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2 Table of Contents

Carman Collegiate Mission & Vision...... 3

Code of Conduct...... 4

School Goals...... 5

Staff Directory ...... 6

Support Staff and Special Services...... 7

Parent Information...... 8

Inclement Weather Guidelines and Policy...... 9 - 10

Student Information...... 10 - 11

Student Council...... 12

Interscholastic Sport...... 12

Extra Curricular Activities...... 12

Grade 7 Students...... 13

Grade 8 Students...... 17

Grade 9 – 12 Students...... 18

Divisional Calendar...... 19

3 Carman Collegiate Mission:

Carman Collegiate students will grow and develop holistically through a combination and variety of curricular, co-curricular, and leadership learning opportunities that ultimately prepares them for a responsible, productive and successful life path guided by respect for themselves, others and the environment.


Holistic growth encompasses academic, physical, creative, and social- emotional learning needs.

Learning opportunities will occur in a safe, supportive learning environment which appropriately recognizes and accounts for student’s individual needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles.

Carman Collegiate students will graduate with a knowledge base, skill set, and ability to communicate that will allow them to be both independent and employable.

4 Carman Collegiate Code of Conduct (September 2010)

Carman Collegiate students will grow and develop holistically through a combination and variety of curricular, co-curricular, and leadership learning opportunities that ultimately prepares them for a responsible, productive and successful life path guided by respect for themselves, others and the environment.

Positive Expectations:

1. Be present and on time. a. Have proper materials b. Be positive and ready to work c. Work in assigned areas

2. Strive for personal best. a. Be prepared to work cooperatively b. Be respectful to all c. Complete own work d. Work and allow others to work e. Use time effectively for intended purpose

3. Have respect for yourself. a. Strive for academic excellence b. Live a healthy substance-free school life c. Be involved in extra-curricular activities

4. Respect the rights and safety of others a. Choose appropriate dress b. Be conscientious of allergens c. Demonstrate appropriate and decent behaviors d. Respect individual differences e. Interact with peers and staff cooperatively and safely f. Use encouraging and respectful language g. Respect the privacy of others and their personal belongings h. Keep the school and school functions free of illegal substances and illegal activities i. Use personal electronic devices when granted permission and for positive uses j. Use vehicles safely and according to Divisional Policy

5. Respect your environment a. Keep the environment clean and tidy b. Care for the facility, furniture, equipment and materials c. Use equipment safely and within appropriate use guidelines d. Eat and drink in supervised and assigned areas

5 Carman Collegiate School Goals 2014 – 2015 (June 2, 2014)

Carman Collegiate school goals effective September 2014 have been developed from research conducted on Resilience Research, The Circle of Courage, and Self-Worth Research. These areas have determined four universal growth needs of all children. The four growth needs, depending on the research area, may have different names, but the nature of the growth needs is consistent. The four areas adopted by Carman Collegiate include a combination of these research areas. They are:

 Belonging – the opportunity to establish trusting connections. Students will have a sense of significance, and the individual believes “I am appreciated.” Students will have a motivation to affiliate and form social bonds.

 Achievement – the motivation to work hard and attain excellence. Students will have a sense of competence, individuals will believe they can solve problems. Students will have the opportunity to solve problems and meet goals.

 Independence – the opportunity to build self-control and responsibility. Students will have a sense of power, individuals will believe they can set their life pathway. Students will have the motivation to manage self and exert influence.

 Altruism – the motivation to help and be of service to others. Students will have a sense of virtue, individuals will believe that their life has purpose. Students will have the opportunity to show respect and concern.

6 Staff Directory

Teaching Staff

PHILLIPS, Jack...... Principal SHINDLE, Garth...... Vice Principal/Support

ADAMS, Lauren...... Resource, Art BALLANTYNE, James...... Physical Education CHALATURNYK, Rob...... Grade 7 CLEMIS, Verna...... Grade 8 & Grade 9 English COURTNEY, Jennifer...... Food & Nutrition DEAMEL, Kim...... Senior Mathematics ENS, Larisa...... Physical Education HOFFMAN, Warren...... Senior English LANG, Trevor...... Woodworking MASSINON, Rosanne...... Senior Science MCCULLOUGH, Dee-Ann...... Social Studies MCINNES ROUIRE, Jodi...... Grade 7 METCALF, Jacquie...... Senior French, Drama MUTCHER, Brenda...... CTS Regional Coordinator NYKYFORAK, Wayne...... Senior Math & Physics PHILLIPS, Alice...... Clothing, Housing & Design PRITCHARD, Donna...... Counsellor/Career Development REMPEL, Lynn...... Support RHEAULT, Amanda(on leave)...... Grade 8 & French SIGURDSON, Jaylyn (term)...... Grade 8 & French RIVEST, Clint...... Music/Computers SPITZNAGEL, Dave...... Computer Courses, Chemistry, Business Courses THOMPSON, Marilyn...... Grade 8 WILLIAMS, Evan...... Electronics

