protection of existing buildings of interest and would have a positive environmental impact.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


74 220 New Policy To investigate during the lifetime of the Pg 140 after HER18 Plan the addition of Trees and Woodlands of Special Amenity Value and where appropriate to include in Table 5.8 and Map 5.9.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 15, 17 &70.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

Chapter 6

Economic Development, Tourism & Retail


66 Revise Policy Pg 194 EDE 20-23

102 Revise Policy EDE 20 EDE20 To promote and facilitate the development of walkways and cycleways at appropriate locations throughout the county utilising disused transport links where feasible.*

EDE 21 To promote and facilitate the development of cycle routes in accordance with The NationalCycle Network Scoping Study 2010.*

EDE 22 To protect the integrity and scenic quality of existing and future walking and cycling routes and their setting.* 102 Revise Policy EDE23

EDE 23 To work in conjunction with adjoining authorities including Newry Mourne & Down, Monaghan and Meath County Councils to extend and design new walking

75 and cycling routes, including towards Newry, Inniskeen and the eastern coastal route to Drogheda and Balbriggan as well as extending the Bru na Boinne Greenway. Ensure all proposals include appraisal of environmental impacts and take full account of the potential for negative impacts on Natura 2000 sites through the process of Habitats Directive Assessment Screening”* 66 Revise Policy Pg 195 EDE 25 *The above policies EDE 20-23 shall all be subject to compliance with all relevant EU policies such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA Directives.

To co-operate with the relevant authorities and government agencies north and south of the border in the provision of Narrow Water Bridge. Policy EDE 25 shall be subject to compliance with all relevant EU policies such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA and EIA Directives.

SEA/ AA Screening See No 9.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


134 Remove To resist the provision of large scale regional Pg 202 Policy EDE developments outside town centres subject to 35 the application of the sequential test and demonstrate that the existing town centre will not be adversely affected.

76 SEA/ AA Screening Proposed amendment refers to the removal of any large scale regional developments outside the town centres. Any proposed developments would be subject to further development management compliance. The removal of text would have a neutral impact on the environment.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


143 Revise Policy To explain, promote and co-operate with all Pg 192 EDE16 relevant stakeholders to facilitate the development of the Mourne/Cooley/Gullion Geo Tourism Project.

SEA/ AA Screening The additional proposed text provides other avenues by which to co-operate with stakeholders for the provision of geo tourism the proposed amendments will have a neutral impact.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


161 Additional Additional information in relation to Table 6.3 Pg 181 Information Louth Economic Forum 10 Point Action Plans. to Table 6.3 Refer to Part 4 Material Alteration to Tables

SEA/ AA Screening See no 11 and 73.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


77 199 Revise Policy “To co-operate with the appropriate Pg 180 EDE3 authorities and key stakeholders in Northern Ireland to support joint economic initiatives and programmes for the promotion of the region on a cross border basis”.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed additional textual changes above do not present an issue in terms of SEA or AA.


214 & 222 Remove To resist the provision of large scale regional Pg 202 Policy EDE35 developments outside town centres subject to the application of the sequential test and demonstrate that the existing town centre will not be adversely affected.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 24 above.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

Chapter 7 Transport

29. 7, 44, 121, Revised Refer to Part 4 Proposed Material Pg 220 151, 222 Table 7.4 Alterations to Tables

SEA/ AA Screening See no 50.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

30. 7 Amend Text In urban areas the Design Manual for Pg 220 Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) will be Section

78 applied. In all urban roads and streets 7.3.6 (that is streets and roads with speed limits of 60kph or less) the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) shall be applied.

Revise Policy TC2 Pg 213

To support the implementation of government transport policy as expressed in Transport 21, A Sustainable Transport Future – A New Transport Policy for Ireland 2009-2020, Spatial Planning and National Roads – Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012, Revise policy National Cycle Policy Framework 2009, TC7 Traffic Transport Assessment Guidelines Pg 217 2014, Smarter Travel and other relevant policy documents which may evolve during the course of the plan.

