National IHC Steering Committee Conference
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National IHC Steering Committee Conference January 20 – 22, 2016 Boise, ID
Wednesday January 20, 2016
Welcome/Introductions (Cardoza /All)
OTC Ops Committee Chair (Mark Jones)
-Type 3 Positions are now included in the 310-1 – nothing formal for Type 3 IMTs yet among other changes
-How are the All Hazard teams and wildland fire teams going to mix? Changing rapidly/evolving
-Looking to update 420/520 classes
-310-1 Speed to Competency – Identify steps to eliminate redundancy for higher qualifications and positions
-Request for Change (RFC) form – fill out and submit form to OTC to make proposed changes. Changes are not going to happen fast (usually takes 12 months)
-Concern = Type 3 Teams and the support that they do or don’t get in terms of resources when competing with Type 1 and 2 IMTs
-Submit changes to the crew typing tables
San Dimas/IHC Vehicle Update (Ken Kempter)
IHC Fire Vehicles
-January 1st EPA regulations went into effect for regen and diesel engines
-Result is a modification to CCV boxes because of required DEF tank that extends beyond the cab.
-Supt. Vehicles have been going out with updated standards to good reviews.
-Updated standards to be posted on equipment website.
-Deficiency form on the fire equipment website that gets submitted to San Dimas and gets routed to appropriate division. -Question - What are the options to affect changes when ordering new vehicles to get away from deficiencies in certain vehicles? Answer – need to work with fleet people when ordering.
-Data to support going away from vehicles that only meet the minimum standard (Ford vs. Dodge vs. Chevy, Gas vs. Diesel)
-Core group of knowledgeable people to do vehicle inspections when taking possession of new vehicles.
-Hiring a National Fleet position.
-Action Item = provide point of contact to answer fleet specific questions such as emergency repairs and acquisitions.
Chainsaw Fuel Geyser Study – able to replicate on both Stihl and Husqvarna tanks. San Dimas made a retrofit cap for Stihl tanks but not a permanent fix. Findings are out.
Key Findings: Fuel is different in winter, summer, etc and state to state
-Don’t use fuel over 2 months old
-Make sure the blend you are using is correct for the time of year
-Will be a best practices video to mitigate the hazards of refueling saws produced.
Question – has there been any work done to get a waiver and go back to the 2-way tank valves instead of the current 1-way tank valve. Answer – very complex issue.
Large Fire Simulator – propane type burning apparatus that can be used to set up several different conditions and scenarios
-Fire shelter simulation
-Vehicle fire simulation
-12 burners that can be customized
-Undercarriage burners
Risk Management Program Update (Larry Sutton)
-Short Haul/Hoist – Forest Service had 2 short haul helicopters stood up in 2015(Bridger Teton, Wenatchee)
-2 more coming on line in 2016 (shared ship between the Helena and Coronado NF, Krassel) -No operational short-hauls for the Forest Service in 2015.
-Trying to move to a standardized process and equipment to expedite short-haul and EMS response to incidents. A-star B3 is the only platform the FS is using. Checklist is being created for last resort longline extraction.
-Hoist/Night Vision – capabilities are limited in smoke. Not enough aircraft to go around. Almost exclusively single-use type aircraft.
-HELO program (BLM only) Absolute last resort short-haul. Informal training by crews.
-Medical Standards and Direction – how is the agency covered.
-EMS Implementation Work Group was formed. Step in the right direction.
-What is the FS medical program going to look like?
-Standardization of medical equipment.
-BLM is going to hopefully have medical direction on the national level by hiring a doctor in WASO and then hiring doctors in individual states to cover BLM employees and provide reciprocity across state lines to work on other federal employees on incidents.
-CISM/Peer Support
-Increase in number of requests for CISM incidents coming in.
-Training and funding available for people who want to provide these services.
-Becoming a Learning Organization
-It helps to have information shared so that we can fix issues. The more data in the system the better.
MTDC Update (Joe Sol)
IHC Fitness Standards
-Want to create something useful
-Is the Work Capacity Test (WCT) adequate for what we do in the field?
-Looking at implementing an uphill 55lb pack test and 25 pushups and the resulting combined score would be the standard. -Average physical fitness ability is declining in the American population in the 18-30 year age group.
-Have been tasked with re-writing the WCT administration guide.
Fitness Standards Implementation (Shane Greer)
-Science that goes into the standards must validate the new standard.
-What should the new standard be? And should it be the same for hotshots, jumpers, and rappellers?
