Pacs Data Availability (%) s2

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Pacs Data Availability (%) s2


POLAR Spacecraft Status As of: Tues 26 Jun 07, 17:00 EST (Changes from last week in bold border) Subsystem/ NOAA-12D NOAA-15K NOAA-16L NOAA-17M NOAA-18N AM 16:59=AN AM: 17:49=AN PM: 15:04=AN AM: 22:23=AN PM 13:49=AN Component STIP data only GAC data only GAC&LAC data GAC&LAC data GAC & LAC data No IPD processing LAUNCHED 05/14/91 05/13/98 09/21/00 6/24/02 5/20/05 CNTL OBP OBP2 OBP2 OBP2 OBP2 OBP2 Recursive SCT BUS B-BUS B-BUS B-BUS B-BUS B-BUS XSU-1 XSU-1 XSU-1: TOAR444 XSU-1 XSU-1 BUS VETO NO NO NO NO NO ADACS Nominal Mode Nominal Mode RGYRO Mode Nominal Mode Nominal Mode Autonomous swap Rgmode=Monitor Rgmode=Monitor Estimate Y-ROLL Gyro-A MIMU-2 to YGC 30 Aug, Gyro-3 Off 6/26/00 Rgmode=PASSIVE Gyro-3 Off 6/10/04 Z-wheel -Pitch commanded back to Gyro chans=AAB Gyros-1 & 3 Inop/Off Gyro chans=AAB TOAR 447 nominal 31 Aug N2 Low PSI invalid Gyro chans XA-ZB GAS Enabled Dec 05 Z-momentum RGmode=Monitor Pitch wheel bias 2400 transition complete Gyro chans=XYZ Gyro2 safe macro Pitch Torquer again active RXO PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI BU random enables daily bias -8 mS Daily Bias –5.5 mS Daily Bias –3 mS No daily bias daily bias+6.5 mS -500 mS 12/31/05 -1500 mS 31Dec05 -1500 mS 31Dec05 -1500 mS 31Dec05 CLOCK DIV 2 2 2 2 2 MIRP External Synch External Synch External Sync External Sync External Synch Rephase Enabled Rephase 0730 daily Rephase each orbit Rephase Enabled Rephase Enabled TIP SIDE 1 2 2 2 1 (since 4/3/03) since 4/18/05 Swapped 9/20/06 Analog telem drifting 3 channels inop (analog drifting?) Recorders DTRs 3A, 4, 5B DTRs 1, 2, 3, 4 DTRs 1, 2, 3, 4A DTR 1,3,4 / SSR 2 SSRs 1,2,3,4,5 Safestate 5B Safestate 1B EOT Safestate 3A Safestate=SSR 2B Safestate=5B (DTR, SSR) 4b low pressure 4B STIP only 4A Pressure leak Current spikes VTX #1 ON #1 ON OFF / INOP #2 ON #2 ON (APT data) 137.50 MHZ As of 19 June 07 since 11/15/00 137.62 MHZ 137.9125 MHZ BTX #1 #1 #2 #2 #1 136.77 MHZ 137.35 MHZ 137.77 MHZ 137.77 MHZ 137.35 MHZ STX 1 – HRPT; 2-Omni HRPT 2 – HRPT 3 – HRPT 1 - HRPT 2 Omni=rcp 1 = rcp 1698.0 mhz 2,3 - Playback 1– Playback TOAR424 low power 3 - Playback Power TOAR 446 4 – Playback 2 & 1 Playback 2-Playback 2 = lcp 1702.5 mhz 4-Playback & MCM usage STX-1 Power drop 4-Test & Standby 3= rcp 1707.0 mhz 1,2,3-Degraded 3 low power unused STX-4 no 4= rcp 2247.5 mhz modulation POWER ArrayOff -60 Array Off -45 Array Off -40 Array Off. –40 Array Off. -40 (Array offset and since 5/23/07 Since 1/25/01 Since 7/16/02 Since 1/29/04 Since 6/6/05 CANT angle, eclipse Full Sun Full Sun Eclipse all year Eclipse all year Eclipse all year states and sun angle) Sun Angle 16 Sun Angle 13 Sun Angle 34 Sun Angle at 66 Sun Angle 63 uptrend to 20 in Uptrend to 18 early Steady trend Steady trend uptrend to 65 on early Jan 07 Jan 07 SA CANT=22 degs SA CANT=37 degs 1 Jan 07 Shunt degraded SA CANT=37 degs Transitioning to full SA CANT=22 SA CANT=37 degs sun S/C in Sept 07 BVR Phase Control PSSS trigger =18.5 auton swap 3/29/06 & 1/4/07 AVHRR Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal HRPT and APT Channel 3B only Recent SM current 3A-B switch enabled Channel 3B only data only Occasional minor increases Previous scan motor Scan motor current scan motor TCE24 OFF 4/14/04 current mini surges drop 29 Aug 06 instabilities Channel 3B only AMSU-A1 Operational Operational OFF/INOP Nominal Ch14 inoperative Primary PLLO chans Since 10/30/03 Full Scan mode Ch11 inoperative 9-14 bias shift. Survival heat on. Backup PLLO inop. Channel 9-14 noise `AMSU-A2 Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal

AMSU-B Operational Operational Nominal Replaced by Bias in All Chans. Space Position-3 MHS Degraded Chan-3 Chan-8 degradation ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Subsystem/ NOAA-12D NOAA-15K NOAA-16L NOAA-17M NOAA-18N AM 16:59=AN AM: 17:49=AN PM: 15:04=AN AM: 22:23=AN PM 13:49=AN Component STIP data only GAC data only GAC&LAC data GAC&LAC data GAC & LAC data No IPD processing HIRS ON/Inop NOMINAL NOMINAL NOMINAL Operational Turned On 4/30/05 FW Abrupt return New all time high 1 Pixel cross-track Filter Heat OFF. for power balance to nominal 7/12/05 filter motor current misalignment. LW channel 1-12 After years of reached 9/17/06. Filter Wheel minor and major LW imagery erratic. current surges Imagery occasionally OFF exhibits high levels FW mode=Hi Powr of radiometric noise MHS/MIU Nominal Fly Wheel Motor Current Spiking but not alarming since 27 Dec 06 Entered Motor Spin State on 27 March 07 ON/Inop Turn off 6/11/06 MSU 23:15 for power balance during eclipse season SSU DCS Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal RFI investigation Pseudo message DRU’s 1-7 On turned on 1/5/06 DRU8 inop/off SARR Operational Operational Nominal Nominal A-Side, AGC Mode Mode =AA A-side A-Side Intermittent failures A-side, AGC Mode All AGC Mode for 243MHz A&B All AGC Mode (B-side in FG mode) Since 15 Aug 05 243 MHz = INOP. SARP Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal RCVR B/W = 2 RCVR B/W = 2 A-side 23 May05 SEM ON/Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Autonomous reset E-CDEM-HVPS=2 E-CDEM-HVPS=6 E-CDEM-HVPS=2 Elec-CH-HVPS=1 8 Jun, back to P-CDEM-HVPS=0 P-CDEM-HVPS=5 P-CDEM-HVPS=4 27 June 17:00z nominal 10 June 27 Jun 15:30z 27 June 16:00z Prot-CH-HVPS=0 Turned on 8/30/04 Elec-CH-HVPS=4 Prot-CH-HVPS=0 TED level=3 SBUV Operational Nominal Nominal Degraded Ozone data Anode Mode Anode mode Backup Diffuser inop Plan sweep mode since 6 July 13:30z Primary Diffuser Standard Ops Electronics turnoff deployment problem TOAR 463 sun glint taken out of STESM TOAR 426 safestate table AMSU EMI causing IBSL test TOAR 462 sun glint erratic Behavior in performed 12 Sept PMT cathod, range 3 Grating motor investigation SADPOS ON ON ON Enabled MFactor50% ENABLED Enabled Timer = 12 mins Timer = 12mins Timer =12 mins THERMAL Nominal TCE26 & 15H Nominal TCE3H Batt 2A All TCE’s Telem invalid heater failed ON, TCE’s back to TCE24 OFF active Heaters, louvers TOAR 432 turned off 8/26/03 nominal TCE24L&25L 4/14/05 HIRS filter heater TCE’s configuration AMSU-A1 survival turned OFF 9/28/06 (HIRS & AVHRR) (AVHRR H&L) heaters on 10/29/03 following 7/25/04 failed 5/13/98 UVtrip. HIRS Filter heater RCE thermostat turned OFF failed 5/13/98 1/18/05 Spacecraft in thermal uptrend ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2


NOAA-12: There were relatively no changes to the rest of the NOAA-12 health situation during the past week.