To provide and maintain a road hierarchy based on motorway, national routes, regional routes and local roads and to maintain the carrying capacity and lifespan of the road network and ensure high standards of safety for road users and to require that all proposals for development that would be likely to Include new impact significantly on the carrying capacity policy after of national routes be accompanied by traffic Pg 219 TC10 impact transport assessment, road safety impact assessment, road safety audits and mobility management plans in accordance with the Spatial Planning and National Roads Revise Policy Guidelines 2012 and/or the Design Manual for TC11 Urban Roads and Streets (2013). Pg 221

To prohibit the proliferation of non road traffic signage on or adjacent to national roads as per the DECLG Spatial Planning & National Roads Guidelines 2012.

79 To apply the visibility standards and vehicle dwell area requirements as set out in tables 7.4 and 7.5 and Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets in accordance with the National Roads Authority Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) for the national road network and to ensure that the standards set out in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) apply to all Urban Roads and Streets.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendments to policies TC2, TC7, TC10 and TC 11 strengthen links to the national guidance for Urban Roads (DMURS) and appropriate guidance. The proposal does not provide any further impacts on the environment and it is considered neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


44 Revise Policy The policy of the Planning Authority will be to Pg224 TC12 avoid the creation of additional access points from new development or the generation of increased traffic from existing accesses to National Roads and protected Regional Roads to which speed limits greater than 50km/h 60km/h apply. This provision will apply to all categories of development, including individual houses in all control zones within the plan area. 44 & 111 Revise Policy Pg 226 TC 18 To secure the implementation of the Councils Road Improvement Programme 2015-2021 as detailed in Tables 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 in consultation and agreement with the Department of Transport and National Roads Authority subject to available

80 funding and to keep free from development all lands identified for the construction and improvement of national, regional and local roads within the county. All proposed transport routes will be required to comply with the Habitats, EIA and SEA Directives.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment to the speed limits is in compliance and does not impact on the environment. Proposed revisions to TC 18 include for additional reference to mandatory compliance and are for clarity only. The impacts can be considered neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

32. 66 Revise Policy To support the development and expansion of Pg 237 TC39 the ports of Drogheda, Greenore, Dundalk and Clogherhead subject to the preparation of a masterplan and compliance with EU Habitats Directive.

Include new Pg 237 Policy TC42 Louth County Council will explore the potential development of Dundalk Port as a centre for future recreation and leisure use. Include new Pg 225 text after Table 7.8 Proposed new roads included in Table 7.8 shall be subject to compliance with all relevant EU polices such as the Water Framework, Habitats, SEA and EIA Directives.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed changes to TC 39 give a greater amount of direction for future development in compliance with mandatory guidelines. New Policy TC 42 can be read in compliance with TC 39, and in conjunction both changes would have a neutral impact on the environment. Additional text after Table 7.8 strengthens the protection of the environment and would have a positive impact

81 The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

33. 120 & 125 Revise Policy To require the provision of car parking spaces Pg 224 TC15 for persons with impaired mobility at 5% 10% of the total car spaces and in accordance with Section

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


121 Revise Policy To examine the need seek to provide for Pg 235 TC37 bus and car based park and ride facilities at a range of locations including motorway interchanges, subject to the availability of funding.

121, 130 Revise Policy Pg 235 TC34 To work in consultation and co-operation with the National Transport Authority (NTA) other public bodies, agencies and community groups, to secure improvements in public transportation and associated infrastructure including bus shelters within the County and greater integration of existing and any new services.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

82 35.

130 New Policy To require that new and retrofitted cycle Pg 223 TC12 infrastructure is designed in line with Section the recommended approach in the NTA’s National Cycle Manual. Funding for retrofitted infrastructure where appropriate, shall be investigated in consultation with the NTA.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.


