Should Annie Schmit Leave Windy Creek?

Working as a pair

1) Sort through the cards and put them into 2 piles

A) Background information B) Trigger points that might lead Annie to leave

2) Look again at your trigger pile

Try to put the trigger cards in time (chronological) order

3) What do you think is the most important trigger (reason) that would lead Annie to leave Windy Creek?

Try to explain your answer to your partner

4) What advice would you give Annie about her future?

You will need to explain why you are giving her this advice!

5) Do you think Annie will ever return to Windy Creek?

Try to explain your answer to your partner

What key ideas about migration have emerged from this exercise? Where and with whom might you use it? Should Annie Schmidt Leave Windy Creek?

2. The Windy Creek is a beautiful 1. Annie Schmidt lives in river. Its water in summer Windy Creek, Colorado. comes from melted snow in the 620 people live in the town. mountains. It is clean and clear and great for swimming. The scenery is great.

3. The summers are hot and 4. Annie has been to college and is sunny. The winters are cold a qualified as a business with plenty of snow. manager.

5. Her boyfriend, who she met 6. There is an elementary school in at college, lives in Arizona. Windy Creek.

7. She lives with her mother 8. Annie loves skiing, canoeing who is divorced. and backpacking.

9. Half the people in Windy 10. The nearest cinema and Creek are over 50. fashion shops are in Laramie, 80 miles away

11. Annie has 3 uncles, 4 12. There are only 4 stores in aunts, 3 grandparents and 7 Windy Creek – foodstore, cousins in Windy Creek. hardware, clothes and She loves the family get hairdresser/drugstore. There is togethers. also a filling station with a diner/bar. 13. In 1939 the population 14. Annie’s best friend Beth is was 1370 – there were more married and lives on a ranch 15 shops and a cinema miles away.

15. She cannot afford a car 16. The only job that she can on what she earns get is serving at the diner and as a part time ski instructor in winter

17. She has been offered a 18. Annie is ambitious and job as a trainee manager for does not want to waste her a car leasing firm in Tuscon, education. But she does love Arizona. Windy Creek.

19. Annie suffers from 20. There are plans for a allergies, especially in “dude” ranch 6 miles outside summer. Windy Creek.