7 Support Staff

ARMSTRONG, Heather...... Librarian BANMAN, Lori...... Educational Assistant BUECKERT, Karen...... Educational Assistant DESSERRE, Zane...... Custodian GOODWIN, Bruce...... Custodian HALBESMA, Monica...... Educational Assistant HUSTON, Terra...... Educational Assistant KOWAL, Linda...... Educational Assistant LABOSSIERE, Jeannette...... Secretary LORENZ, Carol...... Educational Assistant MAJOR, Betty Ann...... Educational Assistant ORCHARD, Kyla...... Secretary OWENS, Glenn...... Custodian PETHYBRIDGE, Tamera...... Custodian PLAITIN, Tracey...... Librarian SCOTT, Joanne...... Educational Assistant VANDERSLUIS, Lorraine...... Educational Assistant VAN ROON, April...... Custodian WILDE, Val...... Educational Assistant

Special Services

1. LIBRARY: Students using the Library should familiarize themselves with all regulations pertaining to its operation. The area will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

2. All free guidance information (hand-outs, etc.) is located in the Career Resource Center. Please feel free to make use of this information area. Information also on the school website. Carman Collegiate, along with Prairie Rose School Division, has personnel in place to offer special services to the students of our school. Those services and the personnel involved are as follows:

Guidance & Career Counsellor: Donna Pritchard 745-2001(Collegiate Staff) School Psychologist: ...... Mike Hogan 745-3116(Division Staff) Speech and Language Pathologist: Rachel Johnston 745-3126(Division Staff) Resource Teacher: Lauren Adams 745-2001(Collegiate Staff)

Carman Collegiate parents and students can make appointments to see these people, and teaching staff can refer students to these support services. In addition, Carman Collegiate has a Student Services Support Program, to which parents, students, and staff members can refer students for support and assistance.

8 Parent Information

Parents are encouraged to become involved in their children’s education. The school has organized parent groups which are open to all parents. We encourage parents to be in contact with their child’s teachers. Our Home & School Association welcomes all. More info on their meeting time will given at the Open House. Parents can contact the school office or watch for announcements in the school calendar, the weekly newsletter ( or website ( ) Regular Communication With Teachers - If you would like to request information from teachers we ask that you email them or call the office at the school. With full course loads, it is impossible for teaching staff to respond or to be available immediately but they will get back to you in a timely and professional fashion.

School Hours – The school doors are open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 9:00 p.m.

Canteen – The Canteen sells meal tickets for $20 each. As you buy food it will be subtracted from your card and when you have a few dollars left the canteen workers will let you know so you can buy a new one. Specials are announced weekly through our newsletter and posted in the school.

Student Conferences - Conferences are held twice per year in conjunction with reporting periods (November and March). Teaching staff are located in the gymnasium and are available on a first come, first serve basis. We ask that Parents are respectful of the 15 minute time slots to ensure that all parents are able to see each teacher.

Volunteering - Parents who are interested in helping with events and activities at the school are asked to either call the office or let the supervising teacher for each activity know of their interest. If you are interested in assisting in the classroom, please contact the office. Criminal Record Checks and Child Abuse Registry Checks are required in some instances.

Dress Code - Parents are asked to ensure that their kids are dressed appropriately for school on a daily basis (for both warm and cold weather conditions). Please review the dress code and sign the appropriate form indicating that you have read and understand the expectations regarding clothing.

Open House – Please watch for more information about our open house on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 9 Inclement Weather Guidelines

Cancellation of classes due to inclement weather – In case of inclement weather, please listen for school closure on the following radio stations: CFRY 920, CFAM 950, CKMW 1570, Eagle 93.5. School closures will also be posted on the school & division websites. An email will be sent out and cancellations will be twittered if possible.

Storm Emergency Policy - Check our website

Upon receipt of a directive that buses are not running and that students must be billeted in town, the following action plan is put into operation:

1. All students are asked to return to their home room.

2. On Home Room lists, students must give the following information: a) Where are they going? b) What is the phone number?