140, 93, Revise Policy To secure in cooperation with Iarnród Éireann Pg 234 152, TC32 improved Rail Services in County Louth, 153,189, particularly for the mid and south Louth 197 areas Revise Policy Pg 234 TC33 To support the improvement of Rail based Park & Ride facilities as required in Dundalk & Drogheda and in conjunction with any existing/new Railway Stations located in the County.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

37. 209 Revise Policy To support and facilitate where appropriate, Pg 231 TC29 the network of electric vehicle supporting infrastructure across County Louth in accordance with national policy on the promotion of electric vehicles requiring that

83 EV ducting for 10% of all car parking spaces is provided for in all car parks.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

Chapter 8 Environment


66 Include new To promote the future development of Pg 239 policy after County Louth in such a manner as to ENV 4 support climate change mitigation measures through the implementation of infrastructure to designated settlements.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed assessment to policy ENV 4 provides additional support mechanism to the environment in support for the consolidation of development and therefore reductions in GHG. This proposed amendment should have a positive effect on the environment.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

Chapter 9 Energy and Communications

39. 29 New Policy Where existing and proposed high Pg 261 after EnCo4 voltage lines traverse sensitive rural landscapes consideration should be given to locating them underground

84 where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 5 and 6

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


66, 111, Revise Policy “The Council will aim to produce a Renewable Pg 263 113, 124, EnCo12 Energy Strategy for County Louth during the lifetime of this Development Plan. This strategy shall have regard to “A Methodology for Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategies” SEAI and shall be compliant with the requirements of SEA and Habitats Directives”

SEA/ AA Screening See No 9.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


113,222, Revise Policy To require the under-grounding of electrical Pg 261 134 EnCo4 cables within new residential, commercial or civic developments. Where existing and proposed high voltage lines traverse new residential, commercial or civic developments, consideration should be given to locating them underground

85 where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity. Additional 113 new policy Pg261 after EnCo4 Where existing and proposed high voltage lines traverse sensitive rural landscapes consideration should be given to locating them underground where technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally appropriate, in the interest of residential and visual amenity.

SEA/ AA Screening

The proposed amendments include the rerouting of high voltage lines underground. The proposed amendment should have a positive impact on the visual and residential amenities and therefore would have a positive impact on the environment.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

42. 121 Additional To encourage and support the use of solar Pg 267 wording to energy technologies in all new and proposed policy retrofit developments taking place in County EnCo17 Louth.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

86 Chapter 10 Water Services


210 New Policy Private Waste Water Treatment facilities Section other than single house systems will not 10.3.2 Pg be permitted except in the following 288 limited circumstances. Consideration may be given to granting permission for private waste water/communal facilities in developments managed by suitable institutions.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment restricts the use of private waste water treatment for the general protection of the environment. The new policy supports environmental protection and therefore would have a positive effect.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

Volume 2 Settlement Plans

44. 101, 179 New Policy To Develop the Carlingford Library Chapter 4 CAR15 Pg 21

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

45. 151 New Policy To promote and develop a bypass road Chapter 4 CAR16 from Shilties Lough on the Greenore Pg 21

87 Road to the Grove Road at the sewerage works.

SEA/ AA Screening A route for any proposed bypass will be subject to investigation. Mandatory requirements for compliance with environmental assessment will apply to any project. The inclusion of policy will not however alter the conclusion of the environmental assessment and no further consideration if required. The proposed impact is neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

46. 134 Omit Policy To seek to alleviate traffic congestion and Chapter 4 CAR13 inadequacies in parking provision during peak Pg 21 periods New Policy Chapter 4 CAR13 To seek to alleviate traffic congestion Pg 21 and inadequacies in parking provision and improve provision for pedestrians and cyclists through the implementation of an agreed traffic management plan with relevant stakeholders. Revise Policy Chapter 11 OTH 15 Pg 47 To facilitate with service providers, an expansion of the existing public transport services and other such measures such as the provision of bus shelters and bus lay-bys.