-110 lb. vs. 85 lb. vs. 55 lb. pack test
MTDC (Tony Petrilli)
-2019 = Phase out date of the old drip torches and the new approved drip torches must be in use.
-Working on new backpack pumps that don’t leak. Double wall design vs. single wall.
-Chainsaw chaps – 2nd round of wear testing coming in 2016.
-Hazard Tree – video on awareness and avoidance
-FR Clothing – new shirts available in the system, new pants available
-Face/Neck Shroud – prototype (need wear testers)
-Breathing Air Temperature Reduction Device – scoping document and needs assessment has been completed. (Exploring technology)
-Fire Shelter Update – project review – looking at materials
-2016 – Prototype development and testing
-Issues with the current fire shelter PVC bag being difficult to open when heated.
-See fire shelter website for survey and stats.
-Dolmar Issue – not tested for commercial use. May not be an issue.
-Helmets – service life (proposed 10 years from date of manufacture)
IHC History/Association (Dave Provincio) -Hotshot Histories of America is now electronic (e-book) on the Lessons Learned Website.
Question from Dave: Is the timing right (beginning of calendar year) for sending out the requests to the crews to gather updates for the hotshot history e-book?
-US Association of Hotshots webpage is up and running ( See website for details.
-Not for profit organization for past and present hotshots.
SIHCO Update (Cardoza)
-Discussion of major SIHCO changes and reasons why:
-Qualifications, Decertification, Mobilization, Change in Status, and Certification process.
-Addition/changing of Steering Committee members.
-Implementation of the new SIHCO = 2 years from date of final signature and transition plan.
-Transition plan to follow.
Other Business
-Review of national committee points of contact.
-Questions from AC/IC to IHC Steering Committee – Cerda will email to group for answers.
Risk Management Committee (Chad Fisher)
-Consistent use of medical protocol from team to team.
-Taking comments on the 9 line to make improvements.
-Supplemental foods for firefighters and S# replacement.
-Safety Zone size and guidelines study/research – Brett Butler is doing the research.
-Next study will look at Escape Routes (research is a couple years out).
-Hazard Tree/Tree Felling Committee – on a tactical pause currently – looking for a new chairperson.
-IRPG – will start revision process this time next year. -Discussion on Helispot vs. Medevac site
Thursday January 21, 2016
-Discussion/Highlights of the changes to the SIHCO
-Qualification change to the squad leader position (CRWB), Assistant Superintendent position (added CRWB qualification)
-Certification Process
-Changes to the Charter (now have a clear chain of command)
-State Representative added
-Crew size up to 22
-Implementation Letter for the SIHCO is a work in progress. New signed SIHCO will not be released until the implementation letter is finished.
-SIHCO signed by the directors – will go out with implementation letter in the following weeks.
Questions for Directors:
Question: What are your expectations of the hotshot crews from agency perspective and NMAC?
Answer: Ensuring the crews are being utilized properly. Being forthright with the capability of your crew to the IMT. Being able to fill leadership roles on an incident (HEQB, TFLD, DIVS). Understanding what the national strategy is for crews if you are sitting at home and there are UTFs for IHCs. BLM expects the height of professionalism from all crews regardless of agency. Key responsibilities is developing your people and thinking about other career opportunities within agency.
Question: What is the history of the NMAC?
Answer: Have been around a long time. Before some of the GACCs were even formed. NMAC stemmed from needing to centralize all the coordination among different agencies. Each agency is represented on the NMAC group and meets daily during the fire season beginning at PL2. At PL4 the NMAC meets twice daily.
Question: Is it worth a discussion on having a national crew coordinator position to represent the IHCs. Answer: There has not been any discussion on a permanent position to date. NMAC brings in support during fire season to help them coordinate crews. Each agency has a point of contact at NIFC that the crews can contact. Discussion on what a crew coordinator position might look like.
NWCG (Sean Cross)
-1973 First Charter
-Establish standards for training, equipment, publications, etc.
-Does not have any executive authority
-Discussion on bringing the SIHCO under the umbrella of NWCG
Leadership Subcommittee Update (Shane Olpin)
-Lots of staff ride development is happening
-Developing Yarnell Hill staff ride
-Getting ready to do the Alpha delivery with cadre
-Support to the developmental IHC crews (Redding, Redmond) – leadership development
-IDIQ contract with Omna International to help provide products in leadership (Forest Service)
-Discussion of doing a staff ride at Yarnell Hill for the Hotshot group as well as doing a mixed staff ride with Hotshot group and smokejumpers, IMTs etc. to improve communications across organizations.