3. Rural students, upon arrival at the town home (billet), must phone home and let mother and father or family know where they are.

4. No students will be allowed to leave the school and travel by car to a rural home, without the approval of the Principal or designate. Absolutely NO ONE will be allowed to go home WITHOUT PARENT OR GUARDIAN APPROVAL.

5. The school is responsible for providing billets for those who have no place to go. As we billet we will inform parents. Students will be billeted in homes first. Only in extreme circumstances will students be billeted at the school.

6. No student shall leave the school without informing the Home Room Teacher of the information required in No. 3.

7. The School Office must be open and in operation until the Principal or designate gives the directive that it will be closed.

8. It is the responsibility of the home room teacher to bring the completed billet lists to the office and central phone control, which will be “manned” on a 24-hour basis, if necessary.

9. In case of emergency evacuation at the school, the Canadian Reformed Church (across the highway from the School) will be used as back-up shelter. The same would apply for storm or any other emergency shelter.

10.In the event of a severe storm where no one can leave the building, we are prepared and can feed and house people for at least a 24-hour period. The Cafeteria and Home Economics department can be used in such an emergency.

11.The Superintendent and/or Division shall be notified of any extreme irregularity such as a student who has left the building without authorization to take his/her car home to a rural setting or of any other irregularity which has taken place. 10 12.Under extreme circumstances, where all students must remain at school, Radio and TV stations would also be used for communication purposes.

13.Under extreme circumstances, the local EMO officials will be notified. Thus, in the case of medical or any other emergency, some type of transportation could be provided – for example – snowmobiles, etc.

This statement of policy is for everyone’s convenience and protection. We trust that, in the case of any emergency, these procedures will be followed to ensure the safety of our students.

Student Information

General Information 1. Over the years we have experienced some difficulty with students crossing or walking on Highway #3. Please exercise caution when crossing this extremely busy highway. Students are expected to use the crosswalk.

2. Lunch Hour & Canteen: All lunch must be eaten in the Canteen or outside. Please cooperate by using the garbage disposal units placed throughout the school area and grounds. Drink machines are located in the canteen. Hot & cold meals and snacks etc. can be purchased in the Canteen as well. Students must be seated while eating lunch. Each student is responsible for picking up paper and solid refuse. We are recycling. Please dispose of bottles and cans in the proper containers – all “spills” should be wiped up immediately. The canteen will be open from 8:00 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.

3. All students will be expected to be at school from 8:55 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.

4. Students in grades 10-12 have open campus privileges. During “spares” they are permitted to sign out and leave the school. Parents who wish to restrict their child’s privileges are asked to call the office. Students in grades 7-9 are required to remain on campus during instructional hours.

5. There is a phone for student use located just outside the main office.

6. Parents are asked not to call during class time, unless it is an emergency. For any calls that do come in, a message will be taken and given to the student at the end of classes.

7. All visitors are asked to report to the main office. Parents picking up their children for appointments, please check in at the office.

8. All absentees are asked to account for their absence by a phone call (verbal) or a signed note (written) to the office.

11 9. In order to be excused from regular classes for special events (sports, field trips . . .) students are responsible for informing their teachers prior to the event and for obtaining assignments and keeping up with course work.

10.The LOST & FOUND is located in the gym. The Lost & Found will be cleared each term with articles given away to charity organizations.

11.LOCKERS: Lockers are supplied to students at Carman Collegiate. You must provide your own lock. KEEP YOUR LOCKER LOCKED AT ALL TIMES! Students are reminded to keep their assigned lockers neat and tidy.

12.Students are asked to exercise caution in leaving valuables (Money, watches, wallet, etc.) lying around the school (ie. Change room) The school WILL NOT be responsible for any valuables lost, stolen or misplaced.

13.If you are physically unable to participate in gym classes, or if there are certain phases of Physical Activity in which you should not participate, you must supply the office with an official letter from a doctor stating the diagnosis, the length of time to be excused or other pertinent information. For emergencies a note from the parents will be accepted provided the reasons are obvious.