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

Appendix 12

47. 158 New Opportunity Site 4 (OS4) Super Valu and Section 5.39 Opportunity building fronting onto Market Street. Pg 88 Site in the

88 Draft Retail The site is bounded by Market Street to the Strategy East and Ash Walk to the South. (OS4) Additional text Within the Ardee Local Area Plan 2010-2016, the site is zoned as ‘Town Centre’ the Objective of which is ‘To Provide, protect and enhance town centre facilities and enable town centre strengthening’

The buildings fronting Market Street are located within an Archaeological Conservation Area. The site is located along Ardee’s Core shopping area as designated by this Retail Strategy.

The site is presently occupied by Super Valu, associated car-parking and a number of buildings fronting onto Market Street. The total site extends to 1.4 ha with extant permissions on the site 12/103 and 13/522.

OS4 is strategically located in the heart of Ardee’s Core Retail Area and should be prioritised for development.

SEA/ AA Screening Textual changes to the Draft Retail Strategy refer to Ardee. The implications of these changes ahs a neutral effect and will further assessed in any mandatory SEA assessment of the Ardee LAP review.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

Appendix 13

89 48 214, 222 Revise Revise Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Volume 2 Appendix Appendix 13

SEA/ AA Screening The inclusion of additional references within the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment provide further assistance for the assessment of future development proposals and decision making. The information contained within the SFRA has in “so far as reasonably practical” and within legislation been considered. The proposed amendment should have and positive effect on the economy.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

Volume 3 Environmental Reports


127 Include Refer to Part 5 Proposed Material Volume 3 Northern Alterations to Maps Environmenta Ireland l Reports SAC/SPA

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

90 50.

Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 7.4: Chapter 7, Transport

Table 7.4 Minimum Visibility Standards

Road Sight Visibilit Distance Distance Category distance y back from back from (Y) require edge of edge of ment Carriageway Carriagew over (X) ay ground (1 to 6 (X) houses, (More than field and 6 houses farmyard and non- accesses) domestic developme nts ) National and 215m 0.6 3.0m* 4.5m** Protected -1.05m Regional Routes Regional 125m 0.6 3.0m* 4.5m** -1.05m Local Class 1 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Local Class 2 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Local Class 3 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m Cul de Sac 75m 0.6- 3.0m* 4.5m** 1.05m * in difficult circumstances a relaxation to 2.4m may be permitted. ** in difficult circumstances a relaxation to 3.0m may be permitted.

Note: Where the 85% percentile speed on a local class 2 or a local class 3 rural road is shown to be below 50 kilometres per hour, the minimum sight distance requirements contained in the document National Roads Authority –Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, shall apply.

91 SEA/ AA Screening See no 29

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 1.1: Volume 2, Appendix 2

Table 1.1 Land Use & Zoning Objectives

Table 1.1 Land Use Land Use Zoning Objective Colour Land Use Zoning Zoning Category and Objective s Zone 2 Village To provide, protect and enhance Blue Centre village centre facilities and enable town centre expansion. The principal permitted land use in this zone will be town/ village centre related uses. These shall include shops, offices, residential (comprising of not more than 50% of the floor space of the overall development), crèches/playgroups, personal services, community and cultural activities, pubs, restaurants, guesthouses, hotels, places of entertainment, clinics, doctors/dentist surgery and any other similar type uses. 8 Strategic Phase II land will be reserved to Green Reserve allow proper planning and hatche sustainable development in the next d area plan period(s). The following uses on

92 will be open for consideration utility white structures, playing fields, park/playground and one - off housing on a limited basis only, for the son or daughter of a qualifying landowner or niece or nephew of a single person or childless couple of a qualifying landowner. For the purpose of this provision a qualifying land owner is where the land has been in family ownership for a minimum of 25 10 years. Only one house will be granted in the case of a niece or nephew.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 8.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

70. Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 5.8: Chapter 5, Heritage