SA For Ground Operations (Sean Triplett)
-Firefighter Tracking – What are we doing for tracking? Will it make us more efficient?
-Exploring options, needs, and ability to track firefighters and equipment.
-Why – increase SA
-How to utilize the system and what technology to use
-Many agencies are already using this technology in one form or another -Able to track equipment as well (pumps)
-What do we want this program to do and where do we want the data to go?
-Next step is to get the field perspective on what they would like to see.
FAST Kit (RJ Johnson)
Fireline Advanced Stabilization & Transport Kit
-Intent is to stabilize a patient, prepare the patient for transport, and provide a method to transport the patient.
-Kit is contained in one backpack that can be carried by one person on foot, deliverable by helicopter, or by para-cargo
-Goal is to develop a standard kit that is stocked and available in the National Fire Equipment System.
-BLM will continue finalization of the kit contents and bag development and collect feedback from field testers.
BLM Update
-New BLM crew in southern Arizona (Aravaipa) will try to achieve Type 1 status within 3 years.
-Robust veteran handcrew program (7 crews) now.
-Perdida Incident report is now out
-Lots of FMO/AFMO positions will be flown soon.
-Jackson IHC superintendent position to be flown.
-Sage grouse Issue – they were not listed as a T&E species. Agency bought new dozers, engines, and tenders to beef up initial attack resources in sage grouse habitat areas.
Regional and Agency Rep Updates:
Eastern/Southern Area: Shaping up to be another dry spring in the Great Lakes area.
R5: Hiring concerns for temporary employees BIA: Concerns with the waiver process in regards to the baseline medical standards that were implemented beginning last year.
-Crews going through peer reviews this year
R2: Issues: Vehicles and hiring. Going through temp fire hire this year.
R1: No national issues. Questions regarding the new SIHCO.
BLM: No real issues.
State: No real issues.
R6: Brendan O’reilly is the new chair and Dave Lilly is the new co-chair.
-Issues with 2 to 1 on incidents
-OWCP Issues
-Seniors firefighters to GS-6 level
-Doing temp fire hire again
-Radio standard channel plan
-Where are we at with the physical standards?
R3: Interested in the crew coordinator position. The weight of the Type 2IA orders taking precedence over Type 1 orders. Revisited their gentleman’s agreement on rotation. Fire hire is currently underway.
NPS: Issues/Lesson Learned with International mobilization to Canada.
Action Items:
-Proposal to upgrade 2 senior firefighter positions to GS-6 in the forest service org chart to mirror DOI. (Cardoza, Schuh, Money)
-Standardize radio channel plan (Schuh)
Friday January 22, 2016
FS Operations Update (Kim Christensen)
-Lots of change organizationally. Looking to fill the Director position. Lots of people in acting positions. -Budget remained flat for 2016 except for fuels which increased substantially.
-Aviation assets are increasing. Up to (7) C-130s coming from the Coast Guard and will be brought online over the next 3-4 years. New Sherpas coming from the Army as well and most will be used as smokejumper aircraft.
Question: Status of the IHC program coordinator?
Answer: Focus of the position should be someone that has the overarching program overview and not just a coordinator. With all the changes in positions, discussion of the concept would be good to have again.
Question: Changing the senior firefighter position and upgrading it to a GS-06.
Answer: It’s a long process to get through. Have to look at the domino effect across the agency. There has to be strong rationale to upgrade the position. PD analysis has to be done.
NICC Update (Susie Stingley)
Question: (R3) what’s the process for crew mobilization, utilization, and priority?
Answer: NICC manages the resources and moves resources to priority/centralized locations.
-Working on an agreement with Mexico.
-Goal is to build the capacity to function at PL4 and PL5 for 80 to 90 days.
-International Mobilization: Looking at successes and improvements and also the possibility of bringing equipment/vehicles across border. Forest Service employees require an official government passport to travel out of the country. DOI employees can use a personal passport.
-IHC Status Page – currently unavailable due to IT issues. The page is valuable for tracking the abnormalities outside of ROSS (days off, vehicle breakdowns, actual day 14, etc.)
-Working on creating standards for all GACC websites to make them all the same.
Overview of IHC History (Jim Cook) – discussion with Jim on the history and different generations of hotshots from the Blister Rust crews to today’s hotshots.
9 Line Revision (Mike Krupski) Discussion of the current 9 line and issues that were seen on incidents last year as well as educating people in the use of the 9 line. Discussed proposed edits to the 9 line. Look for input and edits for the next IRPG printing. Good as is for now. Educate on how to use.