14.IMPORTANT NOTE: All students and parents should make themselves aware of the Carman Collegiate Code of Conduct & Policies: a) Academic Integrity Policy b) Attendance Policy c) Dress Code Policy d) Drug & Alcohol Policy (Divisional Policy AJ) e) Smoking Policy f) Technology & Communication Device Policy g) Prairie Rose School Division Code of Conduct

15. The Student Council has made available two microwave ovens for student use.

12 Student Council

Presidents: Dane Nicolajsen & Mason Metcalf Vice President: Cole Phillips Secretary: Rhiannon Alcock & Tessa Bruce Treasurers: Madie Gylywoychuk-Winkler & Nikki Jeanson Public Relations: Caitlin Huggan & Rylan Metcalf Grade Reps: Madison Sherritt, Bailey Gitzel, Brett Wiebe, Brooklyn Platt & Jackson Reimer Members at large:

Interscholastic Sport Zone 4 – MHSAA

Please refer to our Carman Collegiate Sports Handbook (on the school website, go to the sidebar and select “Sports”) for more detailed information regarding our school philosophy on high school athletics, what activities we do offer, and other relevant information regarding our sports programs.

Extra-Curricular Activities may Include:

Drama Music -Junior Drama -Band Concerts (attendance required) -Senior High Major Production -Festivals -Manitoba Theatre Centre Club -Rock Band -Stage Band Art -Choir -Juried Art Show -Central Manitoba Youth Choir -Poster Contests – Provincial & National -Carman Collegiate Art Exhibit -Art Mentorship Program

Other: Newspaper Reporters Yearbook Committee Mathematics Contest Student Council Radio Show Animation Club Forum for Young Canadians-Ottawa Page Program University of Winnipeg-Mini Course Enrichment Program Encounters with Canada-Terry Fox Youth Centre-Ottawa Expo – A Grade 7 Social Studies Program Summer Gifted Program-Manitoba Education and Training

13 For Grade 7’s

We hope that your time at Carman Collegiate is enjoyable.

In Grade 7 you will have the opportunity to continue learning about yourself and your world in relation to particular subject areas and topics; in relation to others; and in respect to extracurricular activities. Many areas of opportunity are available to you in Grade 7, and Carman Collegiate invites you to be a participant in the activities! Get involved! First Day Hints Grade 7, 8 & 9 Student - Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Grade 10, 11 & 12 Students – Thursday, September 4, 2014

You will be contacted the last week in August by your homeroom teacher.

1. Bring your supplies to school in a backpack. Lockers will be assigned in the first day and supplies can be organized in the locker.

2. Make your way to the Grade 7 area of the school (corner nearest the back doors to parking lot and bike racks behind the school) (See enclosed map). Ask at the office if you need help finding your way.

3. The Grade 7 Homeroom Teachers will be greeting you there

4. Sometime in the morning you will attend an opening assembly in the theatre with your homeroom. Students will be given a tour of the school and introduced to all teachers at that time.

5. Ask a teacher, any teacher, or adult to assist you if you encounter any problems.

6. After the tour, you’ll return to your homeroom for registration, timetabling and other opening day procedures.

14 Grade 7 Information

1. Reading is fun! – Read everyday. A time will be designated for all students to read everyday.

2. Amount of time spent on homework will vary from day to day but approximately 30 minutes to 60 minutes is, on average, the time students should spend on their homework each night.

3. Bus students need a note to leave the school grounds at lunch.

4. All students must sign out at the office whenever leaving the school during classtime. Become involved!

Extra Curricular Activities Sports - (Listen to announcements for location and time to sign up for each sport and for practice times after school.)

Cross Country – September/October Volleyball – October/November Basketball – January/February Badminton – March/April Track & Field – May/June

Noon-hour Gym Activities – The gym is open for Gr. 7 & 8 students at specified times for organized games. Listen to announcements as to when it is open for you. Other clubs or organizations may meet at noon during the year.

Potential Special Gr. 7 Activities –

1. Ski Trip 2. Expo – theme based project & exhibition 3. Year end team building & celebration activities 4. Band Concerts/Art Exhibits 5. Charity Drive

Yearbook – Gr. 7 & 8 students run a fall fundraiser for the yearbook. They can also sign up to work on the production of the yearbook – photography, writing, and design.

Student Groups – There are student groups in the school with which we encourage Gr. 7’s to become involved. Students need to watch for posters and listen to announcements for organizational meetings. Students can approach any teacher or ask at the office about how to become involved.

15 Carman Collegiate Grade 7 Supply List


 back pack  pencil case with pens, pencils, eraser, highlighters, and glue sticks  markers and pencil crayons  geometry set  scientific calculator (use for grade 8 as well) – preferably to fit in pencil case  6 (2”) binders or 4 (3”) binders with dividers  looseleaf (a package)  duo tangs (5)  French/English Dictionary  3 boxes of Kleenex (share with the class, hand in to homeroom teacher)  $20.00 for T-shirt for Phys. Ed. (used as a uniform for Grade 7 - 10)  2 combination type locks (some grade 7 student are given two half lockers). Poor quality locks do not last.