Table 5.8 Trees and Woodlands of Special Amenity Value Ref. Location TWSAV 1 Townley Hall / King William’s Glen TWSAV 2 Termonfeckin Village TWSAV 3 N1 at Aghnaskeagh TWSAV 4 N1 north of Greenore junction TWSAV 5 Trumpet Hill TWSAV 6 Monvallet east of ESB station TWSAV 7 Red House, Ardee TWSAV 8 Fox Covert, Ardee TWSAV 9 St. Joseph, Ardee TWSAV Mullaghesh, Collon 10 TWSAV Barmeath Woods 11 TWSAV Blackhall Woods 12

93 TWSAV Darver Castle Woods 13 TWSAV Louth Hall 14 TWSAV New Mellifont Abbey Woods 15 TWSAV Ravensdale Plantation 16 TWSAV Woodlands at Omeath Park 17 TWSAV Salterstown 18 TWSAV Drumcar 19 TWSAV Beaulieu 20 TWSAV Drogheda – Baltray Road 21 TWSAV Newtown House 22 TWSAV Church at Milltown 23 TWSAV Lisrenny House, Tallanstown 24 TWSAV Rathbrist House, Tallanstown 25 TWSAV Corderry House, Readypenny 26 TWSAV Stephenstown Pond 27 TWSAV Ballymakenny Church 28 TWSAV South of Killineer 29 TWSAV Piperstown House 30 TWSAV North of Mount Oriel 31 TWSAV The Rectory, Ardee 32 TWSAV One Mile Wood Newtownstalaban 33 TWSAV Trees East of Termonfeckin 34

94 SEA/ AA Screening See No 15

The inclusion of 2 additional TWSAV (Trees and Woodlands of Special Amenity Value) will provide further protection to the environment. The proposed change will result in a positive impact on the environment. The proposed amendments have a neutral effect.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

95 71. SEA/ AA Screening Replace Table 2.5 in Draft Louth county Development Plan 2015-2021 with the following: Table 2.5 Potential Housing and Population Growth within Settlements

Extrapol Populat Househ Avera Existing Housi Housi Shortfall/Ex ated ion old ge Undevelo ng ng cess Populati Target Allocati Densi ped Land Land Land on Levels on to ty Alloca Requi Levels 2021 2021 ted red 2016 (ha) (ha) up to up to 2016 2021 Dundalk 42,300 46,622 4,322 42 904 51 57 793 & Environs Droghed 35,373 37,944 2,571 40 355 40.3 36 277 a & Environs Ardee 4,841 4,970 129 30 60 11 2.4 46.6 Dunleer 1,688 1,751 63 30 14.4 4.5 1.15 8.75 Level 3 13,669 14,008 339 20 199.1 21 10.52 168.775 Settleme 5 nts Level 4 2,003 2,033 30 5 - 18.6 3.3 - Settleme nts Rural 32,774 33,722 948 - - - Area Total 132,648 141,05 8,402 - 1532.15 146.4 109.2 0 25

See no 5

96 Amendment to Table 2.5 refers to a change on the calculations in the residential zoned lands available in the level 3 settlements and the strategic land reserve recalculation in the same settlements. The strategic land reserve lands has reduced the amount by approx 67 hectares whereas the residential zoned lands has increased by 9.73%.

The proposed amendments has reduced the amount of possible future residential lands within the Level 3 settlements and cumulatively this reduces the possibility of residential units within the settlements therefore decreasing the growth of these areas and less impact on the rural infrastructure. This proposed amendment has a positive environmental impact.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


Replace Table 2.6 in Draft Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021 with the following: Table 2.6 Residential Zoning in Level 3 Settlements Settlement Target Househ Allocat Allocat Aver. Undevelo Strate Populati old ed ed Densi ped Land gic on Allocati Housin Housin ty Available Reserv Allocati on g Land g Land unit/ (Ha) e^ on 2016 - 2010 – 2016 – ha (Ha) 2021 2021 2016 2021 (Ha) (Ha)

