Project: Classical Civilization PPT

Objective: Groups of students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the World History AP Theme as they apply to Classical Civilization. This will be accomplished through the creation and presentation of a PowerPoint file.

Summary: Students are to select one of the Classical Civilizations and explore its creative legacy. They will then create a PowerPoint presentation that will cover this material. Presentations will include text based slides as well as images.

Procedure: Select one of the following Classical Civilizations:

 Achaemenid Persia  Maurya/Gupta India  Hellenic Greece (Pre-Alexander)  Hellenistic Civilization  Ancient Rome.

Research the creative and intellectual legacy of the civilization; this includes its art, architecture, legal systems, literature, music, and philosophy. Create a PowerPoint presentation that covers this material. Your presentation should include a title slide, at least six (6) text based slides, and at least eight (8) image slides including one map. The final slide will list the sources used to gather information. Finally, you will present your work to the class in such a way that your classmates learn from your work. Note: ALL encyclopedias, including Wikipedia, are unacceptable research sources.

Grading: You will be graded on the value of the information you provide, its relevance, how well you followed instructions, and your presentation to the class. Remember, plagiarism is strictly forbidden and your work will receive a zero (0) if you plagiarize any material.

 Art may include ceramics, frescoes, mosaics, murals, paintings, printmaking, sculpture, &c.  Architecture includes buildings, monuments, and city design  Legal systems may include law codes, jurisprudence, legal theory, &c.  Literature includes epics, novels, poetry, prose, and theatre.  Music includes devotional, folk, formal, instrumental, and vocal forms.  Philosophy may include aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, political philosophy, &c.

Grading Rubric:

Quality Information Relevance Instructions Presentation Excellent (25) Good (20) Adequate (15) Mediocre (10) Poor (5) Shameful (0)