Students may have to replenish supplies throughout the year. Other items may be added to the list as required. Grade 7 Supply List Continued

Physical Education Art t-shirt Pencil crayons shorts markers running shoes 11x14 sketch book soap, towel etc sweatshirt/sweatpants stick deodorant (no sprays)

Industrial Arts & Home Ec. 1- 3-ring binder to hold 4 subject areas (eg. Clothing, Foods, Woodworking & Electronics) (1” min).

16 Grade 7 Band Supply List

For All Students: Standard of Excellence Book 1 for your instrument (it’s a red book) Can be purchased at Long & McQuade and Quest Musique (Both in Winnipeg) Wire metal stand at home for practicing Band Uniform: Long sleeve button up black shirt, black bottoms, black socks and black shoes

Flute Players: Cleaning Rod (it should come with the instrument) & cleaning cloth (for the rod) Polishing cloth

Saxophone & Clarinet Players: Box of 10 Mitchell Lurie 2 ½ reeds for Clarinets, Box of 10 VanDoren 2 ½ reeds for Saxophone Cork grease & Cleaning swab

Brass: For trumpets, try to rent an instrument that has a Bach 7 or 7C mouthpiece For trombones, try to rent an instrument that has a Bach 12C mouthpiece Valve oil or slide oil, Tuning slide grease, Spray bottle (trombones only)

Percussion: One pair of Vic Firth SD1 General drum sticks One practice pad Vic Firth M2 Yarn Mallets (1 pair) 1 pair Vic Firth T3 medium timpani mallets

17 Grade 8 Supply List General  pencil case with pens, pencils, eraser, highlighters, and glue sticks  markers and pencil crayons  4 fine black markers (eg. Sharpie)  whiteout  30 cm ruler (clear plastic)  5 - 2” binders with loose-leaf in each binder  dividers (at least 15)  duo tangs for projects (at least 5)  post it notes  USB stick  2 boxes of Kleenex (share with the class, hand in to homeroom teacher)  $20.00 for T-shirt for Phys. Ed. (used as a uniform for Grade 7 - 10)  1 combination type lock. Please note, poor quality locks do not last.

Math Scientific calculator – not a graphing one Hilroy Scribblers (5)

Science Science Lab Scribbler (coil-bound)

French French/English dictionary (from grade 7) Bescherelle – green (L’art de conjuguer) 1 Hilroy Scribbler

Physical Education Proper athletic shoes/clothes for gym – for inside & outside activities

Music Students are responsible for their own supplies. This includes instrument, reeds, valve oil, cork grease etc. (See teacher for complete list.) Band Uniform: long sleeve button up black shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes

Art 6 pencils preferably 2B or 4B “Staedtler” Wax crayons

Students may have to replenish supplies throughout the year. Other items may be added to the list as required.

18 Grade 9 – 12 Supply List

General □ Pencil case with pens (red & blue), pencils, eraser, markers, pencil crayons, highlighters, glue stick □ 3 ring binders for each subject with loose leaf in each binder □ Dividers for each binder □ Package of plastic sheet protectors for Portfolios □ Box of Kleenex (to be handed to your homeroom teacher) □ 2 duotangs

ELA 2 duotangs and package of 4 scribblers for grade 9 ELA

Math Scientific/Graphing Calculator TI 83 (Texas Instrument) for Applied Math Scientific (non graphing) calculator for Essential Math 10 duotangs for Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20 Graph paper Geometry Set (at least a ruler and protractor)

Social Studies 1 duotang

Gym Proper athletic shoes/clothes for gym – for inside & outside activities

French 2 duotangs French/English dictionary Bescherelle – from grade 8

Woodworking Measuring tape – suggested min. 8ft retractable with students name clearly marked

Music Students are responsible for their own supplies. This includes instrument, reeds (only Rico Royal, Mitchell Lurie or Vandoren), valve oil, cork grease etc. (See teacher for complete list.) Band Uniform: long sleeve button up black shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes

Art 6 pencils (preferably 2B or softer) and 2 white erasers Pencil Crayons 30cm ruler Duotang 1 Sketch Pad – max size 9x12 and must be coil bound (no scrapbooks)

19 Students may have to replenish supplies throughout the year. Other items may be added to the list as required.



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