Annagassan 2 Infill 20 2 0

Baltray 1.96 Infill 20 1.96 0 Carlingford 3.93 1.15 20 4.54 12.10 339 125 Castlebellingham/ 6 5.4 20 11.4 10.28 Kilsaran

Clogherhead 4 Infill 20 4 1.07 Collon 2 0.3 20 2.3 2.11

97 Dromiskin 6.2 1.356 20 7.556 7.39

Knockbridge 1.3 0.55 20 1.85 0 Louth Village 1.3 5.85 20 7.15 7.9 Omeath 1.62 Infill 20 1.62 16.57

Tallanstown 1.7 0.5 20 2.2 3.5 Termonfeckin 6.2 2.47 20 8.47 24.84

Tullyallen 2.7 1.63 20 4.33 0

Total 40.91 18.056 59.91 85.76

Table 2.6 Residential Zoning in Level 3 Settlements

^ Strategic Reserve as identified in Table 1.1 (Land Use Zoning Objectives) in Appendix 2 states that these lands are to allow for the proper planning and development in the next plan period(s). The Strategic Reserve does not allow for residential development save in the exceptional circumstance that it is for the son/daughter of a qualifying landowner or the niece/nephew of a childless couple of a qualifying landowner, where the land has been in family ownership for a minimum of 25 10 years.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 8.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR.

98 73. Part 4 Proposed Material Alterations to Table 6.3: Chapter 6, Economic Development Tourism & Retail

Table 6.3 Louth Economic Forum 10 Point Action Plans Action Plan Objectives Foreign Direct Investment Attract 3,000 new jobs in foreign owned enterprises. Focus on pharmaceuticals, clean technology and internationally traded services sectors

Sustainable Energy Aims to make Louth the Country’s first smart green county

Indigenous Industry Capitalise on Louth’s traditional strengths in engineering, food and drink. Promote new international services and products. Provide dedicated Business Support Unit * Tourism and Heritage Tourists see destinations, not counties. Identifies areas to be developed including The Boyne Valley and Cooley/ Mourne/ Gullion Region. Age Friendly Business Initiatives to position Louth as a leader in age-friendly business development.

Education and Training Ensure that the education and training sector within the County addresses the changing needs of business and industry

Agriculture and Fisheries Development of the agriculture, food and fisheries section of the Region

Broadband The Draft Broadband Action Plan is nearing completion.

Making Louth the Best County to Drafting due to commence Winter 2014 do Business

The Drogheda, Dundalk Newry Drafting due to commence Winter 2014 Economic Corridor

99 *In addition to the aims of Louth Economic Forum regarding Indigenous Industry , Louth County Council shall strive to support and retain existing indigenous industry throughout the County and ensure there is an adequate supply of land serviced and available to accommodate industrial parks suited to indigenous Irish Manufacturing. In this regard and Economic and Business Zone has been identified at Carrickcarnon as identified in Map 3.1 entitled ‘Development Zones’.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 11

The proposed amendment is considered to have a potential negative effect on the rural environment at this location due to the possible inclusion of an industrial park to suit “indigenous Irish manufacturing business”. However, all development proposals will be subject to compliance with normal planning legislation and control. Due to the other possible uses within Development Control zone this proposed amendment would have a neutral impact.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

100 Part 5.0: List of Material Alterations to Maps


Mapping Error Settlement Existing Amended Carlingford Composite Lands not Zoned Community Facilities Map

SEA/ AA Screening The proposed amendment is refers to the inclusion of a community zone on lands already in use as community facilities. The impact can be considered neutral.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR


Proposed Material Alterations to Maps within the Written Statement Submission Amendment Map (s) Nos. 45& 105 TWSAV to replace TP Chapter 5

Illustrate trees at One Mile Map 5.9: Trees and Wood. Newtownstalaban. Woodlands of Special (TWSAV 33) Amenity Value.