NOAA-15: There were relatively no changes to the NOAA-15 health situation during the past week.

NOAA-16: There was relatively no change in the performance of the NOAA-16 payload subsystems during the past week and the rest of the spacecraft subsystems were also nominal during this time.

NOAA-16 will be in full sunlight beginning in mid-August. This is the first time ever it will not be eclipsing.

NOAA-17: There was relatively no change in the performance of the NOAA-17 payload subsystems during the past week and the rest of the spacecraft subsystems.

A test is preliminarily planned for 28 June 2007 for STX-4. STX-4 will be turned on, configured for HRPT data for 30 seconds and then de-configured for 30 seconds, then configured for HRPT 3 times and then shut off. As the transmitter is being modulated and unmodulated with the HRPT data, SOCC can remotely observe and control a spectrum analyzer at either Fairbanks or Wallops CDAS and have the data recorded for playback to complete the analysis. A TOAR has been written for the STX-4. See Figures 1-3 for STX-4 Output Power, Temperature and overall Power from the spacecraft. See Figures 4-8 for Spectrum analyzer signal strengths form NOAA CDAs for each STX from 20 June 2007. See Figure 9 for the signal strength from McMurdo on 20 June 2007.

NOAA-18: There were relatively no changes to the NOAA-18 health situation during the past week. The performance of the payload except for the AMSU-A1 was nominal.

N18 AMSU-A1 Antenna 2 Drive Motor performance investigation continues. No problems reported with the Science Data products. Present maximum current peak per orbit is floating between 46-49 mA with the nominal current level (outside of the orbital "spike") at 41-43 mA. The upward trend in the orbital max current value that began on 2007/157 leveled off on 2007/171. Comparison was made between past history data (2006/088) and recent data (2007/171). See Figures 10 & 11 for the AMSU A1 Motor Currents & temperatures for Day 07/088 and Figures 12& 13 for Day 07/171.

The "nominal" orbital current has risen roughly 1.0 mA (approximately a 2-3% increase). The 3-6 mA spikes occurring each orbit now were not present in the past (trending indicates the recent start is not a repeating seasonal variation). Temperatures on related portions of the antenna and motors have remained similar to historical data. Included in the plots are data from antenna/motor #1 to compare against #2. Temperatures have increased less than 0.5 K over the time interval.

There does not appear to be a significant relationship between the minor change in overall temperature of the antenna/motor orbital profiles and the current spikes that are now being seen each orbit. A TOAR has submitted.

MetOp A: No changes reported on the NOAA instruments on MetOp. ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 1 NOAA-17 STX-4 Output Power Day 07/169-171 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 2 NOAA-17 STX-4 Temperature Days 07/169-171 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 3 NOAA-17 Power Days 07/169-171 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 4 NOAA-17 STX-2 Spectrum Analyzer Signal Strength Plot from CDAs ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 5 NOAA-17 STX-3 Spectrum Analyzer Signal Strength Plot from CDAs ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 6 NOAA-17 STX-4 Spectrum Analyzer Signal Strength Plot from CDAs ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 7 NOAA-17 STX-1 Spectrum Analyzer Signal Strength Plot from CDAs ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 8 NOAA-17 STX-2 Spectrum Analyzer Signal Strength Plot from CDAs ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 9 NOAA-17 STX-4 Receiver Signal Strength from McMurdo ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 10 NOAA-18 AMSU A1 Motor Current 07/077 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 11 NOAA-18 AMSU A1 Temperature 07/077 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 12 NOAA-18 AMSU A1 Motor Current 07/171 ALSO SEE: EMOSS-2

Figure 13 NOAA-18 AMSU A1 Temperature 07/171

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