Scripture Readings for the Week of the Trinity s4
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SATURDAY, JULY 30 In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah recounts that the Lord said, 4:00p.m. Becnel, Sazdoff & West Families Deceased 6:00p.m. Carmen Austin, Paul & Betty Territo, Mary Lynn “All you who are thirsty, come to the water……Heed me, and you Sannasardo, shall eat well, you shall delight in rich fare……Listen, that you Timmy & Madonna Gautreau, Mr. & Mrs. Irvin St. Amant, may have life. I will renew you with the everlasting covenant.” Hilton Lirette, Johnny Smith, Eugene Vance, Henry This is a perfect Old Testament reading to accompany today’s Rodriguez gospel, in which Jesus feeds the multitude with five loaves and two SUNDAY, JULY 31 fish. Herod had just had John the Baptist beheaded, and when 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners Jesus Our Lord heard of it, He withdrew in a boat by Himself to a 11:00a.m. Jake Savona, Lori Rholdon, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Robichaux, deserted place, as He often did. He knew that Herod was inquiring Ray about Him and His works; but most likely, He was also mourning Comeaux, Angela D. Pelzer, Floyd “Doc” Belsome MONDAY, AUGUST 1 the cruel death of John whom He loved deeply. 7:00a.m.Lu Ann Daigle(Living) Jesus could not remain alone for long, since a huge number of TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 people had followed Him to the shore. Seeing them, His heart was 7:00a.m. Carlos Savona, Ronald Landry moved with pity and He cured some of those who were sick. Later WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 in the evening, Jesus fed this multitude with only five loaves and 7:00a.m. Pete & Paul Territo two fish, a miracle which is considered a preview of the Last THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Supper and thus of the Church’s celebration of the Holy Eucharist. 7:00a.m. Charles “Tee”, Tommy & Steve Blanchard That He feeds us at every mass with His own Body and Blood is FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 7:00a.m. Floyd “Doc” Belsome an even greater miracle that his feeding the multitude, for this SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Food nourishes not our bodies, which are temporal, but our souls, 7:00a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacob, Sr. which are eternal. In Jesus, we are renewed as He forgives our sins 4:00p.m. Claude & Verine Zeringue & Bert Sr. & Josephine LeBlanc and dwells in us, and nothing can separate us from His love. 6:00p.m. Claude & Verine Zeringue, Bert Sr. & Josephine LeBlanc, Perkins & Guillot Families Deceased, Dominick & Clara Today’s readings: Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145; Romans 8:35, 37-39; Bartolo, Carmen Austin, Patsy Plaisance, Hidalgo, Tassin & Matthew 14:13-21 Simoneaux, Josephine, Vincent Sr. & Jr. Distefano, Gloria & Nolan Boudreaux, Carl J. Gonzales Jr., Mary Lynn BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Sannasardo, Leland Melancon Sr., Patsy Heiden, Tim & Josephine & Vincent Sr. & Jr. Distefano. Madonna Gautreau, Hilton Lirette, Flavia “Vee” Vegas SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 ALTAR WINE is given in memory of Josie Palermo. 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners 10:30a.m. Robert Tochtrop, Troy Dean Williams, Floyd “Doc” Belsome, FLOWERS: Today’s Blessed Mother’s arrangement, Altar Cecile Lafont, Joe & Danny Christiana, Marian Trupiano arrangement, & Offertory arrangements are given in memory of Anniversary of Death, Rose Gisclair, Pete Territo, Phil Pete Territo. Damico, Dana Kemp, Gladys Tochtrop(Living), Meta Serpas, SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Kathy Savona, Anne Rudolph, Howard Boudreaux, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thanks to all the Jeannette Bourgeois, Faye Gomez, Sylvia Higgins, Kathleen Saints LaGrange. ALTAR SERVERS BAPTIZED IN CHRIST: We welcome into our spiritual family SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Addison Dufrene,Grant Thiaville, and Bentley Crawford who were 4:00p.m. Carson F., Scott V., Hunter H. baptized recently at St. Rosalie. 6:00p.m. Lauren L., Sammy M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 DIED IN CHRIST: In your charity please pray for the repose of 8:00a.m. Jacob V., Collin T. the soul of Henry Rodriguez Sr. who was buried from St. Rosalie 10:30a.m. Darren J., Austin C. recently. LITURGY OF THE WORD AND EUCHARIST SPONSOR OF THE WEEK SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 In Loving Memory of MASS COMMENTATOR LECTOR EUCHARIST M. Sess Robichaux 4:00p.m. Ginger G. Desiree C. Sondra H., Claudia P. 6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Sue D., Phil R. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 8:00a.m. Murphy B. Janys C. Mary L., Janet C. 10:30a.m. Raylyn S. Lauren S. Elizabeth J., Ann W., Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeanine T., Patti M. from 9:00a.m. – 12 noon with registration at 8:30a.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 475 Franklin St., Gretna. Featuring the Testimony of Miriam La
YOUR OFFERING LAST WEEK WAS: 5,688.55 May the Lord bless your sacrifice.