Illustrate trees east of Termonfeckin ( TWSAV 34)

No. 222 & 61 Include Core Strategy Chapter 2 Diagrammatic Map Core Strategy Diagrammatic Map

SEA/ AA Screening See no 15 and 70.

The proposed amendment does not present an issue for SEA. The proposed amendment has no effect on the overall assessment and conclusion of the NIR

101 76.

Proposed Material Alterations to Level 3 Settlement Maps* Submission Amendment Map (s) No.222 &161 Composite Maps for all Level Annagassan, Baltray, 3 Settlements Carlingford, Castlebellingham and Kilsaran, Clogherhead, Collon, Dromiskin, Knockbridge , Louth Village, Omeath, Tallanstown, Termonfeckin and Tullyallen Composite Maps

No. 34 Omit Strategic Land Reserve Annagassan, Baltray, on composite maps and Carlingford, subsume said land into Castlebellingham and adjoining development Kilsaran, zones. Clogherhead,Collon, .Strategic Reserve omitted in Dromiskin, Annagassan and land Knockbridge , Louth Village, subsumed into Development Omeath,Tallanstown, Zone 5 Termonfeckin .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tullyallen Composite Maps. Baltray, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Amend Map 3.1 accordingly Carlingford, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Castlebellingham and Kilsaran, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Clogherhead, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Collon, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2

102 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Dromiskin, and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Knockbridge , and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Louth Village, and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Omeath, and land subsumed into Development Zone 2 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tallanstown, and land subsumed into Development Zone 5 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Termonfeckin and land subsumed into Development Zone 4 .Strategic Reserve omitted in Tullyallen and land subsumed into Development Zone 6

No. 144 Extend settlement limit to Carlingford Composite Map include lands zoned as residential (new/ existing). No. 69 Rezone 0.5ha strip from Castlebellingham and Open, space, amenity and Kilsaran Composite Map recreation to Development Control Zone 4 No.163 Amend settlement Boundary and rezone lands to residential

No. 155 Extend Settlement Boundary Dromiskin Composite Map and zone lands for employment use.

No. 16 Amend village boundary to Louth Village Composite rezone strategic land to Map residential. No. 105 Tree Symbols on Eastern Termonfeckin Composite side of Baltray Road. Map No. 216 Lands at Tullyallen be Tullyallen Composite Map rezoned for residential use

103 SEA/ AA Screening See no 5, 71 and 76. Amendment to Table 2.5 refers to a change on the calculations in the residential zoned lands available in the level 3 settlements and the strategic land reserve recalculation in the same settlements. The strategic land reserve lands has reduced the amount by approx 67 hectares whereas a small portion of the strategic reserve lands has now been included as residential in Louth Village and Tullyallen.

The proposed amendments has reduced the amount of possible future residential lands within the Level 3 settlements and cumulatively this reduces the possibility of residential units within the settlements therefore decreasing the growth of these areas and less impact on the rural infrastructure. This proposed amendment has a positive environmental impact.

The proposed amendment to Carlingford for the residential amendments relate to 1.15 hectares to accommodate an additional housing site and based on the location of the site it is not considered that there would be a significant environmental impact and therefore the impact would be neutral.

The increase in lands at Dromiskin map change has been linked specifically to an individual site. Any future proposals will be subject to mandatory environmental and development control compliance. The impact is neutral. It will not alter the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment in the SEA or NIR.

The proposed change to lands at Louth and Tullyallen Village would have a neutral impact due to current use on the site and the inclusion as strategic reserve.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


Proposed Material Alterations to Level 4 Settlement Maps Submission Amendment Map No. 222 Reintroduction of the Ballagan, Bellurgan, following Level 4 Faughart and Willville Settlements: Ballagan, Composite Maps Bellurgan, Faughart and Willville No. 222 Show Flood Zones A & B Ballapousta, Ballagan, Bellurgan , Darver, Dromin, Faughart, Glenmore, Grange, Greenore, Giles Quay, Kilcurry, Kilkerly, Lordship, Mountbagnel, Muchgrange, Philipstown, Ravensdale,

104 Reaghstown, Sandpit, Sheelagh, Stabannon, Tinure, Willville Composite Maps Extend village boundary and Darver, Muchgrange, zone additional lands Philipstown, Ravensdale, Sandpit, Sheelagh, Tinure No. 151 Extend village boundary and Grange Composite Map zone additional lands as Development Area.

