Council Meeting – April 7th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the Municipal Office Hadashville, MB

1. Call to Order by Reeve David Turchyn

2. Adoption of the Agenda

3. Reading & Confirmation of Minutes:

Regular Council Meetings of March 24th, 2011.

4. Unfinished Business carried over from March 24th, 2011 meeting: a.) Performance Appraisal – Shannon Amos – wages b.) Subd. Application 10-5415 SW 26-10-14E c.) Fire Department By-law review – cc: Council

5. Hearing Delegations:

11:00 a.m. Len Bergen of Prudential Riverbend Realty re: Proposed Molson Subdivision 1:00 p.m. Tour of Pineland Forest Nursery

6. Committee Reports:

7. Accounts: a.) December 31st, 2010 Year-end statement – copy to Council b.) February 2011 Financial Statement – copied to Council at March 24th meeting c.) Payment of Accounts – cc: Council d.) Payment of Account – cc: Council

8. Bylaws:

a.) By-law No. 5/11 Appoint Shannon Amos as a designated officer

9. Unfinished Business: a.) Steinbach RCMP Annual Performance Plan – cc: Council b.) RM of Ste. Anne Fire Services Agreement renewal – cc: Council c.) RM of Springfield Fire Services Agreement renewal – cc: Council d.) M. Prosser request to meet with Council – cc: Council e.) Financial Plan Hearing – April 27th

9. General Business:

a.) March attendance reports – cc: Council b.) WRPD report on Franny’s in Rennie – cc: Council c.) Cemetery signs for East Braintree – Councillor Colbert to report d.) Subd. 10-5421 NW 17-8-9E – cc: Council e.) MB NetSet Ltd. construction of 2 internet towers – cc: Council f.) Regional Municipal Forum – CAO to report g.) CN Request for Dangerous Commodities – cc: Council h.) Emergency Response Guidebooks – CAO to report i.) Memorandum of Understanding for emergencies – CAO to report j.) Fire Protection: Incident Reports – FC 40/11 THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF REYNOLDS Agenda – Page 2

10. Communications:


Min. Local Govt. 2011 General Assistance Grant

G & N Bargenda Flooding Issue RL 20-8-12E

K Boznianin Flooding Issue NW 4-11-9E

CFIB Congratulations on BizPal launch

Birch River Cemetery Request for Donation

11. Agenda Additions: a.) Office renovation estimates b.) Toupin Rd. drainage c.) Minutes from Brokenhead meeting d.) Clean culverts on Pommer Rd & Christmas Tree Rd. e.) Newsletter – cc: Council

12. Notice of Motion

13. General Discussion a.) Increase in Education Property Tax Assistance to $700. b.) Well Water Testing by SRRCD c.) Rennie Cemetery access d.) Public Hearing re: Proposed Park Model Trailer Park RL 52-8-13E

14. Adjournment

Next Regular Council Meeting on, April 28th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

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