Catholic Outreach: On the weekend of March 19-20, Fr. James Musumeci visited St. Rosalie representing Cross International Catholic Outreach. This week I received a letter of thanks from Fr. Dear Parishioners, Musumeci for St. Rosalie’s generous Jesus clearly has the Eucharist in mind as he gathers with contribution to these ministries in the amount the disciples and friends as well as the curious to hear Him and are of $3,452.00. I would also like to thank you thus blessed with ‘food’ for earthly life and the promise of the gift for your generosity for these ministries that of ‘food for eternal life.’ provide food, housing, water, education, In Paul’s letter to the Romans we find him telling us that medical care and orphan support as well as helping the poor earn a we are human in so many ways but that the love of God will livelihood so they can lift themselves out of poverty. overcome all obstacles in our lives. Matthew writes at the beginning of our Gospel that Jesus was sad at the death of John the Seminarian of the Week: Please remember Greg McClung, a first Baptist but that did not deter the followers of John, and now Jesus, year seminarian, in your prayers this week. to go wherever the Christ would travel. Paul recognizes that nothing can separate us from the love of God, and it is proven in A book on the life of Fr. Jon Parks: Guy McDonald has the Gospel, when people follow Jesus ‘on foot from town to town’ completed the book on the life of Fr. Jon. There are some copies and finally, at the end of the day, the Christ is tired and so are the still available by contacting Chris Fleming 436-1641. Fr. John has people. re-ordered copies from the printer and they will be made available The compassion of Jesus is shown when he wants to feed upon completion. Please call Chris to place your order. the multitude, but has nothing to give them nourishment. Blessing bread and fish, Jesus shows the power given to Him by His Father. New Mass Schedule:This is a reminder that next weekend, The God in heaven blesses His Son, the Christ on earth, for the August 6th and 7th, Sunday Masses will be at 8:00a.m. and good of God’s people. Paul talks about those things that could take 10:30a.m., we will no longer have 11:00a.m. Mass. us away from doing God’s work – famine and fatigue among them. Jesus recognizes their discomfort and human need and supplies Fair Sponsorships: If you have a business and would like to them in abundance. advertise by becoming a Sign Sponsor or T-Shirt Sponsor, please We gather today to bring all of our humanness to the Lord pick up a form at the church entrance. The deadline for T-Shirt – our anxiety and stress, our love and our accomplishments. We Sponsors is also August 19th. There is no deadline for Sign are asked to put all of them aside and focus our attention on the Sponsors, but the earlier the better. Signs will be hung beginning Word of God and the celebration of the Eucharist. We are fed by the end of August. For more information about Sponsorship call the Word, knowing that God has inspired men and women to write the Parish Center 340-1962. down their experiences of faith and their love for their God. We are fed with the ‘Bread of Life’ as we approach the Eucharistic Donations for Fair Supplies: For next weekend, if you wish to table and say ‘Amen’ when we come face to face with our God in donate items for the Fair, we are asking for gallon and quart size the Eucharist. zip lock bags, plates and bowls. Those who heard the preaching of Paul are convinced that God is working through their human weakness. Those who heard St. Rosalie School: The school office reopens Monday, August 1st the Christ preach and are fed with His Word know that they are from 8:00a.m. – 12 noon. saved. Those who hear the Word and receive the Eucharist today become part of the Christian family that Paul acknowledges and Parent Orientation: Orientation for parents of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that Jesus prays for to His Father. grade students is Thursday, August 4th. Students Do Not Our prayer is that we continue to see Christ in the Attend! New Parents will be in the Cafetorium at 6:30 p.m.All Eucharist and in one another! Our hope is that we share the Word Parents in Classroom at 7:00pm. Please do not bring children. of God with others. Our Church is blessed when we share our ‘time, talent and treasure’ with all whom we meet day by day. Meetings in the Parish: The Altar Society/Women’s Club will And now for some news from the home front. My Mother meet on Monday, August 1st at 7:00p.m. in the Parish Center. The decided to go home this past week. Her and my brother’s business Men’s Club will meet on Tuesday, August 2nd at 7:00p.m. in the partner drove back to Florida on Saturday. It took them 12 hours. Parish Center. There will be a Fair Meeting on Tuesday, August Thanks to everyone who made my Mom feel right at home. I think 9th in the Parish Center at 7:00p.m. Migs will miss my Mom the most, since she got extra treats each day. My mother thinks I am starving her!! Women’s Prayer Breakfast: The Westbank Chapter of Magnificat will hold its Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, August 20th God’s blessing on all of you, Fr. John ST. ROSALIE CATHOLIC CHURCH HARVEY, LOUISIANA July 31, 2011