No.151 & 133 Extend village boundary and Greenore Composite Map zone additional lands as Port/Port Related Activity.

No.151 Extend Village Boundary and Kilkerley Composite Map zone additional lands as Development Area

No. 151 Extend Village Boundary and Lordship Composite Map No. 172 zone additional lands as No. 219 Development Area No. 167 Extend Village Boundary and Mountbagnel Composite zone additional lands as Map Development Area.

SEA/ AA Screening See no 48.

The proposed changes to the Level 4 settlements including Darver, Muchgrange, Philipstown, Ravensdale, Sandpit, Sheelagh and Tinure were re-introduced as the majority of these lands have been built on and it provides consolidation of a settlement centre. It has a positive impact on the environment as it will provide the spread of rural housing into the rural countryside.

105 Additional changes to Grange, Kilkerly, lordship and Mountbagnel also provide for amendments to the development areas to include lands which may already have commitments on them or for additional consolidation of these centres. The lands at Greenore have been extended to include lands which are currently used for commercial uses and infill sites may be applicable. Any future proposals will be subject to mandatory environmental and development control compliance. The impact is neutral. It will not alter the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment in the SEA or NIR

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


Maps Showing Other Amendments Submission Amendment Map (s) No. 58 Light Blue Dot indicates a Greenore Nursing Home and Nursing home/Analogous Analogous Services services. (Map 3.1 to be amended accordingly) No.161 Yellow Dot identifies Carrickcarnon Economic/ Business Zone. Economic/Business Zone

(Map 3.1 to be amended accordingly)

SEA/ AA Screening See no 11 and or Nursing Home and analogous services.

See No 11 and 73 for Carrickcarnon Economic / Business Zone.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


Proposed Amendments to Draft Louth Retail Strategy Maps Volume 2 Appendix 12

106 Submission Amendment Map (s) No. 129 Map Showing Drogheda Drogheda - Vacant Vacant Properties Properties Map 02 No. 158 Additional Opportunity Site Ardee Opportunity Sites at Supervalu/ Market Street, Map 09 Ardee

SEA/ AA Screening See no 23.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.


Proposed Material Alteration to Map within Environmental Report:

Submission Amendment Map No.127 NI Sac & Spa Maps NI Sac & Spa Maps

SEA/ AA Screening See no 49.

The proposed amendments have no significant effect on the overall assessment and conclusions of the SEA or Natura Impact Report.

107 Conclusion and Determination on those Material Alterations to the Draft Louth County Council 2015-2021.

The SEA and the NIR accompany the Draft Plan and these environmental assessments are placed on public display for consideration by the public and statutory consultees. The material alterations have the potential to conflict with the findings of the SEA and the NIR and so a further screening assessment is required to improve the plan making process and assess possible significant impacts on the environment.

The proposed amendments included constitute one of the final stages of the Review of the Louth County Development Plan 2009-2015 and the making of the Louth County Development Plan 2015-2021.The proposed amendments are required to go on public display for 4 weeks and must be accompanied by environmental determinations.

Each of these material amendments have been assessed to either include a neutral or a positive impact. Thos which have the potential to have a negative impact shall be further subject to compliance with mandatory environmental considerations allowing for a transparent and fair decision making process.

Based on this screening exercise for SEA and AA, all proposed material alterations are considered not to have a negative effect on the SEA and NIR which accompanied the Draft Development Plan. This determination by the Louth County Council environmental assessment team concludes that further assessments are not required.


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